Chapter 0254 – Mesmerizing Colors

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:11:07
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“Xiao Rui, why isn’t there anything inside this piece?”

After working for more than half an hour. The fist-sized piece of wool had almost all turned into crushed stone powder, and there was no appearance of the emerald that Zhao was expecting, so he couldn’t help but bitterly raise his face and inquire to Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui was amused by his own brother-in-law and laughed, saying: ”Brother-in-law, if every piece of wool had jade inside, would it still be called gambling? Here, there are two more pieces of wool over there, both for you to solve!”

Zhao Guodong some unconvinced, the apprentice can solve the emerald to, their own when the master, will not be as good as the apprentice right? At that moment also did not push, went forward to the remaining two pieces of wool one by one are unraveled, but found that their own luck seems to be really not very good, in addition to the ground more gravel, other things are not seen.

“Xiao Rui, are you going to solve the one in your hand!”

Although he had been busy for half a day and had nothing, but Zhao was addicted to solving it, and his eyes went back to the piece of wool in Zhuang Rui’s hand.

“Brother-in-law. You let me get addicted too! I’ll solve this piece myself.”

Zhuang Rui made a look of pity, he did not dare to let this piece of wool to Zhao Guodong to solve, which is out of the glass seed emperor green jade, hurt inside the jade meat a point, that the value of the value may fall a million.

“Still thinking of solving a piece of jadeite out, give your sister a piece of jewelry it!”

Zhao is very dissatisfied with his hand, kicked the scattered pieces of broken stone with his foot.

Zhuang Rui heard the heart moved a bit, their minds are thinking about how to maximize the benefits of this emerald, but since the beginning of the gambling, and now also earned hundreds of millions of yuan, the best emerald solution out of a lot, how did not think to stay a little bit, to the family to play some things it!

Thinking of here, Zhuang Rui made up his mind, this piece of imperial green jadeite unraveled after not for sale, to the mother and sister mother and daughter two system of a pendant, Zhuang Rui know that the price of this pendant is not as expensive as the ring, but he is not bad now a few money, as long as the family like, that is more important than anything else.

“Look at how your luck is, Da Chuan that kid gave me a few times, you almost become a golden hand, out will hit ah!” Seeing Zhuang Rui walking towards the stone cutting machine with the wool, Zhao Guodong had an expectant look on his face.

“Hey, all come over for dinner, don’t look at what time it is.”

Zhuang Rui was preparing to unravel the stone. Zhuang Min’s voice suddenly came over, Zhuang Rui looked at his cell phone, no, only a few pieces of rough material had been unraveled, and this was about to reach 12 noon.

“Let’s go! Brother-in-law, let’s solve it after dinner.”

After Zhuang Rui received the wool into the garage, he used the remote control to lower the garage door, before turning around and walking into the house.

After first giving the white lion half a plate of meat porridge, only then did Zhuang Rui sit down in front of the dining table, the lunch was very sumptuous, Zhuang Min specially went out to buy the dishes in the morning, and a dozen or so hairy crabs that were boiled red.

“Brother Zhuang, this villa of yours is really grand.” Fourth Child was entering the villa for the first time, and was instantly subdued.

“You kid eat well! When you get married, go to the countryside and buy a piece of land and build one yourself, it’s guaranteed to be even more grandiose than this villa.” Zhao smiled and gave his disciple a hairy crab, they had been together for four or five years, their relationship was as good as buddies.

“This place is good. It’s just that it’s too inconvenient to buy groceries and stuff, it takes half an hour to drive back and forth.”

Zhuang Min was in the morning when she sent Nui Nui to kindergarten and came back, she bought vegetables on the way, this mountain villa gave her the feeling that everything is good, it is to buy some oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar and so on, all have to run a long way.

When Zhuang Rui heard this, his heart moved and he said to Zhuang Min: “Sister, go buy a car! Otherwise it’s too inconvenient to come here, and my brother-in-law usually has to go to the repair shop and can’t keep picking you guys up and dropping you off.” Zhuang Rui knew that his oldest sister had taken her driver’s license in the past few months, and occasionally drove her brother-in-law’s car.

“That’s going to cost more than a hundred thousand dollars, so let’s forget about it! Guodong this repair shop has only expanded its business, wait for next year!”

Zhuang Min also heard some heart, but think of the price of a car, the fire in the heart and extinguished.

“Why wait for next year? Back in the afternoon, you pick up Nui Nui, and mom together to go to the car market to see the car, buy it if you like, you have a car to drive, send our mom over is also convenient ah!”

