Chapter 0233 – New Residence (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:10:12
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“Xiaorui, is there a school somewhere else that doesn’t have an archaeology major? Must you go to Beijing?”

Zhuang mother retracted her chopsticks and looked at Zhuang Rui and asked, the expression on her face still not very nice.

“Mom, Uncle De has an old friend at Beijing University who told me to apply for his graduate program.”

Zhuang Rui also found that his mother didn’t seem to be in a very good mood, and honestly answered, and he also recalled a past event, when he graduated from high school and chose a university, it seemed that his mother was the one who pushed for him to go to Zhonghai, and at that time, with Zhuang Rui’s grades, he wanted to get into a few of the most prestigious schools in Beijing, which was also an easy thing to do.

“No, let’s forget about it! I’m not going to take the test, I’m still too lazy to run outside!”

Seeing his mother’s appearance, Zhuang Rui was a little intolerant, his mother alone pulled his siblings so big, Zhuang Rui is absolutely not going to let his mother be sad and upset.

“Mom, Xiao Rui going to graduate school is a good thing! Let’s go to Beijing! If you don’t feel at ease, you can also follow and live there for a while.”

Zhuang Min’s character is the opposite of Zhuang Rui’s, a little more careless, and just now she was serving her little nui nui for dinner, and didn’t realize that her mother’s mood was a little off.

“Sis, stop it, I can also take other schools! I heard that Shanxi University’s archaeology department is also very good, I’ll ask around first!” Zhuang Rui interrupted Zhuang Min’s words, and after Zhuang Min froze for a moment, she also sensed something.

“Mom, we’re all grown up, what can’t we talk about? Back then, Xiaorui could have gone to school in Beijing, but ……”

“Okay, don’t say anymore, there are some things you kids don’t understand ……”

Before Zhuang Min finished speaking, she was interrupted by Zhuang mother, probably Zhuang mother also felt her own outburst, turned to Zhuang Rui and said, “Xiao Rui, mom is fine, don’t let down Uncle De’s good intentions, just go to Beijing! Guodong, you guys eat slowly, mom is done.”

After Zhuang mother finished speaking, she stood up and returned to her room, leaving Zhuang Rui and the others looking at each other in disbelief.

“Sister, can’t you say a few words less, knowing that mom doesn’t like others to bring up her past, look, it’s pissing mom off again isn’t it.” As soon as Zhuang Rui returned home, he couldn’t help but complain about his oldest sister because the matter of graduate school made Zhuang mother unhappy.

“You heartless one, I was helping you just now! Besides, we are all so old, mom has something on her mind and can also talk to us, it’s okay, I will go and persuade, mom will be sad a few times a year.”

Zhuang Min’s character and Lei Lei is somewhat similar, the stomach can not hide the words, so many years, almost every time she is the first to Zhuang mother to ask about its past, naturally, the training received than Zhuang Rui to be much more.

“Well, remember, don’t mention that ah! Mom wants to tell us. Nature will say, by the way, brother-in-law, auto body shop now how is it?”

Zhuang Rui returned home, has not been able to talk to Zhao Guodong, after explaining to his own sister, before asking his brother-in-law about the repair shop, in fact, he does not want to care about the situation of the garage, but would like to change the subject, no longer to discuss the past of the old mom.

Zhao poured a cup of wine for his brother-in-law, smilingly said, “It’s very good, we are now big cars can not be repaired, I recruited another seven or eight people, the night are to work over night shifts to repair the car, today, if it is not for you to come back, I’ll be living in the repair shop.”

“That won’t do, brother-in-law, but you have to go home every day! Otherwise my sister will definitely say that I’m exploiting you.”

Seeing that his brother-in-law, who he couldn’t even beat with three sticks before, was now much more cheerful, Zhuang Rui was happy in his heart and joked with Zhao Guodong.

What was the purpose of making money? It’s not just to let yourself and your family live a little better, but Zhuang Rui will not go directly to the money, that will make people lose themselves, can not find the value of their own existence, like now, through the craft to make money, Zhao Guodong heart satisfaction, absolutely better than Zhuang Rui directly threw him a million or so.

“It’s really too busy. The car decoration that I told you about some time ago is also getting up, this piece of profit is very big, much higher than repairing cars, when the market opens up, that’s called making money!” Mentioning the current work, Zhao was very excited.

“Old married couple now, what can I do if I don’t go home for a few days?” Zhuang Min looked unimpressed.

“Sis, haven’t you heard that men become bad when they have money?”

“No, it doesn’t, even the cat that catches rats in our repair shop is a male.” Zhao hurriedly set the record straight and made a very rare joke.

“Your brother-in-law is not that kind of person, but small Rui, you are not small, this is looking after the year will be 26, in the end talked about the object did not ah?”

Long sister as mother, Zhuang Min on this on the degree of concern, but more than the Zhuang mother is also high, every time Zhuang Rui as long as home, always have to be Zhuang Min interrogated.

