Chapter 0300 – A Bustling Antique Market

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:13:09
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In the bustling crowd. Everyone is with a happy face, waving in the hand just bought things, loudly calling friends, there are two tall foreign chicks, a face wearing a Beijing opera face, another person carrying a yangqin erhu, see Zhuang Rui quite speechless.

But Zhuang Rui heart also has a hint of realization, come here, just hold a Taobao presumption, really enjoy, or here the lively environment and unique Chinese characteristics of the cultural atmosphere.

Zhuang Rui also stood at the gate of Panjiayuan calculated the proportion of real and fake objects here, Miao police officers are already excited to rush in, here is too chaotic, a relentless can walk away, Zhuang Rui helpless, can only follow up.

“Come on, just think of it as a visit to the tour.”

Zhuang Rui can only do this to comfort himself, this Panjiayuan if there is no real object, it is impossible, just a few million pieces of stuff inside, if you can pick out the real. That was definitely hitting the big time, even if Zhuang Rui had aura to use.

You know, each stall has a few pairs or even a dozen hands picking out, this has Reiki can not be used ah? Is it hard to let Zhuang Rui groom those people for free?

“When your own courtyard is built, you can buy some high-fashion contraptions to place inside.”

Zhuang Rui followed the back of Miao Fei Fei turned a few stalls, not to say, really came to a point of interest, because the high imitation of porcelain and some pottery here, the production is very delicate, if not held in the hand with the aura to distinguish, it is difficult to distinguish the real and fake, from the point of view of this burning casting process, it should be in accordance with the ancient firing formula process to.

In fact, some modern craft porcelain, the production process has been no less than the ancient firing technology, in the quality of more than many, artistic appreciation is also stronger, just antique this thing, play is an ancient word, it is not like jade, good quality on the value of money, this thing is not an old object, there is no history of inheritance, and then exquisite that is also for nothing.

After wandering around for more than half an hour, Zhuang Rui is found, this Miao Fei Fei is simply crazy, where there are more people to where to squeeze. Squeeze in there after watching the fun, Zhuang Rui with the bitter, want to pick a few imitation of a good object, there is no free time.

“Zhuang Rui, come over, come to help.”

Just a moment ago when Zhuang Rui squatted on the ground and wanted to look at a snuff bottle, Miss Miao again stood five or six meters away and waved to him, but there was also a tall white man standing beside him, and not far away there were more than a dozen people watching the action.

“What is it?” Zhuang Rui walked over and asked.

“I don’t know, this foreigner is pulling people around to talk, look like quite anxious, ask him what he wants to do?”

Dare to say that Officer Miao is to help people happy to come, just English is not very pass, and foreigners pointing and gesturing half a day, froze did not understand each other’s meaning.

Zhuang Rui held back his laughter, said to the foreigner: “Friend, what do you need my help?”

“Oh, you know English? Great, I want to ask where the restroom is? Actually my body language is great, unfortunately this is a beautiful young lady.”

That foreigner was in good humor, even though this would be suffocated by urine. Still not forgetting to joke with Zhuang Rui, it was hard for Zhuang Rui to imagine that if this foreigner posed a body language of letting go of water to Miao Fei Fei, would Officer Miao make him unable to pee from here on out.

Seeing that Zhuang Rui just laughed without saying anything, Miao Fei Fei quickly pushed him and asked, “What are you laughing at! What does this foreigner want?”

“He’s looking for the restroom and I don’t know where it is.” Zhuang Rui casually replied, it was also his first time in Panjiayuan ah!

Miao Fei Fei sniffed and blushed for a moment, she is familiar with Panjiayuan, pointed out the place to the foreigner, and the people watching the scene dispersed, after this Officer Miao was a lot more honest, followed Zhuang Rui to stroll through the stalls one by one.

In the crowd of people, soon Zhuang Rui strolled through a row of stalls, just a row, this Panjiayuan more than three thousand stalls, I do not know how many rows to be divided into it, due to each stall to see not a few minutes, was crowded to move forward, so Zhuang Rui is not much to gain, with the aura to distinguish a few objects are all forgeries.

In the corner ready to enter the second row, Zhuang Rui saw, in a store door, surrounded by a circle of people, there is a dead end, the flow of people do not pass through there, Zhuang Rui is ready to go over to take a look, just turned back and intended to greet Miao Fei Fei time. That Missy is already squeezed through, Zhuang Rui heart sweat, wearing so hot, not afraid of being eaten tofu.

Zhuang Rui squeezed in to take a look, can not help but be a little disappointed, it turned out to be the store in the doorway to build a few stalls, above are some ceramics, for these objects, Zhuang Rui is not very cold, the real value of the ceramics, that are set up inside the store, placed outside the crowd hand mixed, in case of broken, that is considered to be who’s ah!

“Boss, you this thing can not be cheaper?”

