Chapter 0251 – Rescuing the Lord

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:10:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Just after drilling into the cave, Chen Zhuo felt that there was something wrong. Chen Zhuo felt some seconds, seven or eight tear gas grenades emitted smoke, enough to make seventy to eighty square meters, can not see anything, but at this time the smoke in the cave is very thin, there are only two situations, one is too much underground space is too empty, and the second is that the bottom of another mystery.

After arriving at the exit of the cave, Chen Zhuo turned off the flashlight, and drilled out with his head downward, and when he landed, he used his elbow to support himself on the ground, bent his head and back, and rolled, then held his breath, and didn’t move a muscle in the darkness, but the expected attack didn’t come.

“Turn on all the flashlights!”

After about a minute or so, there was no sound coming from Chen Zhuo’s ears, at this time, the second wave of personnel also came down, for fear of being mistakenly injured by his own people, Chen Zhuo could only open the flashlight. This time there were five or six people who came down, four or five strong flashlights immediately illuminated the tomb passage, except for a few of them, there were no more outsiders.

“Division Chen, it’s a 9mm Browning pistol.”

On the ground below the robber’s hole, one of the team members found a shell casing and gave a conclusion after observing it.

This kind of Browning pistol with a caliber of 9mm, although it could be called an old antique and was mostly used by people for collection, the performance and lethality of a 9mm Barabellum pistol bullet was still not to be underestimated, and a few people raised a few points of alertness.

Tomb Road is not straight, in seven or eight meters there is a curve, can not rule out the possibility of criminals hiding in front of the Chen hot to his men played a gesture, immediately there are two people forward, along the tomb road to the bend in front of the go, down to the people are all dressed in bulletproof vests, Chen hot from the hands of a member of the team took over the helmet put on his head, after all, just now the sound of the gunfire and the ground of the cartridges have indicated that the criminals have weapons in their hands.

On the ground in front of the bend, there is an alloy ladder, although the role of the unknown, but in this bizarre tomb of the former, no one dares to be careless, a SWAT team member will be in the hands of the micro-charged diagonally across the chest, carefully climbed over from the ladder. The two feet and the surrounding ground did not have the slightest contact.

“It’s okay, come over …… ah!”

That SWAT team member climbed to the end of the ladder, one foot stepped towards the ground, turned back to greet the people behind him, who knew that the place where the front foot stepped out was stepping out of the air, fortunately he was facing the direction of the ladder, reacted quickly, and hastily grabbed the ladder with his hands, only the severe pain coming from under his feet caused him to cry out miserably, and the serial flipper hit him hard on his back.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Chen Zhuo and the others rushed to run out, only the ladder can only be passed by one person, Chen Zhuo climbed over and realized that the ground face color only had one hand to grab the ladder, and the whole person was covered by the flap.

Chen Zhuo could not lift up the flap and save the person, so he shouted to the back, “Pay attention to whether the feet are on the ground, come over to help.”

After knowing that there were traps on the ground, several people behind them walked by first extending one foot and stepping on it, sensing that it was the ground before they dared to move forward, what made several people angry was that. Around the alloy ladder, it was all on the ground, there was no flip-flop.

Chen Zhuo hands make force, vigorously lifted up the flap upwards, the other two immediately grabbed the lapel of the team member who fell down, pulled him up, this team member has suffered a serious injury to the soles of the feet, and just flipped over the flap, and then heavily smashed in the back of his head, at this time, the whole person has been unconscious, if it is not a sticking point to let him hold onto the ladder, I am afraid that it will be engulfed by this trap.

What is shocking to the eyes is that the police boots worn by this team member has been completely pierced by the sharp object, blood dripping downwards uncontrollably, and when using the flashlight to shine towards the trap below, they also found that on the sharp edge inside, there are still some broken clothes and blood stains, it is obvious that this below had once engulfed the people who came to rob the tomb, only the corpses have been taken away.


