Chapter 0326 – Zhen Guanxi

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:14:15
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“What’s going on?”

Ouyang Jun heard Zhuang Rui’s words. Hurriedly walked over.

Zhuang Rui waved his hand to indicate that Ouyang Jun should not speak first, he himself has not yet figured out what’s going on, his old sister called over with a crying voice, which intermittently said half a day, Zhuang Rui has not been able to make sense of it.

“Sister, don’t be anxious! In the end what is going on? Is brother-in-law beside you? You let brother-in-law speak.”

Zhuang Rui is a little anxious, brother-in-law that person honest, don’t not eat what a big loss, right?

“Xiao Rui, I’m fine, it’s just that my leg was smashed with a stick.”

Hearing Zhao’s voice from the phone, Zhuang Rui was relieved and said, “Brother-in-law, what’s going on, you say it clearly.”

“It’s that our repair shop is being looked at.”

Zhao sighed on the phone and gave Zhuang Rui a brief account of what happened.

Zhuang Rui listened to his brother-in-law finished, only to know what is going on, it turns out that Zhao Guodong in the national highway there to do on the car repair shop, due to the price is fair, coupled with the craft is also good, almost no he can not repair the car. Slowly after a long time, business is getting better and better, the driver in the car broke down, the first thing is to play their factory phone, called the tow truck to tow.

Originally around the national highway, there are a few repair shops, but no matter from the scale, or repair the master’s skills, are far worse than Zhao Guodong’s garage, at the beginning of the time they can receive a little work, but the more after the business will be more difficult to do in Zhao Guodong expanded the scale of the two have been dry not to go out of business, resell the car to someone else.

Closed down not to do, that is self-confessed competition is not Zhao Guodong’s serious buyers and sellers, but this world, engage in crooked ways are also quite a lot of the closure of the two auto body shop, were a person to take over the past.

Took over the two auto body shop people surnamed Zhang, called Zhang Yufeng, listen to the name is very beautiful, like a woman, in fact, it is an uncompromising big man, looks even more full of flesh, he is in Pengcheng is also considered to be a man of the moment.

Zhang Yufeng was first a factory worker, due to his temper, he beat up his own workshop director. Lost the so-called iron rice bowl at the time, simply mixed up in the community, he was very righteous, but also very good at enlisting people, not long on the hands of a group of people gathered, dominated the Xiguan, there will be a nickname called Zhen Guanxi.

In the eighties that would be the gangsters, most of them are brave and ruthless, but very few people think of convergence of wealth, and Zhang Yufeng, although this person’s temper is not very good, but the mind is absolutely good, he called a group of small brothers to put together a bit of money in the end of the eighties, bought a second-hand scrapped a broken car.

Zhang Yufeng bought a car is not to show off to go, but the use of porcelain, he drove the car all right on the street around, he is good, often the whole emergency braking behind the car rear-end, Zhang boasts that someone is a reasonable person, you chased me rear-end, the responsibility of nature in you. No two words, pay for it! This reasoning is also the past, the traffic police came to no help.

Compensation is not much money, but can not beat this car more ah! Zhang Yufeng specializes in picking those corporate cars to hit, but for the public prosecutor and the government’s car, he is to avoid far away.

That will be the unit of the driver to money a lot of water, a friend to get married to borrow a car or something, can earn a few hundred dollars, Zhang Yufeng want is not much, three five eight hundred to be, the people and accounted for the reason that most drivers are self-admittedly unlucky, if you meet a more horizontal, that Zhang is not a person for nothing, after the fight, but also after the money to be compensated.

At the end of the eighties, the early nineties that will be, three or five hundred can not be considered less, many workers’ wages are not so much, and the town of Guanxi a day down, when business is good can actually earn a tens of thousands of dollars, which is also considered to be Zhang’s unique way of making a fortune.

By the time of 1993, Zhang Yufeng rely on porcelain crash, even accumulated hundreds of thousands of family, in the cab just started operating, he borrowed these years in the public security system down the relationship between the transition to open a cab company, then in Pengcheng greatly famous.

His cab company is not famous for good service attitude, but fight famous, that will be the security of Pengcheng is not very good, each area has a few punks, these people sitting in the car has always been to not give money, with the words of the fat interpreter in the Xiaobing Zhang Ga, that is, the master of the county downstairs restaurant do not want to money, sit in your car still dare to charge money?

The next do not money all right, but ZhangYuFeng this company driving people, are before with his social mixing, not a good temper, hear this, certainly will fight, but can not not stand in other people’s land, often will suffer ah!

Later or technology to help the favor, those yellow noodles (Tianjin Dafa) on all installed radio, each other a shout, immediately a hundred cabs on the hula hula hula around the past, after a few wrenches and choppers duel, Zhang Yufeng’s cab company is completely famous.

