Chapter 0205 – A Great Pleasure (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:08:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Master Zhao’s face seemed to have aged a lot in an instant. The pair of eyes that originally had a sharpness like that of a falcon now also became dull and somewhat stagnant, looking at Xu Wei who grabbed his lapel, and said as if he were a walking corpse, “I don’t know, why is it like this ah? It doesn’t make sense …… is it that we didn’t worship God ah?”

Master Zhao really does not understand, such a piece of almost half of the raw material is bright material, actually can also be solved collapsed, in the gambling industry in a lifetime of mixing with Master Zhao, never encountered such a situation, the brain of an idea, is offended Guan Er master.

“Worshipping a fart god, it’s you who looked away, Eldest Uncle, Eldest Uncle? What’s wrong with you?”

Xu Wei would have completely forgotten that he was also trying his best to favor buying this piece of wool, and he was acting so agitated, nothing more than wanting to clear the air, so that Xu Zhendong wouldn’t blame himself.

It was only when Xu Wei turned back to look at Xu Zhendong that he realized that his uncle had collapsed on the ground, his eyes were still open though. However, he looked colorless, and several carving masters were holding Xu Zhendong up, pinching him.

After a long time, Xu Zhendong woke up leisurely, his mind a little confused, looking at the several familiar carving masters, did not understand why he was here, and also lying on the ground.

Xu Wei saw Xu Zhendong woke up, quickly set aside the crowd, full of concern to Xu Zhendong said: “Uncle, you woke up, but scared me, just called an ambulance, wait to send you to the hospital to check ……”

“Xu Wei? Old Zhao? The original stone …… thirty-three million eight hundred thousand dollars?”

Xu Zhendong brain popped up so several words, some fuzzy picture gradually awake.

“Old Zhao, Old Zhao?”

Xu Zhendong shouted Master Zhao with all his strength, but his voice was very small, and after Xu Wei heard it, he dragged up Master Zhao, who was still paralyzed and dazed on the ground, and pulled him to Xu Zhendong’s front.

“Old Zhao, how is that piece of wool?”

Xu Zhendong still had a trace of luck in his heart, more than thirty million dollars ah! Thinking about it, Xu Zhendong felt like a knife was digging into his flesh.

“Rubbish, it’s worth a million at most, Mr. Xu, we’ve looked away.”

Old Zhao would have come to his senses by now. But this blow was a bit big, and his current state might not be much better than Xu Zhendong’s.

“Old Zhao, is this piece of wool a fake? Can we sue him?”

Xu Zhendong is now full of thoughts, how can we recover the money, now the company’s financial situation is also very bad, without the 30 million, he also does not have the strength to go back to bidding for high-grade jadeite wool, the company can only be reduced to selling some low-grade jade small companies.

“Prosecute? Mr. Xu, it’s useless, before buying the wool we signed a contract, did notarization, money and goods, even if it is fake, now this way, we have no evidence, not to mention that this piece of wool is indeed the material of the Pagang factory, there is no tampering, is that we are out of sight.”

Master Zhao’s words made Xu Zhendong’s eyes black, almost fainted again, the smile that Zhuang Rui gave him at that time in the gambling venue, suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. However, all Xu Zhendong found within that smile was pity as well as hatred.

Xu Wei was not happy to hear it from the side, why are you mouthing off about us ah! Not to pull himself in, it seems that this old Zhao is not willing to give up, and immediately pointed at Master Zhao, said: ”Old Zhao, obviously you’re the one who looked away, what do you say about us? If it is not to see your age, I will call the security guard to beat you out.”

“You …… you, good, good ……”

Seeing Xu Wei, who has always opened his mouth and closed his mouth to call himself Uncle Zhao, speak so viciously, Master Zhao was instantly angry and couldn’t even speak, Master Zhao didn’t intend to shirk his responsibility, but at that time, this piece of wool, it was also Xu Wei and Xu Zhendong’s optimistic about it at the same time, and although he was named as a consultant, he didn’t have the right to clap the board to buy it down.

After hearing Xu Wei’s words, Xu Zhendong’s eyes snapped open.

“Xu Wei, Zhuang Rui, grudge, have a grudge ……”

These few words kept showing up in his mind, although Xu Zhendong didn’t know if Zhuang Rui knew the real situation of this piece of wool, he could almost conclude now that Zhuang Rui’s outburst that made Boss Han phase out this piece of raw stone was definitely ill-intentioned.

“Xu Wei, come over here ……,” Xu Zhendong beckoned to Xu Wei, barely holding up his body.

“Eldest uncle. Don’t you worry, it must be that brat Zhuang Rui who did this on purpose, I’ll turn around and find a few people to clean him up!”

Xu Wei heard Xu Zhendong’s summons and hurriedly ran over, half crouching his body and putting his ears over.

“Old me, I’ll clean you up first!”

Xu Zhendong let out a loud shout, not knowing where the strength came from, his body suddenly sat up, five fingers open, his right arm swung round to Xu Wei’s half of the face that leaned over, vigorously slapped over.

