Chapter 0219 – Marking Up, Storm Clouds Move (VIII)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:09:35
A+ A- Turn Off Light

According to the current momentum of this wool crazy rise. That piece of semi-gambling material with a bidding base as high as more than twenty million dollars, whether or not it can win the bidding as desired, it is really hard to say, Fatty Ma this time the gambling stone conference, just voted for such a bid, and at this time, his face is also a little nervous.

“Damn, this is all who voted for the bid ah!”

Fatty Ma angrily cursed, the opening of the bidding only reported the bidder’s number, but not the name, who actually won the bidding, the onlookers will not know, if the winning bidder does not decode the stone afterward, then the wool’s whereabouts is estimated to become a mystery.

“Quiet everyone, please be quiet ……”

The person who reported the bid on the stage shouted at the top of his voice, and only after half a day did the murmuring slowly stop.

“Everyone do not clamor, the winning friends can first go to pay the balance, if within forty-eight hours of the opening of the bidding did not pay the balance, as an automatic abandonment of the bidding, the deposit will not be refunded, as for the collection of wool, you need to wait until all the bidders open the bidding is completed. Please be quiet, the following continue to open the bid.”

“Bid number six, four million eight hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars, winning bid number: 98……”

“Bid number seven, one million one hundred and fifteen thousand, winning bid number: 116……”

“Bid number eight, six million nine hundred and fifty thousand, winning bid number: 521……”

“Wait, my bid number eight is also six million nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars, how come the winning bidder is not me?”

Just reported three woolen bids, the bid opening was interrupted again, a middle-aged man sitting in the front row of Zhuang Rui and others stood up and questioned loudly.

The moderator who reported the bids obviously didn’t know the situation either, and talked to a few people behind him, and temporarily pulled up the information of this bid from the computer before speaking, “According to the dark bidding regulations of the General Assembly, when the bids are the same, the bidding time will be calculated by the bidding time sooner or later, and the one who bids earlier will be the winning bidder. Well, after our inquiries, the bidding time of bidder number 521 is ten minutes earlier than you, sir, so sorry, the winning bidder is not you.”

The bidder’s words caused the field to resound with laughter, this guy was unlucky enough to have re-quoted his bid, but the queue was that much slower than the others. Just 10 minutes short of the time, the wool in hand also flew away.

“Damn, I didn’t go to the toilet, I wouldn’t have been so late.” The middle-aged man cursed resentfully and sat down with a face full of displeasure, his words causing another burst of laughter.

But after such a thing, the bidding site was originally very heavy atmosphere, but also dissipated a few points, people also accept the fact that the original stone rose, the back of the bidding went very smoothly, until after the opening of a hundred bids, the host announced a break of ten minutes, the next to continue to open the bidding.

Already opened the first 100 pieces of wool bidders, actually no piece of abortion, which in the past around the organization of the Jade Fair, is also extremely rare, of course, itself ranked in the first 100 pieces of wool, the performance is also quite good, coupled with the news of Myanmar, sought after is also reasonable. It’s just that the price is so high that it’s a little unbelievable.

In the first 100 dark bid, Zhuang Rui also cast a few, without exception, the whole army has been destroyed, that a few of the base price of the winning bid, are to be several times higher than the price he voted, this Zhuang Rui can only accept with a bitter smile, he is now praying for, more than 50 bid inside, can be three or five, can go to burn high incense.

Song Jun’s face is not very good, the first 100 dark label, he cast more than thirty, but the results of Zhuang Rui, are nothing, see repeatedly measuring their own face of Fatty Ma, Song Jun feel a bit ashamed of face.

In fact, this is not his fault, because Zhuang Rui row to the queue, are already more than 11 o’clock, dark bidding bidding will soon be cut off, Song Jun at that time did not have too much time, to change the labeling of their previous bidding, in accordance with the price of the original bidding, and it is true that none of the winning bids.

“Lei Lei, your grandfather they won the bid?”

Zhuang Rui saw sitting on one side of Lei Lei’s grandpa and uncle have joyful faces, thinking that they must have won a few pieces of wool.

“En, seventy-eight and ninety-two bids, that’s what Grandpa and the others won, Zhuang Rui. Do you think the piece of wool I bid on, will it win?”

Lei Lei’s face didn’t have any joyful look, for this first time gambling on stones in her life, her heart was really a bit afflicted.

“Your piece of wool is estimated to wait until tomorrow to open the bidding, the performance of the wool is not good, the chances of winning the bidding is also big? Don’t be anxious, I just voted for several pieces of wool that didn’t win ……”

Zhuang Rui originally wanted to comfort Lei Lei, but let Lei Lei more anxious up, hated the stage that the person first reported that she voted for the wool.

Song Jun in the side listening to the face is suddenly clear and cloudy, those two pieces of wool he also bid, but did not expect to be Lei Lei family won the bid.

After ten minutes or so, under the crowd’s expectation, the bid opening continued.

