Chapter 0360 – Mid-Autumn Festival (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:15:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Ouyang Jun was not willing to go back to Mount Yuquan so early. After picking up the car, Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Jun two separate, he first went back to the courtyard, the password box containing hundreds of thousands of yuan, to the basement of the courtyard, this thing he would not dare to throw in the car.

That said, in Zhonghai, Zhuang Rui once heard, two rag-pickers, see a Mercedes-Benz car inside put five dollars, and froze to take a brick to smash the Mercedes-Benz car windows, the five dollars to steal, make that car owner is laughing and crying, catch the two people and how can it? At the end of the day, they still go to the insurance company to claim compensation.

After putting the money, Zhuang Rui drove back to the Yuquan Mountain, this day the mother of the family inside the people will be there, Zhuang Rui usually run around, this day what to say also want to stay around the mother, this is also Ouyang Wan repeatedly urged.

“How so many cars ah?”

Zhuang Rui grandfather small courtyard in front of the corner of the intersection, there is a vacant lot, usually come to the people are parked here, only on weekdays can enter here very few people. Usually there are a few cars from the family, but today it was a full ten cars parked, making Zhuang Rui can only park his car at the intersection.

“Huh, big brother, why are you standing here?”

Zhuang Rui parked the car, just walked through the corner of the path, raised his eyes and saw Ouyang Lei standing in front of the small courtyard, beside him there is a thirty-seven to eighty-eight years old middle-aged man, dressed in a suit, is talking to Ouyang Lei.

“Little brother, you’re back? This is your second cousin Ouyang Long, come, get acquainted.” Ouyang Lei saw Zhuang Rui and beckoned him over.

“Hello second brother, I thought you guys wouldn’t arrive until the evening!”

Zhuang Rui went forward and greeted him, looking at this second cousin’s appearance, there were a few resemblances with Ouyang Lei, probably because the old man’s genes were stronger! Zhuang Rui’s appearance is also with his mother, and this brother stood together, do not recognize also thought that they are all brothers!

“This is my sister-in-law’s Zhuang Rui, right? Just now and big brother also talked about you, not bad, bare hands and fight such a big piece of industry, than a few of us is much stronger.”

Ouyang Long acted cordial towards Zhuang Rui, this was also not unrelated to the meeting gift from his little aunt just now. Before coming, Ouyang Long knew that the little aunt had not contacted her mother’s family all these years, and had heard that she lived in poverty, but he did not expect that when he just met, he gave his wife a jewelry worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, which also made Ouyang Long put away his contempt for the little aunt’s family.

“Second brother don’t joke about me, a few brothers can be unique now, when to take care of my little brother only ah!”

Zhuang Rui knows that Ouyang Long in the south of a city as a mayor, thirty-eight years old full-time big mayor, in the country is not rare, of course, this and the second uncle, that is, Ouyang Long’s father, in the neighboring province as a deputy secretary of the provincial party committee has a lot to do.

Ouyang family can be said to be flourishing, Ouyang Zhenwu that the older generation of three brothers, the eldest Ouyang Zhenhua this year after the plenary session into the center basically has been finalized.

The second Ouyang Zhenshan relative big brother and third brother to be a little worse, but also in the south of a province operated for more than a decade, is also considered a piece of the Ouyang family retained, although it is a deputy has not been up, but also for the family sacrifice, after all, the benefits can not let a family to account for ah!

Ouyang Zhenwu needless to say, only fifty-seven years old this year, according to his level. Can dry to sixty-five years old, very hopeful of further.

Ouyang Zhenhua on Ouyang Lei a son, Ouyang Zhenshan has two, in addition to the Ouyang Long in front of him, the second is called Ouyang Lu, take the career path, now a place in the Northwest as a standing committee member of the municipal party committee, deputy secretary, in addition to Ouyang Jun, this family can be said to be a real political family.

“I just heard my big brother say that you went to participate in the Pingzhou Jadeite Public Market a few months ago, next time you go there, you can go to find second brother ah!”

Ouyang Long served in the city, not far from Pingzhou, is a big economic city, want to take care of Zhuang Rui a little or very easy, said the city construction so much work, to who is not to give ah! Self-brothers, of course, should be prioritized care.

Some friends see here may be very upset, but this is also the truth, this year’s heart frankly for the public good people, really can not find a few to. Ouyang Jun run that club money, is not relying on the previous resale of approvals earned well!

“Then thank you in advance, right, why are there so many cars here today? Aren’t you afraid of disturbing the old man’s rest?”

Zhuang Rui didn’t take Ouyang Long’s words to heart, he made money with his own “skills”, and didn’t need to dip into his grandfather’s side of the light.

“Hey, it’s like this every year, there are a lot of people who come to see the old master on New Year’s festivals, in the past when grandpa’s health was not good, they would just take a look and leave, but now they all want to chat with grandpa for a few minutes, no, they are all waiting in the courtyard!”

Ouyang Lei spoke while nudging towards the courtyard, Zhuang Rui stretched his head to take a look, and sure enough, more than a dozen people were standing quietly in the courtyard.

