Chapter 0249 – Southern Faction and Northern Faction

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:10:54
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“Just come and buy some wine! You’ve contracted the orchard for the past few years, but you’ve lost a lot of money, right?”

The second uncle in Yu Çu’s mouth was about sixty years old, not tall, full of wrinkles, holding a long dry tobacco pouch in his hand, and was smoking it.

“That’s right! Second uncle, you also know, I went out to work for so many years, just saved a little money, and the family’s valuable things all sold, which is enough to contract the money of the orchard, but today the big foot sister-in-law said that the gang of archaeologists, want to dig up the trees in the garden, which can let me how to live ah!”

“Well, don’t be anxious, you child! Just now Fourth Son’s daughter-in-law also came to talk to me about this. But haven’t the others not dug yet? Don’t be anxious, even if they want to move your orchard, they’ll give compensation, the melon field of Ermao’s uncle in the east, didn’t they also lose a few thousand dollars?”

Liu Zhishu took a drag on his dry cigarette, knocked the tip of the dry cigarette on the edge of the table a few times, and the burnt out ashes all fell to the ground.

“Second Uncle, I spent tens of thousands of dollars on that garden! It’s about two months away from hanging fruit, but that melon field can’t compare.”

Boss Yu fished out a pack of crumpled Golden Monkey cigarettes from his pocket and stood up to give Branch Liu a toast.

“Why don’t you, this child, get the hang of it! The melon land is the price of the melon land, the orchard is the price of the orchard, the village can still let you lose out? They haven’t come to me yet, these days first busy with the long hair thing, wait for this to pass before we talk about it!”

Liu Zhishu didn’t take the cigarettes that Yu Boss honored, but grabbed a handful of loose tobacco from the pouch, stuffed it into the smoke pot and pressed it solidly, before rubbing a match to light it.

This Liu Zhishu and Liu Changfa, is also a bit of kinship, Liu Changfa is the Liu family so many years the first person to go to college, in ancient times that is the scholar ah! Because of this, the Liu family in the seven miles and eight ditches speak a few points louder, coupled with the marriage of the daughter-in-law and the city people, so the Zhuang Li is ready to do a good job. He did this branch secretary, is the commander-in-chief.

Got the letter, Yu boss and Liu Zhishu vernacular a few sentences, only to happily turn away, out of the time, eyes can not help but show a smug look, wait until Liu Changfa that hairy child after the marriage, they have long gone far away.

Professor Meng they rented is a large courtyard with four rooms, the original owner of the family, in order to that eight hundred dollars a month rent, moved to a relative’s home to live, a room is a small girl to sleep, the other is Professor Meng’s, there are still two rooms left, originally small Fan and Yingning one person to live in a room, but Zhuang Rui came, the two of them squeezed together to give Zhuang Rui empty a room out.

The evening meal was sent over by Liu Changfa, after he learned that Professor Meng was Zhuang Rui’s future mentor, he also came over to pay a visit, only that he had too many things to do as a groomsman. Without saying a few words, he was approached and pulled away.

“Grandma, how can one sleep in this?”

Rural night is not hot, but the mosquitoes are so many that Zhuang Rui can’t stand it, the white lion has thick fur, not afraid, but Zhuang Rui lay down for a few minutes, his body was bitten by seven or eight packets, itchy and intolerable.

Zhuang Rui ran to the other several people’s room to see, the original are with mosquito nets, Zhuang Rui helpless, ready to go to the car to get together overnight, tomorrow and then go to buy mosquito nets.

“The youngest, can’t sleep, right?”

With the white lion is ready to slip out of the yard, Liu Changfa walked in, followed by a man, but due to the color of the sky is relatively late, the countryside and no street lamps, Zhuang Rui did not see the man’s face clearly.

Zhuang Rui honestly said: “too many mosquitoes, can not sleep, I go to the car to get together.”

“Go, go to your house, I’ll help you drive the mosquitoes away.”

Lao San smilingly raised his hand, Zhuang Rui found that he was holding a handful of hay in his right hand, but his left hand was carrying a basket.

What made Zhuang Rui a little strange was that Lao San didn’t introduce him to the person following him, and that person didn’t greet Zhuang Rui, and after entering the courtyard, he directly walked towards the room where Prof. Meng lived, knocked on the door and walked in.

Zhuang Rui didn’t have time to care what that person was doing. This will be Lao San pulled back to his own room, Lao San closed the windows and everything, and then looked for a fire pit, will be in the hands of the hay ignited and thrown in, suddenly a thick smoke rose, Lao San quickly pulled Zhuang Rui out of the house, back to the house door closed dead.

