Chapter 0351 – Famous Young Man of Beijing

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:15:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Mr. Yang, you calm down. This is also for the sake of safety isn’t it, come come, the two of you first sit down to rest and rest, the auction is about to start.”

The person who spoke afterward, must have played the role, and the squid is similar, with the sound of the words, a long young man walked in from the doorway.

Behind that man was likewise followed by a girl, who shouldn’t be too old, but was very tall, at around one meter seventy-five, wearing a tight-fitting leather jacket, with a body that was even hotter than that of Miao Fei Fei.

Because the clothes are too tight, the girl’s chest was squeezed out a deep V-shaped groove, walking between the hip swing is very exaggerated, all body exudes a kind of compelling atmosphere, compared to the age should also be older than some of the Miao Fei Fei, seems to appear a little green.

“Damn, all the good meat has been arched by pigs!”

After Squid’s small eyes saw that woman, a glint of essence immediately emerged. It was estimated that this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival he wouldn’t be accompanying his mom and dad, and would definitely burrow into the backwater bar to be the male lead in the open-air lovebirds once more.

“Hey, really worthy of being a famous young man in the capital! Bring the women are all stars ……”

Squid look at women, always look at the buttocks and then the waist, and then look upwards, when he saw the woman’s face, he could not help but mutter a little in a low voice.

“Squid, who is that woman?”

The auction has not yet begun, the guests attending the auction are also familiar with each other, each in a pile of chatting the day, those organizers of the “staff” are also very free, heard the squid know that woman, can not help but have two black suits in black surrounded the squid side.

“Lao Niu, you don’t recognize this woman? Recently quite popular a model, seems to be someone to hold her and went to act in a movie, red ah! Hey, it is estimated that that Yang Shao put out the money ……”

Squid lowered his voice, whispered to his brother a few said, but Zhuang Rui distance from him is very close, the words heard a real, the heart can not help but some curiosity, Beijing actually have what the famous young, but they have not heard of.

“This auction is more and more no grade, what people are invited, old brother. Beijing and Tianjin these two places, the black market is quite a lot, back to have time I will take you to the other around around to go ……”

Fatty Jin on this within a few people, are somewhat disdainful, he is now considered a collection of orderly inheritance of everyone, the eye is very high, for these open enterprises to run a company after the home, change to play the antique people, the heart is indeed some look down on the antique play is the cultural heritage, but to the hands of these people, purely into a value-added investment.

“OK ah! I this time in Beijing to stay for a period of time, when one day free, old brother you can take me to the Palace Museum to stroll to ah!”

Zhuang Rui said the National Palace Museum, naturally, not to spend money to buy tickets to visit can see those sub-objects, he also shelled out a little bit of ticket money, he said the cultural relics in the Forbidden City Treasury, Fatty Jin is an ancient painting and calligraphy category of identification and restoration experts, to bring a person to visit the collection of the Forbidden City, or have the authority. That said, Zhuang Rui is also the director of the Jade Association, which is a semi-official status ah!

“No problem, some other day you have time to call me, I will take you in to see, recently to organize all the objects in the storehouse, this summer has passed, the things in the storehouse will return to the moisture, if it is not placed well, some objects will be damaged.”

Painting and calligraphy collection, is the most difficult to save, not only is the insect moths and rats bite, time for them, is the biggest enemy, and the dust in the air, adsorption of harmful gases, suspended in the air, day long deposition in the picture, will erode the picture, the winter to the painting and calligraphy to warm, summer but also refrigeration, pay attention to a lot of it!

In the Palace Museum each year that huge antiques maintenance costs, calligraphy and painting antiques, to account for a significant proportion of the.

“Excuse me, can I ask the two of you, what are the things that are auctioned today?”

Zhuang Rui and Fatty Jin were chatting happily when, coldly next to a person inserted, followed by the tip of the nose and smelled a fragrant wind, raised his eyes to look. But that Yang Gongzi brought his star female companion and came over.

Yang Bo this day some depressed, used to hear people say antique black market has how many how many good objects, can be invited to the black market, is a thing how face. It happens to be that he opened the hotel’s mother recently in the attack on the relationship of a big shot, the big shot heard recently like on the antiques, Yang Bo volunteered, trust relations to get a black market invited to the qualification.

Yang Bo this year, but just twenty years old, it is a good time to show off, can come to participate in the black market of antiques, naturally to the recent girlfriend to bring to show off a little, but who knows the morning around the city of Beijing after a circle of the wind, to here all people treat him as air, even the black market organizers of a few people, the eyes are also colorful staring at their own female companions, no one to take their own as a plate of food.

Although it is said that nowadays the rich second generation is also very focused on education, Yang Bo is also a junior high school read out of the country, but the habits of young people can not be changed overnight, always want to attract the attention of others, the people in this room, the age of forty years old or more, Yang Bo observed around for a while. Found that only Zhuang Rui is the youngest, there should be some common topics, so he came over.

