Chapter 0293 – Grandson (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:12:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Mom, the doctor has said. Your eyes can’t shed tears, quickly wipe them.”

Seeing the old lady’s sadness, Ouyang Zhenwu rushed forward and persuaded, the nurse behind the old lady, took a handkerchief and carefully helped the old lady to dry her tears.

“Good, don’t cry, don’t cry, I want to do the surgery, I want to see what my grandson looks like.”

The old lady stopped her tears and said such a sentence, but it made Ouyang Zhenwu happy, to know, the earlier this cataract surgery is done, the better it is, just the old lady does not listen to people’s persuasion, it is useless for anyone to say it, but today, this just saw her grandson, she changed her mind, so Ouyang Zhenwu, who has always been very worried about his mother’s eyes, was overjoyed.

“Nurse Xiao Jin, please report this matter upwards, just say that the old lady is going to have eye surgery, and have someone arrange it as soon as possible.”

Taking advantage of the time when the old lady was talking to Zhuang Rui, Ouyang Zhenwu walked over to the nurse who was pushing the wheelchair and whispered to her, incidentally standing himself behind the wheelchair, signaling her to hurry up and report it, so as to save the old lady from backtracking on her decision at that time.

“Child, how have you and Wan Er been doing all these years? This cruel dead girl, if you don’t come to see me again, you won’t be able to see me again!”

The old lady said words, and sad, because the daughter of this thing, do not know and the old man fell out of conflict how many times, if not the old man’s health is not good, the old lady did not dare to be too angry with his words, has long let people to Ouyang Wan received in Beijing, Zhuang Rui’s great-uncle used to go to see Ouyang Wan, in fact, it is also out of the old lady’s authorization.

“Grandma, we are doing well, I came to see you and grandpa first, mom will come to see you in a few days, you have to take care of your body!”

Zhuang Rui wiped away his tears, as he bowed his head, a trace of aura overflowed from his eyes and seeped into the old lady’s legs, this trace of aura was small in quantity, probably due to the fact that the old lady’s body physiology had deteriorated so much, it wasn’t very noticeable.

“Mom. Where’s Dad?”

Ouyang Zhenwu, who was standing behind the old lady, bent his body down and asked in the old lady’s ear.

“The old man is in bed, it’s fine, his ears are not good, he can’t hear, child, get up, you haven’t eaten yet, right? Are you hungry? Let’s go eat.”

The old lady’s longing for her daughter, in this moment are transformed into love for her grandson, tightly pulling Zhuang Rui’s hand does not let go, so that the back of the wheelchair Ouyang Zhenwu some helpless, the old lady you pulling a person, how else can I push ah!

“Mom, you let go of Xiao Rui first, we can go over!”

“No, I want to go with my grandson.”

The old lady was quite stubborn, grabbed Zhuang Rui’s hand and just wouldn’t let go, at the same time, her feet made a push and stood up with force.

“Mom, grandma, be careful.”

The old lady’s leg was injured when she was young. Although she can usually stand up and walk, but she can’t walk a few steps without feeling pain, so seeing the old lady stand up, Ouyang Zhenwu and Ouyang Lei both tensed up, Ouyang Zhenwu even pushed away the wheelchair and took a step forward, ready to take a hand up.

“No need for you to help, I can still walk.”

The old lady shrugged off her son’s hand, actually dawdled and walked up, from the yard all the way into the house, but the right hand is still tightly grasping Zhuang Rui, because she can’t see ah!

Ouyang Zhenwu and Ouyang Lei looked at each other, their eyes are now unbelievable, to know, originally the old lady could not walk three or five steps, the old injury on her leg would hurt too much to bear, but just now …… Ouyang Zhenwu rubbed his eyes, he did not seem to be wrong ah!

“Grandmother, you sit down first, I won’t walk, I’ll sit next to you.”

When Ouyang Zhenwu and Ouyang Lei rushed into the room, Zhuang Rui was helping the old lady to sit at the dining table, and the old lady’s face was normal, it didn’t look like she was pretending, and that old injured leg should really not hurt.

How do they know, just when the old lady got up, Zhuang Rui was afraid that she would fall down, and he entered another stream of spiritual qi into the old lady’s knee. The amount of this spiritual qi was several times that of the previous one, although it couldn’t cure the old lady’s injured leg, but to relieve the pain, it was absolutely no problem.

“Mom, does your leg still hurt? Should I call a doctor to check it out?”

Ouyang Zhenwu was still a bit uneasy, walking to the old lady’s side and asking carefully.

“There’s no pain ah! Huh? Strange, walking seems to be a lot lighter today.”

Hearing her son say this, the old lady was also a bit strange, patting her thigh with her hand, she immediately felt it, if it was in the past, only if she twisted it hard, she would feel a bit.

“Grandma, is it really okay?” Ouyang Lei also came over la.

