Chapter 0247 – Killing Father and Mother

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:10:48
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“Didn’t this …… come out saying that there are tombs underneath the five flowery clays? How come it’s gone?”

Zhuang Rui was somewhat baffled by Prof. Meng’s actions, aren’t they here to dig the imperial tomb? Looking at Professor Meng’s appearance, it seems that he doesn’t care much about the location of this mausoleum! Looking at the far away Professor Meng, Zhuang Rui helpless, can only follow up.

Back to the excavation site, Professor Meng greeted the crowd, pack up the goods on the return, the villagers are very happy, anyway, out of a day’s work on fifty dollars, less work who is not happy ah! Three or five people in a group toward the manor.

“Fan, I just explored the hole out of the cooked soil, Professor Meng how to call back instead?”

Zhuang Rui had been holding this question in his heart and asked Fan Wrong who was walking beside him.

“Teacher might have other ideas, right? Brother Zhuang, it’s right to listen to the teacher.”

It is said that graduate students are the tutor’s wage earners, Fan Wrong and Yingning two students only care about doing the project with the teacher, other things are not needed for them to ask, anyway, Professor Meng is also good to them, food and accommodation in their own homes, there are still a few hundred dollars a month living allowance, compared to those who are squeezed by the tutor without a penny of the classmates, it’s much better.

Zhuang Rui can only put the doubt back into the stomach again, more than an hour later, the people back to the village, those county staff have motorcycles, directly from the village, they rushed back to the county, and Professor Meng a few people, but also back to the rented farmhouse, Zhuang Rui found that the place where they live is not far away from the old three family, that is, three or five households apart.

Zhuang Rui asked, there are still empty rooms over there, simply find the old three, put this thing a say, moved to Professor Meng where they went to live, always can not always occupy the old three of the new room it!

“Woof …… woof ……”

“Don’t scream, it’s Bigfoot’s sister-in-law! You’re back from delivering food?”

Boss Yu heard the dogs barking in the yard and hurriedly walked out to leash the two wolf dogs.

“Yu family brother ah! I ran all the way back to tell you, those archaeology team people wanted to dig in your orchard, but I stopped them, you have to think of a way quickly! After two more months, this fruit will be ripe.”

Boss Yu opened the door to the courtyard, the old woman who had just delivered food to the archaeological team, gesticulated to Boss Yu with a fluttering brow, the spittle in her mouth splashing onto Boss Yu’s face.

“Oh, Bigfoot’s wife, they are from the government, can we stop them? Today this thing is to thank you more, by the way, the year before last, my great nephew got married, you see, I just happened to go to Henan to visit relatives, this money you take, just as I accompany the money.”

Boss Yu’s eyes flashed a trace of a sinister look, but then covered it up, rummaged out a crumpled one hundred dollar bill from his pocket, made a heartbroken face, and handed the money to Bigfoot’s sister-in-law.

“Aiya, how can this be a good thing! Just give me thirty to fifty dollars, a hundred dollars is too much.”

Bigfoot’s sister-in-law shouted that she was sorry, but in her hand, she already took the money, pinched it with two fingers and shook it off, and after hearing the crunching sound, she put the money into her pocket with satisfaction, still muttering in her mouth, “I say that Yu’s brother, you should go to the secretary, and you shouldn’t let those people mess around with this matter! I’ve planted fruit trees for several years, if all of them are cut down, what a loss!”

“Hey, Mrs. Bigfoot, don’t you know? I’m honest and stupid, so I can’t do anything if the government really wants to do this! The secretary doesn’t know us well, you see ……”

Boss Yu had a sad look on his face, fumbled around for half a day, and found a fifty dollar ticket, and shoved it to Bigfoot’s sister-in-law.

“This orchard is what our village decided to contract to you, the first few years are losing money, everyone can see it, Yu family brother, don’t worry, I’ll go to the secretary’s house in the evening, the second uncle will definitely give me this face.”

Bigfoot sister-in-law clutched the money in her hand, patted her chest and said, she did not think that the Yu boss for people so generous, but just a few days ago to explain to her to send food, pay attention to the archaeological team, do not let the digging to their own orchards, this is out of the hand is one hundred and fifty dollars, they have to help a little help, otherwise this money to take a little bit of heartburn ah!

