Chapter 0232 – The Wanderer Returns Home

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:10:10
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Although Song Jun and Fatty Ma surrounded Zhuang Rui and bombarded him. Zhuang Rui still did not give a decision, next year in January that will be, he just have to participate in the Beijing University graduate school examination of the preliminary examination, then there is no time to say it!

After returning to the hotel, Zhuang Rui was Wei and the old four interrogated, the content of which is centered around Zhuang Rui’s family problems, the evening called Zhou Rui to eat a meal together, after Zhuang Rui decided to leave Guangdong tomorrow.

Guangdong this place is Xu’s jewelry’s base camp, although that now still lying in bed Xu’s boss, did not do anything against him, but continue to stay here, Zhuang Rui heart is always a little uneasy.

Although this gambling harvest, but Zhuang Rui is not particularly happy, because the ups and downs in the gambling and overnight wealth, come is not so real, people remember, always betting on the people, and more loss of the poor four walls of the people, but are forgotten.

Maybe Zhuang Rui and other people this gambling, will also be portrayed by others as a legendary story, inspired by more people who want to get rich overnight. Putting into gambling on stones, of course, there will be more guys in this world who lost everything.

Witnessed their own gambling up, also witnessed others gambling down, in the excitement and mystery produced by gambling, Zhuang Rui more feel a kind of tyrannical gas, or rather, the impatience of the human heart, perhaps this is also one of the reasons why the gambling stone has such a big attraction!

The next morning, Zhuang Rui and Lao Si and Fatty Ma after saying goodbye, and Wei and Zhou Rui drove back to Zhonghai, Song Jun as early as last night to take the plane back to Pengcheng, according to his words, to Zhuang Rui to buy a villa thing in time, not too late, staring at the house is not a few people.

Arrived in Zhonghai time, already is the next day’s early morning, sends Weiguo back to the home, Zhuang Rui directly to the De uncle called, heard the De uncle has been up, and drove to pick up the De uncle, came to a teahouse.

Zhuang Rui this is also a thing that can not be helped, he did not have time to stay more in Zhonghai, Song Jun’s phone has been called yesterday, the villa is all done, waiting for him to go back to sign the transfer, buy a villa Zhuang Rui things have not been discussed with mom, the heart is also some of the seven on the bottom of the thought of dealing with the matter of Zhonghai early, seize the time to rush back to Pengcheng.

Zhou Rui opened the night car, stay in the car to make up sleep, Zhuang Rui and Uncle Te in the teahouse after sitting down, asked for a few cages of small soup dumplings and snacks, the morning tea in Zhonghai and Guangdong is different, each with its own characteristics!

“You this kid, really a thief bold, gambling stone that thing, I do not dare to touch, you good, the whole body are betting on it, fortunately is gambling up, and then let me know that your gambling so big, the future do not call me De uncle, this time, the next one will not be repeated ah!”

Uncle De did not go to drink the tea poured by Zhuang Rui’s attentiveness, but boarded up his face and taught Zhuang Rui a few harsh lessons, although Zhuang Rui has also been a manager for a few days, but in Uncle De’s eyes, Zhuang Rui is still the little guy who has just stepped into the society and is a little bit clueless.

“Yes. Uncle De, I know, this time it’s just the joy of seeing the hunt, even if I go in the future, it won’t be like this time.” Zhuang Rui knew that Uncle De was for his own good, but the words were not said to death, what happens in the future, who knows!

“Alas, your kid wings hard, uncle De words are not listening to, tell you, play collection, that is to play culture, you can get the joy of reading history, the same, there is wealth, and is with connotation of wealth, at least will not be like the gambling stone, so, be said by others to be full of copper flavor. I let you go to graduate school, is to let you accumulate more theoretical related knowledge, archaeology is different from the collection, but will come into contact with many valuable cultural relics, and in the break and identification, there is a set of more professional theoretical system, you now have the money, can give me a good test, at that time if you can not test, for nothing, will let the old man will laugh at me.”

Uncle De treats Zhuang Rui as his son and nephew, and speaks more casually. This time, let Zhuang Rui enroll in his old friend’s graduate school, he has pulled down his old face to intercede, so here again knocked Zhuang Rui a bit.

“Hey, don’t worry! Uncle Te, guarantee a pass, we are a good student in school!”

Zhuang Rui also checked the information about archaeology graduate students, such as the ancient Chinese language and chemistry majors, are also his strengths, should not be a big problem.

“Alright, don’t be poor, show me that shard of Ru Kiln porcelain you plucked.” Uncle De interrupted Zhuang Rui’s words, he also had a few curiosities in his heart about the broken pieces of porcelain that Zhuang Rui said on the phone.

Zhuang Rui opened his handbag and carefully took out the broken pieces of porcelain that were wrapped together by the towel, looking at Uncle De, he cried and laughed, what does it mean to be an amateur? What do you mean by amateur? It refers to Zhuang Rui this number of people.

However, after the towel was lifted, Uncle Te’s attention has been all on these broken pieces of porcelain, was cleaned pieces of porcelain, exudes a light azure color, there are fine lines on it such as spider silk, which shows its tire quality is delicate and soft.