“Third brother, what kind of grass is this?” Zhuang Rui can guess this thing should be smoked mosquitoes with, but he in addition to mosquito incense, or the first time to see take grass smoked mosquitoes.

“Oh, this thing is called wormwood, our countryside place before no mosquito incense to buy, also can not afford to use that thing, are using this thing, can be better than mosquito incense, and do not need to spend money, the roadside a grab is a large number of summer families are dried smoked mosquitoes with.”

The oldest three back to the yard, take out the basket of things, set up in the center of the yard on the stone platform, but some cooked food and a few bottles of beer.

“Oldest, Third Brother is sorry for you this time, it’s really too busy. Can’t wait for tomorrow you still go to the county town to live it! There is a guest house there, the conditions are still okay.”

This time Zhuang Rui came, the oldest three is feeling a little embarrassed, some time ago to go to Guangdong, live in a hotel, eat in the hotel, but to their own this place, even a place to sleep are not good arrangements.

“Third brother, don’t say these outward words, Wei and I have never lived in the countryside. This is also a good experience, it’s quite good to just stay here, alright, I’ll call those two boys out for a drink.”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand, what he said was from the heart, growing up for the first time living in the countryside, indeed there is some freshness, Zhuang Rui got up and called both Xiao Fan and Ying Ning out, Meng Qiuqian that little girl also drilled out to get together, but the door to Prof. Meng’s room has been closed tightly, vaguely heard two people’s voices, and I don’t know what is the origin of that person, and Prof. Meng is discussing what things.

Professor Meng sat on his chair, shaking his head repeatedly, saying to the person in front of him, “No, we can’t let them enter the tomb before you guys take action, that would do incalculable damage to the Wen Zong Tomb.”

“Elder Meng, we have been following this gang for a long time, it’s just that the members of the gang are more scattered and seldom concentrate together, if we don’t eliminate them all together, we don’t know how many more national treasures will be smuggled abroad by them, the harm will be endless!”

Middle-aged man efforts to Professor Meng to do the explanation, his name is Chen Zhuo, is the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau of anti-smuggling division of a deputy director, specifically responsible for the fight against smuggling of foreign countries, horse treading Feiyan large cultural relics smuggling case, it is he handled to solve the case.

Three years ago, Guangdong police busted several national treasure and cultural relic smuggling cases but couldn’t catch the main culprits. At that time, Yu’s boss came under Chen Zhuo’s radar. After a careful and thorough investigation, Chen Zhuo is now almost certain that the seemingly ordinary villager Yu Ku is actually the influential and elusive boss behind these smuggling operations.

It’s just that the Yu Boss hasn’t made any movements in the past few years, and there’s not enough evidence on Chen Zhuo’s hands, plus the fact that this grave-robbing gang of theirs rarely concentrates together, which makes the middle-aged man hasn’t been able to lay a hand on it, and this time Guangdong seized the (missing word?). .

“That’s your police’s business, I only care that Wen Zong’s tomb is not destroyed, Xiao Chen ah! This is the first mausoleum of a Tang Dynasty emperor that the country is preparing to excavate, and it is also preparing to build a bedchamber here for travelers to visit, so it’s very significant! An underground mausoleum must never suffer the slightest damage.”

Prof. Meng’s job was to protect Wen Zong’s tomb from being destroyed by criminals, as for other things, that was not within the old man’s consideration, previously going to excavate the worthless burial pit, Prof. Meng had already cooperated with the police, but this time, he had to wait for the tomb robbers to enter the tomb before arresting them, which was something Prof. Meng couldn’t accept in any case.

Due to the differences in geography and history between the north and the south, the tombs in the south and the north are also different, which also makes the grave robbers divided into the north and the south of the two factions, the south of the grave robbers are more skillful in technology, in the process of searching for the ancient tombs, for the use of feng shui and geomancy is more, pay attention to the a look, smell, ask, cut.

“Look” is naturally to see the feng shui, and smell is relying on the odor of different to distinguish the existence of the tomb, some friends will say, this is not bullshit? People can grow a dog’s nose? But this sounds mysterious, but there is a certain factual basis.

