Chapter 0270 – Cooperation

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:11:49
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“We’ll talk about all this later, let’s all rest first! I mean tomorrow let’s go back to the river and have a look, if we don’t harvest much, let’s leave the mountain!”

Zhuang Rui followed into the mountains this time, originally he wanted to see some jade mining, now that his purpose was achieved and a jade vein was found, there was really no need to stay in the mountains anymore.

“Should we look for it again and go back a few days later? The food we brought with us can still last for half a month!”

Zhang Dazhi was a bit hesitant, he had such a big harvest on the first day, he was wondering if he could find some more high quality jade, he had just discussed with Wang Fei, after they went back to sell these jades, they would go back to Sichuan together, maybe this time would be the last time for them to collect jade.

Tie Zi heard Zhang Dazhi’s words, shook his head and said, “I agree with brother Zhuang, this jade mining depends on chance, like I went into the mountains more than ten times, but only earned 70,000 to 80,000 dollars, not that stay in the mountains for a long time, you can find jade.”

Tie Zi is the old jade picker, he said the words have a lot of weight, Zhang Dazhi and Wang Fei thought for a while, also nodded and agreed down, after all, the harvest this time, enough to let them go back to their hometown to build a big house and marry a wife.

The next day before dawn, Tie Zi and Zhang Dazhi and other people climbed up, go to the river in the dark to start looking for jade, Zhuang Rui and Mangzi is to guard the jade, and pick up some dry branches, catch the river water, after boiling the air-dried meat and cakes are soaked in it, cooking breakfast.

Zhuang Rui for jade mining interest, not very big, after eating breakfast, and then wandered to the entrance of the river, looking at the towering snow mountains from the stream running down, and that as if it is a ghost axe heaven and earth generally carved out the ditch rift valley, can not help but frowned.

This Jade Vein was discovered, but one must find a way to say it, this Jade Vein is hidden within the mountain, not in the open air, just by Zhuang Rui’s empty words, the Jade King won’t believe it ah!

“What is that?”

Looking at the stream raging down in front of him, Zhuang Rui was suddenly attracted by a rock next to the rock wall of the mountain, it was a granite flash long rock body, the same as the stone rock that encased the jade within the rock wall.

Only this piece of rock body inside there is no jade, may think that there is also a jade quarrying people to come over, the rock body obviously has been cut traces, inward dug down more than a meter deep, it is estimated that those who did not find the jade after, think that this piece of rock is also washed down from the mountain, and did not have the rock wall next to the rock to go in to the survey.

To know, in addition to explosives, carrying equipment to open the mountain into here, is a very difficult thing, and this rock wall is thousands of years of flash floods, by the stream from the center of the hard split into two halves, from that section can also be seen, is not like there is the appearance of jadeite, so there is no one dares to take the risk of not going to use explosives to blow up this mountain pass river.

The formation of nephrite, is produced by the granodiorite body and dolomite contact a series of contact metamorphic system, dolomite into dolomite marble, magma late hydrothermal fluids along the dolomite marble tectonic fissure channel, account for the occurrence of the role of the nephrite will be formed only after the formation of nephrite.

That is to say, the general existence of granitic amphibolite or dolomite, there will often be the existence of jade veins, the reason why the granitic amphibolite next to that rock wall has been excavated is also for this reason, and the people who came here to quarry jade in the back, after seeing the traces of the excavation, the attention to this place has become small.

“Go back and say that you judged that there was once magma flowing underneath this ground based on that piece of granite, forming a jade vein.”

Zhuang Rui found a reason for his discovery of the Jade Vein, although it was a bit far-fetched, but when he waited until he dug up that rock wall, I believe that others would only think that he had superior eyesight and nothing else.

Taking out the camera, Zhuang Rui put the river on both sides of the terrain, and that piece of granite has been excavated are photographed, and so on back, these photos are to persuade the Jade Prince of the credentials, even if he still does not believe in it, Zhuang Rui is ready to be funded by their own, looking for people to mine, and so on after the opening of the jade, and then with the Jade King to talk about the cooperation, just that Zhuang Rui to account for the share, it will not be a person half of the shares.

Tie Zi they only think Zhuang Rui is a city dweller, into the mountains to figure a fresh, on his behavior around the photo did not care much, a day quickly passed, but the harvest, but not very ideal, only to find three or five pieces of poor quality jade, even Tie Zi such as the old jade quarrying people do not look at the eye.

A few people discussed at night, decided to leave the mountain the next morning.

When they left the mountain, they took a different route, not having to bypass the Death Valley, but the journey took half a day longer, and by the time they returned to the transfer station, it was already three days later.

The transfer station has two buses, is specially used to transport the mountain down the jade miners back to Hotan, but and the city hustling private buses, people do not sit full they will not drive.

