Chapter 0215 – The Marker Rises, the Storm Clouds Move (IV)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:09:24
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In the Guangdong area, especially the Chaoshan Jieyang side. Is also a considerable scale and history of the gambling resort, in recent years the development is also very fast, especially Jieyang’s Yangmei village, is known as the “Asian jade capital” development is quite rapid.

In the Chaoshan Yangmei area, almost every family is gambling stone, most of the people gambling stone are relatives and friends to get together a share, and then take the money to go gambling stone decryption, gambling up to earn a profit, we share according to the share of the money, if the gambling collapsed, then it is a shot, each to bear the risk.

This practice and Wenzhou people speculation is similar, looking at a city flocked to the room after the high speculation, and then sold off, from the middle to earn the difference in price, in recent years the price of emerald rock soared, Chaoshan gambling group is not to be blamed.

Just gambling risk to be a little bigger, gambling up gambling collapse are very common, which requires the group gambling stone people are relatively familiar with will not cause conflicts. Generally speaking, are a family of people in the group, rarely with outsiders joint.

Zhuang Rui is aware of these things, like he knows that Yang Hao, whose family used to rely on the gambling stone to make a fortune, and now turned to do up the wool business, can be said to be a steady profit, I’m afraid that the root is also can’t stand that a knife heaven and a knife hell of stimulation.

However, Zhuang Rui heart, but never thought to join forces with others to gamble, one to their own ability can not be said, two to the distribution of gambling funds and profit after the split, have to say in advance, not very familiar with the people, there is no way to cooperate.

After Zhuang Rui heard Fatty Ma’s suggestion, he thought very seriously and said, “Brother Ma, are you so optimistic about that piece of wool? You know, I just feel from the performance of those pine flowers seeping inward, that piece of wool can be gambled, but the real situation inside, no one knows, in case if we gamble down?”

Fatty Ma waved his hand, said: “Brother, you are wrong, I am not optimistic about that piece of wool, I am optimistic about you, as long as you think you can bet. Let’s bet, although we are Shanxi people, not the old stingy, tens of millions of my old horse or take out, depending on the old brother you dare to bet?”

Fatty Ma this makes Zhuang Rui some difficult, this piece of wool does let him some heart, according to Zhuang Rui’s estimate, this piece of wool to see although many people, but there is a capital bidding people, should not be a lot, and this wool is too much gambling, other people also do not see will put out of the sky bidding, fifty million of the bidding, it should be able to take it.

This giant wool there is no need to hoard, if the winning bid, is certainly to be unraveled on the spot, with the current domestic jade market market, seventy to eighty million should not have any problem, maybe even higher, but so, they can be pushed back to the tip of the wave.

If it is really fifty million won the bid. It is estimated that it can make a profit of about thirty million dollars, and Fatty Ma two a point, is fifteen million, say not moved, that is absolutely false, just this aftermath also let Zhuang Rui some headaches, not to mention, Song Jun will certainly come to ask questions.

“Right, why don’t we just pull Song Jun in!”

Zhuang Rui brain suddenly came up with such an idea, let Song Jun and Fatty Ma head out to shoot this piece of wool, at most three people split the money well, fifteen million and ten million, the difference is not very big well, these days eat alone, it is easy to be choked to death.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui said to Fatty Ma: “Brother Ma, I thought about it, we two people bet on this piece of wool, the risk is a little big, according to my reasoning, this piece of wool ultimately won the price, may not be less than 50 million yuan. That is to say, one of us will have to pay 25 million, for you, this amount of money is rain, but I can not afford to pay, in case the bet goes down, I would be losing all my money ah! How about this? Let’s bring Brother Song into this! Three people sharing the risk is always better than two of us, right?”

Fatty Ma sniffed his head down and thought for a while, said: “Older brother, that piece of wool inside the performance of how, I can not understand, but for the speculation of human psychology, that you are far less than I. This piece of wool, although the people who look at it, you can not understand, but you can not understand, you can not understand. This piece of wool although many people see, but I guarantee that the final price of the winning bid, will not be higher than 40 million, like we have just seen Mr. Hua, he will only go out to 28 million, more than a big son, he will not go out, as for other people, I estimate that he is about the same, so we cast the bid, do not need to be as high as 50 million. However, since you proposed to let Mr. Song partner, if I do not agree, it would be my old horse is not good, OK, this I agree. You first give him a call, if he is interested, let him come by himself, that gambling master will not have to bring, your brother also do not want this thing to spread out right?”

Fatty Ma is considered to see through Zhuang Rui’s mind, know this thing he is not willing to show his face, Fatty Ma’s intuition of people, sensitive some terrible, he can feel the degree of love for a thing, Zhuang Rui was at the venue to see that piece of wool inside the emerald, the heart of the shock led to a change in color. Did not escape the eyes of Fatty Ma.