Different generations of tombs in the filler and filler, so the tomb will also emit a different flavor, such as the Qin and Han Dynasty tombs are often filled with mercury, buried with cinnabar antiseptic, and after the Tang and Song Dynasty, the outside of the tomb, it is accustomed to smear the green paste mud, these special substances emitted by the smell, perhaps the general public is difficult to detect, but those generations of grave robbers for a living tomb robbers, but they are able to keenly identify these smells, so as to further identify the location of the tomb. The location of the tombs can be further determined by the odor.

A Guangzhou man named Jiao Si, a representative of the Southern School, was a hundred times better at finding burial tombs, and he could rely on listening to the wind and rain, defending the sound of thunder, and observing the color of the grass and mud traces to determine the location of the tombs.

Once, Jiao Si and his gang of grave robbers were searching for tombs in the field, it was noon, but the sky was flashing with thunder and lightning, Jiao Si immediately asked his men to disperse to different directions to observe the thunderstorm and lightning, and to remember the characteristics and report back to him later, while Jiao Si himself stood on the heights to observe the feng shui and geomancy.

After a while after the rain stopped, there is a person back to report to him, said in the thunder, feel some floating feet, and there are echoes of the ground, Jiao four immediately judged that there are ancient tombs, and still big tombs, a group of grave robbers digging, is really a Han dynasty princes and lords of the tomb.

In this process, Jiao Si used the two techniques of “looking” and “cutting” in the southern school of grave robbing.

Friends do not think that this is nonsense, geomancy and geomancy to find a tomb, which have been verified countless times, often have a lot of factual basis, which is the foundation of the southern school of grave robbers.

The northern school of grave robbers, is belongs to the rough type, its most notable feature, is the tools they use, the northern school of grave robbers, few people according to feng shui theory to determine the location of the tomb, they are more confident, is the hand of the Luoyang shovel, so some people say, the Luoyang shovel is the symbol of the northern school of grave robbers.

In addition, a sharp axe is also one of the tools often used by the Northern School as a tool for excavating tombs, especially for the large tombs of the Han Dynasty with “yellow intestines”, the sharp axe is an indispensable tool.

In addition, archaeologists often find chisels, rakes, picks, shovels, sickles and other items in previously stolen tombs when excavating tombs, and these are the tools that the Northern School of Tomb Raiders used to steal tombs and dig them up.

Regardless of whether they were searching for tombs or excavating them, the northern school had no technical content, simply relying on the sharpness of their tools, so they were called sloppy, which was also looked down upon by the southern school of grave robbers.

Like Boss Yu, these people, excavating tombs are basically digging through the robber holes, with an axe or chisel chiseling the burial chamber, that is, explosives are also often used.

Compared to the north and south schools, the destruction of tombs by the north school of grave robbers is much more serious and thorough, which is why Prof. Meng strongly disagreed with Chen Zhuo’s opinion and waited for the grave robbers to get their hands on the tomb before capturing them in one fell swoop.

Chen Zhuo for Professor Meng’s stubbornness is helpless, after all, Professor Meng is an expert enjoying the State Council’s special allowance, and is not something he can instruct to move, if this old man insisted on digging the tomb of Emperor Wenzong, he can not be prevented, and in that case, it will certainly be alarmed by the snakes.

“Elder Meng, do you think this will work, give us two more days to lay our nets, and on the day after tomorrow, we will definitely bring these criminals to justice.”

Chen Zhuo and the others had already grasped some information about this grave-robbing gang and analyzed that they had not opened the tomb to enter into the chamber right now, however, according to their judgment, Boss Yu and the others should make their move within the next few days, so Chen Zhuo made a guarantee to Professor Meng.

The next day, Prof. Meng and the others were still going to the excavation site as usual with a group of village old ladies, while Zhuang Rui couldn’t leave today, because both Brother Wei and Lao Si were arriving today, and he came early, and was given the task of reception by Lao San.

Wei and Lao Si also never lived in the countryside, followed Zhuang Rui to the melon field, see the archaeological excavation site, a day quickly passed, the two night naturally and Zhuang Rui live together, but it is on the ground to lay two more mats, but also convenient.

Waiting for Liu Changfa wedding day, Zhuang Rui’s car was used to pick up the bride, Weiguo play tender to be the best man, and is busy all day, the old three married is also considered a happy event in the Liu family, next to a few villages with relatives also came to many people to congratulate, coupled with the bride’s family, and then the family of the bride, and suddenly let the Liu family more than a lot of new faces.

When the night gradually approaching, Liu Changfa home banquet is still on, the head of the endless stream of guests, just at this time, two high and one short three people riding the moon, from the back of the village quietly slipped to the back of the mountain.

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