Boss Yu rubbed his hands, looked at the cold stove at home, a little embarrassed, said: “That’s really to thank you, Bigfoot sister-in-law, here to eat before you go! Look, the kid’s mother is not at home, I’ll go buy two vegetables.”

“No need, big brother, just wait for good! I’ll go back to Second Uncle’s place and make sure I don’t let them touch your orchard.” Bigfoot’s sister-in-law looked at the family’s poverty and four walls, secretly skimmed her lips, and her body also walked out.

After sending the old woman away with a thousand thanks, Yu Çu’s face turned gloomy, looked around for a while, turned back and closed the door, hurried into the house.

It is not too much to say that Boss Yu’s family is poor, three bungalows and a yard, except for a bed in the main room, a cupboard and a table for eating, the rest of the furniture is nothing, originally it was not like this, just a few years ago when Boss Yu contracted that piece of fruit grove, he sold everything in his family, and this matter has been spread to the town.

After returning to the room, Yu Çài closed the door of the room, the house was dark, Yu Boss did not turn on the lights, took a pair of scissors from the table, walked to the bedside and got down, knocked on a brick under the head of the bed, and after hearing the echo of the “knock knock”, the scissors were inserted into the head of the cracks, and pried the brick up.

This brick is empty underneath, Yu Çu reached out and took out a small handbag from it, and stood up.

Open the handbag, inside, in addition to a stack of one hundred dollar bills and a cell phone, there is a delicate pistol, only the size of the palm of the hand, if there are gun enthusiasts to see, surely will be recognized at once the Browning pistol which is called the thunder in the palm of the hand, next to the pistol, there is also a loaded with yellow bullets of the magazines.

Boss Yu did not move the pistol, but took the cell phone out, and after turning on the phone to see that there was a signal, he dialed out.

“Big brother, what is it that you need to call?”

Old Eight’s somewhat muffled voice came from the cell phone.

“Do it at eight o’clock in the evening of the day after tomorrow, tell Xiao Si to come to the house at noon of the day after tomorrow and bring the detonators and explosives, in addition, let Xiao Qi prepare the car, and pick up at the village at night at Sanlitun Cannon House Zi there.”

Yu Çu Çu ordered a series of orders down, and if he pulled open the light, he would have realized that his face, which originally appeared to be quite naive, had become somewhat twisted and hideous.

“Big brother, what’s going on? Didn’t we agree to wait for that gang of archaeologists to leave before we work?”

Old Eight asked on the phone in disbelief, having only come out from Yu Çu’Çu this morning, he didn’t think that he would change his mind this afternoon.

“There’s no time, that gang of archaeologists, should have found out that the king’s mausoleum is under the orchard, today, if not for Lao San to stop, it is going to be in, I can only drag on for three or five days, any later, I’m afraid that it will be exposed, have you forgotten that there is still something buried underneath that?”

Boss Yu’s voice is a bit eerie, scared the old eight across the phone shivered, he certainly knows what is buried in that forest, when the five bodies were buried, it was he who dug the pit with his own hands.

“Big brother, no let’s pull out now! The money we’ve earned over the years is enough for us to spend a lifetime abroad.” Old Eight couldn’t help but feel a chill behind his back when he thought of the guy who had turned into fertilizer for the fruit trees.

After hearing the words of Old Eight, Yu Çu Çu Çu stormed up, a hint of killing chance appeared in his eyes, and he lowered his voice and scolded fiercely, “Bullshit, I have been plotting here for seven or eight years, how can I give up, this time if not for Old Six’s mistake of being investigated, the things have long been taken out, damn, it’s lucky that Old Six is dead, or else we will all have to go to take the bullet.”

“Well, if things change, don’t make this call, the old rules, shoot a telegram to the village, just say that there is an emergency in Henan.”

Boss Yu gave an explanation before hanging up his cell phone, turning off the power to the phone, and after changing a card, he put the phone back into his bag, and from under the stack of hundred dollar bills, he took out a small book and flipped it open to look at it.

It turns out that under the money, there are also seven or eight passports hidden, not only Yu Çu own, there are a few people’s under his command, are placed in his place, to prevent a certain day of the incident, can escape to a foreign country, just that there are a few people in it, and is now no longer in the human world.

