Chapter 0337 – Cutting Jade (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:14:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The next day when Zhuang Rui woke up. The sky is already bright, the sunlight from the curtains gap, showing that today is another good weather.

Looked at the time, it is already more than nine in the morning, Zhuang Rui quickly climbed up to go wash up, there are guests at home, they are not even prepared for breakfast, not the way of hospitality ah!

Open the door, the lights in the living room has been extinguished, Zhuang Rui stood on the second floor to see, the coffee table on the two pieces of emerald is still there, just Luo Jiang has not sat on the sofa, may also go to bed! Zhuang Rui remembered that when he got up in the middle of the night yesterday, Luo Jiang was still busy there.


Zhuang Rui walked down the stairs, only to realize that there was a person lying on the sofa, still grasping a pencil in his hand, it wasn’t Luo Jiang or who else ah!

Zhuang Rui laughed bitterly, this person is really crazy, it is estimated that he could not hold out before falling asleep, Zhuang Rui walked inside the room. Took out a blanket, gave Luo Jiang cover on the body, although this room has always maintained a constant temperature of twenty-seven degrees, but falling asleep will still be cold.

“Boss? I fell asleep?”

Just as Zhuang Rui covered the blanket onto Luo Jiang’s body, Luo Jiang suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.

“Go to your room and rest first! The second room on the first floor is for you, this month is still long, there’s no need to be so desperate.”

Zhuang Rui saw Luo Jiang made his way up from the sofa, and retrieved the blanket, only Luo Jiang’s eyes were now full of blood, red and a bit scary.

“It’s okay, all used to it, before in order to rush a job, three days did not close their eyes, now a little older, stay up all night actually fell asleep, boss, have anything to eat? People are fine, but this stomach can’t take it.”

Listen to Luo Jiang so say, Zhuang Rui also feel a little hungry, can not wait to call for food, simply to the kitchen to boil water to cook a few bags of instant noodles, and to the inside of the two eggs, respectively, into two sea bowl inside the end of the out.

After Zhuang Rui finished eating the instant noodles, he picked up the drawings scattered on the sofa, and said that Luo Jiang’s drawing foundation was really good. Sketch drawn with a pencil on it, extremely realistic, drawings on the jade shape in addition to different colors, size and shape and placed on the coffee table of the two pieces, exactly the same.

The most surprising thing for Zhuang Rui is that the bracelet style, actually looks like it was drawn with a round gauge, in general, in the middle, anyway, if Zhuang Rui goes to draw, the round shape is guaranteed to be drawn by him as an oval shape.

“Master Luo, the size of the bracelet on this drawing seems to be different?”

Look carefully, Zhuang Rui found a little problem, in the hands of this drawing, drawing five bracelets, but only two bracelets of the same size, while the other three are one by one a little smaller, if not drawn on a piece of paper, Zhuang Rui really can not see.

“It’s different! This piece of material can only pull out five pairs of bracelets at most, and the rest can still be used to make some small pendants and earrings and other jewelry ……”

Luo Jiang was much more refreshed after eating the noodles. His eyes were on the wool again, and this time he was observing the piece of ice material now.

“I see that the bracelets sold in the store all seem to be about the same size!”

Zhuang Rui immediately regretted when he asked this sentence, people’s hands are big and small, the bracelets made are naturally of different sizes, his question was a bit idiotic.

Sure enough, Luo Jiang removed his eyes from the ice material, looked at Zhuang Rui strangely, said: “It looks almost the same, but compared together, the size is still different, the size of the bracelet specifications are divided into many kinds of size. General bracelet inner circle circumference of 157 to 163 millimeters, the inner diameter of the bracelet is 50 to 52 millimeters, this is relatively small, the store now sells, most of the inner circle circumference of 182 to 191 millimeters, the inner diameter of 58 to 61 millimeters, or 61 millimeters above the inner diameter of the bracelet, can be applied to most of the people… …”

Although Luo Jiang was surprised that Zhuang Rui, as a jade appraisal expert, still didn’t understand these basics, but his attention was still focused on the wool, and after casually answering the question, he returned his gaze to the top of the jadeite on the coffee table, and picked up the drawing board with his hand, thinking that he must be designing the drawings of the ice seed material again.

Zhuang Rui is listening to a head of melon black line, where he knows these specifications of the bracelet classification ah! After listening to Luo Jiang’s explanation, a little weakly stood up and went to clean up the dishes.

Luo Jiang still didn’t work on the jade this day. Rather, he has been sitting there designing drawings, Zhuang Rui naturally responsible for the logistics, call takeout these things, all belong to him to do.

This period of time Zhuang Rui has been very busy, now free, will be Professor Meng to give him a serious revision of the review materials, next January on the preliminary examination, Zhuang Rui do not want to even this pass can not pass.

Until more than ten o’clock at night, Luo Jiang’s design work is considered to be all completed, two pieces of jade drawings are drawn out, according to Luo Jiang’s statement, the bracelet and pendant are relatively simple carving, and the color of these two pieces of material are very uniform, do not need to bother to the most beautiful texture and color of the manifestation of the most beautiful, so the progress of a lot of fast.

