Chapter 0301 – Black Pottery

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:13:12
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The owner of the stall was saving up his energy to earn extra money! Press simply did not pay attention to Zhuang Rui, one there are some worthless things, two Zhuang Rui is Chinese, listen to the accent and not Beijing, such foreign tourists, will rarely pay a big price to buy things, it is difficult to fool to.

Zhuang Rui after the jar to get hands, carefully observed, this is a big belly thin mouth pottery, high about thirty centimeters or so, the body dark and smooth, there is no decoration on it, it looks a little like the rural pickles jar, is small one.

But Zhuang Rui put this object on the hand, the heart is a joy, this thing look volume is not small, but the weight is extremely light, so big a jar, only one or two kilograms of weight, reached out and touched the inside of the jar, feel very smooth. There is no trace of tricky feeling, Zhuang Rui also thus confirmed his guess.

“Zhuang Rui, what are you buying this shit for? Take home pickles? Huh, so light ah? Not made of iron, right?”

Miao Fei Fei see Zhuang Rui holding this jar look left and right, a hand to grab the mouth of the jar snatched over, but also knocked with his hand, the jar issued a “when when” the sound of gold and iron, a little less like porcelain.

“Alas, little girl you this is not right, I have nothing to do with a tin can do ah! Tell you, this is the late Neolithic black pottery ah! It’s a living antique!”

After hearing Miao Fei Fei’s words, the stall owner who was pulling the wool over the eyes of the foreigners, turned back and said with great dissatisfaction, then picked up another bronze and said, “The things on my stall are all good objects, this friend, seeing that you’re a connoisseur, take a look at this bronze, it’s a candlestick used by the aristocrats to light their lamps in the old days of the Western Zhou Dynasty, it’s a proper and good thing. ”

Zhuang Rui smiled, took the pottery jar that Miao Fei Fei grasped in her hand and put it on the ground, took that bronze candlestick and said, “This thing is from the Western Zhou Dynasty?”

This candlestick was about half a meter high, with a four-legged stand underneath. Above is a small lotus-shaped bowl held up by lotus leaves, should be put candles or lamp oil, the whole candlestick there are some engraved lines, covered with green patina, it looks really like an old object.

Zhuang Rui took over the hand and looked at it, busy throwing it back, as if his hand was stained with dirt.

“Hey, I say you this person, don’t don’t throw ah! This object can be expensive, absolutely is the Western Zhou, at most not more than the Eastern Zhou.” The stall owner was a little dissatisfied with Zhuang Rui’s action, carefully placed the candlestick in front of him, turned his face away and talked to a few foreigners.

“Zhuang Rui, that thing looks so old! It might really be from the Zhou Dynasty!”

Miao Fei Fei was just about to pick it up and take a look at it, but she didn’t expect it to be thrown back by Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui’s face showed a very odd look as he looked at Miao Fei Fei and said, “Western Zhou, you believe him when he says it’s from the dinosaur era? Don’t be silly, last week’s was more or less the same.”

“Those patina is not something that can be produced in a day or two!” Miao Fei Fei was a bit unconvinced by Zhuang Rui’s words.

“Missy, I have dozens of ways. All of them can make that kind of patina, who knows if that thing of his was put inside a latrine and composted?”

Zhuang Rui spoke while using the mineral water in his hand to rinse his right hand, although he did not have a cleanliness fetish, but for this kind of old techniques, but feel a little disgusted.

Miao Fei Fei is already listening to the silly, looking at their hands some daze, dare these years, she did not know how many objects touched in Panjiayuan, heard Zhuang Rui said, to die of the heart are almost there.

Zhuang Rui saw Miao Fei Fei’s expression, laughed and said: “Nothing, not all is the way I said to do old, buried in the soil for a month or two, can also have this effect.”

“Disgusting, stop, let’s go!” Miao Fei Fei angry punched Zhuang Rui, pulling his arm to squeeze out.

“Hey, don’t be in a hurry! I still have things to buy!”

Zhuang Rui bends down and picks up the pottery pot that was just placed at his feet again, while others don’t understand the value of this thing, he knows exactly what it is, especially after having seen it with his aura, he is even more certain that this is an original old object.

There are many friends may not know, pottery is not a unique invention of China, archaeological discoveries have proved that many countries and regions of the world have successively invented pottery, however. China in the pottery on the basis of a big step forward – the earliest invention of porcelain, in the history of human civilization wrote a glorious page.

Although porcelain and pottery are two different substances, but there is a close connection between the two. Without the invention of pottery and the experience gained from the continuous improvement of pottery production technology, porcelain could not have been invented alone.

The difference between the two is mainly divided into the following points, one is the firing temperature is different, pottery firing temperature is generally lower than porcelain, the highest not more than 1100 ℃, porcelain firing temperature is relatively high, mostly in 1200 ℃ or more, and even some reach 1400 ℃ or so.

