Chapter 0210 – Dark Bidding (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:09:12
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The wool merchants who participated in this Pingzhou Gambling Conference. Basically, every family had several or dozens of pieces of jadeite wool participating in the dark bidding, and all of the wool from these hundreds of stalls were gathered together, amounting to tens of thousands of pieces.

The raw stones in the venue, according to the full gambling wool and half gambling wool to distinguish, the scene is quite spectacular, now just after nine o’clock, there are already a lot of people with digital cameras and pen and paper, in the selection of their favorite wool.

Tomorrow afternoon will open the bidding, that is to say Zhuang Rui they still have one and a half days to see these dark bidding wool, in the heart of Song Jun and other people, time is already very tight.

For Zhuang Rui time is also very tight, although you can see through these jadeite raw stone, but Zhuang Rui that aura is not like the game mage, and group attack skills, tens of thousands of pieces of wool, are scattered placed, is a piece to see down, I’m afraid that it will take two days of time.

“Zhuang Rui, don’t you like to solve stones? How come you remembered to come and see the dark label?”

Lei Lei saw Zhuang Rui walking towards the dark label area, can’t help but be a little anxious, she wanted Zhuang Rui to help her find a better piece of bright label wool out. Prove to Grandpa that he wasn’t exaggerating.

“Brother Song they buy wool for stockpiling, do not decipher the stone, we look at the dark label on the line, but I ugly words in front ah! I’m a person who only looks at cheap stones, and by feeling, can’t tell what reasoning, there is no emerald inside then, don’t blame me.”

Zhuang Rui’s words let Song Jun and Fatty Ma frowned, they want to hoard, naturally want to buy good performance of the wool, but the performance of the wool, are expensive, do not know how many people will bid on that, according to Zhuang Rui’s habit of picking wool, simply not suitable for the two of them.

“Are you afraid that old brother has no money? Just pick up the wool that performs well to see.” Song Jun and Zhuang Rui are habitually familiar, there is no need to speak so politely.

“Song brother, you have money anyway, see good woolen just take money to hit good, why must pull the little brother ah! I feel this is not very accurate, last time in Nanjing, not also solve collapsed a piece of wool?”

Zhuang Rui heart eyes do not want to help them pick wool, after these several gambling, Zhuang Rui found that the outer skin of the performance of good wool, inside the chances of emerald is much greater. But this situation is not entirely true, some of the best jadeite external performance, does not necessarily outstanding, like that piece of red jadeite is so.

Song Jun and Fatty Ma does not solve the stone, pick wool only look at the performance of the outside on the line, if Zhuang Rui to them to select a few pieces of big rise of the wool, can not be solved out of it is also useless, is Zhuang Rui heart of the two pull themselves to bet on the stone, is very uncomprehending.

“Zhuang old brother, when we come across a better piece of wool, we can also unravel it for fun!”

Fatty Ma finally said what was in his heart, he saw Zhuang Rui unraveled two pieces of wool in a row, his heart was also a little itchy, people are gambling, hoarding although the risk is small, but the profit compared to unraveling the stone, it’s a world of difference, I’m sure that Song Jun also has this kind of idea.

“Brother Ma is right, let’s go see the bright material!”

Lei Lei naturally begged for it, she didn’t have enough money to vote for the dark labeled ones, that is, the bright labeled wool. The large head of good performance, it is estimated that she can not afford to buy.

Zhuang Rui helplessly spread his hands, said: “Whatever you guys! If I can feel that piece of wool is good every time, I will not buy myself to understand ah! Really can’t take you guys, I’m just looking at it randomly, you can’t blame me for guessing wrong!”

Zhuang Rui said the truth, if not Song Jun and his relationship is good, Lei Lei is Liu Chuan’s daughter-in-law, Zhuang Rui lazily take care of them, but Zhuang Rui also made up his mind, absolutely will not help them to pick a good wool, or else gambling up words, they can really have a hard time saying.

A few people heard Zhuang Rui words, are angry face, this thing they do is a little unreasonable, others if you can really feel the good and bad wool, he can buy his own unraveling well, to Zhuang Rui’s wealth, in this gambling venue, there are really few he can not afford to buy the wool.

“Mr. Song, Mr. Zhuang is right, the feeling of this thing, it is impossible to say when it will suddenly appear, I have been gambling stone for more than twenty years, there are only one or two times.”

Master Peng’s words made Song Jun and Fatty Ma a little hesitant, they were rich. But this money is not a gale of wind, thrown into the wild guess on top of the wool, if solved out are scraps, anyone will be heartbroken ah!

Wei Zijiang heard a few people’s conversation, pulled Lei Lei’s clothes, whispered: “Cousin, you that a bit of private money saved a lot of years, do not gamble, too much money to support me a few, gambling is my dad and grandpa’s thing, about what we ah!”

Inside the family, Wei Zijiang and Lei Lei relationship is extremely good, listening to the conversation of a few people, Zhuang Rui gave him the feeling but not very reliable, he did not want to let his cousin’s money thrown out for no reason.

“It’s okay, I’m going to let Zhuang Rui help me pick a piece of wool, the cheaper the better, come to Pingzhou does not gamble stone, is not equal to white?”