Zhuang Rui said while standing up, rummage for a while, before the insurance company to pay out the more than 400,000 bank card to find out, pay out a lot less than the price of the car he bought, said to be depreciation and wear and tear or something, Zhuang Rui at that time is also too lazy to count, took the card and went away.

“Mom. You see ……” Zhuang Min also do not know to take this money, although the old brother has money, but he has married out, take this money is somewhat inappropriate.

“Take it! No car in and out of here is indeed not very convenient, let’s go and take a look in the afternoon.”

Zhuang mother is very generous, in the siblings small time, she did not condescend to the siblings, never said it is to save some money to keep a spare or something, she earned those salary money, basically all spent, some time ago heard Zhuang Rui earned more than one hundred million, Zhuang mother is also just nodding, did not show how surprised look.

After hearing Zhuang mother’s words, Zhuang Min just took the bank card over, but this meal is a bit tasteless, full of thoughts in the afternoon to buy what car.

After finishing the midday meal, Zhuang Rui first used his aura to help the white lion tone up a bit before going to the garage, ready to unravel the piece of wool that contained imperial green emerald.

“Xiao Rui, give me your car, Guodong is going back to the repair shop this afternoon.” Zhuang Rui just opened the garage door, Zhuang Min mother and daughter both walked over.

“This car …… is not the original one anymore. The original car was borrowed by a classmate when he was in Shaanxi, and after an accident, he compensated me for another one.” Zhuang Rui really didn’t know how to explain, uttering words that even he didn’t believe himself.

“Xiao Rui, be careful when you drive out, no matter if you knock down someone or get hit, both sides will be hurt.”

Fortunately, Zhuang Min mother and daughter are not the kind of people who love to get to the bottom of the matter, Zhuang mother faintly admonished Zhuang Rui one sentence later, also did not pursue further.

“Xiao Rui, is this thing a gambling stone? I don’t see any difference with the stones on the side of the road! Why is it called such an odd name?”

Zhuang Min saw the strange looking stone cutting machine, and the already fixed wool, and her attention was immediately attracted to it.

“Old sister, this is a jadeite raw stone, gambling is just a collective name for an act, well, the act of cutting this stone can be called gambling, if there’s jadeite inside, we’ve won the bet, if there’s not, then it’s a lost bet.”

Zhuang Rui was a bit teary-eyed at his old sister’s words, and could only popularize the knowledge of gambling on stones to her again.

Zhuang Min knew that these people had been gathered around here all morning to cut the stone, looking at the crushed stone chips all over the ground, he asked, “Oh, so did you guys just win the bet, or did you lose the bet?”

“Hehehe, I won, master he lost.”

Fourth Child offered a treasure as if he pulled out the piece of emerald from his pocket and handed it to Zhuang Min.

“Wow, it really came out from inside this stone, Guodong ah! You’re useless, you’re not as good as Fourth Child!” This piece of jadeite was not polished and polished, and there were quite a few silky crystalline residues on it, which were easily recognizable.

Older sister’s words made the corners of Zhuang Rui’s mouth flick upwards quite unnaturally, and Fourth Child even shrank back, afraid that Master would notice him.

In fact, Zhuang Min’s character was just like that, speaking straight from the heart and not thinking at all.

Just this is also too strong a little bit, it is easy to provoke people’s thoughts, Zhuang Rui peeped at his own brother-in-law, as expected, that face has become a little iron blue, Zhuang Rui is considering, in order to maintain the dignity of the next brother-in-law. This piece of wool, is not given to Zhao Guodong to solve.

Did not wait for Zhuang Rui think well, Zhao Guodong said: “small Rui, the last piece of wool I come to solve, I still do not believe it.”

This honest man can’t take it anymore! Looking at Zhao Guodong picked up the grinding machine, Zhuang Rui quickly walked over, said: “Brother-in-law, this piece of wool but spent more than 30,000 to buy, inside is likely to be out of the emerald, you be careful ah! Just slowly polish it in from the side, don’t cut it directly.”

As long as the green time, in time to collect the force, should not hurt the inside of the jade flesh, Zhuang Rui intentionally the price of this piece of wool said a little higher, so that Zhao Guodong will also be careful.

Sure enough, Zhao Guodong heard Zhuang Rui words, hesitated for a moment, but this time it seems to be Zhuang Min stimulation of some deep, long breath, or decided to come on their own, this man is useless is not equal to incompetence, can not be tolerated ah!

Zhuang Min also know that he said the wrong words, spit out his tongue, did not dare to say.