Chen Zhuo exploded, he didn’t need to think about it to know that this was a trap deliberately laid for them by the people inside.

“There’s no need to go forward, turn back, double check.”

The ladder was at the back of the trap, indicating that Boss Yu and the others were not inside, Chen Zhuo reacted extremely quickly, there must be an exit behind.

Sure enough. In a hidden place at the back of the trap, the huge tomb passage stone was pried open to make a hole, and after moving away the stones blocking the hole, the dark hole indicated that Boss Yu had already escaped from here.

“You two follow me, the others send him up, explain to the people above to expand the search surface, divide one group of people into the mountains to search, the other group guard the exit of the Liu family home, not allow a single stranger to go out.”

Chen Zhuo took the lead and drilled into this cave, how could he not think that Boss Yu was actually careful to this extent, and left himself a backhand inside the tomb passage, which made him regret, if Boss Yu escaped, the difficulty of arresting him would increase a lot.

This cave is more than forty meters long, curved like a mouse hole, until the time of drilling out of the ground, Chen Zhuo found that they have been out of the orchard, the grass next to the cave, there are traces of being trampled.

Chen Zhuo picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, “This is Chen Zhuo. All groups report the situation.”

“One group has not found anything and is searching towards the back of the mountain.”

“Group two is rushing to set up barricades in the Liu Village, no findings.”

“Group three is in place, no sightings.”

The news coming from the walkie-talkie made Chen Zhuo a little anxious, just now if there were people left to guard the periphery, I’m afraid that Boss Yu had already been captured at this time.

“Bring a police dog over.”

Today’s night is too dark, only with the flashlight in hand, it is impossible to pursue based on the traces on the ground, Chen Zhuo is a little helpless, he can only hope that the capture team can escape before Boss Yu escapes from the Liu Jia Village. The team can only hope that the arrest team will be able to before the boss escaped from the Liu family.

Before Chen Zhuo went to the orchard in the back of the mountain to make arrests, he had already searched Yu Lao’s house, but did not find anything, but no one expected that Boss Yu did not run out of the village directly, but returned to the house again.

After coming out from the spare that robbing hole, Boss Yu realized that he was afraid that Old Seven who was waiting at the head of the village was also in trouble, and at that moment, he told Old Eight to go out of the village on his own, and there was a specific way of contacting each other, so as long as they ran out after that, they could definitely be in touch with each other.

However, Boss Yu must go back to his own home, the reason is, that black handbag, he did not carry, inside the fake passport and some other things, he is sure to get his hands on.

Boss Yu did not have too much panic in his heart at this time, in this ten years of grave robbing career, more critical than today’s scene, he has encountered a number of times, in his opinion, now the police’s heavy forces must be in the mausoleum there, and his own home, but the safest place.

The most heartbreaking thing for Boss Yu is that although he opened the tomb of Wen Zong, he didn’t even have the time to take a look at it, and the hard work of more than ten years of planning was ruined, which made his heart bleed ah! Also let him hate the gang of archaeological team, if not them, they have long been through the tomb far away.

At this time to think of these are useless, Yu boss also did not give birth to the idea of revenge out of the archaeological team, after all, their own life is important.

There is no street light in the countryside, and at night it becomes dark, and there are not many people walking around, Boss Yu stick to the root of the wall, and soon came to the door of his own house. He did not rush in, but picked up a lump of earth from the ground and threw it into his own yard.

There was no barking, and no one asked questions. Boss Yu grasped the wall with both hands, and tumbled into the yard.

As he expected, there are traces of the house being turned over, but there is no one left behind, Boss Yu did not dare to delay, get down on the body to take out the handbag, and then find a suit to change the tights on the body, will be handbag money and passport are loaded on the body.

After thinking about it for a while, Boss Yu took off his shirt, took out the detonators and explosives in his backpack, and wrapped them around his chest. Being a thief means being aware of being caught, but for Boss Yu, if he can’t get out of here, it would be better for him to pull a few people along with him if he can’t get out of here, instead of being locked up for a few months and getting shot at.

