Chapter 0313 – Folk Treasure Appraisal (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:13:43
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Every dynasty in China will produce a large number of fake antiques. The figure is nothing more than to “profit” one of the word, but now play the collection of people, but also learn to be good, not very sure, generally do not see rabbits do not spread eagles, rarely spend a lot of money to buy those who can not see the object.

In this way, many antique merchants business is not good to do, because they mainly rely on those fake imitation of the object to make money, so some people will take great pains to give their own fake objects to a package, and then sold upside down.

This packaging, refers to experts or professional organizations issued by the certificate of authenticity, ordinary people’s hearts, for experts or professional organizations, or more recognized, with this packaging, fake antiques not only can be sold as real, that is, the price, compared to the real thing is no less.

People with this kind of psychology, is not simply antique merchants, some play collection of eye-catching tuition fees, will also take out the fake things. Want to fish in troubled waters, get a certificate of authenticity, and then will spend their own money to earn back, in short, Linlin total, speculating on a variety of minds of all colors.

Since ancient times, the antique world has a saying – “antiques are not fake”. Antique trading is about one hand to pay one hand to deliver, as for the sale of things is true or false, the seller is not obliged to tell you, you buy things are good or bad, depending on the eye, good or bad to recognize, there is no reason to return the goods.

However, with the auction in recent years, many lots of record highs, the art market has once again become a popular investment. Many people pour all their family money, just to buy three or five pieces of antiques that do not know the authenticity of the dream of “overnight wealth”.

Hundreds of thousands of millions of things do not know the authenticity of things at home, how to sleep soundly? The answer is very simple – certificate, these days, a stamped paper than any other things are useful, even if the cattle such as Microsoft, as broad as the grand, have eaten dumb losses.

Although there are not a few people with such ideas, but in today’s scene inside the people, more or on their own hands of antiques can not be true or false, want to ask the experts to identify it.

Just now at Zhuang Rui’s table. No one took the initiative to come forward to find his identification, mainly because Zhuang Rui’s face looks too young, no expert model, so many people do not dare to take their own collection to Zhuang Rui appraisal, in case their own things are a real object, he said false how to do ah!

However, a total of six experts on the stage, while there are thousands of pairs of eyes staring at the stage, Zhuang Rui just appraised the snuff bottle’s behavior, was also seen by many people, the old man who wanted to take advantage of the just left, Zhuang Rui table came over to the side of the two people.

“Mr. Zhuang, please help me look at this manuscript, is it an antique?”

The one who walked in front, holding a wooden box in his hand, put it in front of Zhuang Rui.

“I’m sorry, this is mainly to look at jade, for calligraphy and painting you need to look for Mr. Jin.”

Although Zhuang Rui was a bit curious, but he couldn’t steal other people’s rice bowls! Still spoke out and let the man go in line, Fatty Jin is the busiest right now.

“Mr. Zhuang, this thing of mine is jade. You give it a look!”

The second person who came up held the same palm-sized box in his hand and placed it in front of Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui opened the box to see, inside there are five thumb-sized jade carved from white jade, some have a drum hanging from their waist, some have a drumstick held high in their hands, and others are kneeling in the shape of worship, the five jade people have different shapes, their facial expressions are portrayed vividly, and there is also a clear color on them, from the appearance, it should be a set of jade sculptures reacting to the ancient rituals.

Took in hand to play a little, the pulp is still thick, Zhuang Rui in lifting the magnifying glass, the eyes of the aura slightly silent overflow into these small objects inside, this look, Zhuang Rui can not help but great disappointment, originally thought to come across a real object, but still fake.

Can’t say it’s fake, the jade is real, and the carving is also good, but the age of the old, the age should be the last few years, because Zhuang Rui found that these jade inside, although there is a meager amount of aura, but the color is very light, and those made of pigment coloring, but also in these pieces of jade is attached to the surface of the surface layer, there is no intrusion into it. In other words, the person who made the fake didn’t color these jades for a long time.

Zhuang Rui put down the magnifying glass in his hand, looked up at the treasure holder in front of him, and asked, “This gentleman, can you tell us about the origin of your jade set?”

