Chapter 0340 – Reselling on Behalf

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:14:52
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“Zhuang Rui, I’ve done you a lot of favor this time! What good things did you bring? One by one, they’re all being secretive.”

In the VIP room of Stone Zai, Wu Jia brought a cup of tea to Zhuang Rui, then those big eyes were fixed on Zhuang Rui’s backpack.

Yesterday, she was furious, when Uncle Luo came to say goodbye to Grandpa, he refused to say anything about those bracelets and ornaments that Zhuang Rui had created, what material they were made of, as for what objects were typed out, of course, Wu Jia was more than aware of it, from the jewelry boxes that Zhuang Rui had looked for her to order specifically, it could be roughly seen.

And that old codger, Grandpa, who had always abided by the rule of keeping secrets for his guests, had even lectured Wu Jia, which was why today, after Zhuang Rui had come to the door, Shopkeeper Wu’s face was very unpleasant.

“Huh, Ms. Wu, I didn’t offend you, did I? Why are you making me tea with cool water?”

Zhuang Rui took a sip of tea, but found that the water inside was actually cold, dare this Missy to use cold water to make tea, and then look into the cup, but even the tea leaves were not soaked.

“Ah? I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t pay attention, change another cup for you to go ……”

After Wu Jia heard Zhuang Rui’s words, she was also a little embarrassed, it was not on purpose, just a moment ago, her heart had been guessing what objects Zhuang Rui would come up with, and she was a little distracted, so when she received the water from the drinking fountain, her hand was not pressed on the top of the outlet of the heating system.

“Forget it, don’t be busy, I’m going to leave after giving you the stuff, things are a bit much today ……”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand, brought the backpack behind him to his body, took out three palm-sized boxes from it, put them on the coffee table in front of him, and pushed them towards Wu Jia who was sitting on the opposite side.

“Bracelets? Zhuang Rui, it won’t be imperial green ones, right?”

Looking at the packaging of the box, Wu Jia knew that this should be three pairs of bracelets, she believed that Zhuang Rui would definitely not fool her with the ten dollar one from the street stalls, thinking of the imperial green ring from some time ago, Wu Jia’s heart was filled with anticipation.

“Which has so much emperor green material, if you think this is not good, I will take away ……” Zhuang Rui rolled his eyes, what does this girl think? Imperial green bracelet themselves have not seen, is there that will never sell.

To know, out of the three ice bracelets, Zhuang Rui has been very meat pain, from the beginning of June Burma to implement the embargo on raw stone since. All from Burma out of the jadeite raw stone, must go through the Yangon jadeite disk, this more than three months, the domestic finished jadeite price is a day a price.

Originally ordinary colorless ice bracelet five or six million to buy, but just three months, now the price has skyrocketed to more than two hundred thousand, not to mention this full red ice bracelet, even in some big cities, jewelry stores, but also absolutely afford to “treasure of the town store” the four words.

If the Myanmar raw stone embargo is not lifted, the domestic market price of jadeite will further go up, this rate of increase from the current point of view, has been far more than the real estate and many other industries investment, Zhuang Rui is now not very lack of money to spend, this batch of red Fei ice bracelet to stay in the hands of the future will certainly be able to make a fortune.

Wu Jia glanced at Zhuang Rui, picked up a box, slowly opened, at once, the pair of not big but full of soulful eyes in this moment stopped turning, unblinking dead staring at the box that pair of bright red as if the blazing sun bracelet, never refused to move away.

“Hey. Look stupid, right?”

Zhuang Rui had been sitting next to her for several minutes now, realizing that Wu Jia actually didn’t even pay attention to herself, and when he looked towards her, he realized that this girl was also mesmerized by the red jadeite bracelet.

“Yes, yes, what? You’re the one who’s stupid!”

Wu Jia subconsciously agreed to Zhuang Rui’s sentence, her eyes finally moved away from that pair of bangles, but it was to look at the other two jewelry boxes, those small hands like butterflies threading flowers, quickly opened all of the remaining two boxes, and the three pairs of indistinguishable red Fei cuff bracelets were clearly presented in front of her eyes.

“Zhuang Rui, this is a blood jade bracelet?”

Looking at this full of demonic temptation of red jade bracelet, Wu Jia can not help but ask a question, stone Zhai although in Pengcheng jade line can be said to be second to none, but here the sale of jade, the best is only ice ground, and to green jade mostly, not to mention this full of red bracelet, that is, the kind of Fukushu Lukuo three-color bracelet, Wu Jia have not seen.

However, have not eaten pork is also seen pig run, blood jade bracelet of the big name, even if it is the line of outsiders have heard much, Wu Jia in the first time, thought of this term.

“No, this is a red Fei bracelet made from ice seed material, the quality is not up to the blood jade bracelet.”