After packing up, Boss Yu threw his backpack and handbag in the room, and with his right hand inserted in his pants pocket, he opened the courtyard door with a flourish and walked out, only in the hand of his right pants pocket, he was gripping the handle of that Browning pistol tightly.

“Third Brother, have you eaten yet?”

“Sister-in-law Ruhua, going to Long Hair’s house again to dine?”

Along the way, Boss Yu frankly greeted the people in the village, and these villagers, obviously, did not know about today’s arrest operation for Boss Yu.

When walking to the village entrance, Boss Yu originally very calm face, revealed a trace of gravity to, and stopped his footsteps, very casually turned his body, walked back toward the road.

Because at this time the entrance to the village, parked two police cars, and there is a squad of armed police with loaded guns, is holding a photo check in and out of the people, this will come to Liu Changfa’s home and the wedding wine people have dispersed a lot of people, the entrance to the village is only sparse several people, if the boss of the Yu at this time to go out, then, surely will be caught in a positive way.

As the saying goes, when the gold list, the night of the wedding, this is one of the fast things in life, Liu Changfa this will have been a little too much to drink, Wei and Lao Si in order to give him to block the wine, but also be poured not to distinguish between south-east and north-southwest.

Rather, Zhuang Rui sat on the table of Professor Meng, and did not drink more, due to Zhuang Rui’s relationship, Liu Changfa is personally door to door, Professor Meng and his entourage also invited over.

This wedding wine is already to the end, but also to send the bride’s family back, Liu Changfa shook his body and stood up, and Zhang Rong together with the bride’s family out of the door, Zhuang Rui also followed, he wants to be a driver to send these people back to the county ah! But today he is not going to come back, when he reaches the county town find a guest house to stay and forget about it.

“Hey, big brother Yu, where did you go today ah? Why are you only here now, no, I have to punish you with three glasses of wine.”

Liu Changfa is really a little bit drunk, a glance at the oncoming Yu Boss, hastily greeted, one hand grabbed the arm of Yu Boss, and pulled it inside the courtyard.

“Changfa brother, today can not, a moment I have to go to the county town have things!”

“What’s the hurry then! Back to let my classmates to send you, the youngest, wait and then go, I drink a few cups with the big brother Yu, you do not know ah! I can get into college, all thanks to Mr. Yu they, or now may be working in the field every day, daughter-in-law, you say yes?”

Liu Changfa like a chatterbox like, listen to the side of the crowd are crying and laughing, Zhuang Rui and other people helpless, and followed into the courtyard, which by the way to ride a person is nothing.

Boss Yu is worried about how to get out of the village, listening to Liu Changfa so say, the heart also brightened up, at the moment did not excuse, help Liu Changfa into the banquet inside the courtyard.

“This hot day, Yu big brother you wear so tight why ah? Take it off well, all old ladies, not afraid.”

Liu Changfa pulled Boss Yu with one hand, and pulled Boss Yu’s lapel with the other hand, but he drank a lot today, his feet were unsteady, and he stumbled, and the hand that grasped Boss Yu’s lapel made a downward push, and tore all the buttons on Boss Yu’s chest open.

Boss Yu didn’t expect Liu Changfa to actually pull his own clothes, and when he didn’t dodge quickly, his chest was completely open.

Around the courtyard where the banquet was set up, a lot of big light bulbs with more than one hundred watts were pulled, illuminating the courtyard with bright lights, and the row of detonator explosives in front of Boss Yu’s chest was also instantly revealed in front of everyone.


Rural people open the mountain to take stones, often need to use detonators and explosives, to this thing is much more familiar than the city people, do not know who shouted out, a yard of people’s eyes, all focused on the chest of Boss Yu.

“What kind of explosives are you blowing up? Boss Yu, come and drink.”

