Chapter 0333 – Charming Colors of Fei

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:14:33
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Zhuang Rui parked the car outside the garage. Opened the door and put the white lion down the car, the white lion that had been held back for a day immediately wandered around the yard, like a king patrolling his territory.

Zhuang Rui hand holding just bought a one hundred watt light bulb, the garage energy-saving lamps to change down, originally some dark garage, suddenly became bright as day, that one was wrapped in plastic brand-new machine, clearly revealed in front of Zhuang Rui.

But at this time Zhuang Rui found himself a big mistake, that is, in his last time to leave Pengcheng, greeted Zhao Guodong to help him move that piece of red Fei wool back to the villa’s basement to go, and now only rely on him alone, there is no way to that piece of wool weighing 58 kilograms to move back to the garage inside.

Zhuang Rui ran to the villa, gestured, found that still can not, he is able to hold the rectangular piece of wool, but only from the center of the horizontal hold up, so can not pass through the basement stairs, after thinking for a while, Zhuang Rui pressed the security room’s intercom, called a security guards over.

It is easier for two people to lift, after moving the wool to the garage. Zhuang Rui dumped a pack of cigarettes to the helping security guard, and after sending him away, his face became gloomy.

This piece of red jadeite material of Myanmar Ta Kan wood factory, in addition to the appearance of the stone layer as thick as three or four centimeters, all inside is jadeite jade flesh, although the best red jadeite is only the center of the group, but the rest of the red jadeite quality also reached the ice type, the price of the whole piece of wool at least in the two hundred million yuan above, can’t help but Zhuang Rui is not treated carefully.

Zhuang Rui circled around the piece of material a few times, carefully using his aura to check the border between the glass seed and the ice seed, and was observing it with all his heart when suddenly a white body inserted itself between his sight and the stone.

“White Lion, stop it, go play first.”

Zhuang Rui cried and laughed as he pushed the white lion that was pouncing on the stone away, the white lion’s sense of aura was quite sensitive, whenever Zhuang Rui released aura on external objects, this big guy would always run over to join in the fun, at this moment, the white lion was looking at Zhuang Rui with a rather innocent look in his eyes, seemingly blaming Zhuang Rui for his biased behavior, releasing aura on top of the stone egg, not even grooming its body.

It was hard to coax the white lion out, Zhuang Rui took out the remote control and closed the door of the garage, if the white lion is so disturbed during the time of deciphering the stone, in case there is any jade meat, the loss can be big.

Pick up the chalk, carefully scratched the line on the wool, Zhuang Rui laboriously held it to the stone cutting machine. He is ready to cut this piece of wool into two pieces, one for the glass species of red Fei, about fifteen or sixteen pounds, the other two is half of the best red Fei, half of the ice species of red Fei, but Zhuang Rui this time ready to polish the bracelet raw materials.

Plug in the power supply of the stone cutting machine, Zhuang Rui pressed the button on the handle, at once, the alloy made of gears “cha-ching” turned up, the light reflected in the above, slightly blinding.

“Cough, cough ……”

Aimed at the painted white line, Zhuang Rui forcefully gear to the stone cut, with the “click” sound, crushed stone chips splash around, a choking dust filled in the garage, Zhuang Rui accidentally inhaled a mouthful of dust, was choking and coughing, but the hands are still very steady from the painted white line down to the cut.

Seeing the gear piece cut down about twenty centimeters or so, Zhuang Rui hastily stopped his hands, after cleaning it with water. To cut out the gap to look, hidden red light from the narrow gap came out, in the alloy gear piece of gear, there are some fine jadeite fragments, see Zhuang Rui heartache.

According to reason, cutting such a superb jadeite, it is best to use laser cutting, can minimize the loss, just Zhuang Rui does not have that kind of conditions, it can only be hard, glass seed jade flesh and ice seed jade flesh connected place is okay, where there is a piece of color dark red fog crystal, but to separate this whole piece of glass seed material, Zhuang Rui estimates, their losses at least in the more than five million.

Cutting machine on the gear piece diameter of forty centimeters or so, if too thin, it is very easy to be stuck in the stone inside broken, so the thickness is much thicker than the grinding machine on the gear, this is also no way things, tomorrow that jade master will come, Zhuang Rui now go where to find the laser cutting machine ah!

The wool turned over a body, Zhuang Rui to the other side and cut down, this whole piece of wool thickness of about forty centimeters or so, this knife down, the whole piece of wool is divided into two halves.

After cleaning the cut surface with water, the red emerald in the light, radiating mesmerizing color, Zhuang Rui put his hand on it, see his hands have become red. Caressing the smooth cut surface that is full of cool emerald, just now the tension and fatigue, suddenly swept away, replaced by excitement.

