Chapter 0248: Heavy Mechanisms

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:10:51
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Due to the large number of imperial tombs in Shaanxi. In the eighties, it once became the backyard of grave robbers, and after entering the nineties, the local government increased its efforts to combat grave robbing, and there are prizes for reporting, and places like Liu Jiazhuang have patrols passing by from time to time.

Yu boss is also very careful, enough time with five or six years, only to explore the exact location of the mausoleum, so in the last year, Yu boss used some means, the original is someone else contracted orchard, high-priced subcontracted over.

After the cover of the orchard, Yu boss soon explored where the palace, so he was pleasantly surprised that this is very likely to be the Emperor Tang Wenzong mausoleum of the palace, has never been excavated, which means that a large number of valuable cultural relics inside, will belong to him.

The reason why Boss Yu came to this conclusion was because after they opened up the tomb passage. It was found that this was a tomb cut into the mountain as a mausoleum, consisting of three parts: the tomb passage, the tomb pit and the tomb room, and a tomb like this could only find the right direction and enter through the tomb passage, but not be able to enter the tomb room through the excavation hole cut into the wall of the tomb.

And more importantly, after they entered the tomb, they did not find the holes made by others, and there were no traces that outsiders had ever entered, and in addition, they actually found a chain of flipboards used for anti-theft in the tunnel.

Chain flap is generally used in large tombs, most are set in the tomb, its width is roughly equivalent to the width of the tomb, the length is more than one meter, such size, so that the grave robbers do not know the inside information is difficult to cross over, often have no way to dodge, and ultimately fell into the trap.

The construction of a chain of flip-flops is actually very simple, that is, in the trap pit laying wooden boards, on both sides of the boards are falling with a heavy object, people step on and fall into the trap, the flip-flops will automatically return to its original state, quietly waiting for the next intrusion into the tomb of the tomb robbers.

Some of the chain flipboard design is more ingenious, in the middle of the flipboard to install a shaft, when the person touches the mechanism, has been the body suspended in the air, can not back up.

The traps under the chain flap are usually dug deeper to prevent the grave robbers who fall into them from climbing up again. And the bottom step of the trap, usually will be placed densely covered with sharp edges, such as knives, guns, cones, etc., sharp edges pointed upward, as long as the upper part of the person fell down, it is difficult to escape the sword through the heart of the end.

In order to explore this tomb passage, Boss Yu and his gang also lost a lot of money. At that time, there were two people walking in front of the tomb passage, one of them was Old Eight, and the other one was a member of the gang with the surname of Cui.

As I said before, like these grave robbing gangs, the members inside, are basically their own family members, and the Yu family is no exception, it’s just that a few years ago, when the Hong Kong side pressed for goods more tightly, there were only three or four people in the family who were engaged in this business, so they recruited a few more members from the outside.

These five people, all surnamed Cui, are also from Luoyang, Henan Province, and were originally a small grave-robbing gang, which was later merged into Boss Yu’s gang. At that time, the person who was walking in front of him, stepped on the flap, and without even having time to react, he was engulfed by the flap, and the person above him could only hear a miserable cry of pain.

Old Eight reacted quickly, when the front foot stepped in the air, pushed the person surnamed Cui, using the momentum of the body flipped backward, which escaped with his life.

When a few people carefully open the flap, with a flashlight, the person below the chest through a few sharp edges, already dead can not be dead again, the situation is miserable.

Out of such a thing, Yu boss and other people did not dare to continue to go down, but back to the ground to discuss.

At this time there is a problem, the person who died is surnamed Cui, but before death is pushed by the old eight, is above to come after the other several surnamed Cui, to the old eight is angry eyebrow, almost on the hand, in the Yu Boss of the dissuasion, only to be able to calm down, just all the people in the heart have stored a stigma.

Yu old eight is Yu Ça’s own cousins, has always been a die-hard to follow the Yu boss, coupled with his talent, although short in stature, but for grave exploration and digging robber holes have some unique advantages, down to the tomb to take burial goods such as this work. He has always been the one to do the job, so Boss Yu has favored Old Eight in his words.

The Cui brothers were not happy, so they proposed to the boss to break up the gang, and in the future, each go their own way, each cross their own bridge, well water does not offend the river water, and Shaanxi this boundary, they will not set foot in a step from now on.

When Boss Yu heard this, his heart immediately moved to kill, how could he let these people leave alive? For the sake of this imperial mausoleum, he even removed his own parents, and would never give these few people a chance to leak the news.

However, with the Yu boss of the city, naturally will not be on the face of the present smilingly agreed, and said brothers a, night to do some food and wine, is also considered to be a good get-together.

That night, Yu Boss in the orchard set up wine and food, and the people eat and drink up, this Cui surname a few brothers on the Yu Boss know very well, is not without defense, where the Yu Boss has not touched the dishes. They will not go down the chopsticks, the wine is fine, because the Yu boss drink is also a bottle of wine poured out.

