Chapter 0338 – Polishing

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:14:46
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Thirty-six Ice Seed Red Fei Bracelets. Five blood jade bracelets, neatly placed on the table that white velvet, red and white, like a rose in full bloom, very beautiful.

Only the luster of these bracelets are still slightly dull, including the several pairs of blood jade bracelets, is also the luster convergence, as the saying goes, “Jade is not cut into a vessel,” these have been cut into a vessel type of bracelet, but also lacks the last procedure: polishing, when this procedure is completed, these superb emerald polished out of the bracelet, will really release belongs to them! The polishing is also the most important part of the jade molding process.

It can be said that polishing is also one of the most important steps in the molding of jade, mainly refers to the jade surface grinding fine, so that it is smooth and bright, more beautiful, otherwise even more beautiful jadeite, no polishing, is also a piece of semi-finished products.

Polishing process is divided into three, the first is to remove the coarse grinding fine, that is, using polishing tools to remove the surface of the brown. Grind the surface very fine, followed by the cover bright, that is, with polishing powder bright, again is cleaning, that is, with a professional solution to clean off the dirt on the bracelet, and finally over the oil, wax, in order to increase the brightness and finish of the bracelet.

For some jade ornaments, designing the shape and carving, is undoubtedly the most important, while for bracelets with a single shape, the polishing step is a little more important and takes the longest time.

“Master Luo, it’s too much work to polish these bangles one by one, isn’t it?” Zhuang Rui looked at the bangles laid out on a table, happy and a little headache.

“Didn’t you buy the polishing machine? And I see that model is still the best model, with that thing polishing speed is very fast, is the cleaning of jade, that machine can be used ……”

Luo Jiang said, moved an unopened cardboard box in a corner of the garage, and after unpacking the box, he held out a metal object somewhat like a trash can from inside.

“This thing is a polishing machine?”

Zhuang Rui was a bit sweaty, the list that Elder Wu gave him, he just looked at the price, he really didn’t know anything about what kind of machine he had purchased.

“That’s right, this one is the latest, not only can it automatically vacuum. It also has the role of vibration, and there is also an ultrasonic cleaning function inside, oiling and waxing can be carried out with the oven, if it is not for the master saying that you are well equipped here, and a month’s time to make so many objects, how do I dare to take this job!”

Luo Jiang smiled while talking to Zhuang Rui, while plugging in the power supply of the polishing machine, opened the lid of the barrel, this new polishing machine can be applied to many types of jade.

Zhuang Rui didn’t know that the price of a normal polishing machine was around a thousand dollars, and this one he had, which he bought for more than fourteen thousand, was much more powerful, Master Wu knew that Zhuang Rui wasn’t bad with his money, and the list of jade cutting machines that he had prescribed were the best ones.

Luo Jiang picked up a pair of bracelets from the table, threaded into a plush cylindrical protrusion inside the polishing machine, then picked up the polishing machine configuration of the cotton pad pads on it, and put another table up, until the threading of five bracelets, Luo Jiang only stopped. Sprinkling the self-polishing powder evenly inside, he covered the lid of the bucket.

“This will do?” Such a simple job, you can do it yourself! Zhuang Rui had a sense of presence for the first time in over a week.

“Well, five hours is almost enough, nowadays the equipment is really advanced ah! When I was an apprentice, all I did was manual polishing, holding a coarse cloth dipped in polishing powder, polishing the jade piece non-stop all day long, so hard yet not as good as this polishing machine came out.”

Luo Jiang some feelings, seems to think of his own year, smiled bitterly, modern mechanical equipment, has let many crafts people give up their traditional crafts, not to mention polishing cleaning wax, even carving, now many factories are using computerized micro-carving, traditional crafts people’s living space is already more and more small.

But a good work, is poured into the author’s heart and soul, masters masters hand-carved out of the object, with an unspeakable spirit, that is the computer micro-carving can not be compared.

People’s aesthetics in modern society is constantly improving, and from the hands of everyone carving jade, but also more and more sought after by some specific customer groups, so the formation of a polarized situation, masters of the works of the price is getting higher and higher, while the ordinary artist’s work is less people ask for it.

This situation also makes the inheritance in the jade industry. Some unsustainable, the southern Yangzhou work is okay, hundreds of years of orderly inheritance, the successor talent is still coming out, but the northern work of the Beijing work, basically about to break the inheritance, which is also let the old master feel very distressed and troubled by a thing.

Luo Jiang in the bracelet into the polishing machine inside, pressed the power switch, busy to carve those pendants and earrings and other small objects to go, the material of these things, are from the bracelet inside the leftover, the number is quite a lot, in addition to some of the scattered can not be carved jade chips, the rest were Luo Jiang grouped together.