“Alas, I drove back from Guangdong, I haven’t rested, I’m really tired! Sister, I’ll go to bed first, you wait a while and fry two more dishes, heat up the rice and bring it upstairs to Brother Zhou, he hasn’t eaten yet!”

Zhuang Rui said words stood up and walked towards his room, what a joke, was Qin Xuan Bing old mother has been bombarded once, his own old sister is a lot tougher than her.

“You this person really, just now why don’t you call others to come down to eat. You don’t care, go to sleep! Hey, that’s not right! Xiao Rui, get your ass back here, you haven’t answered my question just now!”

Answering Zhuang Min was the sound of Zhuang Rui closing the door of the room tightly, angry Zhuang Min walked over and kicked two feet, someone in the room naturally pretended to be dead and didn’t hear it.

Zhuang Rui these days is also really being tossed around, continuous days of deciphering stones, so that his nerves have been taut, this is different from physical fatigue, is the aura can not be eliminated, at the moment back home, in the familiar room, all of a sudden relaxed, this sleep for more than ten hours, if not for the cell phone ringing, I am afraid that it will have to sleep until the afternoon.

“Hello, which one?”

Zhuang Rui didn’t even open his eyes, followed the sound and touched the cell phone from the bed, asked in a daze.

“In Pengcheng, right? Still sleeping? Quickly get up, I’ll take you to do the formalities, at noon I’m going to rush to Beijing, but there’s no no more time ah!”

Song Jun’s voice from the phone, a moment to let Zhuang Rui woke up, pull open the curtains to look out the window, but it is already sunny, hot sunlight shines in, the room suddenly bright.

Zhuang Rui, while putting clothes on his body, said to the phone: “Brother Song, but I drove back ah! This is up, where are you now?”

“You will drive directly to the Housing Authority in Yunlong District later, I will wait for you here, hurry up ah! Hmm. ID card don’t forget to bring ……”

Song Jun is really an emergency, the old man at home yesterday felt not very comfortable, today can not get out of bed, if not Zhuang Rui this matter, Song Jun this morning on the plane to Beijing.

“Xiao Rui, what happened? So anxious, drive slower!”

Zhuang Rui hurriedly brushed his teeth, grabbed a wet towel and wiped his face haphazardly, didn’t bother to eat breakfast, ran downstairs, causing Zhuang mother to think what happened, chased after him and asked a question.

Zhuang Rui put the car in reverse, poked his head out of the car window and said, “Got it, mom, nothing’s wrong, I’ll be back in a while.”

When Zhuang Rui rushed to the Housing Authority, Song Jun was already waiting for some fidgeting, saw Zhuang Rui come in, a hand pulled him over, took out a stack of documents from the bag, spread on the table, said: “Each of the above should be signed, there is a sealing clay over there, in the name of the fingerprints, the real estate license I have explained, three days can take the license. ”

“Thank you, Brother Song, by the way, why are you in such a hurry to rush back to Beijing?”

Zhuang Rui bought that house in Zhonghai, enough to wait for nearly two months to get the real estate license, did not expect here actually three days can be, know that it is Song Jun to find the relationship will be so.

“My grandfather’s health is not very good, I do this long grandchildren do not go back ah? All right, want to thank you Song brother words, next year accompany me to run a trip to Burma ……”

Song Jun didn’t wait for Zhuang Rui to reply, looked down the table and then said, “I’m leaving first, you fill out those forms on the line, right, this villa only cost 15.2 million, the rest of the 800,000 I won’t give you, this key you take, the villa inside to stay some objects, against you that a few money.”

Song Jun took out a large series of keys from the bag, and the garage door lift switch remote control, placed on the table above, he did not want to covet Zhuang Rui that hundreds of thousands, really no time to go to the bank to transfer money to him.

Zhuang Rui heard some embarrassment, this must have delayed Song Jun’s time, when he got up to send Song Jun out, Zhuang Rui asked: “Brother Song, the old man’s body is not a big problem, right? Why don’t I go with you to take a look? I even brought some Tibetan medicine back from Tibet.”

Zhuang Rui was thinking that if he could see that old man and channel some Reiki to him from a few meters away, not to say cure! At the very least, he could also alleviate his condition, and as long as he and Song Jun’s grandfather didn’t have physical contact, no one would think of it on themselves.

“It’s nothing serious, it’s just that I’m getting older, plus some old injuries I received in the previous war years, my body isn’t as good as it used to be, it’s fine, you don’t have to worry about it, I’ll take you to meet the old man when you go to school in Beijing in the future.”

Song Jun knows, the old man is sick, that involved is not small, for Zhuang Rui said the Tibetan medicine, he did not put much on the heart, Beijing that land what good medicine no ah! Besides, this grandson wants to see the old man, have to go through the check, not to mention bring people in.

Stop did not let Zhuang Rui drive to send, Song Jun played a cab, hurried to the airport.

Zhuang Rui turned back to the Housing Authority, the documents and forms filled out, from the window of the office hall sent in, received a receipt, because the money are paid clearly, that is to say, this set of villas, from now on, has been attributed to their own.

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