The treasure holder’s age is around thirty years old, wearing a pair of glasses, courteous appearance, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, he hastened to say, “I am a teacher who teaches history in the middle school, this thing is what I bought from the antique market the year before last after I watched the treasure appraisal program on the central station.”

“How much did it cost?” Zhuang Rui pursued.

“Oh, the person who sold me the thing said that it was an ancient jade from the Han Dynasty, when it was still stained with dirt on it, it cost me a total of two thousand eight hundred dollars… Mr. Zhuang, is this jade a fake?”

This history teacher’s mindset is better, it seems that the heart has long been stored in the object is false psychological preparation.

Zhuang Rui smiled, said: “Jade is not fake, but not the ancient jade of the Han Dynasty, but the modern carving of the old, the jade quality is the white jade of Hetian, the quality is general. However, this set of old ritual jade, carving is good, you can keep yourself to play a little, and then go to the antique market, look more and less out of this thing if it is true, to be in the back of the price you buy that, plus two more zero’s.”

Zhuang Rui at the moment also entered the role of experts, although it is the use of aura to identify the authenticity of this set of jade, but this also let Zhuang Rui long insight, is the modern carving process. Doesn’t have to be worse than the ancient times, and even beyond some, like this set of jade, stay a hundred years later, is not also a set of superbly carved ancient jade?

“Thank you Mr. Zhuang, I will pay attention to it in the future.” The visitor was satisfied with Zhuang Rui’s reply, and after bowing, he took his object and walked down.

Zhuang Rui and other people’s collar, there is a small microphone, on the stage said words, the following people can hear clearly, just now on the identification of this set of jade, said is justified, the crowd on the stage to the young appraiser, also increased a few points of confidence, that history teacher just walked off the stage, a well-dressed lady came up.

“Mr. Zhuang, this is a few years ago when I traveled in Burma, bought a glass seed bracelet, these years I heard that the price of emerald has risen a lot, you look at me this bracelet can now be worth how much money?”

Seeing the lady who came on the stage didn’t hold anything in her hand, Zhuang Rui was feeling strange when that woman faded a bangle from her wrist and put it in front of Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui picked up the bracelet, mouth casually said: “Jade itself has the characteristics of heat transfer, like now this weather, put the jade paste on the face, there will be a cool feeling, and natural jade contains a variety of minerals essential to the human body, wearing a bracelet is directly in contact with the skin, so the minerals in the jade is easy to be absorbed by the human body, can replenish the human body needs a variety of Minerals in jade are easily absorbed by the human body, which can replenish many minerals needed by the human body and can also effectively promote blood circulation. However, this jade bracelet of yours, is a fake, it is a bracelet made of colored glass, wearing it, although there is no harm, but it can’t produce any benefits to the body.”

Between Zhuang Rui’s words. Already is the bracelet to identify finished, is a was injected with chromium oxide and copper oxide appearance is green colored glass made.

“Impossible, this is I spend thirty thousand dollars to buy, and identification certificate, is A goods, young man, you in the end do not know goods ah?”

The woman heard Zhuang Rui said bracelet is fake, face changed greatly, immediately flipped, to Zhuang Rui’s name from the teacher also changed to the young man, the two conversations caused a burst of discussion under the stage.

“I told you, that person is too young, definitely inexperienced.”

“That’s right! Others have authentication certificates, how can it be fake ah!”

“Not necessarily, these days everything is fake, identification certificate can not be fake ah?”

All kinds of discussion, varying, there is support for the woman, there are also help Zhuang Rui speak, suddenly the original quiet venue, became noisy.

“Xiao Zhuang, what’s going on?”

The woman’s voice alarmed several other experts who are appraising the treasure, have put down the objects in their hands to look at Zhuang Rui, although Zhuang Rui is relatively young, but they are all together, if something goes wrong, their own face that there is no face, this is a glory, a loss of things.

“I spent thirty thousand dollars to buy the glass seed bracelet, was he said to be fake, no, I want to change the expert appraisal, in addition, you have to give me a certificate of authentication, otherwise I can not even say.”

