Chapter 0294 – The Doctors’ Confusion

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:12:53
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“You’d better ask Xiao Rui about this! He was the only one who was closest to the old lady just now.”

After Dr. Dou asked Ouyang Zhenwu and Ouyang Lei, they didn’t get any useful information, which made him a little confused, although this cataract is a common condition among the elderly, and it is easy to cure with the current medical technology, but I haven’t heard of it being cured without treatment ah!

“Brother-in-law, I just wasn’t with you guys, Granny was a little agitated at the beginning, and then slowly calmed down, right, Granny just cried and rubbed her eyes with her hands for a while, I don’t know if it’s for this reason?”

Of course Zhuang Rui couldn’t say that he cured herself, he just said it, I’m afraid others wouldn’t believe it either.

“This is strange, there have been cases of retinal detachment caused by a heavy blow, but emotional excitement can cause cataracts to heal, have any of you ever heard of such a case?”

Dr. Dou frowned and looked at the several colleagues beside him, those people also shook their heads repeatedly, these people were specialized in serving the chief. If they were placed in ancient times, they would be the Imperial Physicians of the Grand Household! Each of them could be said to be highly skilled and knowledgeable, but no one had ever seen or heard of this kind of situation happening to the old lady.

“Dr. Dou, maybe it’s not cured but relieved? I think it’s very necessary for us to give the old lady a meticulous examination.”

One of the doctors in the field said, Dr. Dou also nodded, they were all trying to find out the answer from the medical point of view, but none of them could think that the one who made the old lady see the light again was none other than Zhuang Rui who had a perplexed look on his face.

“Child, hurry up and come to Grandma’s place.”

Seeing a few people walked into the room, the old lady hurriedly waved to Zhuang Rui, the nurse who held her back, also breathed a sigh of relief, that is to say, in this short while, the old lady asked seven or eight sentences about where her eldest grandson had gone.

Zhuang Rui very obediently walked over, next to the old lady sat down, the old man to a certain age, its character and the child is similar, “old child” refers to them, see through the world, people also returned to the original I mentality.

Seeing that Dr. Dao couldn’t stop making eyes at himself, Zhuang Rui said to the old lady: “Grandma, can you really see me?”

“You child, grandma is so old, can she still talk nonsense? Why didn’t your mom come with you this time! Alas. For so many years, it’s also bitter for her.”

The old lady misses her daughter misses tightly, three sentences did not pass, and then mentioned Zhuang Rui’s mother, face now shows a sad look, and the side of the sinus doctor saw Zhuang Rui did not mention the matter of checking the eyes, a little anxious, stood behind the old lady, could not help but to Zhuang Rui gestures.

Zhuang Rui returned Dr. Dou a look to reassure him, said: “Grandma, my mom will come to see you in a few days, but are your eyes really okay? What if my mom comes and you can’t see? Grandma, you’d better let Dr. Dao and the others check it out!”

“Yes, yes, not being able to see for a whole year is really bad, check, Grandma will go for a check tomorrow. Lao San ah! Look at you all, you’re not as understanding as this eldest grandson of mine, knowing that Wan’er is coming, telling me to protect my eyes.”

The old lady was happy to hear that her daughter was coming back in a few days, she was happy with a smile on her face, but her mind jumped around a bit more, and somehow she got involved with Ouyang Zhenwu, and incidentally taught him a lesson.

“Mom, you’re right, you’re right, let’s just eat first! I’ll bring my little sister to you in a few days.”

After Ouyang Zhenwu heard the old lady’s words, he naturally cried and laughed, in this year or so, he didn’t know how many times he had persuaded the old lady to have an operation, but she didn’t take any notice of it at all, this was good, and blamed it on himself instead.

“Doctor Dou, it’s better to let Grandma go for a checkup tomorrow morning! This will be a time when her old man doesn’t have the heart for it.” Ouyang Lei said to the several doctors, it’s dinner time now, it’s estimated that these people ran here without eating, waiting here is not a solution.

“Good, Master Ouyang, you must explain the old lady, pay more attention to rest, I’m afraid that this is a temporary recovery caused by the old lady’s emotional excitement. What exactly is the result, we still have to wait until after tomorrow’s examination to know.”

Dr. Dou heard a few people just that conversation, know that the old lady is the first time to see the grandson, probably also have a lot to say, then did not continue to urge the old lady to do the examination, and Ouyang Lei after explaining a bit, said goodbye and left.

Dr. Dao and other people left, the family nanny on the dishes, the old lady knows that today the grandson to come, if not their own invisible things, I’m afraid that they have to go into the kitchen to personally cook, but even so, before Zhuang Rui to come, but also stood in the kitchen side of the command for half a day.

Zhuang Rui saw, most of these dishes are relatively light, is the mother’s favorite food, know grandmother is spent thought, the heart is also a little touched, the world is really only not the son or daughter, there is no not the parents ah!

“Child, eat more, this is all Wan Er’s favorite food.”

