Chapter 0237 – Oil Mouse (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:10:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The size of this world is really strange, after listening to the things Lao San said, Zhuang Rui was half speechless, his own knowledge, is really shallow.

As we all know, Henan and Shaanxi, since ancient times, many emperors and generals of the mausoleums, like located in Henan Luoyang north of Mangshan, Shaanxi Weihe around the 18 tombs of the Tang Dynasty, which also derived from an extremely special occupation, that is, grave robbing.

Although grave robbing has existed since ancient times, as far back as the time of Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms, it was even given the official title of “Captain of the Golden Touch” and “General of the Haircock”. The rank of lieutenant was not small, second only to the general in the army, in charge of a special army, while the general was a good at exploring tombs, with a salary of up to 2,000 koku, and in modern times, the general of grave robbers, Sun Dianying, all of these people are representative of the “official robbers”.

However, in today’s society, “official thieves” is already extinct, no one can no longer in order to satiate their own pockets, to go on a spree of excavation of ancient tombs, which is not permitted by law.

In the folk in the dark and windy night sneaking in the deserted mountain tombs in the people, are called “private theft” also called “civil theft” which mainly refers to the individual or group of grave robbing behavior, most of these people are through the interests of mutual acquaintance, but more is a relative or friend. During the day, they work on the ground, and at night, they rob tombs in the dark, usually like good citizens, and it is difficult to be discovered.

After several generations of “family business” passed down, these people’s families, also evolved into grave robbers, even in modern times, in Shaanxi and Henan and other places, there are many grave robbers family objective existence.

Through the above introduction, we all know that the “official theft” is not subject to legal constraints. The “private theft” is illegal, they do not dare to be as blatant as the ancestors, often in the dead of night before the action.

The most concentrated places of “private robbers” are Shaanxi, Henan and Shanxi provinces. Due to the government’s increased efforts to combat grave robbing in recent years, the “private robbers” are now divided into two, usually consisting of two people, one of whom digs the hole and passes the burial objects outward, while the other clears the soil. One person digs the hole and passes the burial goods to the outside, and one person clears the ground and looks out for the wind, and this is mostly a relationship between brothers and a family.

Wei City is located in the heart of the eighteen tombs in Guanzhong, naturally there is no lack of grave robbing professionals, and in the county where Lao San lives, there is a man surnamed Hu who came from a family of grave robbers, organized a group of street hobos, pulled up the pole and started the syndicated grave robbing behavior.

In the initial period, they also excavated a few large tombs, harvested a lot, get a lot of precious cultural relics. But these people are born and grow up in the local people, there is no doorway, by some door to collect cultural relics of people to the price is very low, the risk of a lot, but the money did not get a few, coupled with the government’s efforts to combat tomb raiding began to increase in many important mausoleums around the patrols have begun to appear.

This was cut off from the source of wealth, usually idle used to the crowd, the hand became nervous, as the saying goes: hearts scattered, the team is not good to bring, the train runs fast, depending on the head of the band, the tomb raiding group of Hu boss, but also more brain began to look for new projects, how to let the brothers have a mouth to feed ah!

Don’t lock the door? Once organized to do a few times, even pry three, a total of 92 dollars and 80 cents, but also was carrying a chopper chased three streets, a brother almost did not get hit by a car, the risk is too great, the return is too low, was given up.

Roadblock robbery? This needs force value ah! Brothers can hit the hole digging pit, this work to do the hard work, the first dry, was up early to catch the market in the countryside two brothers beat the shit out of them, and then asked around. Those two brothers are known far and wide martial arts, so this idea is also cut off.

What? A little business? What a joke, one plus one minus one plus one again equals several questions, ask three people have three kinds of answers, expect them to do business? They will lose their pants.

In order to ensure the cohesion of people’s hearts, do the boss of the hard thinking for several days did not come up with any clues to go out one day to walk, inadvertently saw the county grain and oil station warehouses, the heart can not help but a move.

As we all know, Wei City has the name of Shaanxi granary, grain and oil reserves in the country are ranked, large grain silos in the city there are several, dozens of tons of oil tanks have a lot.

