Chapter 0310 – Expert (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:13:35
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early the next morning, Zhuang Rui drove to the capital city TV station. Since he was not very familiar with the road, he needed to use electronic navigation to point out the way, and he was afraid of traffic jams, so he came out a little bit earlier from Yuquan Mountain, and he had just arrived at 7:40am.

But in front of the TV station Zhuang Rui was stopped, for no other reason, because his license plate is foreign, these days too many people petitioning in Beijing, the ministry compound can not get in, the central station’s guards are also very strict, many petitioners on the second best, often to the capital TV station drilling, is no TV station issued pass or Beijing license plate of the vehicle, generally are not allowed to enter.

“Hey, I say, have this pass also not allowed to enter?”

Zhuang Rui pointed to the front of the car that was only done yesterday the Yuquan Mountain Sanatorium pass, said to the door of the young armed police.

“I’m sorry, this pass is not allowed to enter here, may I ask who are you looking for?”

That armed police warrior gave a salute and took a look at the pass with the special beginning. Yet it still didn’t release the pass.

“It’s the TV station that invited me here, right, here’s this for you.”

Zhuang Rui remembered that invitation and hurriedly handed it over from the car window, this thing really works well, after checking Zhuang Rui’s ID card, it was released.

Inside the TV station compound, has parked a luxury bus, a tall, dressed in professional clothing young woman is standing in front of the car, can not help but look at the door, see Zhuang Rui’s car came in, deliberately look at the license plate, see is a foreign license plate, did not pay much attention.

Liu Jia as the host of the capital station’s flower girl, although hosted a number of live events, but as the producer of the independent planning program, this is the first time, coupled with the foreign television station jointly organized, is also some tension in the heart, rushed to the TV station early in the morning, ready to meet the guests of the treasure appreciation activities.

In recent years, the antique investment market is very hot, even the central station have opened a treasure appreciation program, local stations are scrambling to follow suit, the scene treasure appreciation activities, is the capital TV station and Shandong TV collection of the world program group co-organized by the leadership of the station on this program is also very important. Photography host team, are the top pillar of the station.

“Hello, hello, I’m Zhuang Rui, I’ve arrived at the TV station now.”

After Zhuang Rui parked his car, he took out his cell phone and pressed the same number from yesterday to call back.

“Hello, Mr. Zhuang, this is Liu Jia, I’m right next to this car in the courtyard, how come I didn’t see you?”

Liu Jia’s eyes but has been staring at the front door of the TV station, this will be more than 20 minutes away from work time, there are very few people coming in and out, in addition to an out-of-town car coming in, she did not find anyone coming in.

“I drove in, maybe you didn’t see me! Well, I saw you.”

The place where Zhuang Rui parked his car was originally in the courtyard, and after going around the front of that Chinese bus, he saw Liu Jia who was on the phone.

At this time, Liu Jia also saw Zhuang Rui, hurriedly hung up the phone and walked over to Zhuang Rui. Stretching out her hand, she said, “Hello, I’m the host and producer of this program, my name is Liu Jia.”

“I’m Zhuang Rui, I’m glad to participate in your column.”

Zhuang Rui stretched out his right hand, shook the other party’s small, soft and boneless hand, sized up the other party for a moment, and couldn’t help but praise her in his heart.

Liu Jia today is wearing a white professional suit, suit-style open collar, will be pretty face below the slender neck and collarbone revealed, and then look down, a pair of not big but very firm where, will be the professional dress show a perfect line, a handful of Qian waist below, that knee-length skirt makes the high buttocks outwardly protruding, if you look at it from the side, it must be a perfect S-shaped.

To Zhuang Rui’s eyes, this host in addition to the body than Qin Xuan Bing slightly shorter than some of its appearance temperament are a spell, just this face smile some professionalism.

In Zhuang Rui measuring Liu Jia when, Liu Jia is also observing Zhuang Rui, from the other side of the information, this jade appraisal expert, than their own but also a year younger, which is enough to cause Liu Jia’s curiosity.

A meter eight or so tall, looks very ordinary, but through the face of the lens, after seeing Zhuang Rui’s eyes, Liu Jia slightly surprised, that pair of bright eyes watching her. Outwardly exudes a strong confidence, making the original somewhat ordinary appearance, also became vivid and lively.

Zhuang Rui dressed very low-key, the upper body is gray with plaid short-sleeved shirt, the following with a pair of pants, which he deliberately went to the brand store yesterday to buy, on-site treasure appreciation, to face a lot of people, can’t still be jeans with a T-shirt, right?

But doomed Zhuang Rui this set spent more than two thousand dollars of line, or wear out, because after a short conversation with Liu Jia, he was led on the bus, and in the car a young man, handed him a brand new one-piece tunic, said that the guests of the uniform clothing, and took out a bag, will be Zhuang Rui originally wore the clothes to be loaded up.

“Mr. Zhuang, let me introduce you, this is our TV station’s Director Zhu, who is also the leader of this event.”

After Zhuang Rui changed his clothes and stepped out of the car, there was an additional middle-aged man wearing glasses beside Liu Jia, who shook hands with Zhuang Rui with a smile on his face, obviously a little unimpressed with this expert in front of him. Posing as a leader.

“The station manager will personally come out? It is estimated that it is a deputy station manager.”

Zhuang Rui also did not care, this is all expected things, and that Zhu station chief after a greeting, on the car blowing air conditioning to go, although it is the morning, this weather is also hot let a person some can not stand.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the other several identification experts also came one by one, Zhuang Rui sitting in the car found that the director of the original Zhu meticulous face, immediately piled up a smile, quickly step forward to shake the hands of several experts. Even said long time ago.

