Chapter 0273 Quarrying Jade (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:11:58
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After five or six hours of bumpy ride. Zhuang Rui and back to the Kunlun mountain range at the entrance to the transfer station, due to the rainy season is coming, the mountain road will be more difficult to travel, into the mountains than yesterday to see a few less people.

But in the transfer station but more than two dozen donkeys, which makes Zhuang Rui feel a little fresh, watching comic strips since childhood, I know the story of Avanti riding a donkey, is it possible that he also want to ride a donkey on the mountain?

Zhuang Rui’s idea became a reality, the twenty-six donkeys, there are twenty heads are used as camel transportation supplies, the remaining six heads, is to give people a ride, in the truck on the supplies unloaded onto the donkey, after a long line into the Kunlun Mountains.

When watching cartoons, Zhuang Rui felt that Afanti riding a donkey is very easy, and Zhang Guolao riding a donkey upside down, seems to be much simpler than riding a horse, in the Jade King assigned him a donkey, Zhuang Rui eager to try to ride up.

The size of the donkey was much less than a horse, standing around 85 centimeters tall with a slightly narrower chest. The limbs are thin, the trunk is shorter, so the height and length are roughly equal, but the hooves are small and solid, and the donkey team stepped on the rocky road, constantly making a “popping” sound.

In terms of the country, the distribution and use of donkeys in Xinjiang is the highest, many people in the mountainous areas of Xinjiang, in their daily lives are inseparable from the donkey, such as donkey skin boiled Colla Corii Asini, although valuable, but in Xinjiang, but far less famous than in Shandong, but also in Xinjiang, the people of Xinjiang more donkeys as a partner and a friend of the reason.

After riding to the back of the donkey, Zhuang Rui felt awkward, because the donkey spine is narrower, meat and less, sitting on it is very uncomfortable, walking up and down so a bump, it is even more difficult to ride on it did not five minutes, Zhuang Rui on the defeat, but look at the front of the Adeela comfortable sitting on the back of the donkey, the body of the donkey with the walking up and down, Zhuang Rui heart is admired.

“Attention people in front, keep going forward, don’t turn back, and don’t shout when you go past the mountain pass.”

On the way to Bison Gully. To pass through several extremely narrow mountain passes, underneath the mountain passes were tens of meters high cliffs, for Zhuang Rui and his party, it was a rather difficult hurdle, there were experienced team members who were arranging up the team.

This mountain pass is still passable for people, but for the donkey, it is a bit narrow, from time to time, there are stones being kicked down the mountain pass by the donkey, emitting a burst of crisp ringing sound.

“Ah! Be careful!”

“Karmaiti, don’t look back, keep going forward, forward ah!”

Suddenly, in front of a burst of clamor, and then Zhuang Rui saw, a pack of supplies donkey, mouth issued a miserable scream tumbled down the cliff, standing on the top of the donkey can be cleaned to hear the donkey’s body impact to the ground sound, that blood and flesh appearance. Let Zhuang Rui can not bear to look at the second eye.

“Mind your own burro, don’t look down, pass quickly.”

Due to the leader being more experienced, there was no commotion in front of the team, and after ten minutes, the entire team passed through this death trail, and everyone had a cold sweat behind their backs.

To know, just now the situation is really critical, if the leader failed to adjust and control the team in time, so that the other donkeys out of control, then all the people walking in front of them, it is likely to be buried in this valley.

After this dangerous situation, the team forward speed and slowed down a lot, has been walking for nearly four days, before coming to the wild ox ditch.

In order to prevent sudden flash floods, the team didn’t camp at the mouth of the river, but instead went to a place with higher ground about a mile away from the mouth of the river to set up camp, and after resting for a few hours, Adira brought two people with her, and Zhuang Rui came to the mouth of the river.

“Uncle Tian, this is the place, look, the roots of this rock are in the soil, it’s definitely not washed down from the mountains.”

Zhuang Rui put down the shovel in his hand, his breathing was a little short, he had just cleared away the hard soil underneath that rocky rock, it was not an easy job.

Adira squatted her body down, observed the rock very carefully for a while, and stood up. Nodding his head, he said, “Well, I wasn’t paying attention before, let’s go a little further up.”

In fact, there was a rock at the foot of the mountain, that was too normal a thing, except for Zhuang Rui, I’m afraid that whoever else would not care about it.

The peaks of Bison Gully, mostly rocky and less soil, also only low bushes can survive, tall rocks can be seen everywhere, several people along the edge of the river, walking upstream, all the way Adira was observing the mountain rocks that were exposed, walking up about forty to fifty meters, Adira stopped her footsteps.

“Kind of looks like limestone formed by magma overflow after the earth’s crust shifted.”

After a lifetime of dealing with jade, Adira could be considered a geologist without a diploma, and after looking at the mountains along the way, came to a conclusion.

Due to the long period of weathering, these rocks had long changed their shape and color, and it was really hard to see them without careful observation.