“Grandma, you let go of Xiao Rui! How can we eat with this pulling on him?”

Seeing the old lady grabbing Zhuang Rui’s hand with both hands, and her mouth couldn’t stop urging Zhuang Rui to eat, Ouyang Lei also laughed.

“Right, right, you see grandma is old and confused, Xiao Lei, give your brother some food! He’s not as blessed as you few.” The old lady let go of Zhuang Rui’s hand and instructed her grandson at the side.

“Grandma, I’ll do it myself.”

At this time Zhuang Rui’s heart. It was deeply surrounded by a strong affection, other than his mother, he had never felt this emotion of being cared for before, and his heart was relaxed.

Although it was the first time he met his grandmother, the first time he met this cousin who was a division commander in the special division, but Zhuang Rui did not have a sense of constraints, and ate the dishes Ouyang Lei clamped on him with a big mouthful of food, only that without realizing it, the tears had already filled up in his eyes.

“Good boy, eat slowly.” The old lady didn’t move her chopsticks, and had been smiling and looking at Zhuang Rui with a kind expression.

“Uhm ……”

Zhuang Rui agreed, but his head was lowered, he didn’t want the old lady to see the tears in his eyes.

The old lady looked around and saw that her youngest son and eldest grandson hadn’t moved their chopsticks, and said, “You guys eat too! All looking at my grandson like this, he’s embarrassed.”

“Yes, yes, we’ll eat too, mom, you eat too.”

Ouyang Zhenwu brought over a bowl of congee to the old lady, the elderly’s stomach and intestines are not well digested, they can only drink some congee at night, that is to say, this table of meals, are all prepared for Zhuang Rui.

“Little brat, entering the door and still running out, believe it or not grandma I’ll take the cane and knock you?”

The place where the old lady is sitting is facing the door of the room, suddenly shouting out the words sound to make Zhuang Rui raised his head, followed the old lady’s gaze, but the doorway reveals a head, thieving eyes looked around, before pushing open the door and walked in.

Of course, according to Ouyang Jun, this is called scouting the enemy. In case the old man gets up, he is good to immediately bugger off, in this house, Ouyang Jun is not afraid of heaven and earth, he is afraid of that old man.

“Grandma, your old eyes are really ……”

Ouyang Jun smiled and walked in, that “good” word has not said, suddenly thought of this old lady’s eyes but more than a year can not see things, not open mouth, froze in place.

“Brat, stupid ah! Come over and sit down to eat.”

Ouyang Zhenwu’s cold grunt shook Ouyang Jun awake, not bothering to deal with his big brother and Zhuang Rui, he scurried to the old lady in a few steps, stretched out a palm and said, “Grandma, this is a few, can you see?”

“You monkey boy, not stable at all, learn more from your brother, look, I’m this grandson how good ah!”

The old lady knocked on Ouyang Jun’s head, smilingly looking at Zhuang Rui, the old man’s current mood is like a child getting a long desired toy, can’t help but praise and show off to whoever he sees.

“Grandma, you are biased, I am not good?”

Ouyang Jun pulled the old lady’s arm, said unforgivingly, he was also trying to make fun, he grew up with his grandparents Zhang Da, in several grandchildren, is the most favored by the old lady.

“Good, all good, quick, sit down and eat! Go back and look at that old thing.”

The old lady’s mouth couldn’t close up with her smile, pulling Ouyang Jun’s hand, letting him sit on his right hand side, the house suddenly presented a scene of joyfulness with children and grandchildren around their knees.

Ouyang Jun promised a sound, after sitting down a clever mouth to tease the old lady straight smile, but he did not move chopsticks, he was afraid of the old man in, deliberately outside to eat before coming.

“Mom, you do not always spoil him ah!” Ouyang Zhenwu couldn’t see past it, this son of his own lacked discipline since he was a child, as soon as something happened, he went to the old lady to hide here, making himself as a father couldn’t even manage it.

“My grandson, I’m happy.” It is said that it is the next generation, the old lady this is a little unreasonable, is your grandson is not false, that is also Ouyang Zhenwu’s son ah!

Ouyang Zhenwu by the words of the old lady for the knot, but think of their son in addition to like a star, but there is nothing out of the ordinary behavior, also did not say anything.

Ouyang Jun in, the atmosphere in the house is much more lively, while coaxing the grandmother, but also take the time to talk to Zhuang Rui Ouyang Lei, a meal eaten in a happy and harmonious.

“Child, are you full? I’ll take you to see your grandpa, I haven’t seen this old thing for over a year.” After finishing the meal, the old lady grabbed Zhuang Rui’s hand again and couldn’t let go of it, afraid that he would run away, while the other hand grabbed Ouyang Jun.

Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Jun assisted the old lady with one hand and one hand and walked towards the backyard.

“The chief is asleep, you guys speak a little softer.”

Under the old lady’s leadership, several people walked into the main room in the backyard, and a special nurse in his thirties immediately greeted them.

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