Liu Changfa staggered and stood up straight, but when his eyes saw the row of explosives and detonators on Boss Yu’s chest, he suddenly winced and his person became sober.

At this moment, Boss Yu’s heart was filled with hatred! Seeing a few cups of wine, can mix with the car to go out of the Zhuang, but by this drunkard to reveal the old, did not wait for Liu Changfa have any action, Boss Yu flew up a foot, kicked in the groom’s stomach, and then his right hand out of the trouser pockets, black hole of the muzzle of the gun, aimed at the crowd.

Boss Yu couldn’t calm down anymore, his taut nerves were touched by Liu Changfa at this moment, after kicking down Liu Changfa, Boss Yu grabbed Zhang Rong’s hair and shouted loudly to the people inside the courtyard, “All squat down, damn it, all those who don’t want to die, squat down for me.”

Most of the people in the courtyard were country people, where had they seen this situation! Some froze in fear, while others cried out and ran outside the courtyard.


Crisp sound of gunshot, the person who just ran outside, immediately fell to the ground, wailing loudly, this shot also makes the courtyard quiet down, in addition to the person who was shot in the thigh, no one dares to shout again.

The gunshot also broke the silence of the small mountain village, the people who set up barricades at the entrance of the village and searched in the back of the mountain heard the gunshot and rushed over, but in five or six minutes, the courtyard of Liu Changfa’s house, had already been heavily surrounded.

“Yu Ç, put down your gun and come out, surrender is your only way out, confess from leniency, resist from ……”

“Bang, bang bang!”

Three gunshots were fired in the direction of the shouting, suddenly interrupting the shouting.

“From his mother’s leniency, all don’t come over, I have explosives on me, damn, blow up a group of people I also earned.”

Boss Yu shouted frantically and pulled out a detonator from his body, ignited the fuse attached to the detonator and threw it towards the outside of the gate.

Although there were no explosives, and the detonator was not very lethal, the loud “boom” was deafening, and the police officers surrounding the door had to move to the sides.

Outside the door of the Chen Zhuo frowned, the murderer has a gun in the hands of the explosives, there are hostages, more troublesome is that Professor Meng is also inside, which makes him extinguish the idea of a strong attack, in case of Professor Meng was hurt, he was stripped of this police uniform is a small matter.

“Is the sniper in position yet?”

However, the longer the time dragged on, the more unstable the criminals would become, what would happen at that time, Chen Zhuo was also unable to predict, a quick battle is the best way.

“Report, the sniper is in position, only the target is hiding behind the crowd, unable to lock on, unable to lock on.”

The voice coming from the intercom left Chen Zhuo at his wits end for a while, and Boss Yu didn’t give him much time to think about it.

When Boss Yu came over just now, he noticed Zhuang Rui’s car, and after hearing Liu Changfa’s words, he knew that the car was Zhuang Rui’s, so he shouted to Zhuang Rui, who was crouching not far from the doorway, “Hey, you, that means you, that car out there is yours, right? Drive it to the door.”


Zhuang Rui pointed at himself and asked, he was still a little confused until now, this attending a wedding can run into a gun battle, I don’t know if it’s my own bad luck or Lao San’s bad luck to get married and run into this kind of thing.

“It’s you, don’t think of running out and not coming in, if you don’t bring the car over, I’ll kill her!”

The hostage in the hands of Boss Yu is Lao San’s wife, the muzzle of the gun is now on top of Zhang Rong’s head, Liu Changfa, who has come to his senses on the side, his eyes are on fire, but he doesn’t dare to move a muscle.

“Okay, I’ll go drive.”

Zhuang Rui stood up and walked towards the outside, just after leaving the courtyard, he was pulled over by a right-handed gunman, fixed his eyes, it turned out to be the middle-aged man he met the night before.

“You’re a police officer, right? What should I do now?”

Zhuang Rui opened the door and asked, from the yard of that person’s crazy behavior can be seen, that is definitely an outlaw, to be honest, if not a few of his buddies are still inside the yard, Zhuang Rui is now as far away as possible to hide.