This trip into the mountains was suggested by Zhuang Rui, so Adira looked at Zhuang Rui. Asked, “Xiao Zhuang, according to your opinion, where should we survey from?”

“Starting from the rock wall at the mouth of the river, punch in a dozen or so meters inside the mountain to take a look first.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t even think about it and blurted it out, only to realize that there was something wrong with it after he finished speaking, but seeing the way Adira nodded his head, that’s when he realized that he had a similar opinion to his own.

“I think it’s fine, Zhao Gong, gather the boys to work!”

The Jade Prince acted decisively, after setting the tone. Immediately, he was ready to start work.

Knowing that most of the jade veins on the Kunlun Mountains were already being mined now, while the new ones were getting fewer and fewer, if a jade vein could really be discovered this time, for Adira, this Jade Prince’s name would be further consolidated.

The roar of the diesel engine echoed in the river canyon, the one-meter-high diamond machine kept chiseling away a piece of rock from the rock wall plane, while Adira stood beside the diamond machine, carefully observing the situation inside the rock wall, usually close to the jade vein of the rock, it is very easy to distinguish.

More than two hours passed, below the huge rock wall, a human shaped hole appeared.

Zhuang Rui stood not far away, watching the rock wall gradually being hollowed out into a hole, his heart also turned nervous, another meter or so deep, he would be able to see a piece of jade mountain material weighing more than a ton, and this jade vein would also be revealed to the world.

“Slow down, stop, stop now.”

Suddenly, Adira shouted loudly, calling a halt to the diamond machine, and drilled through the hole that had a flat surface that was more than a meter high and two meters deep, and when she came out again, she was holding a palm-sized stone in her hand.

This stone did not look like a mountain stone, because the whole stone was in the form of white crystallization, kind of like coarse salt in general, reflecting a dazzling light under the sunlight.

“There’s jade, there’s really jade, put another diamond machine on it and open the hole wider.”

After holding the rock and muttering a few words, the old man immediately ordered loudly. The progress of the rock wall excavation instantly sped up by a few points.

“Uncle Tian, what does this rock have to say?”

Zhuang Rui came over and saw the old man holding a rock, sizing it up as if he was looking at a treasure.

“This is dolomite, it’s also a companion ore for jade, the presence of dolomite basically establishes the existence of a jade vein nearby, Xiao Zhuang, your opinion is accurate, there will definitely be a jade vein here.”

Adira smiled happily, the wrinkles on his face stretched out, the whole person looked like he was a dozen years younger, for Adira who had been quarrying and searching for jade all his life, being able to find a jade vein was like the ancient master having the opportunity to carve a piece of the most precious jade, the satisfaction was beyond words.

As the hole became bigger, the two diamond machines simultaneously drilled deeper into the vertical depth, more than a meter deep was soon to be opened, the workers who excavated the rock were very experienced, and when the miner’s lamp found the jade, they immediately shut down the diamond machine, and rolled and crawled out of the hole, and shouted loudly to Adira: “Your Majesty, out of the jade, out of the jade, ah! ”

The crowd surrounding the entrance of the cave immediately stirred up, they all rely on jade for a living, and understood how significant the discovery of a jade vein was, their faces all showed excitement, it was the old man Adira, who also raised his right arm and waved his fist fiercely.

When that piece of jade weighing more than a thousand pounds of material from the hole was mined out, the crowd is a cheer, the people present in addition to Zhuang Rui and Mangzi, are following the Jade King for more than a decade of old jade quarrying people, mining a new jade vein, for them, will also be very profitable.

After Adira circled around the jade a few times, he said happily, “Not bad, very good, this jade vein, it won’t be worse than the Taleksu mine, the jade quality is even a bit better.”

“Uncle Tian, this is nothing but ordinary greenish white jade, the material can only be considered average, right? I’ve heard that the Talexu Mine has harvested sheep’s white jade.”

Zhuang Rui knew that the Taleksu Mine was the vein that extracted more than sixty tons of jade, he believed that this jade vein could definitely surpass the Taleksu Mine in terms of production, but he didn’t really understand what the old man was saying about the jade being of good quality.

“What do you kid know, this is just the edge of the jade vein, the more you dig inside, the better the jade will appear.”

Adira glared at Zhuang Rui, but his face was all smiles, he had a premonition that this mining site, would become one of the largest jade mines in Xinjiang.

“Fourth brother, we’ve been here for five or six days, when are we going back to Beijing?”

Sitting in a vineyard that was open to tourists, Big Star Xu said to Ouyang Jun in a sly manner, knowing that although the scenery here was good and the climate was cool, there were two crews in Beijing waiting for her to go back to start work.

“How do I know, can’t wait for that kid to come out, I’m still living here.”

Ouyang Jun viciously stuffed a grape in his mouth, but he forgot to spit out the skin and swallowed it with the core.

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