“The following bid to be opened is the dark bid for the full gambling wool area, friends who have bid please pay attention.”

Due to the excessive number of dark bids for the wool bids, in order not to have thousands of bids, every five hundred bids, a letter of the alphabet is added in front of it, and when it comes to the five hundred and one bid, it is counted with another letter of the alphabet starting from 1. The number of fully gambled wool is relatively small, and there are only two letters, H and I, in front of the bid number.

“Bid number H1, one million six hundred and eighty thousand dollars. Winning bid number 12 ……”

“Bid No. H2, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Winning bid number 58……”


“Bid number H384, aborted ……”

This time the opening of the bidding time is relatively long, the host on the stage read is dry mouth, but tens of thousands of bids, this afternoon to open five thousand, time period task tight, the original open 100 bids to take a break decision, but also changed to five hundred bids to take a break of ten minutes.

And this 384 number of the full betting mark, but also since the opening of this field. The first abortive bid, the front of the full gambling bid, actually all were shot away, that there are Zhuang Rui cast thirty-eight wool, and nothing, counting already opened a hundred copies of semi-gambling wool, Zhuang Rui is now only twelve markers, there is a trace of the hope of winning the bid.

“Bid H428, three hundred and eighty thousand dollars, winning bid number: 518……”

The person who reported the bid on the stage, his voice has become a little hoarse and mechanical, but just now this voice, listening to Zhuang Rui’s ears, is no less than heavenly music ah! Because the number 518, is exactly Zhuang Rui’s number.

“Damn, finally won one.”

Zhuang Rui excitedly waved his fist, attracted the crowd have side-eye, do not have to think also know, that three hundred and eighty thousand is this young man in the, but this amount in the bidding opened today inside, is really not very eye-catching, and the bidding number are ranked after four hundred, must be the performance is not very good, so also did not cause much attention.

“Older brother, won? Congratulations! Older brother I this all bet on dark labeled material, just won three pieces ……”

Song Jun’s voice is a little frustrated, this time he invested a lot of money, the net is also quite big, but the plan is not as good as the change, just Burma side of a news came, let this gambling conference become a stormy, ever-changing up.

Can say, now all the attention of the domestic jade jewelry businessmen, all focused on the Pingzhou, this gambling conference sold the price of wool. Will also be directly related to the price of finished products in the domestic jade market in the future, the rate of increase between the two, that has a direct relationship.

“At last, it’s not a total loss! Brother Song, I have won such a piece so far!”

To be honest, Zhuang Rui heart is still a little happy, because he won this piece of wool, but also his most valued three pieces of glass seed wool, the first two pieces of wool performance is better, are ranked within the top 30, respectively, was 8.2 million and 5.8 million to auction away, Zhuang Rui’s hope can be all placed on this piece of wool.

May be this piece of wool performance in general, others in the increased labeling did not notice, and the owner of the wool on the label is not very concerned about, did not go out to stop the bidding, only to let Zhuang Rui have a shocking take down.

After a short break, the stage of the bidding is still continuing, but and Zhuang Rui has little to do with the whole gambling wool all have opened the bidding, Zhuang Rui won that piece, now the stage is half gambling wool, is also the most intense competition, although there are a few pieces of Zhuang Rui behind the bidding, but he has been too lazy to pay attention to the bidding price he voted for, there is no hope of winning the bidding.

The piece of wool that Zhuang Rui and Fatty Ma Song Jun jointly bet on, although the volume is large enough, but the performance of the window is very general, so the bid is relatively backward, Lei Lei’s piece of semi-gambling wool is also the same, according to the current speed of opening the bidding, I’m afraid that today it is not opened, this suspense will have to wait until tomorrow to be able to unveil.

“Brother Song, I’ll go pay the balance of the winning piece of wool to …… first.”

Today this opening bid, to be more stimulating than his first few days to solve the stone, Zhuang Rui this will have felt some air boring, anyway, the following bid and he also has nothing to do, Zhuang Rui got up and wanted to go outside to get some air.

“Let’s go! Today can not open D98 wool, stay down is not much fun, old horse, you still stay here?”

Song Jun also stood up after hearing this, besides the three bids he won in the full-stakes wool, he only won one of the first 1,000 bids in the half-stakes wool, so it can be said that it’s almost a total loss, and he doesn’t have the heart to stay here at this moment.

“I’ll look again, you guys go first!”

This bid opening site, the whole is a concentrated multitude of life, this is Fatty Ma’s favorite to ponder, although it is hot and sweaty, but also refused to leave.

Out of the bidding site, Zhuang Rui and Song Jun went to the bidding office to pay the balance of the winning wool, Zhuang Rui a total of more than fifty bids, deposit of more than one million eight hundred thousand, after paying the balance, but returned to the account more than one million.

Song Jun but back into a lot of money, although counting the giant piece of wool, his total bid amount reached more than 90 million, but just won the four pieces of wool up to more than 18 million, so remove the giant piece of wool more than six million deposit, he still have to make up more than 12 million.

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