A little strange voice into the ears of Zhuang Rui, that said like a word by word burst out, but the pronunciation is very accurate, but also with a little Beijing accent, but how to listen to how awkward.

Zhuang Rui looked at the sound, the original is a foreigner, is a white man, can not see which country, and then to the surrounding a measure. This onlookers inside, but half of the people are foreign tourists.

“Fifty thousand dollars, can not be cheaper, this is the emperor’s old man used ah! By the way, you like that queen of your country, called what Elizabeth, yes, just called Elizabeth that queen used the same, fifty thousand is still expensive?”

Look at the stall is a and Zhuang Rui about the age of the young man, opened his mouth to open the price of fifty thousand dollars. And also the foreigner played a comparison, but the comparison is a bit incestuous, Britain is not without a king with a handle, have to take a bottom without a queen to a Chinese emperor to do comparison.

In the eyes of foreigners, China has always been known for its long history and mystery, and porcelain is the first impression of foreigners on China, no way ah! Who let China translated is the meaning of porcelain, so these foreigners, in the stroll Panjiayuan, porcelain especially pay attention to.

But aside Zhuang Rui on the stall owner of the lion’s mouth is a surprise, placed in his hands to look at the porcelain, but it is a blue and white landscape figures covered jar, even with a jar with a cover is a complete set, the head is not small, the jar straight mouth, short neck, rim. Lid flat top, slightly folded edge, with a ring-shaped knob.

Jar body decorated with blue and white landscape figures. The blue and white flowers are colorful and verdant, fresh and bright, with the artistic effect of ink painting. The picture is layered, rich in three-dimensional sense, the painting of the literati, the old man fishing alone and other vivid images, from this modeling point of view, Zhuang Rui judged that this should be imitation of the Kangxi years of blue and white figures cover jar.

Some friends do not understand, why say is imitation ah? That is not nonsense? The real Kangxi Qing dynasty blue and white landscape figures cover jar, that is collected in the Palace Museum, can be placed here to sell it? Then again, that belongs to the national level of cultural relics, banned from exporting, this foreigners buy also can not take out, Zhuang Rui simply do not need to use the aura to see, also know that this thing is fake, the most imitation is good. This stall owner is a big fool.

Just antique this thing, have to buy and sell, willing to fight, are both voluntary, not to mention the stall owner is fooling foreigners, Zhuang Rui simply look up next to the hilarious, and surrounded by the Chinese, it is estimated that most of them are and Zhuang Rui with the same mind.

But that foreigner, who had clearly spent a long time in China, opened his mouth and said, ‘Two thousand dollars, take it or leave it. If you don’t want to sell, then forget it…

“Two thousand dollars?!” The stall owner asked a follow-up question, really fake he naturally know in his heart, can sell two thousand dollars, that is also more than thirty times the profit.

“RMB, not devalued, better than USD.”

This foreigner is a person elite, said the words led to the surrounding crowd that is the laughter, Zhuang Rui and Miao Fei Fei is also laughing back and forth, these two people are really too funny, speak the price is like a duet generally.

“That can’t be, you see this firing process, absolutely first-class, look again.”

Although the sale of two thousand yuan, the stall owner is also earned a lot, but he was a little reluctant, rare to fool the foreigners, that is not to the death of the slaughter ah! At that moment, drummed up three inches of tongue, and that foreigners on the vernacular.

Zhuang Rui listened to a moment, feel a little bored, greeted the Miao Fei Fei, ready to continue to stroll to go, he is also ready to find a good object to give the old man it, the night to go to the old man there, can not go empty-handed it!


Zhuang Rui was about to turn around when his eyes saw a clay pot placed in the corner of the stall, that footsteps can not move.

“Go ah! Don’t look, that stall owner is too dark.” Miao Fei Fei’s sense of justice kicked in, when she saw Zhuang Rui stopped, she thought he still wanted to watch the fun, so she pulled Zhuang Rui.

“Wait, I saw a nice thing.” Zhuang Rui said in a small voice, his body moved forward and came over again.

What Zhuang Rui was looking at was a flat-bottomed earthenware jar with a dark body, covered with dusty clay, and from the surface, it was just black, with no other glaze color, and the batter didn’t seem to be very obvious, kind of like an old contraption.

“Boss, bring me that blackish thing on the side.” Zhuang Rui squeezed to the side of the ceramic pot and said gruffly in Pengcheng dialect.

“Come and get it yourself, I’m full of treasures here, if you break it, it’s on you?” The stall owner was a bit impatient, can’t he see that he is talking about a big business? What kind of mess ah!

Generally this antique stall, are categorized, real objects and imitation of better things, are placed in the stall owner’s side, grade a little lower on the periphery, and then almost belongs to the treatment of goods, are generally piled up together or placed in an inconspicuous corner.

This clay pot should be a disposal item, placed in the corner not to mention, in front of a lot of trinkets piled up.

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