Chapter 0278 – Passing a Message

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:12:11
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“Ouyang Jun’s guest?”

This question popped up in the hearts of the people in the arena. This person knew Ouyang Jun, others weren’t surprised, who didn’t have three or five relatives who didn’t mix as well as they would have liked! It’s just that Zhuang Rui spoke as if Ouyang Jun had rushed up to him, which made people a bit curious.

Can enter the first floor of the people, its background are not lower than Ouyang Jun, now this six or seven people inside, there are two or even the core of the children of those people, this will look at Zhuang Rui background eyes, are with a few points of curiosity, in the heart of the Zhuang Rui’s origin.

Some friends have to say, this Xinyu’s family does not have much influence in the political world, but also a businessman, how she can enter the first floor, it is not strange, elders stay with connections, their own money, people are beautiful, can be mixed into the circle is also very normal, this year, the woman has the privilege ah!

Zhang Xinyu doesn’t need to be said. Standing there awkwardly, she came so early today, is some things want to beg Ouyang Jun, did not think that the main body has not yet seen, will be his guests to offend, said Ouyang Jun is not a good person to talk to.

The two black suit security guards, at this moment also some overwhelmed, the boss’s friend was driven away by their own, that can still have good fruit to eat ah! For a moment, they didn’t know whether to shout at Zhuang Rui or not, and their gaze towards Zhang Xingyu also turned a bit unkind, if it wasn’t for this woman, how could they possibly offend Zhuang Rui ah!

“Yue Xiaoliu, what’s wrong? Where are you guys going?”

Yue Jing had just pulled open the door and was about to walk out when Ouyang Jun walked in face to face, seeing that Yue Jing’s face was a bit unkind, he strangely spoke out and asked.

“Fourth Brother, the water here is too deep for you, let’s go to another place to eat.”

Yue Xiaoliu is also holding a bellyful of anger today, buddy for people low profile, that is the buddy to do the job, was Zhang Xin Yu this social flower like woman to ignore, this makes Yue Jing brother feel very no face, is so to Ouyang Jun, speech is not very polite.

“What’s going on ah this? Zhuang Rui, don’t go yet.”

Ouyang Jun then saw Zhuang Rui behind Yue Jing and couldn’t be bothered to greet him. He beckoned the two black suits in the field over.

Before Ouyang Jun could ask what happened, Miao Fei Fei jumped out from behind Zhuang Rui, pointing at Ouyang Jun without the slightest bit of mercy and said, “Ouyang Ke, this place of yours is really meaningless, the people who come here are really unqualified.”

Get, seeing Miao Fei Fei, Ouyang Jun then opened a glance at Zhang Xin Yu who was standing in the field with an undying face, where else would he not understand what was going on.

“Little auntie, my name is Ouyang Jun, not Ouyang Ke, give some face, stop it ah! Catch up tomorrow fourth brother to send you a good car.”

Ouyang Jun to Miao Fei Fei is also a headache, the relationship between the two elders is very good, and at a certain level is also an ally, he really do not dare to offend this little girl piece, the last time out of that matter, he was summoned by the old man to scold a meal.

Just how he could not figure out, how this girl and Zhuang Rui stirred together, looked at Yue Xiaoliu, he can only think that it is followed by Yue Xiaoliu together.

“And didn’t offend me. What do you need my face for? That woman but said that Zhuang Rui is uneducated, oh, I’m sorry, Zhuang Rui, it wasn’t me who said that! I’ll repeat it.”

Miao Fei Fei embarrassedly spat out her tongue at Zhuang Rui, then she didn’t bother with Ouyang Jun anymore, but pulled Big Star Xu behind him and said, “Sister Xu, how come your skin is getting better and better! It’s so white!” Just saying it wasn’t enough, Miao Fei Fei’s hand even twisted on the big star’s face.

“Find a man to moisturize you more and your skin will naturally get better.” What kind of character is Big Star Xu, one sentence will Miao Fei Fei said a blush, the two women fought and went to the side to whisper.

“Fourth Brother, there’s something to talk about later, we’re leaving first ah! Officer Miao, let’s go! Do you really want to stay here for dinner?”

Zhuang Rui saw Ouyang Jun and also greeted him nonchalantly, calling out to Miao Fei Fei, in his opinion, Ouyang Jun would definitely defend that woman’s face.

“Don’t, it’s not you who has to leave! Zhang Xin Yu, Mr. Zhuang is my friend, I don’t think it’s too suitable for you to stay here today, it’s better if you please go back first!”

Ouyang Jun’s behavior made the people present. All of them were shocked, originally thought that Ouyang Jun would go with the flow, first let those few people leave, dissolve the embarrassment of the scene, who knew that Ouyang Jun came up and made his position clear, this seems not to be the style of the consistently very oily Ouyang Gongzi ah!

In fact, Ouyang Jun said the above words, has been to Zhang Xinyu left face, just heard from the mouth of Miao Fei Fei words, so that Ouyang Jun is also burning with anger, Zhuang Rui no family education, that is not also scolded to the face of the Ouyang family Well, this is not in their own club, Ouyang Jun can go up to smoke her girl.

Yesterday, Ouyang Jun boldly asked a few old man, according to the old man’s statement, if not unexpected, Zhuang Rui is Ouyang Jun’s cousin, and Zhuang Rui’s mother, is his sister-in-law, what happened, Ouyang Zhenwu but did not say, but the answer, but it is enough to let the Ouyang Jun’s resentment of Zhuang Rui become dissipated.