The carving of the pendant is much more complicated than the bracelet, the level of the master jade carver will be fully reflected here.

Luo Jiang’s experience is very rich, basically in a piece of broken material on the drawing out of the pattern, immediately can open the carving machine carving jade, that pair of rough hands at this time appears to be unusually flexible, Zhuang Rui only saw him holding the jade material in the jade cutting machine miniature diamond head fiddling for a while, a potbellied smiling Maitreya Buddha image, on the lifelike appearance in front of the eyes of Zhuang Rui.

However, like the bracelet, these are only rough embryos. But also in the nuances of careful thinking, in order to take to the polishing, even so, already let Zhuang Rui look at the big whoop.

Four or five hours of time, in the Luo Jiang carving pendants, passed very quickly, with the polishing machine issued an alarm, the several pairs of jade bracelet polishing process, even if it is completed.

Opening the lid of the polishing machine, Luo Jiang took out the topmost pair of bracelets and observed them for a while after turning his back to the light. Nodded and casually handed it to Zhuang Rui.

This is the ice seed material polished out of the bracelet, although not as crystal clear as the glass seed red Fei, but it is not ordinary, after polishing the surface of the bracelet, emitting a faint red light, looking at the light, that is like jelly-like bracelet, vaguely seem to have a babbling brook in the flow, outwardly exudes a kind of moving fluorescence color.

Luo Jiang saw Zhuang Rui’s mesmerized look and said with a smile, “The luster is not enough, it has to be able to transmit the color in the backlit place, then it will be considered a great success.”

“Well, please Master Luo.”

Zhuang Rui is very satisfied with the progress of jade cutting and the objects that have been produced, in his heart, he is thinking about whether to give Luo Jiang to raise the wages a little bit, not to mention other things, on this bracelet that he is holding in his hand now, if it is sold in a jewelry store, there are no millions don’t want to buy it away.

Jadeite on the red, is due to secondary effects and the formation of, and only the skin of the color of jadeite, this characteristic determines the red skin with jadeite seed material, its thick to do bracelet is very rare.

Therefore, all red jadeite or all yellow jadeite bracelet is very rare, common only part of the red, but as long as the red color appears bright, and “seed” and more transparent, their value will be very high, all red jadeite bracelet, the market should be extremely rare.

Common red jadeite is mostly brown-red or dark red, so that people have a “dark swim swim” feeling, thick and not transparent, jade is coarse, more with impurities, value is not high.

But when the quality of the red Fei can reach the ice kind of time, can be regarded as a small extreme, its market price than the ice kind of green jadeite flowers are much higher. Than the sun green ice material is no less.

As for the glass species of red Fei, that is the existence of the legend, more rare than the emperor green, in the market simply can not be seen, can be said to be priced, occasionally only in some auctions on the surprise.

Zhuang Rui would have liked to wait for the waxed red Fei bracelet from the oven out, the first time to see, just received a phone call from Wu Jia, said he ordered jewelry boxes and those used for inlaid earrings pendant gold and silver jewelry to, have no choice but to drive to the stone fast.

After arriving at the stone lent, Wu Jia first Zhuang Rui ordered things to him after some curiosity asked: “Zhuang Rui, you in the end let Uncle Luo hit what objects? It needs so many boxes and gold and silver pieces for inlay ah?”

“I can’t tell you this, but after a month, I’ll give you three more pieces of the town’s treasures to sell in your store.”

Zhuang Rui smiled, deliberately sold a secret, in fact, after seeing those ice seed bracelets, Zhuang Rui at that time in his heart regretted to promise to give Master Wu a surprise, not to mention the red jadeite of the glass seed, even the ice seed, Zhuang Rui now can not afford to sell.

But earlier words said full, he still decided to take out three pairs of icy bracelets, let Wu Jia’s stone fast to sell on behalf of, but these three pairs of bracelets, Zhuang Rui is not directly sold to the stone fast, but in accordance with the price of the sale, to give the stone fast a certain percentage of the share.

Looked at Zhuang Rui holding the box left the stone fast, Wu Jia angry in the back straight stomping feet, but the treasure of the store Zhuang Rui said and full of expectation, the last grandfather polished that ring, just a few days ago was bought at three million eight hundred thousand, this thing has been in the jade circle in Pengcheng spread, if there are a few good things in the store on sale, then, surely can further enhance the reputation of the stone fast.

After returning to the villa, Zhuang Rui found that the five pairs of bracelets placed at the top of the table, even if the distance is very far, it is easy to distinguish from those bracelets next to it, it must be the ones that have been completed.

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