Chapter 0220 – Bidding Rises, Storm Clouds Move (IX)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:09:38
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Since they had to wait until after all the dark bids were opened. Only then can the wool be extracted, so after paying the balance of the winning bid, a few people also have nothing to do, Song Jun and Fatty Ma is obviously not very high mood, so the hotel first.

It would be just after four in the afternoon, Zhuang Rui remembered that Yang Hao’s side had entered a new batch of wool, so he walked towards the stall where Yang Hao was.

“Huh, Yang Jun, where’s your brother, why did he leave you here to watch the store?”

Zhuang Rui walked into the shed and saw that Yang Jun was sitting there chewing on a watermelon with an unhappy look on his face.

“It’s Brother Zhuang! My brother went to watch the live bid opening and left me here, Brother Zhuang, you eat watermelon ah! I’ll call my brother back right away ……”

Thinking that he couldn’t go to the bidding site, Yang Jun was a bit unhappy, but seeing Zhuang Rui coming, Yang Jun’s eyes dripped around and took out his cell phone to make a call to Yang Hao.

“Brother Zhuang. Why don’t you continue to watch the bid opening? I saw you just now.”

After about five or six minutes, Yang Hao came panting, his face red, not knowing whether it was because the weather was too hot or he was infected by the atmosphere at the bid opening site.

“Brother, you accompany Brother Zhuang! I’ll go to the bid opening site to take a look.” Before Zhuang Rui could reply, Yang Jun greeted his own elder brother and ran away in a puff of smoke.

“Sorry, Brother Yang, for disturbing you from watching the bid opening.” Zhuang Rui apologized to Yang Hao, today this bid opening was a big scene, even for those in the circle, it was a rare sight.

“It’s okay, we just went to have a good time, the things that should be done, they were all dealt with yesterday.”

Yang Hao’s so-called things, in fact, refers to stopping the bidding, he got the news much earlier than Song Jun, in yesterday’s Myanmar meeting just ended, the domestic wool merchants who have a doorway, in the first time they received the phone call from Myanmar, so for some wool that obviously can be auctioned at a high price, they stopped the bidding with the heavenly price yesterday.

“Brother Yang, where is your newly imported wool? Show me!”

The dark bids that Zhuang Rui had placed this time were almost a total loss. Now he wants to find a remedy on the open bid, to make a little is a little, no matter how small the mosquito is, it’s still meat ah!

“Come on, Zhuang brothers, this time into the wool is very good, all are hemp Meng factory WuShaJu black skin, this kind of wool but often will be out of the sun green glass species ah! It is the emperor green is also more or less from this kind of black skin of the black skin of the black skin of the black skin of the black skin of the black skin of the black skin of the black skin of the black sand jade.”

Yang Hao brought Zhuang Rui to the shed outside the corner of the wool area, about five or six square meters of the ground, piled up a few hundred pieces of wool, the reason why the number of so many, because these wool are not big, the largest is only like a child playing with a ball, usually fist size.

“Is this the black skin of the Ma Meng factory’s Wusha Jade?”

Looking at this pile of black wool on the ground, Zhuang Rui’s eyes immediately stared straight, this wool he was familiar with ah! Gave Qin Xuan Bing that egg yolk size of the emperor green glass species of jadeite, it is from this kind of wool out, at that time Zhuang Rui almost those pieces of wool as a stone to throw away it!

In fact, these days Zhuang Rui has also seen a lot of material from the Wumeng factory, only he saw all the big material. Like these and his grandfather’s legacy of almost no difference between the small raw stone, he was the first time to see.

“Hehe, yeah! You’ve also heard of this Ursa Jade Black Skin’s reputation? Then I won’t hide it from you, these materials are indeed from the Wumeng factory, but they are all materials that don’t have any gambling properties, and after the dark bidding is opened, they are sold to those tourists to cut and play with.”

Yang Hao business is not very old, feel and Zhuang Rui relationship is good, at this moment the old bottom to Zhuang Rui listen.

As I said before, in the three days before the dark bid opening, if you want to enter to the gambling venue, you must have an invitation letter from the General Assembly, but after the dark bid opening, it’s open to everyone, and the tourists from all over the world who come in at that time are also considered to be a relatively large consumer group, at the very least they are able to dispose of the scraps that are a headache for these wool traders, and they are also quite popular.

“Since I’m here, let’s take a look!”

Zhuang Rui squatted his body against the scorching sun, unlike others, his first contact with jadeite raw stones was these wool that looked like stones, and when he saw it at the moment, he couldn’t help but feel some sense of intimacy.

“Then you look first, I go back to drink water, these trinkets, you fancy I send you a few.” Yang Hao was a little impatient and explained Zhuang Rui. Turning around, he returned to the shed.

Picking up a fist-sized piece of black sand stone, Zhuang Rui carefully observed, now he is not the rookie a few months ago, still thinking of using a hammer to knock open the wool.

Black sand is also one of the most often seen in the jadeite gambling stone wool, due to the black sand exterior is a layer of black black green clay material such as clay material skin protection, so that the jadeite internal and external characteristics have a big difference, is the risk of gambling in the biggest gambling stone, the so-called “ten gambling nine collapsed” is also mainly for the type of gambling stone.