Lei Lei is more atmospheric than those two men, said her own money is not much, betting on the collapse of at most a few months example of money is gone, will not be much heartache, besides. Immediately after the marriage, Liu Chuan’s money is not her well!

“Old Ma, if it doesn’t work, let’s just look at the dark bid first! This is still a day’s time, I’ve only looked at more than three hundred dollars, if I don’t look at it again, this trip is going to be a waste.”

Song Jun considered again and again, or to dispel the idea of unlocking the stone, like their age and status of people, although the heart also has the desire to gamble on the stone. But restraint was always stronger than the average person.

Song Jun said this, that is, no longer trouble Zhuang Rui to help him look at the wool, for Zhuang Rui’s real level, Song Jun naturally understand a little more than others, he was just wanting to dip a little Zhuang Rui’s good luck.

After hearing Song Jun’s words, Fatty Ma smiled bitterly and said, “Boss Song, you also looked at more than 300 pieces, my consultant came to the first day in the hospital, this trip I was counted as a waste of time.”

“Come on, Zhuang old brother since it is difficult, we do not force him, to help others choose wool, betting up okay, to really bet down, we all feel uncomfortable, just like this! Let’s split up and go look at the secret bidding ……”

Although Fatty Ma mouthed that he ran a trip for nothing, but from his face is not to see a trace of disappointment in the color to his family, to the stone certainly want to make money, but more is to feel the kind of ups and downs of the process of the stone only, if he did not bring the stone consultant hospitalized, I’m afraid that Fatty Ma also early to go out to solve the stone.

“Okay! Cheap you kid.”

Song Jun glared at Zhuang Rui with displeasure, but he also knew that this picking dark labeled wool, only look at the performance is good or bad, he does not decode the stone, naturally do not have to worry about whether the wool within the green, Zhuang Rui’s good luck will not play a big role.

“Hey, I also go to pick a few pieces of dark labeled wool, brother Song, when you can not and I grab ah! We’re not as thick as you.” Zhuang Rui smiled hehehe, and walked into the dark label area with a few people.

This piece of open space is temporarily cleaned out, some places are still growing uncleaned weeds, open space area is very large. In the surrounding area there are a lot of security guards patrolling back and forth, there are even some armed police with loaded guns in the guard, these ordinary people in the eyes of the broken stone, can be really worth a thousand dollars ah!

Next to each piece of wool, there are corresponding marking and starting price, wool is not in accordance with the order of the number, but mixed together, so that the wool traders, but also more fair, Zhuang Rui now look at this piece, is three thousand nine hundred and eighty number, a half gambling wool.

This piece of wool is not small, enough to have three or four hundred kilograms of the look, like from the center of the waist cut a knife, in the cut surface, there is a trace of green, the performance is just general, here wool is too much, Zhuang Rui do not want to waste time, directly with the aura through the wool inside, but the white flowers of a piece.

Shook his head, Zhuang Rui looked at the side of the bottom of the bidding, is actually two million eight hundred thousand, these wool merchants are really black, out of such a little green dare to open this price, it seems that now the jade market, is really very hot ah!

Zhuang Rui on the dark bidding is actually still too little understanding, these dark bidding base, in the eyes of the jade merchants, there is no reference value, good performance of the wool, the base is a slag, want to take, I’m afraid that at least in the base of the bidding on top of the zero, as for those who perform poorly, that is, even cheaper, there will not be many people to bid on the bidding.

Now look at is half gambling wool, basically the head is quite big, cut or open the skylight, are placed face up, so that people can see at a glance how the performance of this piece of wool.

Just Zhuang Rui look at the wool and others are not quite the same, although the hand also holds a magnifying glass, pretending to bend down to look, but in fact are in the moment of stooping, the release of the aura to observe, almost just squatting down to look at the body not a few eyes, on the stand up to the next piece of wool.

“Zhuang Rui, what can you tell like this?”

Lei Lei who had been following behind Zhuang Rui couldn’t help it, although she didn’t know much about gambling, but Zhuang Rui was a bit too hasty, she didn’t look carefully at all.

“Big sister, just now those pieces of wool, are new factory, not the old pit species, the performance of the general bottom of the mark is still dead expensive, there is nothing to gamble on.”

Zhuang Rui stopped his body, to Lei Lei explained a few sentences, most of the wool of the new factory are mechanically mined out, from the skin can be seen, the color of these wool are generally not very pure, the seed water is also poor, can only be considered a low-grade emerald, Zhuang Rui is naturally not interested.

After looking at more than thirty pieces of wool, Zhuang Rui can not help but be a little disappointed, although most of these pieces of wool inside have Jade, but to color no color, seed water turbid, poor transparency, actually even a piece of wool to reach the dry green kind of wool are not.

“Hey, Zhuang Rui, you see, this piece of wool is very interesting shape ah!”

Five or six meters ahead, came Lei Lei’s voice, she would not have been able to identify the wool, is to run faster than Zhuang Rui, only Zhou Rui with the white lion, has been silent close to Zhuang Rui’s side.

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