More importantly, Yang Bo was attracted to Miao Feifei, as the saying goes, family flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers, Miao Feifei, although not as glamorous as this Zhang star beside him, but that soft temperament, is to let Yang look at the lesser is I see the pity, and he observed half a day, the man beside the woman, it seems that it is not how to value her. Half a day did not even say a word to her.

If you let Zhuang Rui know Yang Bo’s idea, absolutely will laugh off the teeth, this person looks soft, may not be no danger, Miao big police officer that is soft on the outside and hard on the inside, always believe in fists and feet under the truth, if he knows Yang Bo want to touch this thorny roses, absolutely will raise both hands to support, and then hid to the side to watch the fun.

“The auction is usually not fixed, wait for the opening of the auction to know, little brother quietly wait to know.”

This Mr. Yang was still polite in his speech, Fatty Jin opened his mouth to reply even though he couldn’t see where this little kid knew about antiques.

Zhuang Rui is silent on the side, he came here today is Taobao pick up leaks, incidentally to help Miao Fei Fei see if there is a stolen bronze, not to make friends.

Black market this place, do not know people tend to be mutual suspicion, only Yang Bo such a fledgling, will take the initiative to find someone to talk to, in the capital antique world hanging out in the people, who do not know Fatty Jin ah! This person is obviously new to this business, Zhuang Rui even suspected that his role today and the grassland black market Fatty Ma is almost the same, only this person will never have Fatty Ma’s ability to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

“My name is Yang Bo, I haven’t asked you two gentlemen and this young lady what to call them?”

Yang Bo stretched out his hand to Zhuang Rui, although he wanted to shake hands with Miao Fei Fei first, just looking at the clothes Zhuang Rui wore although they were all in dark tones and appeared to be a bit low key, but with Yang Bo’s eyesight, he could naturally see that those clothes were also very expensive branded goods, although he didn’t know Zhuang Rui’s wealth, but rich people usually respect people who are richer than him, so Yang Bo behaved in a very decent manner.

Yang Bo there know, Zhuang Rui this is by Ouyang Jun to train more, but also feel to be put on a teacher’s name, only deliberately went to buy a few pieces of branded clothing to decorate the facade, if a different occasion. What he wore was definitely still popular goods.

“My surname is Zhuang, this is Mr. Jin, a great person in our capital city’s calligraphy and painting industry, well, you don’t need to pay any attention to that young lady, she’s just coming with to play today.”

As the saying goes, reach out and don’t hit a smiling person, Zhuang Rui saw that this young man was quite polite, he also extended his hand and shook his hand, as for Miao Fei Fei, it’s better not to introduce it, lest that young lady’s tendon is not right and cause any trouble.

“Why do I look so familiar with this young lady? Is the young lady’s surname Zhao?” Yang Bo came to join in the fun with the purpose of wanting to get to know Miao Fei Fei, naturally refused to give up easily, and used a very old-fashioned, but very practical approach.

“My surname is Miao, we have not seen.” Miao Fei Fei today is considered to be very listen to Zhuang Rui words, came after only see not say, but others have helped themselves to change their surnames, but also do not speak out to correct it ah!

“This antique game is actually that thing, there are sought after on the value of money, no one wants more than garbage is not as good as, there is no emerald jade worth money, Xiaoqi, you say it is not ah?”

Seeing not only Zhuang Rui and Fatty Jin ignored him, even the girl did not take care of herself, Yang Bo could not help but to show off a little, because he saw Miao Fei Fei wearing clothes although very well-fitting, but it is not a brand, and a piece of jewelry on the body are not, deliberately said the above words, want to attract the attention of Miao Fei Fei.

“Yeah! Brother Yang, buy those antiques that can’t be used or touched to see what ah! Like the necklace you bought me, it cost four hundred thousand dollars! It can be worth much more than those broken porcelain tiles.”

Zhang Qi saw that Yang Bo had brought the topic to her, and hurriedly straightened her chest, letting the platinum-set jade pendant show, but due to the front being too great, half of that pendant was still caught inside the two groups of soft white flesh.

“Puff, cough ……”

Along with the sound of Zhang Qi’s words, Zhuang Rui, who was originally sipping his tea, suddenly let out a violent coughing sound, which drew the people in the presidential suite, to look this way.

“Out of breath look, never seen a woman before?”

Miao Fei Fei put her mouth to Zhuang Rui’s ear, dissatisfied said, a small hand is very hidden to find Zhuang Rui’s waist soft meat, ruthlessly pinched, painful Zhuang Rui bared his teeth.

“Cough …… cough, no, that woman pendant on the jade, not A goods, not worth four hundred thousand.” Under Zhuang Rui’s meat pain, he couldn’t help but tell the reason for his cough.

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