Of course, Fatty Ma also just thought Zhuang Rui and he is the same, the feeling of things especially sensitive a little bit, say nothing would not have thought, Zhuang Rui directly with the eyes to see, all the jadeite raw stone, in his eyes are undefended.

“Brother Song, are you still at the venue? There is something to discuss with you, come to XXX Hotel! Come by yourself, don’t bring anyone.”

Zhuang Rui had dialed Song Jun’s phone at this time, Song Jun was also a person with a penetrating mind, hearing Zhuang Rui say this, he found an excuse to let Master Peng continue to stay at the gambling venue, and took a car and ran here.

“Old Ma, it is true that you have abducted Zhuang Rui, I just turned my eyes, I can not find this kid, say it! What’s the good thing to take care of me?”

Not ten minutes later, Song Jun rushed over, seeing Zhuang Rui was with Fatty Ma, he was not surprised.

Zhuang Rui put this thing and Song Jun roughly said a little, of course, about that piece of wool, Zhuang Rui only said that they feel good, as for Song Jun believe or not, Zhuang Rui does not care, anyway, the words have been said out, whether to join in, that is the matter of Song Jun.

After Song Jun heard it, he considered for a while, and said: “This piece of bid, I was also a bit interesting, according to my idea, about 30 million should be able to take down. But if the two of you join forces, then I’m sure I’ll suffer a dark loss, okay, old brother, old brother is not in vain to take care of you, this thing can still think of me, count me in, let’s talk about something specific!”

Since Song Jun decided to join, a few people began to discuss the details, then Fatty Ma’s performance also impressed Song Jun up, it turned out that Fatty Ma yesterday all day, are observing the piece of wool, what people have seen, whether they are qualified to bid on the auction, take the idea of the real or not, Fatty Ma remembered clearly, now analyze it, said the head is right.

Finally a few people to determine the bidding price, in order to ensure that the take and not to spend too much, the three decided to set the bidding base at 36 million, each person contributes 12 million, by the Song Jun bidding, if you can win the bidding, but also in the scene of the decommissioning of the stone, these things Zhuang Rui do not show up, handed over to the two to deal with it.

After the conversation, Song Jun took out the pen and paper with him, handwritten three agreements, and so on after each person signed, it is also considered to be in effect, although this agreement does not have much legal effect, but with the identity of the two of them and Song Jun’s relationship with himself, Zhuang Rui is also not afraid of anything.

A few people at the hotel after dinner, looking for a bank, Zhuang Rui and Fatty Ma respectively to Song Jun’s account transferred into the twelve million yuan.

After the matter is finished, several people back to the gambling venue, Zhuang Rui said to go around by himself, on the way out, Song Jun said to Zhuang Rui: “This bid can not be cast so early, or afraid of leaking the news was blocked bidding, tomorrow 12:00 noon bidding end, wait until the time of 11:50, I go to cast, Zhuang Rui, do you still have a fancy for other woolen material? I’ll help you bid on them together!”

Song Jun said this for a reason, the bidding of this gambling conference is not a random bidding, only those who have been recognized by the Pingzhou Jade Association and issued a membership can go out to bid, these people have a deposit pressed on the account of the Jade Association, there is no fear that they won the bidding and then backtracked on their don’t want’s.

“Brother Song, I won’t trouble you, if I have a bid in my sights, I’ll just go through the formalities myself, you two go about your business!”

Zhuang Rui has long inquired clearly, temporarily to participate in this gambling conference, you can go to the conference organizing committee to pay a deposit, and then you can bid, the amount of the deposit for the bidding of ten percent of the base of the wool, if the winning bid, as long as you pay another ninety percent of the balance on it.

But if after winning the bid to repent do not want, that ten percent will be used as compensation, paid to the owner of the wool.

Pay the deposit and so on, Zhuang Rui doesn’t care, after he bids, is to bring the winning wool back to Pengcheng, if through Song Jun bidding, may be this big brother to encourage Zhuang Rui to go to the scene of the decryption, this is also Zhuang Rui is not willing to let the Song Jun bidding on behalf of him the main reason.

Into the dark bidding area, Zhuang Rui and saw Lei Lei want to bid on the wool, thought for a moment, took out a pen and paper copied down the mark, he let Lei Lei voted thirteen hundred thousand, back to their own also go to vote for a hundred and twenty-five thousand yuan or so of the mark, in case Lei Lei did not handle her family, will not let this piece of wool fall into the hands of others.

Semi-gambling dark bidding area is too many people, and opened the window of the wool, the bottom of the bid is also very high, Zhuang Rui is fancy a few pieces of wool, but a look at the price, is not much profit, in the semi-gambling wool area after wandering around a circle, wandering towards the full gambling wool area.

The full gambling material is not a lot, probably only seven or eight hundred copies, even half of the gambling material is not one-tenth of the wool, loosely placed in a corner of the half gambling wool area.

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