Chapter 0257 The Origin

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:11:15
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The jewelry taken out from the counter. The value is usually around a few dozen or a thousand dollars, and for more expensive items, they have to go into the room to be tasted.

General on a bit of grade jewelry and jade store, there will be compartments or VIP room, valuable jewelry and antiques are somewhat similar, pay attention to the object is not hand, put the object on the table, the guests themselves took to see, so that even if inadvertently off the hand broken, but also can be divided into clear responsibility.

Stone fast also has a partitioned room, the area is not large, only a coffee table and a row of sofas, but in a corner of the room, placed a more than half a person high safe, must be used to store valuable jewelry, Zhuang Rui into the door raised his eyes and looked at the ceiling in the roof, but also equipped with two cameras.

“Young man, have a seat! Xiao Jia, go and pour a cup of tea.”

After entering the room. The old man greeted Zhuang Rui and sat down on the sofa by himself.

Zhuang Rui sat down without politeness, opened the door and said, “Elderly man, I’m from Pengcheng, when I was a child, I came to your store to play, your craftsmanship in Pengcheng, that’s well known, so I still hope that this piece of emerald will be handed over to you to carve, as for the cost of processing, that’s not a problem, you can open a price.”

“Cough …… cough ……”

Hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, the old man’s face surged with a flush, just about to open his mouth to speak, but he was blocked by a mouthful of phlegm and coughed violently.

“Grandpa, don’t get excited! Mr. Zhuang, what did you say to my grandfather?”

Wu Jia, who had served two cups of tea, just happened to enter the room, and when she saw her grandfather’s appearance, she hurriedly put the tea on the coffee table and couldn’t stop patting the old man’s back.

“It’s none of …… the lad’s business, Xiao Jia, you sit down too!” The old man coughed for a while and drank a mouthful of water before slowly calming down.

“Young man, this piece of jadeite is worth a lot! According to this piece. If it’s made into that kind of ring of a smaller size, it’s estimated that it can be ground out to fourteen or fifteen, and the rest can still come out as a pair of earrings, and all together, it should be able to be sold for seventeen or eighteen million dollars. But if you carve it into a pendant, you can only get four or five at most, and it would be good if you could sell it for 10 million, so why do you have to make a pendant? If you want to give it to your family, you can also buy some other objects!”

The old man looked at Zhuang Rui’s dress, not like a rich man, so there are some questions in his mind.

“Oh, the old man, this money is not finished, but this thing missed, it is very difficult to meet again, the emperor green jade, I am also the second time to see, so it is better to do a few pendants, leave it to the family! Money is no more important than loved ones.”

Zhuang Rui had long since made up his mind. Naturally, he wouldn’t be changed by a few words from the old man.

“It’s my old man who’s being wavy, you’re right, no matter how important money is, it’s not as important as loved ones!” The old man was saddened by Zhuang Rui’s words, and for a while he was actually in tears, unable to stop himself.

“Grandpa, it’s all in the past, don’t think about it anymore, if you don’t take care of your health, what will you do if you’re left with Xiao Jia alone?”

Wu Jia persuaded a few words on the side, but made himself also difficult to get up, which makes Zhuang Rui some fidgety, he knows that in front of this two people lost his son and father, but also said those words, is not to others to find difficult well!

After seven or eight minutes, the grandparents and grandchildren’s emotions were calmed down, the old man wiped his tears, some embarrassed to Zhuang Rui said: “Young man, I’m sorry ah! Think of something sad.”

“It’s okay, old man, the dead have passed away, we are alive, but we still have to live well.” Zhuang Rui spoke out to comfort a sentence.

“Oh, most of the body are into the soil of the people, but also you to comfort, old, really old. Young man, this piece of jadeite. If you want to polish into a ring face, the old man I can still make strength, this hand although not before steady, but polishing ring face technology requirements are not high, should still no problem. However, if you want to carve into a pendant, this job I would not dare to take, if you do two years earlier, that is, you do not take to me to carve, I will help you to do it, just these two years the hand shakes a lot, I am afraid of a careless, will hurt this piece of jadeite.”

When the old man spoke, his face showed a trace of regret, he cut jade countless in this life, even the blue eyes of sheep fat jade and other superb jade, also hand carved, but just did not have in the emperor green jadeite under the knife, and now although there is such an opportunity in front of me, but the old man has not been the same year brave.

After a lifetime of playing with jade, the temptation of this superb jade to the old man is no less than that of a drug addict who sees the drug, but for his own reasons, he cannot carve it with his own hands. The old man’s heart was also extremely bad.

“I do have a few disciples, but …… alas, forget it.”

This piece of jadeite material is really too expensive, carving the slightest difference, that is difficult to make up for, for their own brought not a few years of those disciples, the old man’s heart is really a little uneasy, the early years of the disciples, but they have been self-employed, and now also are not in Pengcheng.