Zhuang Rui waiting for some impatience, simply and the owner of the price, chartered a car back to Hotan, Tiezi and others did not object, after all, the body with millions of dollars worth of jade, early to return to their own territory, the heart can be stabilized.

After five or six hours of bumpy ride, Zhuang Rui finally returned to the Jade King’s manor, from him into the mountains, a whole week has passed.

Adira looked at Zhuang Rui in front of him who had a stubbled beard, dirty hair, and the jeans on his body were even worn out with a few holes, his face was grave as he asked, “Xiao Zhuang, this is not a joke, can you be sure?”

Adira was just sipping the wine that was just brewed last year with Gu Tianfeng when he was rushed up by Zhuang Rui and told him that a jade vein had been discovered.

For Zhuang Rui’s words, Adira didn’t take it much seriously in his heart, knowing that the places where Kunlun produced jade, Adira had almost traveled all over, he didn’t believe that Zhuang Rui could actually find a jade vein the first time he entered the mountain.

“Xiao Zhuang, this is not a small matter, on what basis did you say that it was a jade vein?”

Ancient looked at Zhuang Rui’s current wretched appearance and handed over a cup of red wine.

“Senior, would I say anything without certainty? You guys look.”

Zhuang Rui took out his digital camera and pointed out the rock wall he had photographed to the two of them.

“Hehe, you’re talking about this place! Xiao Zhuang, that’s not a jade vein, and that rock was washed down from the mountain.”

Seeing the photo, Adira’s expression relaxed quite a bit and laughed in disbelief, he didn’t know how many times he had been to Bison Gully, he could tell at a glance where the location of the scenery on the photo was located, there was indeed a lot of jade that had come out of that river, but it was all mountain streams and kid material that had been washed down from the mountains, there shouldn’t be any presence of a jade vein.

“Uncle Tian, I’m talking about here.” Zhuang Rui pointed his finger towards the location of the rock wall in the camera.

“I suspect that this jade vein is right here where the rock wall goes deeper inside, because the mountain rock there at the river outlet is a bit like dolomite, which means that before the crustal changes, this is where the underground magma flowed through, and there is a high possibility that a jade vein exists.”

Zhuang Rui’s words made Adira’s complexion become grave again, that river channel although he had specifically gone to inspect it, but for the mouth of the river channel was not a lot of attention, this was also due to the reason of the darkness of the lamp, the more conspicuous the place, the easier it was to be ignored.

“That’s possible, a jade vein has already appeared on Maka Peak not far from here, and it’s being mined right now, it would make sense for a jade vein to form here, just.”

Adira looked at the picture on the camera and frowned.

“Uncle Tian, what’s wrong? We can drive in through the rock wall here first to see the structure of the rocks inside!”

“Xiao Zhuang, it’s summer now, right in the season of flash floods, right now this is just a stream, after a while, I’m afraid that canyon, half of it will turn into a river, and it’ll be very difficult to mine it, unless we cut off the stream at the foot of the mountain, and blow up another river outlet.”

Adira is very familiar with the terrain there, the seasonal changes in the climate of the Kunlun Mountains is more in the palm of his hand, summer rainy, only a torrential rain, can lead to flash floods, when it is simply not possible to mine there.

Zhuang Rui thought that Adira is afraid to pay money and effort to find the jade vein again, so he said: “Tian Bo, then blow up a river outlet well, this money I will pay.”

Seeing Zhuang Rui’s look, Adira laughed and said, “You little guy have a lot of confidence! This preliminary preparation is a lot of money, just the expenses on manpower and equipment, it’s going to be a few million, you’re not afraid of blowing it all away?”

“He’s a wealthy man, a few million is nothing to him, Adira old brother, do you think there’s a plan?” Old man Gu also laughed, he didn’t have much experience in jade mining and didn’t dare to jump to conclusions.

“It’s hard to say, but as long as we open a twenty to thirty meter pit from here and look at the rock layers inside, we’ll know.”

After answering Elder Gu’s words, Adira turned his face to Zhuang Rui and said, “Little fellow, let’s do it this way! I don’t take advantage of you, I’ll pay for the equipment, you pay for the labor, let’s open a pit here first to see, if there is really a jade vein, I’ll do the thing of intercepting and redirecting the flow, how much money do we need to invest, we’ll each pay for half of it, and the shares will each account for fifty percent, how do you think about it?”

Zhuang Rui thought for a while and said, “OK, just do as Tian Bo said, but the sales after the jade is mined out, I don’t care, my share of this is considered as a risky investment, Tian Bo you give me dividends every year on the line.”

Adira smiled loudly, in case there is a jade vein, he is really afraid that Zhuang Rui this young man will point his finger in it at that time, so he said, “OK, let’s do it! You kid go and rest, tomorrow morning we will enter the mountain.”

Adira can be in Xinjiang jade industry for decades, is also a bold and daring nature, since the decision has been made, immediately stood up, went to gather people to make preparations.

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