Chapter 0207 – Gambling Consultant?

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:09:04
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This four-star hotel next to Jade Street. It had always been a place where jade merchants and clients from all over the world stayed, Han Haowei would have stayed here if his company wasn’t headquartered in Zengcheng and had another residence in Guangzhou, he often visited clients here and was familiar with this hotel.

At this time waiting in the hotel lobby Han Hao Wei, for the upcoming meeting Zhuang Rui, the heart is full of curiosity.

Originally Han Hao Wei just think Zhuang Rui good luck, gambling up two pieces of mediocre performance of wool, but after some inquiries, his impression of Zhuang Rui completely changed, in Nanjing gambling up more than 20 million, in Pingzhou is more than 30 million earned back in the morning, which can no longer be explained by luck.

Han Hao Wei wants to see Zhuang Rui, is based on the curiosity of the heart, noon and Xu Zhendong had dinner, he found Yang Hao, from Yang Hao mouth to know, Zhuang Rui and Xu Wei is not a friend, and the relationship is very bad, which makes Han some people think.

Han Hao Wei and Xu Zhen Dong were different. Xu Zhendong is the inheritance of the family industry, and Han Haowei is from the mid-eighties, by the Burma gambling stone began, and gradually created the company, and step by step to develop to the present scale, in the southern provinces has been a steady suppression of the Xu’s jewelry a head, for the raw material proficiency, his level even in many of the so-called gambling stone experts above.

In the morning, Zhuang Rui rubbed the piece of wool, he did not see any cracks, Han Haowei can determine that the wool is definitely not a fake, so, there is a problem here, Zhuang Rui is how to know that this piece of wool jadeite is only concentrated in the surface layer? With Zhuang Rui and Xu Wei’s relationship, surely will not be kind to sell a piece of big rise wool to Xu Jewelry.

Han Hao Wei certainly do not think Zhuang Rui can see through this piece of raw stone, after all, what the wall of vision and other supernormal capabilities, have long been proven to be a fraud, like everyone beside the person, if you tell you that he has supernormal capabilities, I’m afraid that friends will be cursed with a psychopath! Even if your friend occasionally reveals any special features, it will probably be categorized into the category of bad luck.

Han Haowei likewise only thinks that Zhuang Rui has a high level of eye power and has gambling skills that he doesn’t possess, which is the main reason why Han Haowei is in a hurry to see Zhuang Rui.

“Brother Zhuang, this way ……”

Seeing Zhuang Rui’s figure walk out from the elevator, Han Haowei hurriedly waved his hand and greeted him, his mouth naturally calling out in a cordial manner.

“Boss Han. Hello, sorry for troubling you to make a trip ……”

Zhuang Rui’s impression of this Han boss is very good, this person gives him a feeling, a bit like Fatty Ma, although mercenary but not lose the lovely, and does not have the kind of overbearing arrogance on Xu Zhendong, inside the phone, although only a few short sentences, but let Zhuang Rui feel very comfortable.

In fact, this is the difference between grassroots entrepreneurship and the second generation of ancestors, do not look at Xu Zhendong age, but Xu’s jewelry was created before the liberation of the country, when he did not have anything to do, after the liberation of the family is a capitalist, not very inviting, resulting in their generation, have not been very well educated, education is not very high.

Due to policy restrictions, until the eighties, Xu’s jewelry only re-emerged, but then the old man did not die out, the second venture is still nothing about him. Until the mid-nineties, Xu Zhendong sat on the throne of Xu Jewelry President, and from then on, Xu Jewelry also gradually began to go downhill.

Han Hao Wei is the end of the seventies, the first batch of college students in the national geology program, once did the same thing as Zhuang Rui grandfather, went to Burma to investigate the local geological features, in the chance, contact with the jadeite raw stone.

Because at that time the jadeite raw stone in Burma is not much attention, the price is not very high, the discerning Han Haowei quickly accumulated a fortune, created Han’s jewelry, so that, whether from the marketing or for the jadeite gambling stone professional knowledge, Xu Zhendong compared to Han Haowei, that is to be out of a few streets so far.

“Let’s go to the cafe and sit down!”

Zhuang Rui looked around, he did not want to talk about things in the hotel lobby, like pandas are generally surrounded by people, just in the hotel on the first floor there is a Starbucks, the two sat in.

“Brother Zhuang, today’s matter, really want to thank you, otherwise my old Han this time will lose a lot of money.” Just as soon as they sat down, Han Haowei took out a cigarette and politely honored Zhuang Rui with one.

“Boss Han ……”

“Don’t call the boss, it sounds strange, old brother your fortune, now it doesn’t seem to be much less than me, if you look up to me. Call me Old Han!”

Although Han Haowei is the first batch of college students after the Cultural Revolution, it is considered a senior intellectual, but this twenty to thirty years of business ups and downs, will be polished his mouth a jianghu tone.

“OK, then I’ll call you Brother Han!” It seems that Zhuang Rui in this circle, is he the least, go everywhere to shout brother, is not bad this one.