Clothing, food, housing and transportation, food ranked second, people need to eat every day, the oil is essential, and the boss was forced out of the way, is to pay attention to the cooking oil above.

Hu boss went back, immediately held a group meeting, each backbone must attend, the theme of the discussion is: how to get cooking oil from the heavily guarded grain and oil warehouses, to get out?

“Rob it!”

Some people started to speak without thinking, and were greeted with a raised middle finger. Are you kidding, this grain and oil reserve is a national key protection, the armed police guards have a squad, with what to rob ah? A Luoyang shovel? Greeted you designated a pike of bullets.

“We can cheat ah! Get some fake bills of lading, drive a few trucks, we go to pick up the goods openly.”

The person who came up with this idea, used to be an employee of the Shaanxi office of the Asian branch of the Global Documentation Group’s China branch, although he hadn’t done the fraud thing himself, but most of the people who looked for him to handle the documents were professionals, and he had learned a lot of related skills.

This suggestion was unanimously praised. Hu boss of this idea is also appreciated, which shows that comrades have used their brains well, after we are also eating the brain work of this line of work, so the division of labor went down, the fake card naturally go to the preparation of relevant documents, the rest of the people have to contact the trucks, some people go to contact the next home, at once, will be mobilized by everyone’s motivation.

Who knows that after everything is ready, go to pick up the goods when there is a problem, they do not understand the process, thought take the bill of lading can be, who knows that there are generally large quantities of goods to be picked up, will be notified in advance by phone, and then faxed to confirm, the results of the natural need to pick up, yellow, fortunately at that time, the few people ran fast, did not get caught.

The truck driver was caught? Please, don’t take the brothers as brain-dead, this is done naturally without the first and last, from the driver is not traceable to them.

There’s no work, there’s still work to be done! Raise such a large group of people, the hand is less and less money, Hu boss closed in the house after three days, actually he came up with a method, what do we do ah? We’re professionals! This thing has a plan.

So, a store about a hundred meters away from the grain and oil station was rented by Boss Hu’s people at a high price, selling what? Audio-visual products, every day in front of the store put two big speakers, specializing in playing some popular songs, which is the grain station staff to be happy, every day there is free music to listen to ah! It’s not so boring to go to work.

What is Boss Hu doing? Of course, they’re making a hole in the ground in the yard behind the store.

Boss Hu himself surveyed the terrain. He measured the distance between the store and the grain station, and got the nature of the soil through the Luoyang shovel, and the gang got down to business.

This familiar way to do is smooth, and Hu boss expertise is really not blown out, half a month later, a height of one meter five, two meters wide tunnels, hit the grain warehouse below.

Warehouse Well, nature is locked up, and often years do not see open once, to be honest, really feed a lot of rats, when Hu boss hands in the ground to open up a hole in the time, almost thought he went into the black wind hole, all the rats, the head of the big ones are almost into the essence.

This warehouse is a grain and oil, the east side of the grain, the west side is a few huge oil tanks, Hu boss visual inspection, and then fill the hole, from below directly to the bottom of the oil tanks, with gas welding cutter, in the oil tanks under the ground to open up a hole, and installed a valve, as long as the valve is opened, the oil will automatically flow into the barrels of oil below.

So it is not enough, in order to be in line with modernization, Hu boss and sent people to install a double track in the tunnel, and specially made cars that can be pushed on the double track again, in this way, the efficiency of stealing oil is greatly improved.

Edible oil this thing, people have to eat every day, but also every day to consume, not to mention that in 2004 that will be, is now, the countryside to eat oil will not eat supermarkets to sell salad peanut oil and so on, so Hu Boss Cereals and Oil Group is officially set up and opened, and the momentum of development is very good, due to the price is cheap, high quality, and quickly opened up the market, ten miles of the townships of the people have eaten them to provide the cereal and oil.

Have money, this day is also good, small half a year’s work, Hu boss a gang of people are hair, all day driving a small car, people five six, but eat water think of source, small half a year’s time, Hu boss they have earned more than 20 million ah! This is more profitable than grave robbing, which also strengthens their confidence to change their profession.

