Chapter 0214 – The Mark Rises, the Storm Clouds Move (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:09:22
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Penetrating objects with the aura in his eyes. Zhuang Rui had already done it a thousand times and had long been familiar with it, but this time, when the aura peeled off the outer layer of the original stone, the situation inside stunned Zhuang Rui.

In the surface layer of more than ten centimeters deep, presented in front of Zhuang Rui’s eyes, like a piece of starry sky, transparent night curtain, a bit of stars flickering bright light, penetrating countless clouds and fluff, reflected into Zhuang Rui’s eyes.

“This …… this is all emerald ah? How is it possible ah?”

Onlookers only saw Zhuang Rui squatting there looking at the rubbing surface of the wool, but do not know the shock in Zhuang Rui’s heart at this time.

Zhuang Rui has seen the largest jadeite Ming material, but is yesterday to solve out of that piece, but in front of this giant wool in the jadeite, than yesterday’s that dry green kind of Ming material on dozens of times, and the seed water is also to be good out of a lot.

“Ice seed, must be ice seed jadeite!”

Jade within the wool, in Zhuang Rui’s eyes, is so pure and translucent, the texture is very delicate, from which Zhuang Rui judgment, these jadeite material even if it does not reach the very best ice seed. Can also be regarded as a top quality material.

The only pity is that this piece of wool, inside actually out of two colors, respectively, sky blue and light green, and these two colors are like flowers, stars, not concentrated, distributed in the wool in the two areas, so Zhuang Rui just started to look at the time, will have that kind of feeling as if in the starry sky.

“Ice Seed Floating Flower Jadeite?”

A term surfaced in Zhuang Rui’s mind, this is still a few days ago to follow the ancient masters to supplement the knowledge related to emerald when I heard, Zhuang Rui just from the ancient masters hands have seen a physical object, know this kind of flower emerald, in recent years is very popular with consumers, especially the ice kind of bracelet and pendant, are worth a lot of money.

Ice kind of flower jade, refers to the ice kind of texture on top of floating blue flowers or green flowers, generally scattered silk stripes or grass-like distribution in the jade, its shape varies, the price is also high and low.

Less than ice seed flower jadeite, only belongs to the ranks of low-grade jade, the price is very low, but high transparency, good carving ice seed flower jadeite, but can be listed in the ranks of high-grade jade jewelry.

Zhuang Rui know, flower jadeite for carving requirements are quite high, because the color of the flower is not the only one. Shapes are also varied, point, strip, grass, sheet, the location of these flowers, for the value of the carving into jewelry also has a great impact.

Like the old man’s hand there is a flower Buddha, according to the old man said, this is called “floating flowers floating stomach” Buddha’s stomach full, prominent, plus floating color, water thorough and bright, get to the market to sell, at least two to three hundred thousand yuan MRB.

Of course, if the floating flower location is not appropriate, floating in the Buddha’s head or face, it will greatly affect the beauty, the value will be greatly reduced.

Now on the jade market, there are also floating flower Guanyin is also very popular with consumers, the old man carries a photo of floating flower Guanyin jewelry. Just from the photo up, Zhuang Rui feel, Guanyin’s body parts of the silk floating flowers, give people a feeling like fairy like clothes, exquisite exception.

In the past few years the jadeite market continues to heat up, the price of icy flowers also climbed all the way up, especially good icy flowers jadeite bracelet price, the minimum are more than 50,000, many businessmen as icy flowers to sell, but there is a big difference between the two, icy seed material is generally very dry, no icy flowers rounded beautiful, can only fool some consumers do not understand the jadeite.

This giant piece of wool, inside at least take out hundreds of kilograms of floating flowers of jadeite, and in addition to the parts near the outer skin, most of them are icy high-grade material, Zhuang Rui rough estimate of the price of this piece of wool in the jadeite, if carved into jewelry, its value is likely to be hundreds of millions of dollars, is that these materials, the minimum should be in more than 50 million.

This discovery makes Zhuang Rui heartbeat accelerated, to say that does not move, that is pure bullshit, just think of their own funds on hand, Zhuang Rui can not help but be a little discouraged, full of counting all together, but forty million at the beginning, want to shoot this piece of wool. The possibility is not great.

Then again, these days, Zhuang Rui wind too strong, even if shot down, he did not dare in the scene of the decomposition of the stone, this sale is also a problem.

But let Zhuang Rui give up the words, he is also not willing, a time in the brain is a little chaotic, eyes fixedly looking at this piece of wool, as if dazed in general.

Zhuang Rui look at the time is not short, Fatty Ma waited for some anxiety, see Zhuang Rui stood up after still staring at this piece of wool, could not help but ask: “Zhuang old brother, see what doorway no ah?”

“No, can not understand this piece of wool, like just from that big brother said, inside is certainly a jadeite, but the grade and number, which no one knows, if it is ice seed jadeite, the bottom of the color is poor, the number of less, I’m afraid that even the bottom of the price of this price is not worth it, if it is out of the glass seed high green. That the chances are too small, big material no good Cui, you all know.”