“Today is my fault, if I have offended, I will apologize to fourth brother some other day.”

Zhang Xin Yu also didn’t expect that Ouyang Jun was explicitly protecting Zhuang Rui, at that moment, her face turned pale as she gave an explanation, seeing that Ouyang Jun mixed didn’t care and waved his hand at himself, her eyes reddened and she lowered her head and walked out.

Ouyang Jun didn’t put Zhang Xin Yu in his heart at all, although Zhuang Rui didn’t know about his relationship with himself, but that wasn’t something that someone like Zhang Xin Yu could lightly insult.

“Zhuang Rui, go in! Let’s eat first, there’s something to tell you later.” Ouyang Jun patted Zhuang Rui’s shoulder. Taking the lead, he walked in.

Zhuang Rui stood in the doorway and thought about it, but also turned around and followed him in, no matter what, Ouyang Jun had enough face today, if he insisted on leaving again, it would be a bit too much to give Ouyang Jun face.

“Fourth child, I also have not eaten, evening together?”

A middle-aged man wearing glasses in the room, sitting there in a big way and Ouyang Jun greeted, but I guess eating is fake, some curiosity about Zhuang Rui’s identity is real.

“Brother Wu, today is a bit of a personal matter, some other day, some other day please brothers together.”

Ouyang Jun smiled and politely refused the other party, he is still curious in his heart, just now look at the conversation between Zhuang Rui and Miao Fei Fei, obviously these two people are also habitually familiar with, but with Zhuang Rui’s identity, it seems that the previous seemingly can not contact Miao Fei Fei this level of people, right?

Several people left the hall, into the second floor of a box, the box on the ground with a red carpet, in the middle of a diameter of more than two meters in a large round table, some platters of cold dishes have been set up, Ouyang Jun greeted a few people to sit down, to see Miao Fei Fei did not next to the big star to sit, but sat down next to Zhuang Rui, which makes him on his own this little cousin, more and more curious up.

Ouyang Jun whispered and Xu big star whispered a few words, big star stood up, went to sit next to Miao Feifei on a chair, she was authorized by Ouyang Jun, to find out how Miao Feifei and Zhuang Rui acquaintance.

This meal is not shocking, although many dishes are not eaten by Zhuang Rui, but at the moment his mind is not on it, and because there are Miao Fei Fei and Yue Xiaoliu, Ouyang Jun some words are not good to say, even Miao Fei Fei can see that a little bit out of place. Half an hour later, the banquet was over.

Seeing that everyone was not moving their chopsticks, Ouyang Jun stood up and greeted the big star, “Take Xiaoliu and Fei Fei to play downstairs! I have something to say to Zhuang Rui.”

“Go! Go to my office to talk.”

Zhuang Rui nodded and the two of them went up to the third floor, where Ouyang Jun opened the door to a room.

“Fourth brother, you still like to play with this object?”

Zhuang Rui just entered the room, his eyes were attracted by a large screen placed in the center of the room.

This is a piece of twelve open mahogany screen, about two meters high, no screen in the middle, are inlaid with a length of about fifty centimeters or so of the Golden Allied Jade Phoenix, although it is carved in green and white jade, but twelve jade phoenix are all the whole material carved and made, but also worth a lot of money, not to mention that only these big-leaf sandalwood, the value of tens of millions of dollars.

“Other people see me this office is a bit empty, send me for decoration, I know nothing about this stuff.”

Ouyang Jun is very humble waved his hand, but it is a smug look, this set of screen is originally a late Qing Dynasty officials stationed in Yunnan, built ready to honor the Empress Dowager Cixi.

But this thing is very time-consuming work, after several years of good, Empress Dowager Cixi, her old man has long been Yen driving back to heaven, and then through the chaos of the warlords, this set of screens exposed to the private sector, it is just the collection of the screen of the people have something to beg to the Ouyang army, take this object as a knock on the door.

“Something good, on the age of the near point, with general materials, but such a large object, can also be worth thirty to fifty million dollars.” Zhuang Rui looked back and forth and casually made a comment.

“You have research on this too? Right, I forgot that you worked in a pawnshop, I’ll introduce that kid to you in a few days, he has a lot of good stuff saved up in his hands!”

Ouyang Jun on Zhuang Rui’s bright side of the experience, has long been inquiring clearly, just Zhuang Rui later those encounters, he does not know, also do not know in front of this little cousin, the wealth does not have to be less than him.

“Alright, fourth brother, in the end who wants to see me, just tell me straight!”

There were just the two of them in the room, Zhuang Rui also didn’t want to beat around the bush, the topic changed and asked straight to the point.

“It’s my father, he said that your mother, might be my little aunt, so he wants to meet you.”

Seeing that Zhuang Rui was about to open his mouth to speak, Ouyang Jun waved his hand and continued, “Don’t ask me what’s going on, I don’t know a thing about it, the old generation never mentions this thing, if you want to know the reason, tomorrow is to meet my old man! I’m just a messenger.”

After Ouyang Jun finished speaking, he looked at Zhuang Rui, he also wanted to know what happened in the past.

“Okay, I’ll go!”

Zhuang Rui was silent for a while and nodded heavily, he also wanted to know what was the reason that made his mother not interact with her mother’s family for decades.

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