Didn’t wait for Zhuang Rui to speak, that woman shouted with a face of anger, she didn’t come to stir up the situation, just that she bought several years, usually can’t afford to wear the bracelet, and suddenly heard that it was fake, angry and some fear in her heart, so she raised the volume to cover up the uneasiness in her heart.

“That’s right, the mouth hairless work is not firm, change!”

“Young people just can’t, other people thirty thousand dollars to buy things, to his mouth becomes worthless.”

However, her words were able to stir up a wave of sympathy from the stage, many people spoke up in support, these people also had the mentality of sharing the same illness, for fear that when they got on stage later, the object would also be fake.

“Xiao Zhuang, show me the bracelet.”

Sun Lao stood up from the table where the antiques and miscellaneous appraisal plaques were placed, walked to Zhuang Rui’s side, and took the bracelet from the somewhat dazed Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui just now also really by this woman machine gun general words to say froze, until the bracelet was Sun old man took away before reacting to, can not help but shake his head and laugh, or age caused the trouble ah! If replaced by a few other experts, I’m afraid the woman will not be this attitude, right? This motherfucker can’t even tell the truth.

But then Zhuang Rui overthrew this idea of his own, if this person is not reasonable, no one’s account will not buy.

“This bracelet is indeed fake, this young lady, although Burma produces jade, it doesn’t mean that all the jade sold there is real, on the contrary, they use the gimmick of producing jade to sell fake goods, and there are not a few people in the country who fall for it.”

“You’re all in this together, of course you’re defending your own people… You said it’s fake, what evidence do you have?”

After Sun Lao looked at the bracelet, he came to the exact same conclusion as Zhuang Rui, but it was obvious that for Sun Lao’s conclusion, the lady still couldn’t accept it, and even attacked the several experts on the stage.

“You want evidence right? I can give it to you.”

Zhuang Rui held his breath, took the bracelet from Sun Lao’s hand and said, “You can come over and look at it with a magnifying glass, there are no air bubbles inside a real emerald, but look at this bracelet, it’s covered with air bubbles.”

The woman bristled, and although her body didn’t move, there was a hint of skepticism on her face.

Seeing that the woman was still undeterred, Zhuang Rui opened his mouth and said, “This lady, can you give me two hairs?”

“What do you want hair for?”

Although the woman somewhat did not understand what Zhuang Rui meant, she still pulled out two long hairs from her head and handed them to Zhuang Rui.

“Word of mouth is no proof, let’s do a test!”

Zhuang Rui own neck of that glass seed pendant took down, said: “I this Guanyin pendant, is also a glass seed material, the following I do a test, everyone will understand after watching.”

“Friends who has a lighter?”

Zhuang Rui said while picking up a hair, wrapped around the pendant, a touch on the body, but found that this long shirt even a pocket is not, light a cigarette lighter is in their own clothes.

“I have.” With the shout, a person under the stage ran up and handed Zhuang Rui a lighter.

“Just now said, jade stone heat transfer is relatively fast, so with hair wrapped around this piece of jadeite, if you burn it with fire, the heat will be quickly transferred away, the temperature rises slowly, so for a moment, the hair will not be burned off.”

Zhuang Rui took the lighter, stood up, raised the emerald Guanyin pendant held in his left hand, and then used the right hand lighter to strike the fire, placed on the place with hair and burned it, after four or five seconds, Zhuang Rui put down the lighter, and removed the hair wrapped around his own piece of Guanyin pendant.

“Let’s see, is this hair unbroken?”

After straightening the somewhat bent hair, Zhuang Rui showed it to the crowd on stage.

“It’s really not broken!”

“Hurry up and try that other bracelet.”

Seeing this, the people under the stage talked about it, while the owner of the bracelet, however, turned a little pale.

“Alright, let’s try this bracelet again.”

Zhuang Rui said while wrapping another hair around the bracelet, and then with the same action just now, burned a hair wrapped around the bracelet with a lighter, the owner of the bracelet was the closest to Zhuang Rui, and clearly saw that the hair had been burned and curled and disconnected when the fire was put on for two or three seconds.

Put down the bracelet, pick up the hair that was burned into two, but already do not need Zhuang Rui say anything more, true or false right or wrong, who is right or wrong, the field of all people see clearly.

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