Because of the WuSha stone more high green superb jadeite, so this kind of gambling stone fake material is also very much, pay attention to a little bit of people will use the black dye to smear the side, and some people simply the whole point of the pot ash wipe up, a grab is a hand of black.

Buying to the WuSha jade, such as the real thing, success or failure is also self-satisfied, into the wealth, defeat experience, but if the purchase of fake goods, as if the eye of the sky rumbling, the heart of the ups and downs is inexplicable, the people in the circle of the stone, a lot of people have ever planted in this kind of gambling on the big heel.

Zhuang Rui naturally will not make such a mistake, he did not even have hands to rummage. After throwing the piece of wool in his hand back to the ground, he simply emitted the aura in his eyes, directly covering the four to five meter square area.

“Hey, it’s really the old pit material from the Umeng factory.”

Zhuang Rui through the aura found that the hundreds of wool inside, actually stars, there are seven or eight places, are emitting outward aura, but there are strong and weak, to Zhuang Rui’s feeling is not the same, reach out to open the top of the base together wool, Zhuang Rui put the lowest under a. It’s also the most aura-containing. It is also the one that contains the most abundant spiritual qi, picked out.

This piece of wool is slightly larger than a fist, Zhuang Rui brought it in front of him and carefully examined it, when the spiritual qi seeped into the wool, Zhuang Rui was delighted to find that a familiar color, presented itself in front of his eyes.

“Imperial green, it must be imperial green ……”

When that touching green into the eyes, Zhuang Rui excited almost shouted out, dialysis bright, green, this is the second time he saw such a pure green, so transparent emerald, and in the volume, than before their own solution out of the piece of emerald a lot bigger, enough to the size of an egg.

Slightly calmed his excitement, Zhuang Rui merely held this piece of wool in his hands, stood up and walked towards the shed, but just walked out a few steps, and then turned back to randomly select a few pieces of wool, which returned to the shed.

“Brother Yang, take a look! How much are these pieces worth?” Zhuang Rui casually placed the pieces of wool held in his arms onto the table.

“Hey, didn’t I say, although this stuff is from an old pit, it’s not worth much, you can take it away.” Yang Hao swept a glance at the pieces of wool and said with mixed indifference.

“Don’t! The elders of your family are here these days, let’s just pay for it! How much it should be is how much it should be, I’m not too bad about these few.”

Zhuang Rui is not willing to take advantage of this cheap, buddy this is based on the eye to pick up leaks, not to you for nothing, what? Cheating? Nonsense ah! This is also the ability ah! A different person to you let him try.

“Well, since you want to give, we do not have the reason not to, a total of four pieces of wool, you give four thousand dollars.”

Yang Hao shouted in the mouth do not want money, but this soft knife he also really under the hand, these wool sold to those tourists, but five hundred and eight hundred a, he is good, want to Zhuang Rui a thousand dollars.

Zhuang Rui is not understand the price of this, even if Yang Hao to 40,000, he will also shell out, immediately from the handbag point out four thousand dollars to let Yang Hao wrote a receipt, these pieces of wool even belong to him.

I did not expect their own a thoughtless action, actually picked up such a big bargain, Zhuang Rui let Yang Hao gave him a snakeskin pocket, will be a few pieces of wool into it, happy back to the hotel.

“The youngest, you last night, did not do anything bad, right? How come I feel that the day after Lao-san broke his first time is especially similar to the way you look now?”

At night when he was having dinner with Wei and Lao Si and the others, Zhuang Rui was still smiling, causing those two to think that Zhuang Rui had taken the chick to the room yesterday!

“Alas, I have nothing to say to you guys, eat up and go to bed, tomorrow I’ll take you guys to see the big scene.”

Zhuang Rui was demoralized, some depressed, after eating a full meal also did not participate in that two people’s night life, their own back to the room to go to sleep, just by that piece of wool containing emperor green stimulation of the midnight climbed up, water will be washed clean, put on the bedside to be able to sleep peacefully.

The next morning at seven o’clock, Zhuang Rui was woken up by Song Jun’s phone call, dare to say that this brother yesterday’s sleep is not very implement, Zhuang Rui knocked on the door of Wei and Lao Si, the two sleepy and confused guys shouted up.

A few people casually eat something, still ten minutes short of 8 o’clock, rushed to the gambling venue, originally thought to come is considered early, did not think that yesterday the dozens of rows of chairs, has long been robbed clean, there is nothing to be done, the people can only stand in the aisle waiting for the opening of the bidding.

Eight o’clock on time to open the bidding, or that host, but today there is no nonsense, came up to start reporting the bidding, hoarse voice shows that the Golden Throat Throat is not all-powerful.

“D96 bid, three million eight hundred and sixty thousand, winning bid number 257 ……”

“Bid number D97, one million two hundred and forty-eight thousand, winning bid number 658……”

Hear the host reported to the D97 bid, Zhuang Rui and others can not help but forward crowded over, because the following a bid, is the piece of giant wool they voted.

“The following piece of bid, has a special significance, although the dark bid has not been opened, but here I can tell you. D98 bid, sixty-six million six hundred and sixty-six thousand, winning bid number 88, congratulations to this friend, this bid was also born in this Pingzhou Jade Bidding Trade Fair King!”

That host on the stage, despite his hoarse voice, shouted out loudly, and the crowd under the stage, just as he expected, instantly boiled over.

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