Zhuang Rui laughed, the real blood jade bracelet is hidden in his basement that has added an insurance door, Zhuang Rui found himself getting more and more into the profession. Actually learn like those collectors general, keep good things can’t take out, nothing when their own hands to play stealing pleasure.

“Not ah! We can call them blood jade bracelets to sell, Zhuang Rui, you don’t know, don’t say ice seed full red bracelets, is even bean seed full red is rare, as long as it is full red, can be called blood jade bracelets.”

After Wu Jia indulged in these beautiful bracelets for a while, she quickly came to her senses, she hadn’t been a store manager for nothing in the past few years, and immediately saw the business opportunities within.

“That’s okay? Then what if someone else feels fooled and comes to find you after (settle) the score?”

Zhuang Rui was Wu Jia said some dumbfounded, this ice seed if can be called blood jade bracelet, their own those glass seed material polished out of the bracelet, should be called a name it?

“Hey, you don’t understand it, this blood jade bracelet is also divided into grades well, the top of the natural is the glass seed, ice seed on the second point, but can be called this name. Such a good gimmick is not used to hype some words, too bad these bracelets.”

Wu Jia’s round little face, at this time all frenzied look, excitedly waving his little hand, talking voice also unconsciously loud, causing the salesman outside do not know what’s going on, when passing the VIP room door, all have to look inside.

“Cough cough, blood jade bracelet on blood jade bracelet well, calm down, calm down, so excited why!”

Zhuang Rui coughed. This girl is so loud, making Zhuang Rui very uncomfortable, people outside who don’t know, still think that he molested her inside, that said, Zhuang Rui is not in the mood to mess with girls now.

Wu Jia sniffed and spat out her little tongue, stood up and said, “You are not engaged in the jade terminal sales, do not know a precious jade, for the enhancement of our terminal brand influence, this thing I have to tell grandpa, specifically you two talk.”

Although Wu Jia is now the manager of the stone fast, general things can clap to make the decision, but these bracelets are too valuable, she still want to ask the old man to step in, it is best to talk like that piece of imperial green ring general, to know, that thumb-sized contraption, but let the stone fast earned nearly two million dollars of pure profit ah!

However, this is certainly not up, last time Zhuang Rui is considered to return a favor to them, that piece of emerald green emerald is basically half-sold half-given, these three bracelets are different, Zhuang Rui will not be sold again at a low price to the stone Zhai.

Wu old man came very quickly, after Wu Jia called but twenty minutes, the old man on crutches into the store to come, and Wu Jia, the same, in the sight of the several pairs of red jade bracelets, can not help but be attracted to it, but the old man is always knowledgeable, a little stunned, recovered.

“Xiao Zhuang, you’re really a big spender! My old man has been playing with jade for a lifetime, and I haven’t seen a few times a fully red jadeite, so I guess you have quite a lot of that material, right? Did you get any glassy red jadeite?”

Elder Wu was really an old man, after carefully inspecting these bracelets, he decided that they were polished from a single piece of material, and even guessed that Zhuang Rui still had good goods in his hands.

“What? You still have glass seed? That’s if it’s polished out. But the real blood jade bracelet ah! Zhuang Rui, why don’t you bring that over?” Wu Jia shouted out in dissatisfaction after hearing her grandfather’s words from the side.

“Don’t talk nonsense, Xiao Zhuang this is already very benevolent, top grade red jadeite is also something you can afford to play with?”

Wu old man is a sensible person, at that moment disgruntled glared at his granddaughter, with his experience, even if this piece of wool out of the glassy jade flesh, I’m afraid that it will not be very big, whether it can be polished out of a pair of bracelets or not is still a matter of opinion!

Just the old man never thought, Zhuang Rui where the glass seed red Fei, enough to make five bracelets, there is still a large part of it, if he knew, I’m afraid to pull down this old face, but also will be begging to buy a pair of real blood jade bracelet.

Zhuang Rui laughed and said, “The glass seeded ones came out a little bit, but it’s too little, and what was beaten out was kept for the family.”

Wu old face showed a look of really so, said: “Okay, Xiao Zhuang you can come up with these three pairs of bracelets, is already to the old man’s great face, say it! What price are you going to ask for these bracelets?”

“Wu old man, these several pairs of bracelets, I am trying to sell them on behalf of the old man, if they are sold out from the stone fast, they can get a twelve point share, what do you think?”

Zhuang Rui inquired about the market beforehand, the general proxy sale to the shopkeeper’s share is between ten points to fifteen points, he gave twelve points, not too high and not too low, it depends on the ability of the stone lenticular, sell expensive own earn more.

“Selling on behalf of?!”

Elder Wu froze for a moment, he didn’t expect Zhuang Rui to have this intention in mind, but immediately nodded and said, “OK, just as you said, twelve points, Jia Jia, go and draw up an agreement to come, I’ll sign it with Xiao Zhuang.”

Elder Wu has lived for so many years, he knows that some things have to be moderate, and you can’t be too greedy as a human being.

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