Do not give an old saying, this person is afraid of fame pig is afraid of strong, often walk by the river, which can not wet shoes. In a fight because of the fare problem in the incident, the death of two people, coincidentally that happened to be Zhang Yufeng led the team to fight, so how he could not escape, was arrested and sent to prison for eight years.

The boss went in, the following nature is also a tree to fall into a sinking ship, the large cab company transferred away, once a hegemon of Pangcheng also became history.

Zhang Yufeng was released from prison the year before last, due to the mountain (squatting in prison) before also made a lot of money, is not want to do things for a while, plus the cab industry now. But the threshold is very high, he was honest at home for two years, but the previous gang of brothers have mixed less than satisfactory, to encourage him to rise again, the whole bit of business to do.

The history of Zhang Yufeng’s business is limited to driving a car and cab company, but the accident has an insurance company, who still buy his account ah! These two are obviously not adapted to the current society, so he hit the idea of the auto body shop, some years ago he was not less and auto body shop to deal with.

Just heard two auto body shop transfer, Zhang Yufeng took over, originally he also wanted to do business, said the prison meal which is so delicious, who knows after taking over the auto body shop, Zhang Yufeng found no business to do, three or five days to repair a car, which he gave the whole emergency, we must know, to take over the money of these two factories, can be his pension money ah!

Ask around, it turns out that business is a kid surnamed Zhao opened the garage to steal, that business is good for people red, Zhao boss natural is no exception, so they went to the door, according to his idea, that is to talk about cooperation, to their own two garages into the shares, accounting for eighty percent of the shares of Zhao Guodong’s garage.

Zhao Guodong of course refused to agree, the garage before and after the investment of no less than a million, now earn money every month there are seven or eight hundred thousand, the net profit of more than five hundred thousand, and Zhang Yufeng two factories together is not worth 1 million it, open your mouth to eighty percent of the shares, it is simply robbing, then again, Zhuang Rui is this garage of the big boss it!

Negotiations naturally ended unhappily. Zhao Guodong did not care, what to do or do, this time the car interior decoration business is good, he slowly also put the focus on this, not a few days to Zhang Yufeng to find things to the back of the mind.

This business is big, people are also relatively busy, this day at noon Zhao Guodong should be a dinner, drink a little wine in the middle of the restroom, who knows that just out of the restroom, the head on the head received a stick, confused and did not look at the person, the knee and received a stick, and then to the beat down that.

Fortunately, the person who hit the stick did not dare to kill, the head of the stick was not very heavy, but the knee on the stick, but hurt the bones, so that Zhao Guodong can not walk, eat with the people heard Zhao Guodong’s cries, and rushed him to the hospital, and notified the Zhuang Min.

Zhuang Min a woman, in Pengcheng also does not have many social relations, see her husband’s head wrapped like dumplings, immediately anxious to cry, which has Zhuang Rui now received this call.

“Brother-in-law, can you be sure that this is that Zhang Yufeng did?”

Zhuang Rui at this time has calmed down, things happen, anxious also useless, can only sort out the clues after, as soon as possible to rush back.

“I don’t know, this is away from him looking for me to joint stock, all the past three or four days of time, I don’t know if it’s him, but in addition to him, I didn’t offend anyone.”

Zhao Guodong head received that stick although not heavy, but also let him some drowsy, think half a day in addition to that Zhen Guanxi, can no longer think of what people.

Zhuang Rui knows that Zhao Guodong is a good old man, will not easily offend people, after thinking for a while, said: “Let’s do it this way! Brother-in-law, you don’t want to go to the auto body shop first, I’ll rush back today, since that person is counting on you, he’s definitely going to show his face, wait until I get to Pengcheng!”

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Rui immediately gave Liu Chuan another phone call, let him take a few Tibetan mastiffs in the afternoon to go to the auto body shop to watch out, to prevent people from messing up, Liu Chuan’s side does not know about this, as soon as he heard it, he exploded, yelling to go to find Zhang Yufeng, was Zhuang Rui on the phone to stop, these days, a lot of things don’t need to fight and kill anymore.

“Fourth brother, that matter between you two, I’ll go back to Yuquan Mountain now to tell my mom, by the way, this matter of my brother-in-law getting beaten up, you can’t tell my mom about it!”

Zhuang Rui briefly told Ouyang Jun what happened, and explained him a sentence, he was ready to get up and go to Jade Spring Mountain to pick up the white lion, if he went back to Beijing this trip, at least a month after the thing.

“Xiao Min’s husband, that’s my brother-in-law, right? It just so happens that I haven’t been to Pengcheng either, so I’ll accompany you on a run!” What Zhuang Rui didn’t expect was that Ouyang Jun actually wanted to go back with himself.

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