The host feels a little cold Zhuang Rui, get on the car to accompany Zhuang Rui to talk for a while.

After the people arrived, Zhu Taichang long waved his hand, the bus drove out of the TV station.

Together with Zhuang Rui, a total of six people, is the treasure appreciation activities of the expert group, just the other five are very familiar with each other, after coming to talk and laugh, although there is no deliberately cold Zhuang Rui, but no one to find this young man to talk.

“It’s an honor to invite all the experts to participate in this folk treasure appreciation activity to promote the national culture, I am Liu Jia from the capital TV station, it will take more than three hours to Jinan, are we not introducing each other?”

Liu Jia saw Zhuang Rui sitting by the window, and there is no one to talk to him, appearing to be a bit of a shadow single loner, so he stood up and enlivened the atmosphere.

“Little Liu, you’re the big shot of our capital TV station! Who doesn’t recognize you? I, Lao Jin, am your fan.”

A fat-looking, forty-something years old in a round-faced middle-aged man, after flirting with Liu Jia for a few moments, took the lead and said, “My surname is Jin, I work in the Palace Museum, my friends call me Fatty Jin, all of you are old acquaintances, so there’s no need to say more, right?”

After Zhuang Rui heard this person’s name, he raised his head to measure him, Fatty Jin’s name he heard Uncle De mention, specializing in calligraphy and painting appraisal, is that the surname Aixinjueluo’s calligraphy master’s direct disciple, in the line of fame, I did not think that this time was also invited by the TV station.

“Oh, my name is Qianjun, and most of the friends here have dealt with, and now the Kyoto auction work, professional is certainly not as good as all of you. But for the antique market price or understand a little, if you have any good objects do not come to find my small money, that is not enough fun ah!”

Sitting in the front row of Zhuang Rui a middle-aged man also stood up, self-introduced a few experts here, I’m afraid he is his age and Zhuang Rui closest, should be thirty-seven or eighty-eight years of age, face with a smile all the time, it may be the profession makes it!

Then the other three people also stood up one by one to do a self-introduction, in the circle of antiques rolling in the people, most of them are good at the world, a few words said the young people in the car laughed and laughed, the atmosphere in the car became lively.

The name of the three people, there are two Zhuang Rui have heard of, sitting behind Zhuang Rui, looking thin that the early sixties of the old man, nicknamed Sun Da Sheng, is the domestic famous miscellaneous pieces of appreciation experts, and Uncle Te relationship is good, Zhuang Rui once saw him and Uncle Te a photo.

And another is the bronze and antique furniture appraisal expert, age in the fifties, people are very funny, Zhuang Rui also heard of his name.

The last one got up to introduce himself, called Tian Fan, is a colleague of Fatty Jin, is also a researcher of the Palace Museum, deep attainments in ceramics, this person does not talk much, stood up and said a few words and sat down, or Fatty Jin spoke out to help him add.

Zhuang Rui although there is no expert complex, but can and these several domestic famous antique collection appraisal experts together, the heart is also slightly excited, not to mention, can learn a few hands from them, that is, this trip is not false.

Antiques are generally divided into six categories: porcelain (including ceramics and the like), bronzes, miscellaneous (tooth carvings, wood carvings, bamboo carvings, snuff bottles, lacquer and the like are), calligraphy and painting, jade, furniture, in this car, basically every expert in the field have arrived, it is also considered to be a strong lineup.

“Mr. Zhuang, why don’t you also introduce yourself?”

Just when Zhuang Rui divided the category to these people, the ear suddenly came Liu Jia’s voice, could not help but froze for a moment, he had simply forgotten that he was also an invited jade appraisal expert, also in the ranks of those who are qualified to do self-introduction.

Zhuang Rui quickly stood up, slightly bowed his body, said: “can see the antique line of teachers, the mood of some excitement, the kid called Zhuang Rui, a little research on jadeite jade, now the Jade Association to hang a director of the idle position, but on the antique is also very interested in, but also take this opportunity to think of seniors to ask for more advice.”

“Well, young people, more to a few teachers to learn something is always no harm.”

Zhu station chief’s voice is a bit eccentric, he is in the heart of some indignation, this activity invites the various units, are sent to the elite strong, in the circle is a number of characters, the only jade association is not very to give face, actually sent a twenty-something years old hairy young man, which makes Zhu station chief feel some face, is to have not been to give Zhuang Rui what a good face to look at.

Zhuang Rui lightly looked down at that out of the mouth to squeeze their own Zhu director a glance, but did not say anything, a little bit of the officer on the flaunting, Zhuang Rui is simply lazy to take care of him.

“Don’t say anything about learning, Xiao Zhuang is young enough to be able to make a name for himself in the jade line, surely there is a handful of masterpieces, in the future we will exchange more.”

The person who spoke was the general manager of that auction, he was a businessman, naturally he was smooth, even though Zhuang Rui was young, he didn’t mean to look down on him.

“Oh, I don’t know which aspect of antiques Xiao Zhuang prefers?”

Fatty Jin also asked smilingly, for this young guy, their hearts are also full of curiosity, twenty-five year old director of the Jade Association, they are really the first time to see.

“Miscellaneous pieces and porcelain have dabbled, in Zhonghai with Uncle De learned for a period of time.” Zhuang Rui intentionally mentioned Uncle De’s name.

“Old Ma? Hey, then we are not outsiders, come, come, sit in the front come, how is old brother Ma? It’s been a while since he came to the capital, I was saying when I would go see him!”

As soon as Zhuang Rui said this, the old man surnamed Sun immediately gave him a wave to sit over there, with his relationship with Uncle De, it was really not justifiable not to take care of Zhuang Rui.

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