Deconstructing is actually a very simple job, especially for small pieces of wool, as long as you are not nearsighted five or six hundred degrees without glasses, basically in the green, can stop in time, except, of course, color blindness.

Zhao Guodong just solved two pieces of wool, now a little familiar, in the grinding wheel and stone friction issued by the “click” sound, the surface of the wool revealed gray-green layer of fog, and penetrate inward.

“Brother-in-law, it may come out green, slow down a bit more.”

Zhao Guodong naturally do not understand this gray-green fog crystal is something, but look in the eyes of half of the connoisseur Zhuang Rui, that is the performance of the betting up, if this is in the Pingzhou gambling venue, based on this performance, turn to sell a few tens of thousands of dollars is not a problem, of course, it does not know the inside of the emerald quality of the price.

The charm of the jadeite stone is here, not to the end, who do not know what will happen, in which experience is used to subvert, authority is used to challenge, no one dares to 100% to determine the performance of a piece of wool, even if it is a half bet on the wool.

Zhao was a little nervous by Zhuang Rui’s words, his hand became more and more careful, when a touch of green appeared in front of his eyes, he immediately raised his arm with force, the rapidly rotating gears scratched his forehead, a few hairs then floated down to the ground.

“There’s emerald, I’ve also deciphered emerald, hehe, Xiaorui, come and take a look, is it emerald?”

Zhao didn’t bother to care about his own dangerous move just now, instead, he shouted out in joy like a child, and the hand that was still holding the polisher, was about to go pull Zhuang Rui.

“Brother-in-law, be careful, you almost hurt yourself just now.”

Zhuang Rui took the polisher from Zhao Guodong’s hand, and after turning off the power, he used the water hose to rinse the surface of the wool rubbing again, before getting up to observe it.

Looking at the little bit of green that was not as big as a soybean grain, Zhuang Rui really admired his brother-in-law’s eyesight, and estimated that he was the one who came to solve this piece of wool, and I’m afraid that the polished rubbing surface would be bigger than this.

“Brother-in-law, that’s right, it’s emerald, I’ll do the work below!”

Zhuang Rui gave a thumbs up to Zhao Guodong, Zhao Guodong stood there hehehe giggling, that expression was no less than saying to Zhuang Min, “See, your husband also solved the jadeite.”

“Silly, come over and let me see if it hurts.”

Zhuang Min was also startled by Zhao just now, and hurriedly walked over to look at Zhao’s scalp, fortunately just a few hairs fell out.

Zhuang Rui’s movements to be much more skillful, he re-fixed the wool, the remaining few sides of the excess stone directly to excise, and then with the back of the grinding wheel, a little bit of polishing up, and the foot of the egg-sized emerald, but also gradually presented in front of the crowd.

“So beautiful! Gosh, what kind of emerald is this, how come I’ve never seen one like this before?”

Looking at Zhuang Rui hand holding the jade, Zhuang Min could not help but shouted out, not only she, even Zhao Guodong and the fourth child, as well as has always been on these extraneous objects are very indifferent to the Zhuang mother, at this time the eyes are focusing on the center of the hand of Zhuang Rui above.

Although Zhuang Rui is afraid to hurt the jade flesh, in the jadeite skin also has some residual silk fog crystals, but this can not disguise the imperial green style, nearly transparent jade but also presents a rich green, in the sunlight, without a single child flaws, outwardly exudes a kind of deep, quiet, mesmerizing color.

Zhuang mother was the first to come to her senses and asked, “Xiao Rui, this is an imperial green jadeite, right?”

Although to never wear jewelry mother, recognize this piece of emerald feel a little strange, Zhuang Rui still answered: “Yes, and is the glass seed of the emperor green, just so big a piece, its value is in more than ten million.”

The reason why glass seed imperial green is precious does not lie in how beautiful its color is and how translucent its seed water is, but in its rarity.

Glass seed emerald is also rare, but can still often see, full green emerald is the same, some high green emerald, can also be called emperor green, but the combination of the two, it is very rare, perhaps Pingzhou gambling venue that tens of thousands of pieces of wool inside, there is only such an egg-sized piece of glass seed emerald green emerald, with the phrase that things are rare is precious to describe it, it is the most appropriate but not.

“One …… ten million dollars? This …… so expensive ah?”

Next to the four children came that stuttering voice, mouth open to be able to swallow this piece of wool, although Zhuang Rui hand in the heart of the jadeite is very beautiful, but how the four children are not able to equate it with ten million dollars.

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