“Brother Han, that piece of wool thing, I also just heard about it, brother is a cool person, also do not say those false, I and Xu Wei is not much to deal with, this is the real thing, at that time, I just feel that piece of wool is not worth so much, they buy to go, may not be able to make money, which makes people persuade brother Han you a word.”

Zhuang Rui knows that for people like Han Haowei, saying some bullshit words that Wei and others believe in is simply useless, opening the door to the conflict between himself and Xu Wei, and gently bringing the matter of wool over.

Zhuang Rui’s words really made Han Haowei’s impression on him much better. Now Pingzhou and even the country’s gambling circle, has been spread evil, said Zhuang Rui is the ancestor of the wool counterfeiting master, ancestor is specialized in dealing with the stone, said Zhuang Rui is the Jade Association of the ancient master’s personal disciple, there are also said that this person has supernormal capabilities, hand touch to know the stone inside there is no jadeite, in short, there are many different views, mixed reviews.

Don’t say, these rumors are and Zhuang Rui a little bit of edge, his grandfather is indeed and the stone to play a lifetime of dealings. As for the rumor that most people scoffed at, it was the most accurate guess, only Zhuang Rui’s supernormal capabilities were not in his hands, but in his eyes.

“Older brother was just going by feel at that time?”

Han Haowei frowned at his words, he, like Master Peng, had also experienced shopping for wool by feel.

Once Han Haowei looked at wool in an old pit factory in Myanmar, originally in a bad mood, but when he touched a piece of wool that was not very eye-catching, his heart felt very comfortable, so he bought that piece of wool, and actually solved the glass seed jadeite from it, although the block is not big, but it’s worth several million dollars, due to the fact that he has experienced this kind of thing himself, Han Haowei at this time on Zhuang Rui’s words are also believed in the seven or eight points.

“Not to hide from Brother Han, I this piece of wool is pulling out the mansion, bought the cut to play, would not have been very optimistic, when rubbing out the green, are luck, I do not know Xu’s jewelry will be interested in this piece of wool, in short, I do not look forward to my own, Xu Wei buy away cut up is his good luck, cut the loss of my heart Shu Tan, huh, that will be this psychological. ”

Zhuang Rui know, a falsehood you if you want to say others believe words, it is best to say nine truth, is that he put this wool origin are told out, said Han boss that frowned gradually stretch open.

“That’s old brother you are lucky, by the way, I heard that you also have a pair of dzi beads given by the living Buddha?”

After knowing that Zhuang Rui did not have any special skills in stone gambling, Han Haowei’s attention shifted to Zhuang Rui’s pair of dzi beads, this matter is the ancient master intentionally or unintentionally spread the word, juvenile complacency is easy to attract cynicism, transfer good luck to the dzi beads. It is not a bad idea.

“That’s my little brother’s good luck, got the favor of the living Buddha, this string of dzi beads is precious ……”

Seeing that Han Haowei wasn’t dwelling on the topic about the wool anymore, Zhuang Rui was relieved in his heart and talked about this string of dzi beads so much that he almost didn’t describe himself as the reincarnated elder brother of that living Buddha.

Zhuang Rui also felt at this time, first went to let the oldest four pass the word of the move, a little too presumptuous, clear-eyed people will certainly suspect, and now he is also making up for it, I believe that today’s conversation with this Han boss, will soon be spread to the circle of gambling stones.

“Hehe, old brother you are really blessed with deep fortune! With this string of dzi beads, good luck will naturally accompany you.”

Han Haowei looked at the dzi bead on Zhuang Rui’s wrist with envy, but he didn’t mention that he wanted to buy it, not to mention the fact that some people had once offered more than ten million dollars, just by virtue of Zhuang Rui’s current wealth, he wouldn’t sell this Buddha’s most precious treasure.

After hearing the words of Han Hao Wei, Zhuang Rui put on a smoldering look, said proudly: “Hey, since the old days beads, luck is really good, a few days ago in the ghost market in Pingzhou, but also found a complete set of Ru Kiln porcelain fragments, repair can also be worth a million.”

Zhuang Rui this word a, Han Haowei heart only a trace of doubt are dissipated, porcelain and jade that is completely wind cattle and horses are not the same, can only say that the boy in front of the luck is too good.

“Zhuang old brother, old brother wants to hire you for Han’s jewelry stone consultant, how do you see? Are you interested?”

“What? Gambling stone consultant?”

Han Haowei’s proposal was a bit sudden, making Zhuang Rui not react for a while, he couldn’t even tell how many old pit factories there were in Myanmar, to go and be a gambling stone consultant for someone?

What’s more, in Zhuang Rui’s impression, the gambling stone consultant should be like Master Zhao like the old man, a little younger Master Peng, that also has more than forty years old, let yourself go to do the gambling stone consultant, that’s not asking for blindness!

“Brother you must not misunderstand, this gambling consultant is not to let you work for me, is an idle position, you do not see that a little consultant fee, let’s do this, by your hand gambled up the wool, you raise part of the thirty percent of the gambling up, gambling collapsed, then, all of them counted on me, how do you see it?”

Han Hao Wei’s brain turns very quickly, but is a temporary idea, immediately came up with a constitution.

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