Chapter 0353 – Black Market Auction (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:15:26
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With Ma Qiang’s shout. A young man holding a scroll came to that oval table, and together with Ma Qiang, opened that scroll and spread it flat onto the table.

After spreading that scroll out, Ma Qiang said, “Everyone, those who are interested can come up to see it, please don’t touch it with your hands ……”

Probably because of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the people who participated in the black market auction this time, were not a lot of people, besides Zhuang Rui, Fatty Jin and that famous young man from the capital called Yang Bo, there were six or seven other people.

According to Fatty Jin’s words, these people are all halfway around the world, barely counting as people in the collection circle, Zhuang Rui knows that it is estimated that these are the people who invest in antiques as Fatty Jin said.

“Mr. Jin you first please ……”

As soon as Ma Qiang’s words fell, almost everyone in the hall stood up except for Miao Fei Fei and that little star, even Zhuang Rui was not an exception, Wu Daozi’s paintings, even if they were later imitations, were not rare.

Those few people should all recognize Fatty Jin. All of them stepped back a few steps, allowing Fatty Jin to come forward to check it out first.

In the capital antique world, in addition to the teacher surnamed Aixinjueluo Jin fat, he can be called the most authoritative painting and calligraphy appraisal expert, these people engaged in antique investment, may be in the future will be begging to the head of the gold fat, is to him politely added.

Zhuang Rui followed the side of Fatty Jin, nature is honest and nonchalant to go to the table next to the other several people have to Zhuang Rui angrily, you play a jade, to the painting and calligraphy this side of what to get together.

To know, each time the physical appraisal time can only have five minutes, after this five minutes to auction, of course, you can choose not to bid, but in case this object is really Song after imitation of it? That is also valuable treasure ah! So the field of these people for these minutes of identification time, are quite important.

Zhuang Rui did not pay attention to these people, calligraphy and painting antiques of the fake and old is the most, those people even an appraiser did not bring, think to Taobao, purely and Yang Wei his old man a level, spend money to find abuse type.

This “Guan Gong statue”, length and width is about 38×60 centimeters or so, the paper is yellowish, but loose, should be a good rice paper painted. Above the Guan Gong one-handed carrying the green dragon crescent moon knife, hilt down, riding on the head of the chasing the wind red rabbit horse, a pair of phoenix eyes cross-eyed look around, its potential to turn round and clothes fluttering lifting, bold and unrestrained, the end of the formidable.

Fatty gold took out a magnifying glass to, will be the body bent down, from the shaft of the scroll to start, a little bit of observation up, although the mounting can be later, but can also see some clues from it, appreciation of antiques is not only to look at the object itself, the other details are also very important, including those scrolls on the Inscription, can be judged to be true or false.

Compared to Fatty Jin, Zhuang Rui’s performance appears to be very amateurish, although also took out a magnifying glass to look at a few eyes, but then retreated from the surroundings of a few people, a hilarious look.

“Is it true?”

Seeing Zhuang Rui sitting back, Miao Fei Fei spoke up and asked. She knew that she couldn’t see any doorway, and was too lazy to go up and join in the fun.

“How would I know? Turn around and ask Mr. Jin.”

Zhuang Rui this will be in his heart is muttering, he just directly with the aura observation, found that this painting inside is aura, and the color is slightly yellowish, the number is still thick, according to his experience of using the aura to see antiques, this painting should be the Qing dynasty imitation.

Because the aura inside the Tang and Song dynasty antiques, basically is red, if it is a rare product, it is even more red in purple, even the aura in the Ming dynasty antiques, the color is light red, only the Qing dynasty and recent times, it is white and yellow aura.

Zhuang Rui is now considering whether to go out and take this painting, although the painting is not imitated by the Song people, and even more will not be Wu Daozi’s authenticity, but the Qing Dynasty is also a few good imitation of celebrity paintings and calligraphy of everyone, and now their after imitation works, in the market price is also all the way up, very collectible.

In fact, in modern calligraphy and painting antiques collection, mainly divided into so many kinds, the first is of course, the handwriting of famous treasures, this needless to say, every famous works throughout the ages, have its market pricing, you just feel the value of running a few auctions to participate in a few auctions, you can always receive some good objects.

Of course. Some things are not money can be bought, like Wang Xizhi’s “Lanting Preface” manuscripts, do not know whether it still exists, the legend is that Li Shimin was martyred, that thing if you can ask the world, sell a 10 billion yuan is not expensive, this kind of thing has become a cultural heritage, not with the money can be assessed.

The second kind of collection value, is the later generations of famous artists imitation of the works of the previous generation, this kind of column is more, far from the Tang Bohu, Huang Gongwang, modern Zhang Daqian, Qi Baishi and other famous everyone, have been imitation of the painting of the ancients, this kind of work is not the ancient masterpieces, but the same value of a lot, and more heirlooms, and some of the works of the modern masters, are now calligraphy and painting curiosities collection in the The main force.