Who knows that even so defensive, but also still fell into the way of the Yu boss, that wine was drugged, just the Yu boss and others swallowed the antidote beforehand, the Cui surname a few brothers after the drug down, the Yu boss ferocious look, personally will be a few people alive to strangle to death, and then buried in the ground of the fruit trees to do up fertilizer.

After resolving the Cui brothers, Boss Yu and the others re-entered the tomb passage. With a long wooden pole to explore the location of the chain of flipboard, and to order a few can be folded and stretched alloy ladder, the ladder will be set up on the top of the flipboard, which was able to pass.

Just through the chain of flip after the board, Yu boss and others still did not enter the chamber inside, the reason is to meet the boulder door, which is also often used in the Han and Tang tombs means, more than ten pieces of heavy boulders up to a thousand pounds in front of the Yu boss and other people stopped.

See this boulder blocking the way, Yu boss not angry but happy, this shows that this mausoleum, absolutely not been patronized by the previous person, he is also considered patient, immediately with the name of the guard orchard, in this garden to build a wooden house, peace of mind to live down.

Every day left one person on the top of the wind, two people down to the tomb passage, because these stones are too many huge, if you use explosives, it is likely to collapse the tomb passage, can only use the ground anchor drill will be a little bit of boulder cracking, and then transported the debris to the ground.

So after more than a year’s time, only to be regarded as blocking the door in front of the boulders are cleaned up, just in the Yu boss is ready to solve the last pass from the stone, but outside is out of the big event.

Boss Yu and others have been robbing tombs for more than ten years, there are a lot of good objects in their hands, and they have not broken the connection with the outside world, smuggling out cultural relics one after another.

Originally this thing is the boss of Yu personally operate, but because the Emperor Wenzong mausoleum is in the vicinity of Liu Jiazhuang, if he is not in, leaving Yu Lao San a few people, it is very easy to be suspected by others, so and Hong Kong and the transaction of the matter handed over to the cousin Yu Lao Liu, but I did not expect to smuggle the Han Dynasty artifacts in a time of failure, and Yu Lao Liu due to violent resistance to arrest, but also was killed on the spot.

Boss Yu’s grave-robbing gang, in addition to a few brothers from their own family are core members, the rest are peripheral members. They simply do not know their names and origins, originally Yu Lao Liu died, this clue is also broken.

However, Yu Laoliu is not cautious enough, in a drunkenness, had mentioned to the henchman Tang Wenzong Imperial Tomb, and that henchman happened to be arrested by the police, which also makes some people think that that piece of horse stomping is from Wenzong’s tomb, in order to protect the other cultural relics in the Wenzong’s tomb, Prof. Meng and other people will only come to this place.

Originally in the archaeological team stationed in the Liu family, Boss Yu has already sprouted the idea of going far away, only in the following days, he found that the archaeological team digging the place, is where he had previously made a robbing hole, and did not find the real imperial tomb, which makes him have a chance, want to wait for the archaeological team to withdraw, take out the items in the imperial tomb, and then leave the place again.

However, the situation that Bigfoot’s sister-in-law informed him just now, let Boss Yu’s heart produce a trace of bad feeling, it seems that there is a big net opened to him, just the greed in his heart, still let Boss Yu decided to make a move to open the last mechanism of the tap stone on the day after tomorrow.

The reason why the day after tomorrow, because that day is the manor of Liu Changfa’s wedding day, a firecrackers will be set off, can cover up the sound of the explosives explosion, the second will have many guests to the Liu family home, their men will not be very conspicuous to mix in, and help to escape after the hands of the boss Yu has long ago will be a variety of circumstances have been calculated into the.

Now the key question is whether the archaeological team can be delayed until after the day after tomorrow to explore the orchard, Boss Yu knows that if the village agreed to the archaeological team to explore the hole in the orchard, coupled with a few armed police officers, they can not be stopped, then the secret is bound to come to light.

Putting the passport back into the bag, the boss of the Yu will take out the gun, hesitated for a moment, and put the gun back, this hot day in the countryside, the old man is basically bare-chested, wearing a big pants, there is no place to hide the gun.

The body, the boss of the handbag back to the dark compartment under the bricks, the bricks will be paved up, but also grabbed a handful of dust sprinkled on the top of the breath, to see what is not broken, which stood up, open the door to the room and walked out.

After walking out of the house, Boss Yu went straight to the kiosk at the head of the village, took out a hundred dollars to buy four bottles of 48 ° Xifeng wine, put the retrieved 20 dollars into his pocket, carrying the wine to the village clerk’s home.

“Second Uncle, I came to see you, I didn’t bring anything, I carried a few bottles of wine for you.”

Entering the front door of the village clerk’s house, Boss Yu shouted, placing the wine in his hand on the table.

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