The old lady is sitting in the right place, this over the two people on the space is a little crowded, Zhuang Rui stood up to the side to let a little, who knows the old lady waved her hand, said: “you two sit on the side, I want to take a good look at my grandson.”

Ouyang Zhenwu and Ouyang Lei smiled bitterly and retreated, your old man’s eyes can not even see the road clearly, how to see people ah!

The old lady didn’t care so much, and turned her face to Zhuang Rui. Look hard, to say that this cataract, is not completely invisible, just the eyes of the lens lesions, become cloudy and opaque, resulting in blurred vision, the old lady’s this disease dragged a little long time, so a little more serious, to the light to look at Zhuang Rui, but also just a blur of a shadow, simply can not see Zhuang Rui’s eyes.

When the old lady looked at herself. Zhuang Rui’s heart moved a bit, obviously the aura just now was very helpful to grandmother’s legs, I wonder if it’s okay to use it on her eyes?

Since having aura, no matter if it’s for people or animals, it seems to have only benefits without any drawbacks, after this thought popped up in Zhuang Rui’s mind, when he was looking at the old lady, he quietly released a trace of aura, which seeped in from the old lady’s eyelids.

“Child ah! You look so much like your mom! When your mom was young, she had a face like yours, back then! People say that my daughter has a beautiful face, this dead girl, she doesn’t want me as her old mother!”

The old lady looked at Zhuang Rui rambling words, the thought of her daughter over the years, all to Zhuang Rui confided out, listening to the side of the son and grandson straight to laugh, this is not even see the silhouette, how do you know look like ah! I have not heard that the old lady will also touch the bone that set of jianghu trick.

“This child, how there is a scar on the forehead ah? Did you misbehave as a child? That’s not like your mom, Wan Er’s nature is very quiet.” The old lady was still chanting almost to herself, but Ouyang Zhenwu uncle and nephew didn’t care and chatted about other things on the side.

“Grandma, can you …… you see the scar on my forehead?”

Zhuang Rui naturally knows that there is a small thumbnail-sized scar at his forehead, that was accidentally dropped when he was a child, just usually covered by his hair, not to run his hair completely to the back, is not visible.

Zhuang Rui’s slightly surprised voice, also startled Ouyang Zhenwu and Ouyang Lei who were chatting, the two rushed to walk behind the old lady, and looked toward Zhuang Rui’s forehead, yes, there is indeed a scar, but it is not very eye-catching. And after so many years, the scar is very flat, and it feels no different from the scalp when you touch it with your hand.

“I …… I did see it ah! What’s wrong with this today?”

When people are old, their reaction is a little slow, until Zhuang Rui shouted out, the old lady realized that she has been more than a year to see things clearly, how did she suddenly become better?

“Doctor, come quickly for a moment.”

Ouyang Lei’s reaction was faster, he hurriedly walked to the door, pressed a red button and shouted at the thing that looked like a doorbell.

“Minister Ouyang, what happened? Is it that the old man is having a hard time somewhere?”

Not three minutes after Ouyang Lei pressed the button, an ambulance pulled up to the entrance of the courtyard, and a few middle-aged doctors wearing summer uniforms on the inside and white lab coats on the outside, carrying a small metal box, quickly walked into the room, followed by two young boys carrying a stretcher.

They are all resident here to serve the chiefs of health doctors, is subordinate to the military establishment, act is very thunder and lightning, the leader of the one who asked the question, did not wait for Ouyang Zhenwu to answer, rushed to the inner courtyard, in their thought, press the emergency treatment switch, must be the old man’s disease has any recurrence, because the old lady is sitting peacefully in the house, does not seem to be sick look.

“Hey, hey …… Dr. Dou, it is not the old master has something, it is my grandmother …… I can not say clearly, you look at it to know, my grandmother’s eyes can see things.”

Ouyang Lei a pull that the head of the doctor, the situation explained, just he now himself did not understand what is going on, the heart are still confused.

“Old lady? It can’t be possible! It was only checked a few days ago!”

Dr. Dou was a bit dumbfounded by Ouyang Lei’s words, he personally checked the old lady’s eyes the day before yesterday, and she had to be operated on, or else if it took a little longer, she would most likely be completely blind, how could she suddenly be able to see?

But the facts speak for themselves, check it out, don’t you know? Dr. Dao hurriedly opened the metal case he brought with him, took out a small flashlight from it, walked to the old lady’s side, and said, “Old lady, I’ll check it for you, wait and see if this bright light is obvious?”

“No need to check, take the flashlight away, it’s weirdly blinding, you’re Xiao Dou, you’ve been here for seven or eight years, can I still not recognize you?”

The old lady’s words made Dr. Dou almost fall into a state of petrification, this really doesn’t need to be examined, because the old lady’s hand, very accurately flicked his hand holding the flashlight to the side.

“Minister Ouyang, you few come out with me for a moment, young man, you come out as well.”

Dr. Dou called Zhuang Rui out as well, he wanted to know what exactly happened here before the old lady’s vision returned.

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