“Do as he says, you drive the car over there!” Chen Zhuo didn’t have any good solutions right now, but by transferring Boss Yu away from the courtyard, they would have the chance to make their move.

“Why am I the one driving over? There are so many of you!”

Zhuang Rui shouted unhappily, dedicating the car himself was already good enough, but he also had to be the driver himself! This is something he won’t do.

“He won’t agree to our people driving the car, we can’t irritate him any more now, otherwise he’ll hurt the hostages in his desperation.”

Of course Chen Zhuo wanted to send experienced people to drive, it’s just that Boss Yu would never agree to it.

Zhuang Rui thought about it for a while and was somewhat helpless, he could only agree resentfully, and after starting up the Grand Cherokee, he steadily parked it at the gate of the courtyard.

“Attention all groups of snipers, wait for an opportunity to fire on your own, to ensure the safety of the hostages present.”

Chen Zhuo gave an order into the intercom, during the time the target got into the car, it was the best time to snipe.

“You get out of the car and open the door, then go back to the driver’s seat.”

In order to prevent being locked on by the sniper, Boss Yu had the people in the yard surround him and slowly move towards the door.

Zhuang Rui was a bit depressed, this was relying on himself! He could only turn off the car first, then got out and opened the back door.

Boss Yu stood still at the door of the courtyard, glanced towards the car, drew out two detonators with fuses and ignited them, then threw them towards the two dead ends next to the courtyard door.


With the commotion caused when the explosion sounded, Boss Yu quickly scurried up to the backseat of the car, pressed the muzzle of his gun against the back of Zhuang Rui’s head, and said viciously, “Drive!”


Suddenly, I don’t know which position of the sniper opened fire, the rear glass of the Grand Cherokee instantly shattered open, broken pieces of glass splattered inside the car, Boss Yu’s cheeks and the back of Zhuang Rui’s head, were both grazed by the broken pieces of glass, only this shot, grazed Boss Yu’s jaw and flew past, and didn’t manage to hit.

Feeling that the muzzle of the gun on his head seemed to have moved, Zhuang Rui couldn’t care less about the pain coming from the back of his head, and pushed open the hidden door of the car, and rolled out with his head facing downwards.

Boss Yu also came to his senses at this time, seeing that the hostage in his hand was out of control, he immediately aimed his gun at Zhuang Rui on the ground and pulled the trigger.

A fire light flashed from the muzzle of the gun, reflecting the face of Boss Yu that was hideous with infinite despair, he knew that he had no chance, but even if he died, he still had to pull a back.

Just as the gunshot sounded, a white figure, lightning-like, pounced on Zhuang Rui’s body.

“What’s that?!”

Boss Yu’s eyes widened, but he didn’t have the chance to see clearly anymore, this question was destined to be unanswerable.

Because almost at the same time he fired, the sniper who had just missed, fired back-to-back shots immediately after, the huge inertia created by the bullets shooting into his body caused Boss Yu’s body to fall heavily onto the backseat of the car, bouncing up and then hitting the roof of the car, with his body being hit like a sieve.

Then a deafening explosion sounded from the car, but the “magical” sniper shot the explosives in the chest of the boss Yu, more than ten pounds of black powder was detonated by the detonator, first a wave of air will be the car all the glass are shattered, followed by the formation of a huge fireball, the Zhuang Rui’s Cherokee wrapped in.

All of this happened in an instant, Zhuang Rui who fell to the ground only heard a gunshot from behind him, felt a plush body pouncing on his own body, and then there was a huge explosion coming from him, but the impact, all of it was warded off by the object pressed against his body.

“White Lion!”

Zhuang Rui laboriously twisted his head, through the firelight produced by the car explosion, saw the white lion pressed on his body, the body facing the car, the fur has been scorched curled up, in the front limbs of the white lion, there is a bloody hole, is seeping out fresh blood.

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