“It’s okay, old man, I’ll think of another way. You take care of your health, the kid will take his leave first.”

Zhuang Rui stood up, in his heart there is some disappointment, this Stone Zhai can be called the oldest in Pengcheng, he can’t even take this job here, then there is no need to go anywhere else.

The old man saw Zhuang Rui get up to go, quickly spoke out and said: “young man, you first wait a moment, I can not do, does not mean I can not find people to do ah!”

“Oh? Old man please speak.” Zhuang Rui sat down again.

“This pendant is generally twelve zodiac signs, or Guanyin Buddha, the most important carving process, you if this is a block of ice seed material, I dare to let my disciple to carve, just glass seed emperor green material is too precious, in case of failure, the old man can not afford to lose ah! I’ll tell you what! I introduce an old friend to help you to carve, his craft in our industry, but unique ah, to my face plus your piece of material, I think he will not refuse, just you have to run to the capital, personally door to door.” The old man looked at Zhuang Rui after he finished speaking, waiting for him to make a decision.

“Old man, which master are you talking about?” Seeing that the old man spoke with high regard for that person, Zhuang Rui spoke up and asked.

“I know, Grandpa, you’re talking about Grandpa Gu, right? Hmph, even though Grandpa Gu is powerful, he may not be better than you.”

Without waiting for the old man to reply, Wu Jia on the side shouted out, only she was a bit dissatisfied with her grandfather’s words, in her heart, her grandfather’s craftsmanship was the best yet!

After Wu Jia finished speaking, she saw Zhuang Rui’s face look a bit odd and thought he didn’t believe her words. Puffing and puffing, she said, “Don’t you believe me, what I said is true, my grandpa used to be known as ‘South Wu and North Gu’ together with grandpa Gu, both are greatly famous in the jade line’s carving world, if it wasn’t for grandpa’s poor health, the carving wouldn’t have been any worse than grandpa Gu’s.”

“No, no, I don’t mean that, the old man’s craftsmanship I certainly believe in, or else I wouldn’t have come to the door, just …… that ancient grandfather you said, is it the National Jade Association’s ancient Tianfeng, the ancient vice president ah?”

Zhuang Rui did not mean to not believe, but felt that this world, not too …… small, himself and the ancient master uncle but only more than ten days did not meet, and now asked to go to the door.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhuang Rui also wanted to let the ancient master carve this piece of jade, just one of the ancient master far away in the capital, is not very convenient, the second is the ancient master of their own has always been taken care of, they always go to trouble others, Zhuang Rui heart has so a trace of embarrassment.

Then there is a good material in their hands, is out too much, if the ancient master to see this piece of jade, do not know what to say, for these reasons, Zhuang Rui this is thinking of looking for a master in Pangcheng to carve, but I did not expect, after half a day of circling around, but still to go to find that master.

However, after hearing Wu Jia’s words, Zhuang Rui is also in awe of the old man in front of him, can and the ancient masters of the same name, that in the jade industry when the name, it is not generally small, Pengcheng actually also hides such a big ah!

“Ah …… you know Grandpa Gu ah? Then why don’t you go find him to carve this jade?”

Wu Jia looked at Zhuang Rui asked strangely, this ancient grandfather although famous in the jade industry, but not to the extent that everyone knows, the people who do not understand this industry, generally will not know the ancient grandfather’s real name.

“Yes! I didn’t expect you to be a member of the circle, old man I was blind.”

Wu Jia’s grandfather had originally thought that Zhuang Rui had gotten this piece of jadeite through other channels, but now it seemed that it was highly likely that this young man had solved it himself.

“Hehe, not really in the circle, just more interested in gambling on stones in recent years, not bad luck, as for Master Gu, he has some connections with my family.”

Zhuang Rui slightly hesitated, put his relationship with the old man Gu, briefly said, he knew that even if he did not say, this old man in front of him and the old master Gu’s decades of friendship, is not it still inquiring about it?

“Unexpectedly! You also have this layer of relationship, then there is no problem, the old ancient will certainly help you carve, with his hand, will not dishonor you this piece of superb jadeite, and so on to see the old ancient, on behalf of me to say hello ah!”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, the old man also felt a little surprised, this thing is indeed very coincidental, although he is in Pengcheng, also heard of Zhuang Rui’s grandfather’s reputation, but there has been no interactions, did not think of his old friend, actually and the young man in front of him still have such a connection.

“Thank you old man, when I go to the capital, I will definitely convey your words.” The matter has come to this point, the words have been said, Zhuang Rui is ready to say goodbye.

When the old man saw Zhuang Rui leaving, he said with a somewhat hesitant look, “By the way, young man, the old man still has an unforgiving request, I hope you can consider it.”

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