Hu boss did not forget to carry out new business, in the theft of a warehouse empty four oil tanks, and then began the expansion of the business, the four warehouses in the grain and oil station are empty, and has been preparing to go to another few counties and cities to open branches, to develop this business vast.

A friend said, this warehouse less things, the management of the grain station will not know?

Really don’t know, in their words, so much food, was eaten by rats some, to be counted in the loss of well, and then say the food is cheap, moving is also laborious, Hu boss, they did not move much, as for the oil, that is the reserve materials, nothing who will open the tank to see the inside of the oil is less than nothing, that is not sick?

As the saying goes, always walk by the river, which can not wet shoes, just half a month ago, a leader to inspect the national key grain and oil reserve units, this time from the governor to the grain and oil station of the ordinary staff are busy, rodent activities, cleaning, carried out by the sensational, in order to ensure that the leadership of the inspection was a complete success, there is not a single mistake, and even the tanks have been examined a bit.

This check does not matter, good guy, the whole grain and oil station warehouse in the twelve tanks, nine of the tanks inside, is a drop of oil are not left, this time things are big.

Due to the leadership inspection is the need for confidentiality, so the rodent control action to clean up what, can not be superficial, is to grain and oil stolen this thing, it is very confidential was reported to the local government a hand.

“Check, to investigate!”

This is related to their own official hat of the problem, where it is afraid of serious, the county criminal police brigade after the people stationed, immediately found the oil tanks below the special valve, and then water vine to find melons, tunnels also then revealed the surface.

To say Hu boss their gang of people, do this thing some too unprofessional, or that live dry too smooth, some complacency, half a year down there is no problem, their nerves have been completely relaxed, originally also sent two small brothers to monitor the movements of the station, and now simply do not go to ask, the station in their eyes, the station is a money tree.

Discovered the root of the matter, the next thing is very good, in order not to scare the snake, and did not penetrate the tunnels, but secretly in the surrounding control inventory, spread the net, less than two hours of time, the audio-visual store into the field of vision of the reconnaissance staff.

Hu boss naturally do not know that he has been watched, this day is also coincidental, the new warehouse tanks of oil and almost empty, in order to business can continue, the original has not been much personal operation of Hu boss, came to the store, ready to open another tunnel, this more professional things, or need his guidance.

Boss have come, those department managers, the company backbone and so on, naturally, also want to respond to the scene, so the arrest went exceptionally well, half an hour’s work, the whole group from the boss to run the business of miscellaneous, is not a lot of all have fallen into the net.

The funniest thing is, due to the store stereo sound is too loud, Interpol people into the backyard, the gang are still in the throat chatting it, it is estimated that is put on a few shots, no one can hear.

Out of such a thing, naturally, is to be overnight surprise trial, and to statistically recover the national loss, that is to say, if the loss can be recovered, then the leadership responsibility is not that will be a little lighter well!

The old three is because of this matter was transferred to the past, the whole head counted two days, only to count out, a total loss of more than 40 million worth of edible reserve oil.

“Third brother, this thing, really …… really ……”

After listening to these words, Zhuang Rui thought for half a day, froze and did not find the adjective to, at first glance, this sounds quite ridiculous, but think about it, the whole is a man-made disaster ah!

The oldest three laugh is also quite helpless, said: “Well, anyway, the sky collapsed above there is a high, not your third brother something, by the way, the youngest, I’m busy these days, not much time to accompany you, if you are idle panic, let two hairs to take you to my home to go around down the ground, now watermelon is ripe, you go to eat casually.”

“Third Brother, why are we still being polite! You go and get busy! I’ll take the white lion down to the fields later.” Zhuang Rui rarely came to the countryside, it was a bit of a novelty.

“En, not far from my melon field, there’s a science team coming, turn around and let Ermao take you to watch the fun?”

Lao San is a little embarrassed, but this is going to be the groom, relatives and friends come to be personally entertained, or will be said to be rude, can only aggrieve Zhuang Rui.

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