We see here, should also understand, Yu Çu Çu’s parents, in fact, came from a grave robber family in Luoyang, Henan Province, in the last century that swept the country’s great changes in the pre-liberation digging graves and digging graves of the Yu family, but also suffered a shock, under no circumstances, the father of the Yu has just been married to take his wife fled to the Liu family.

Liu Jiazhuang quiet life, so that Yu father also forgot his own origin, a live is more than twenty years, but wait until after the reform and opening up, Yu father some missing relatives at home, took the eldest son back to Henan to visit his family, this went back to find that the original poor ding ding ding a few brothers in the family, are rich.

Yu father inquired, it turned out that more than two decades ago in the big change, one of their cousins smuggled to Hong Kong, a few years ago, also returned to visit their families, and encouraged the family to start up the old business, and the cousin is specifically responsible for the Hong Kong shot, which unearthed a few tombs, the family’s pockets are drummed up.

Yu’s father had lived a quiet life for decades and did not want to get involved again. He wanted to take his son back to the Liu family home, but Yu, who had always been somewhat quiet and withdrawn, unexpectedly refused. Instead, he insisted on staying outside and facing challenges head-on

But he could not help his son, and his father could only return to the Liu family home alone, and Çücü Yu, like a bird out of a cage, saw a new world that he had never heard of before.

Followed by one of his cousins, Yu Çu Çu showed in this aspect of grave robbing, other people are not as perceptive, learn things very quickly, those who are difficult to understand the knowledge of geomancy and geomancy, as if he was born to understand, in the following uncle robbed a few tombs, Yu Çu Çu Çu will be able to independently look for burials.

After four or five years, Yu Çu, by virtue of his own unique talent in grave robbing, as well as following the Liu Family’s martial arts skills from childhood, squeezed his cousin’s uncle out of his position as the head of the family, and firmly grasped the grave robbing gang in his hands.

Yu boss after power, but also at the time of domestic economic development momentum, they have become more and more crazy tomb raiding gangs, in the early nineties, footprints throughout Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Xinjiang and other places, a large number of valuable cultural relics from his hands also flow into foreign countries.

Who would not have thought, in the whole of Liu Jiazhuang is a wilting old, see a young woman’s eyes on the Yu family boss, in and out of the outside are luxury hotels, riding in a high-class car, Hong Kong, the United States and other places have gone several times, but also to support a few college students, a successful man’s style.

Outside the mixing of the Yu boss, and did not get carried away, the cunning rabbit three holes, he will be Liu family home as their own a storm shelter, every time back to the Liu family home, are wearing rags, a look of mixing very unsatisfactory appearance, actually even their parents and younger brother are deceived over.

In the mid-1990s, Yu boss back home, once and father drink, overheard Yu father mentioned the origin of the Liu family home, the original is actually the Tang Dynasty mausoleum guarding the tomb of the army lived in the place, and later slowly evolved into the current Liu family home.

There is a mausoleum guarding army, that is, this place is where the mausoleum, Yu boss could not help but move the heart, the next few days, every day to the mountain pass over there to his insights in the past few years, naturally recognized that piece of feng shui treasure land.

Yu’s father also came from a family of grave robbers, and had lived here for decades, and had long since seen where that piece of the imperial tomb was located, but he didn’t want to disturb the current quiet life, and when he discovered his son’s actions, he instantly understood what ÇÖu Çu had been doing all these years.

After discovering the motives of ÔÇ£YuÇÖs father, Yu father very sternly reprimanded his son and said that if he dared to steal the imperial tomb, he would be righteous and go to the Public Security Bureau to report him.

In fact, Yu’s father’s words were only meant to discourage Yu ÇÖs thoughts, but he didn’t realize that Yu ÇÖs had committed heinous crimes outside over the years, and had several human lives in his hands, so as long as one of them was exposed, he would surely be the one who would end up eating a gun.

Like Yu Boss this kind of cold-hearted people, is not allowed to a trace of threat exists, in a row was warned by his father twice, finally moved to kill, found an opportunity, secretly in the parents’ meal drug, and then pretended to be a filial son of a virtuous grandson crying days and days will be buried parents.

In order to the royal tomb inside the mountain pass, Yu boss at ease in the Liu family home lurking down, and looking for the time, in the current Professor Meng excavation place to play a pirate hole, only that is not where the royal tomb is located.

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