And what surprised Zhuang Rui the most is that there are seven or eight people in here who are wearing military uniforms, and the rank on their shoulders, the lowest is also a lieutenant general, and there are also two generals with the rank of admiral, at this time standing there, their bodies are straight, just like a soldier waiting to be received by the head of the army.

Zhuang Rui now sort of understand why the two Ouyang Lei brothers stood at the door, putting aside the fact that they are the grandson of the old master, with the identity of the two of them, indeed, they can only stand here to welcome the guests is not considered rude, or else you can’t let the old master personally stand at the door to the bar!

“Old Xie, how is the Chief’s health?”

At this moment, the door to the old master’s room was opened. A man with the rank of Lieutenant General walked out, and several other generals surrounded him.

“The chief’s health is very good, Commander Fang, you can go in! The chief was talking about you just now!” The lieutenant general surnamed Xie said to an admiral.

“What did the chief say about me?” Commander Fang asked with a nervous face, but no one laughed at him, in front of Elder Ouyang, even if they were in a higher position, they wouldn’t dare to breathe a single breath.

“The Chief said that you didn’t send him any wine last year, and that he wants to teach you a lesson!” Lieutenant General Xie lowered his voice and said, his face all smiles.

“Good old Xie. On the basis of having been the chief’s machine secretary for a few years, you dare to joke about me lah, I’ll find you later to settle the score.” After Commander Fang laughed and cursed, he straightened the wind tight buttons and hat on his uniform and walked into the room with big strides.

“The one who just came out, we all have to call Uncle Xie, when grandpa just came back, he gave grandpa to be the confidential secretary, and now he is also a deputy commander of a large military region.”

Ouyang Lei saw Zhuang Rui looking at the generals with a shocked face, and spoke out to explain to him. Only when saying this, Ouyang Lei didn’t realize in the slightest that his status was already not lower than that Lieutenant General Xie.

“Little Lei, it’s only been a few years since I’ve seen you, how come you’ve gotten angry with Uncle Xie?”

Ouyang Lei was talking to Zhuang Rui, that Lieutenant General Xie walked over, slapped on Ouyang Lei’s shoulder and said, “Good, good boy, from a young age, you are a soldier’s material, in a few years, Uncle Xie will have to call you chief!”

“Uncle Xie, what are you talking about! I am no longer what I am, I am still a kid who has been running around with you since I was a kid!” Ouyang Lei’s words made Lieutenant General Xie very happy, pulling him into the courtyard and mixing into the group of generals.

“Little brother, you just came back, go inside and rest! Little Auntie and the others are all inside!”

At this time, four or five more people came over the path, Ouyang Long knew that Zhuang Rui didn’t have much experience in receiving people, and after whispering a word to Zhuang Rui, he greeted them himself.

After Zhuang Rui returned to his room, his heart is still a little bit shocked, before looking at Grandpa, but just an old man, at most, just recognized. Put him and movie and television screen prototype character association, but time is long, only as a common old man just.

But today to see this situation, Zhuang Rui realized that even if the tiger is old, it is also a tiger old male wind in, a whistling shock forest ah! Zhuang Rui see TV often appear a leader to sympathize with the old comrades, every time to say that these old comrades are the wealth of the country, now Zhuang Rui understanding but a little more profound, see the problem or can not float on the surface ah!

“Aigoo, white lion, stop, tomorrow we will return to the courtyard ……”

Today’s courtyard to a lot of people, Ouyang Wan afraid of white lion scared people, it is closed in Zhuang Rui room, now see Zhuang Rui came in, immediately excited to pounce over, with that big tongue almost help Zhuang Rui wash a face again.

Pacify the white lion, Zhuang Rui went to the mother’s room, it is also lively, several sisters-in-law plus already married cousin, after seeing Zhuang Rui, are chattering ready to give this little brother introduced object, make Zhuang Rui is red in the face and fled.

“Hey, Xuan Bing, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!”

Hiding back in the room, Zhuang Rui was thinking of giving Qin Xuan Bing a call when his cell phone rang, took it out to see, it was Qin Xuan Bing who called.

“Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhuang Rui, want me or not?”

I don’t know if that romantic atmosphere abroad affects Qin Xuan Bing, this more than half a year, every time you talk on the phone, Qin Xuan Bing asks out this sentence, the previous kind of coldness, has long since disappeared.

“Think, if you don’t come back, my gang of sisters-in-law and cousins, will soon pack me up and sell me.” Thinking about that gang of women who have very matchmaking potential, Zhuang Rui’s heart is still a little shaky.

“You can’t come to England to see me ah? I …… I miss you too.” Qin Xuan Bing on the other end of the phone couldn’t help but have a blush rise on her face after she finished this sentence.

“Okay, I’ll go to England after the Mid-Autumn Festival!”

Zhuang Rui’s heart was also on fire at this time, although the two often flirted on the phone, but this distant water could not quench the thirst of the near ah! After hearing Qin Xuan Bing’s slightly suggestive words, he couldn’t wait to grow wings and fly over there right now.

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