Second, the degree of hardness is different, pottery firing temperature is low, the billet is not completely sintered, knocking sound muffled, tire hardness is poor, some can even use a steel knife to scratch out the groove marks. Porcelain firing temperature is high, the basic sintered carcass, knocking sound crisp, the surface of the carcass with a general steel knife is difficult to scratch grooves.

The third is the use of raw materials are not the same, pottery using general clay can be billet firing, porcelain needs to choose a specific material to kaolin as a billet.

Then there is the transparency and glaze color is not the same, the difference between the two is very big, but the pottery is earlier than the porcelain. There is no doubt on this point.

Some friends are going to say, you do not say that the earlier the antique age the more valuable it is? This is also right and wrong, although the pottery appeared early, but this thing is relatively simple to burn, the material work are very rough, the general pottery, even if it is the Neolithic period of the excavation, are not very valuable, like the Han Dynasty, those pots, but also to set out no one wants.

But everything has two sides. There is also money in this pottery, like the Yangshao culture period of red pottery, colored pottery, Longshan culture period of black pottery, white pottery in the late Shang dynasty and the Han dynasty glazed pottery, there is no lack of fine products in these, the collection value is very large, but the number of survivors is extremely rare, is to play with pottery, is also a relatively small group of people in the line of antiques.

Antiques this thing, no one sought after, the price naturally does not come, pottery is now in such a situation, in addition to the authentic rare pottery, the rest is simply no one asked for.

Zhuang Rui’s luck is good, he is now holding in the hand of this, is really as that stall owner said, is black pottery, but not the Neolithic period, but pure Longshan culture period of black pottery, Zhuang Rui just in this black pottery internal vigorously with the hand to wipe a little bit, thin wall of fine mud, suddenly become black bright, and this pottery is extremely thin, a little like eggshell porcelain general, this is all the characteristics of the Longshan boutique black pottery.

Of course, Zhuang Rui also used the aura has seen, if it is not this pottery pot inside the existence of a large number of purple gas, Zhuang Rui also do not dare to be so sure, after all, this object is too rare, he did not expect to be able to run into this stall full of fake goods.

The black pottery is unglazed, so if it is not wiped, it looks a little dull, which may be one of the main reasons why this object is dusty! Of course, for Zhuang Rui, this is a good time to pick up leaks, others understand. Then what do you expect to pick up leaks ah!

This will be the stall owner finally and foreigners understand, that piece of Kangxi blue landscape figures cover jar finally sold at two thousand eight hundred yuan, the stall owner took out a very fine box to cover the jar installed to the foreigners, and then count the money, which is even two clear.

The foreigner bought something complacent, but did not realize that the smiling stall owner is scolding him in the heart of the stupid, two or three hundred dollars into the object, turn around and earn 10 times, but also let the young man in a good mood, buddy, we are selling the mouth.

“Boss, how much do you sell this thing?” Seeing the stall owner idle, Zhuang Rui spoke out and asked.

“Hey, I say brother, you are still fiddling with this thing ah! Take it if you like, I’ll give you a little cheaper.”

The stall owner will be in a good mood, although did not earn a U.S. dollar, but the yuan has been put in the waist pocket to go, he glanced at the pot, said: “This thing can be older than the Kangxi blue and white covered pots much earlier, but we are our own people, I will give you a little cheaper, 3,000 dollars, how do you think?”

Zhuang Rui heard, immediately revealed a look of anger, said loudly in Pengcheng language: “Who are you fooling ah! Even if you are fooling foreigners, you still want to fool me? I just look at this thing rustic, bought back to put the house, that also seems to be our culture is not, boss you are not good, I do not want.”

Zhuang Rui words fell, at once around a burst of contempt for the eyes, cultural people have always been self-proclaimed high, play collection of people, pay more attention to is a word of elegance, play is the leisure, cultivate that is the sentiment of the people, although these things are used to show off, but the meaning of this can only be will and can not be said out of it, like Zhuang Rui like this, that is the evaluation of a word: vulgar.

“Hey, I say, you do not go ah. How much you open a price it! How much money you open a price!”

See Zhuang Rui to go, the stall owner anxious, he is not Beijing, just rent a stall here, only one week a month stall, the other time is to run to all over the collection of these things, of course, generally go to those imitation of antique game of the centralized collection, but come across a little bit of the old stuff, he also received, this pot is he spent five dollars, from the countryside to collect, seems to be that the family It seems to be the thing that the family used to give water to the earth dog to drink.

“Two hundred dollars I’ll take it.”

Zhuang Rui killed the price quite hard, directly erasing a zero.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, the stall owner made a look of pain and said, “I say brother, I collect up all spent eight hundred, you want to take away two hundred? I give you a honest price, one thousand dollars, to take, do not pull down.”

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