“Good, is the Ru kiln porcelain. And still the Northern Song Dynasty Ru Kiln official porcelain, the inscription on this is later engraved on, not burned before the casting of the print, Zhuang Rui, this is really a set of broken porcelain? It does not matter, even if one or two pieces are missing, a little gap is not afraid, the price of this object, a thousand gold!”

After looking for a long time, Uncle De face showed a shocked look, originally he thought Zhuang Rui found the Southern Song imitation of the Northern Song Ru kiln porcelain. Now it seems that it is the authentic Northern Song Dynasty Ru Kiln, the price is several times higher than the Southern Song Dynasty ah!

“I roughly pieced it together, it should be a set! Anyway, I’m counting on you, Uncle De, to throw it at your place once it’s restored! I haven’t had time to come and get it lately.”

Zhuang Rui doesn’t know much about porcelain, he hasn’t recognized that such a piece of Ru Kiln porcelain, although it’s just a fragment, but in the eyes of those porcelain collectors, it can be a priceless treasure!

“Get, mended I save the bank safe deposit box to go, just that loser in my family, may be able to give to steal and sell.”

Uncle De laughed bitterly, the family has a difficult to read the scripture, the eldest son is a nerd, teaching in the university is still smooth, but that the youngest son is uneducated, more than thirty years of age, is still at home to nibble on old age, Uncle De collection of a few good objects, were sneaked by him to sell it.

“OK, Uncle Te, you look at the disposal! I’m a bit busy this month, after this month, I’ll come back to see you.” Zhuang Rui still had to rush back to Pengcheng today, and after shouting for the waiter to pay the bill, he got up and prepared to say goodbye.

“Well, drive carefully on the road, by the way, at the end of September, you must come over, I will take you to Beijing once, visit Old Meng, he is now in Shaanxi archaeology!” Uncle De sent Zhuang Rui downstairs. He instructed him a few words.

After Zhuang Rui and Zhou Rui drove back to Pangcheng, it was already dark, from Guangdong to Zhonghai and then to Pangcheng, basically Zhou Rui drove the car, this would already be tired and exhausted, after parking the car downstairs, he went upstairs to sleep.

“Xiao Rui, tired! Go take a shower and eat first, and call that kid Zhou Rui down as well.”

Into the house, Zhuang Rui found his sister’s family are also in, Nannan even ran and jumped into Zhuang Rui’s arms, wrapped her hands around her uncle’s neck and refused to let go, the mother is still that quiet, but the words revealed a deep concern.

“Nui Nui, quickly down, uncle tired, again disobedient uncle do not like you.”

“No, innan hasn’t seen uncle for a long time, I want to sleep with uncle today ……”

“Mom, I’ve called and said not to wait for me to eat, you guys eat first! Brother Zhou is tired, let him sleep.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the meal set on the table, no one had touched it, knowing that the family was waiting for him to come back to eat!

“Go, play with the white lion, uncle wants to take a bath.” The little guy was really distracted by Zhuang Rui’s words, shouting and pouncing on the white lion following Zhuang Rui.

“Mom, let me tell you something, I went out and earned some money this time, I want to change my house, look, the white lion is so big, living here coming and going will easily scare people.”

After taking a bath and coming out, sitting at the dinner table, Zhuang Rui carefully raised the matter of buying a house, although he felt that he had already become an adult, but in this family, it was still Zhuang mother who had the final say.

“Older brother, buy where ah?” Before Zhuang mother could reply, Zhuang Min asked.

Zhuang Rui glanced at his mom’s face and said, “Yunlong Villa, the air is good there, and our mom can go for a walk by the lake in the morning.”

“What? Bought there? Older brother, the houses there are all villas! I heard that they cost tens of millions a set!”

After Zhuang Min heard Zhuang Rui’s words, she was so surprised that she even dropped the piece of chicken she had clipped on her chopsticks, she knew that her oldest brother had a bit of money right now, but to buy a villa, this was too outrageous!

“Just buy it! What’s all the fuss about? However, Xiaorui, mom is used to living here, and all the people who come and go are old colleagues, and it’s not lonely to have someone to talk to, so she won’t go to the villa to live, and on weekends every week, I’ll take her to play for just one day.”

Zhuang mother is very open, did not feel buy villa what is bad, just live here accustomed to, and do not want to move to the villa to live, but afraid of the son is too much heart, only said every week to go to live a day words.

“Well, I will not often live there, when I give you to buy a car, want to go when you drive yourself on the line.”

See mom does not object to buy their own villa, Zhuang Rui rejoiced, taking advantage of the good mood of the mother, then said: “Mom, there is something else, I want to take the archaeology department of Beijing University graduate students, may be a few years will stay in Beijing for a longer period of time, or not, such as I passed the exam, you and I go to Beijing to live for a period of time it?”


Mother Zhuang froze for a moment at the words, her face turned a little pale, and the hands that were stretched out ready to clip the food, also stayed above the table.

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