As for the third kind of valuable paintings and calligraphy, is relatively rare individual existence, this kind of paintings and calligraphy are often ancient paintings, but can not be verified its author’s identity origin, painting on the no money no knowledge, but the painting work is exquisite. Not less than those masterpieces, often by later generations of celebrities collection.

This kind of painting has a unified name, called: anonymous, to the Song dynasty paintings mostly, the Qing dynasty also has some anonymous paintings passed down, but its value and the Song dynasty anonymous paintings on the difference between the Song dynasty anonymous paintings, but also more than Song dynasty anonymous paintings were recorded in the poetry and painting canonical books.

Emperor Kangxi Qianlong had collected a lot of anonymous paintings of the Song Dynasty, and left his own inscriptions and poems on them, even if you put aside the ancient paintings themselves, but those attached to the paintings next to the handwriting of the inscriptions of the famous artists is also worth a lot of money.

As for the last kind, it is the pure fake imitation, the collection value is not big, but it is also the most circulated in the market, some unscrupulous traders, even take some prints to fool those who just enter the circle of collection, most of them are all crude and inferior works.

And this painting on that table, should belong to the second kind, painting is quite exquisite, skillful brushwork, will be Guan Gong’s facial features and red rabbit horse’s demeanor, are highlighted, but if the test does not come out of this imitation made from the hands of who, its value will be greatly reduced, which is Zhuang Rui hesitant to go out of the way for a reason.

Some friends see here may have to say, you buy down is their own play, not hand to sell, who cares who he painted, their eyes, hanging at home to stay to enjoy it.

But the words are not so, Taobao pick up the fun is that you spend very little money, to buy the real value far beyond the money you spend on the object, this painting if the test does not come out of the author, I’m afraid that it is worth a three or five million yuan.

Antique play with the orderly inheritance, if you can prove the author to, as long as the author is slightly famous, this imitation of Wu Daozi’s Guan Gong statue, the price is going to be in the hundreds of thousands or even more than a million, the two are a far cry, we must know, Ming and Qing dynasty famous painters imitation of the paintings of the Tang and Song Dynasty, shot millions of dollars in price to, are very normal.

After a few minutes, Fatty Jin also sat back, Zhuang Rui asked in a whisper, “Mr. Jin, what do you think of this painting?”

“Time is too short. Can’t see it, but from the paper and the style of painting, it should be imitated by someone in the late Qing Dynasty, the painting is still smooth, the brushwork is good, if I am given some time to check it out, I should be able to find out who painted it.”

Fatty Jin’s deduction is similar to what Zhuang Rui thought, but he also can’t see who imitated this painting for a while, frowning in thinking whether he should make a move or not.

“Alright, friends please return to your seats! The reserve price for this imitation of Wu Daozi’s Portrait of Guan Gong is five thousand RMB, each increase shall not be less than five thousand RMB, friends interested in purchasing please bid!”

Ma Qiang do things also dry, see the crowd are seated, immediately began the auction process, this painting is just an appetizer, so the auction price is not high, otherwise even if it is the Qing dynasty imitation, that is not a few thousand dollars can buy down.

Just after Ma Qiang shouted the price, not a single person in the field to answer, they all looked to the frowning fat man Jin, want to see some clues from his face, including Yang Bo, I’m afraid that none of the people believe that this is a Song imitation, but they also know that the imitation is also worth money.

“I offer five thousand dollars!”

Zhuang Rui doesn’t care that much, he guessed the scruples in these people’s mind, but he understands more, five thousand dollars is already considered a pickup for this painting, if someone raises the price, at most he doesn’t want it himself.

Zhuang Rui’s bid let the crowd face are flooded with odd expression, because Zhuang Rui just went up to look at the situation of the painting, the crowd can be seen in the eyes, he is simply a horse to see the flowers, it is difficult to be fat man just said something to him? There are a few people are already stupid and ready to bid.

“Mr. Zhuang bid five thousand yuan, there is no friend to bid, this is a real ancient painting! Ten thousand dollars is equal to nothing, interesting friends please bid now.”

Ma Qiang’s yelling sound again, just compared to the grassland black market, he is slightly so eager.

He did not yell okay, this yell, Fatty Jin’s eyebrows frowned more tightly, and finally sighed, shook his head, obviously does not intend to make a bid, and the next few people saw Fatty Jin’s behavior, already ready to raise their hands, and quietly put back.

“No more other friends to bid?”

“For the last time, if no one else bids, this ancient painting will be owned by Mr. Zhuang!”

“Alright, Pocky, change to the next object! Stop shouting.”

Fatty Jin was a bit impatient, it was obvious that no one was bidding with Zhuang Rui, what was the funk of howling all the time!

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