However, if it is replaced by a pendant, then I am afraid that the shape alone, it will take more than half a month to design and modify the time.

Zhuang Rui looked, the ice material can be hollowed out more than thirty bracelets, the rest of the pendant earrings and other small objects, with the bracelet in the middle of the rest of the jade, but also can be carved out of seventy or eighty pieces to the Luo Jiang’s drawings, have been drawn out the style.

Just some pendants and earrings. Is the need for platinum and gold inlays, Luo Jiang drew out some necklace style and need to set the size of the place, handed over to Zhuang Rui, let him go to find Wujia tomorrow to order, although the number of quite a lot, a full thirty or forty pieces, but most of these metal products, there are ready-made molds, do it very quickly, wait until Luo Jiang faceted jade finished, basically can also be done.

After doing these things, Luo Jiang did not brace himself to start cutting jade immediately, but returned to his room to sleep until the next morning more than eight o’clock in the morning, only to get up and prepare for the hands of the stone cutting jade, these whole piece of wool, he must first according to the drawings drawn by the decomposition of it, in order to start carving.

In the decomposition of jade before, Luo Jiang end of a basin of water in the garage, very carefully enough to wash for several minutes, only with a towel to wipe clean, will be that piece of ice kind of material to a jade cutting machine, he is trying to first hot hand, do not dare to come up to decomposition of that piece of superb jadeite.

Zhuang Rui has read the manual of this jade cutting machine, know that this is the most important machine equipment used in the process of jade processing and production, which is mainly composed of the body, drive shaft and grinding head, etc., driven by the motor, speed can be adjusted, tools installed in the spindle.

Now Luo Jiang is using the guillotine thallium (small circular saw) mounted on the spindle, along the roughly drawn lines he drew on that piece of ice material, will be outside the black line of jade, from the whole piece of material decomposition, the big one is the size of a thumb, but the small one is as fine as a grain of beans, obviously can only be treated as waste, which is also inevitable in the process of jade cutting.

“This is called burin thallium, is mainly used for out of the blank, as well as according to the depth of convexity and concavity further burin to remove the useless part ……” Luo Jiang see Zhuang Rui see attentively, in the guillotine thallium eliminated some of the excess jade material, and then changed a tool, and in passing to the side of Zhuang Rui explains .

Along with Luo Jiang’s explanation, his hands are constantly changing tools, bowl thallium used to spin the bowl, grinding thallium to grind out large samples, with a flat surface can also be bumped into the inside of the nail thallium tucked in Luo Jiang’s hands, as in the hands of the general wear flowers. Replacement of the speed of Zhuang Rui’s eyes dazzled, simply can not distinguish which tool is what function.

These odd shape, the role of complex tools, in Luo Jiang’s hands like a spirit, shuttle back and forth between Luo Jiang’s hand and jade, Zhuang Rui stood next to look at a while, a little doorway can not see.

The old saying is true: insiders look at the doorway, outsiders watch the fun, Zhuang boss can now play a role, is no more than handing a tea towel and so on.

With advanced equipment, coupled with Luo Jiang exquisite craftsmanship, more than an hour or so, the first ice red Fei bracelet, appeared in front of Zhuang Rui, but now this bracelet is still just a rough embryo, round appearance, everywhere is irregular tricky broken jade, need to use the thallium and grinding thallium, the remnants of the grinding off.

This process is very fast, seven or eight minutes later, has become very smooth bracelet, fell in Zhuang Rui’s hand, just slightly darker color, according to Luo Jiang’s introduction, now this bracelet is still an embryo, the back will have to be hooked, withdrawn, tucked, top bumping and other crafts, and finally polished before being considered a finished product.

If you’re carving a pendant, the process is even more complicated. To make its shape accurate, symmetrical, sharp, and smooth, you have to perform techniques like stacking and digging, scrolling, and more. Some pendants feature intricate details like flower petals, the edges of clothes, floating designs, punching, hollowing, and movable rings.

However, what Luo Jiang wanted to do now was to make all the rough embryos of the bracelets and unify the processing and polishing at the back, so after grouping together the broken materials scattered on the ground, Luo Jiang started the decomposition work of the second bracelet.

Zhuang Rui after seeing the second icy red Fei bracelet, realized that he could not learn anything useful from it, simply turned around and took a book, went to the garden inside the pavilion to read a book.

The next few days, Zhuang Rui in addition to the phone and outside the contact, almost never leave the house, every day meals are also called takeaway delivery, Zhuang Min began a few days often come to the villa to cook a meal, but Zhao Guodong this period of time is very busy, she needs to run on both sides, after Zhuang Rui persuaded a few times, but also seldom come to this side of the villa.

A week passed, Luo Jiang finally completed the rough embryo production of bracelets, dozens of shiny slightly dull bracelets, neatly placed in the garage on top of a table covered with white velvet.

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