After Zhuang Rui was awakened by Fatty Ma, he shook his head repeatedly, with a look of not being very optimistic about this piece of wool, the words he said were all said by the ancient master himself, but only copied.

Zhuang Rui’s words, listening to the crowd of onlookers have nodded their heads, the impression of Zhuang Rui also slightly changed some: people this young man is also a bit of real talent, and not entirely rely on good luck.

“And I see also similar. This kind of large wool, must be unraveled separately to sell, just look at such a small door, can not be counted as half gambling wool, gambling is really too big.”

I don’t know when, Song Jun and Master Peng also turned around here, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Master Peng also talked about his opinion.

“Come on, two old brothers, Mr. Hua, you guys take your time, I can’t afford to play with this stone, I’m going to look at other bids first.”

Left and right they can not get, Zhuang Rui arched his hand to a few people, turned around to leave, this can see and eat the flavor is really not very good, simply hide far away, out of sight is out of mind.

“Hey, I say Zhuang old brother, wait for me, I have not seen a piece of wool today, you also help me palm eyes, pick on a piece of ah!”

See Zhuang Rui turned out of the crowd, Fatty Ma did not know what to think, also followed closely chased out.

Looking at the panting catching up with Fatty Ma, Zhuang Rui said with a bitter smile: “Brother Ma, we are not in front of said well, I feel this is not allowed to head, you can not let me point a piece of nonsense to you right?”

“Hey, let’s not talk about this, immediately at noon, let’s go eat.”

Fatty Ma pulled Zhuang Rui, then turned his face and said, “Yanzi, I’ll talk about something with Zhuang old brother at noon, you go back to the hotel first! I’ll give you a call in the afternoon.”

Yan Zi promised obediently. Then he handed the handbag he was holding to Fatty Ma, who casually pulled out a card from it and handed it over to Swallow, saying, “You know the password, if you don’t want to go back to the hotel, go shopping on your own, and swipe the card if you want to buy anything.”

After Yan Zi turned to leave, Zhuang Rui said to Fatty Ma: “Brother Ma, what is so secretive? I can say it first, Brother Zhou is his own person, I won’t hide anything from him!”

Of course, the matter of the aura in the eyes, naturally, should be concealed, not only Zhou Rui, even to his own mom, Zhuang Rui also never intended to reveal this matter.

Zhou Rui sniffed and glanced at Zhuang Rui, a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes, but he didn’t say anything, still looking around with a wary face.

“Nonsense, brother Zhou is also an old friend, how could I possibly avoid him! Let Yan Zi leave, mainly because we old men are talking, having a female beside us is annoying.”

Fatty Ma has to be better than Zhuang Rui, some words said Zhou Rui’s heart is also very comfortable.

“Brother Ma, let’s transfer again, it’s not even 11 o’clock now, what we ate in the morning hasn’t been digested yet!”

Zhuang Rui would like to see a few more bids, if he can come across the wool like Lei Lei encountered, he will shoot down, at most, now do not decipher the stone, later put at home, idle nothing slowly unraveled well.

“All right, we want to bet on the bet on the big, those raggedy things look why ah! Go go go ……”

Fatty Ma seems a little impatient, pulling Zhuang Rui left the dark label area.

Guangdong this place, is the hotel more, in this gambling venue around, there are several good hotels, a few people want a private room, such as Fatty Ma to the waiter after the support, Zhuang Rui opened his mouth and asked: “Ma, in the end what is the matter, now can always say it?”

Fatty Ma this way to engage in secretive, so that Zhuang Rui heart also some drums, this dead fat will not see what it?

Fatty Ma eyes staring at Zhuang Rui, said: “Zhuang old brother, you said today to see that piece of giant wool, in the end how? Older brother wants to bet on it, give an opinion!”

“Brother Ma, didn’t I say it all, this wool is too much to gamble, you are ready to hoard, and don’t decipher the stone, it’s not cost-effective to buy it, it’s better to look for a piece of ……” Zhuang Rui insisted on what he said just now.

“Older brother, don’t give me those words of false head, old brother just ask you a real, this piece of wool you feel how?”

Zhuang Rui did not finish a sentence, was interrupted by Fatty Ma, it seems that Zhuang Rui said in the meeting place, Fatty Ma simply did not believe.

“Can bet, but there are too many people watching, this can win the bid, it is estimated to be a heavenly price, little brother I can’t afford to play, that’s why I said that.”

Against a person like Fatty Ma, Zhuang Rui simply told the truth, but how he saw it naturally will not say, Fatty Ma will not ask.

“You can’t afford to play alone, we can play together!”

Fatty Ma’s words made Zhuang Rui awakened, yes! His own financial strength is not good, but beside this is not sitting on a rich man?

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