“Snap” a crunch, Xu Wei this more than a hundred pounds, actually was more than sixty years old Xu Zhendong to fan down to the ground, half of the cheeks suddenly red and swollen, the nose on the bridge of the pair of glasses also do not know to fall to where.

“Eldest uncle, you …… bah!”

Xu Wei stood up in shock and anger, just shouted out a sentence, but felt something more in his mouth, spit in his hand to see, actually two teeth.

Xu Zhendong could no longer hear Xu Wei’s words at this time, after slapping out that slap with all his strength, his whole body fainted again, but at this time, the sound of an ambulance also sounded outside the workshop. Several master carvers carried Xu Zhendong to the ambulance, and Master Zhao was also carried up due to his physical discomfort.

In the blink of an eye, the only thing left in the large processing plant workshop was Xu Wei’s lone figure, and the piece of wool with a big mouth open, silently mocking at Xu Wei.


Zhuang Rui slept a very solid nap, just a little longer, more than two o’clock in the afternoon before falling asleep, after opening his eyes, Zhuang Rui from the window of the room to find that the outside is actually already the beginning of the lights. Nightfall.

“Shit, so many phone calls?”

Rubbing his eyes, Zhuang Rui picked up his cell phone and prepared to look at the time, but found that his phone was about to be busted, and there were actually more than fifty missed calls on it.

Zhuang Rui roughly looked at it, there are a few people called by Weiguo, there is Lei Lei’s phone, there are Song Jun and Fatty Ma’s, the old man’s phone is also in it, the most surprising thing for Zhuang Rui is that there is also an international call, if it is not unexpected, it should be the Qin Xuan Bing called.

“So close and still calling, something’s wrong.”

Zhuang Rui casually threw the phone to the bed, ready to go to wash up, just off the bed, the white lion pounced from the door, Zhuang Rui seems to understand what, it seems that these people are not did not come to look for their own, it is estimated that the white lion is blocked.

After washing up, Zhuang Rui thought for a while, first picked up the phone, dialed Qin Xuan Bing’s cell phone.

After ringing twice, Qin Xuan Bing quickly answered it.

“Zhuang Rui, Lei Lei couldn’t find you, the phone is calling me here, what happened?” Qin Xuan Bing’s pleasant voice came out from the phone.

“I don’t know ah! This morning is a little tired, afternoon has been in the hotel to sleep, the phone ringing in the morning when the gambling stone is adjusted to vibrate, did not hear, I will call a Lei Lei it!”

Zhuang Rui originally thought that Qin Xuan Bing what urgent matter it, after half a day was Lei Lei want to find themselves, and Qin Xuan Bing chat a few sentences, then hung up the phone. Called Lei Lei.

“Zhuang Rui, you are not making money hiding in the room inside the sneaky fun ah! You’re not even answering my calls?” Lei Lei didn’t seem to be in too good of a mood and opened her mouth to question Zhuang Rui.

“I …… I fell asleep did not hear ah!”

Zhuang Rui was a little aggravated, what is this all about! What fire to himself for no reason, Zhuang Rui has begun to sympathize with Liu Chuan who is going to marry Lei Lei.

“You and Dachuan or buddies it, and I’m still old classmates it, there is wool not even notify me first, aunt is very angry, but forget it, forgive you, you are also considered to be back to do a good thing, I’m a little busy now, tomorrow contact again.”

Lei Lei fried beans general twitter said a call, did not wait for Zhuang Rui to respond, then hung up the phone.

“Hey, hey, hey, Lei Lei, in the end what is it you say clearly ah! What good have I done?”

Zhuang Rui was a bit depressed, he didn’t seem to have helped the old lady cross the street in the past few days, nor did he learn from Lei Feng to do good deeds! As for that piece of wool, even if Xu’s Jewelry doesn’t buy it, it can’t be sold to Lei Lei.

Just when Zhuang Rui was a little stunned, the cell phone rang abruptly.

“Shit, the youngest, you sleep dead in the room? Our brothers and sisters have smashed the door of the room, didn’t you hear it?”

Answer the phone, Wei’s voice came over, next to some noise, should not be in the hotel.

“The morning is really a little too tired, just woke up, was about to call you guys, brothers are all together, right? By the way, why don’t you guys find the waiter to open the door ah?”

Wei brother heard immediately angry, in the phone yelled up: “Fuck off to the side, want to let buddies be bitten by the dog ah! I just knocked twice, your white lion roared at the door, I dare to find someone to open the door? All right, cut the crap, come over and eat quickly! Boss Song and Fat …… Oh no, Boss Ma are all here too!”

Zhuang Rui cried and laughed as he looked at the white lion lying at his feet, a stream of aura in his eyes was instantly put into the white lion’s body, and the white lion comfortably squinted his eyes.

“Shit, dozens of phone calls is to call me to eat?” Zhuang Rui somewhat speechless.

“No, there’s something else, a great pleasure! It’s in the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel, you come over quickly.”

Brother Wei was a little excited in his words, and hung up the phone after saying that.

“What kind of people are these! Words are half spoken, great pleasure? Could it be ……”

Zhuang Rui thought of a possibility and hurriedly put on a piece of clothing, placated the white lion and hurriedly walked out of the room.

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