No matter what color, as long as the pure to the extreme, are beautiful, this piece of red Fei is so, bright bright red, with that as if the deep mountain stream transparent water, deeply attracted Zhuang Rui’s eyeballs, a long time can not move away from it.

A full seven or eight minutes of time, Zhuang Rui’s body are kept in a semi-squatting state, until the two legs are numb and soft, he reacted, staggered, if not holding the stone cutting machine, will certainly fall to the ground.

“Damn it, not for sale, not a single piece of glass seed material can be sold.”

The red Fei on the cut surface has fine flesh, the hand touches it icy and warm naturally, that kind of natural flickering out of the fluorescence, enough to let any woman in this world addicted, of course. It also includes Zhuang Rui who is a man.

Looking at this fascinating emerald, Zhuang Rui gritted his teeth and thought in his heart, not only is the woman interested in glowing jewelry, is a man, after seeing this intoxicating color, will also be addicted to it.

After calming his mind for a while, Zhuang Rui began to rub off the skin of the piece of superb red Fei that he was going to keep, with the sound of the grinding machine, the garage echoed with the unpleasant friction sound of the gears and the stone.

Zhuang Rui was very careful to polish off the stone layer little by little, broken stone chips spread a thick layer under his feet, after about more than two hours. Only to be considered that piece of small half a soccer ball size of the best jadeite completely to solve out.

Zhuang Rui put this piece of jadeite on the ground in the water basin, at once, a basin of water are rendered into red, and in the light of the irradiation, the entire garage are turned into a warm color, in looking at their own bodies, found that the body of the clothes also turned pink, Zhuang Rui surprised grew his mouth, a long time can not close it.

If there is a woman in the garage at this time, it will certainly be rendered beautiful by this color, this is also one of the reasons why women love jewelry, a good piece of jewelry, in a specific space and lighting, will definitely set off the owner’s temperament more noble.

Appreciate the later, Zhuang Rui will be the piece of superb red Fei from the plate out to the side, and then began to solve the other half of the superb red Fei and ice red Fei, these two is what he needs to take out tomorrow, and just solved out of the piece, Zhuang Rui has already made up his mind, will be put into their own collection of room inside to go.

Red Fei not only can only do bracelet, can also be made into a pendant, that half of the red Fei if it can be carved jade masters according to its shape design into a pendant, its value is not lower than the Empress Dowager Cixi once played with the emerald cabbage, know, once there is an expert assessment, the emerald cabbage, if taken out to auction, if, estimated that the price, it should be in the more than two hundred million yuan.

Many friends only know the name of the jade, but do not live in the name of the jade is actually from the name of the bird, this is called the emerald bird’s feathers, very bright, male feathers are red, the name of the Feiqi bird, female feathers are green, the name of the kingfisher, collectively known as the emerald. The people of the country on the jade has always been a favorite.

And red jadeite as a kind of emerald will be a perfect combination of Chinese red and emerald, its color is delicate, more and more favored by women, from the price, the price of the best red jadeite, has been no less than the emperor of the green glass species of jewelry, just the number of these two are too rare, and occasionally so one or two pieces, but also in a short period of time, it will be snapped up in the pocket of the.

The rest of the piece of jade, solve to be more complicated, Zhuang Rui first use the stone cutting machine from the glass seed material and ice seed material between the foggy crystals cut down, will be two different varieties of jade flesh cut, and then piece by piece will be the outer layer of the epidermis rubbed off.

After the two pieces of jadeite are solved, Zhuang Rui looked at the time, is already more than three o’clock in the morning, he actually worked more than six hours, even a mouthful of water did not drink, this stop, suddenly feel sore, licked his lips, there is a faint salty taste, but just opened his mouth, bonded together lips, suddenly separated when the hard pull off a piece of mouth skin.

With aura will comb his body, all feel fresh some, Zhuang Rui open the garage door, strong spirit, pull up the garage outside the water pipe, will garage ground stone dust all to wash out after, this only with a few pieces of red Fei material back to the villa inside, precious into the basement.

“Grass, still let no one live?”

Zhuang Rui feel that he just fell asleep not long, that cell phone ringing on the relentless ringing non-stop, have the heart not to go to pick up, but was really noisy sleep, take over was about to hang up when, see the top of the display of the two words of the WU Jia, the brain suddenly sobered up.

“Ms. Wu, right? Wait for me, I’ll be right there.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the time, it was actually almost nine in the morning, he hurriedly pressed the answer button and spoke into the microphone.

“There’s no need to rush, Zhuang Rui, Uncle Luo called and said that he might not arrive until the afternoon, I’m just letting you know.” Wu Jia’s words made Zhuang Rui want to vomit blood, buddy I was busy all night yesterday!

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