Chapter 0363 Hong Kong

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:15:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The weather in Beijing at the end of September and the beginning of October is already very cold. Before Zhuang Rui got on the plane, he wore a leather jacket, which just walked out from the exit, had not yet had time to take off, which chased after Qin Xuanbing a run, coupled with the odd posture, attracted the people in the airport have to look at him, if it is not to see Zhuang Rui tall and big, it is not possible to say that it will come out of a few fights.

“I say, can we walk slower?”

Zhuang Rui can not understand, this woman wearing a high heeled shoes, walking how to break the foot ah! Run up also fast, Zhuang Rui chased out of the airport, is already hot and sweaty, that face is like a boiled hairy crab general red.

“Look at your stupid face, don’t you get hot wearing that thick?”

Keep walking to the outside of the airport, Qin Xuan Bing only stopped, looking at Zhuang Rui sweaty appearance, can not help but some heartache, from the handbag took out a paper towel to Zhuang Rui wiped the sweat.

“Not hot, the heart is hotter than this!”

Zhuang Rui does not like to go to nightclubs, the night in addition to review the materials for the examination, leisure is also watching some soap operas, the mouth of kung fu is to see up, in the jacket off when, in passing, lowered his head, in the Qin Xuan Bing’s small hand kissed a little.

Qin Xuan Bing like electrocuted back to the hand, white Zhuang Rui a glance, but did not get angry, Zhuang Rui suddenly courageous, stepped forward to embrace the Qin Xuan Bing Qian waist, said: “First go to find a hotel to stay, I want to take a bath, just ran a sweat …… ”

Qin Xuan Bing’s body slightly trembled, this to the hotel is not a room? Rao is she has been psychologically prepared, this is also the mind is chaotic, opened his mouth and said: “Lei Lei know you want to come, is waiting for us to eat together, the night is good ah?”

Qin Xuan Bing words have been with the flavor of pleading, but where does she know, Zhuang Rui just want to take a shower, although just a little impulse, but ran this way, the fire of desire has long been calmed.

“What are you doing at night?”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment, in the see Qin Xuan Bing pretty face rose a blush when followed by great joy, and nodded.

In fact, women and men are the same, after encountering their own feeling can be entrusted to the person, a lot of things are natural water to the channel on the occurrence, but the two inexperienced people together, sometimes a lot of things to say to understand, the other side to understand.

Qin Xuan Bing paused his feet, did not pay attention to Zhuang Rui again, after walking into the parking lot, pressed the remote control in his hand, not far away from the sound of a drip, but a red two-seater Ferrari sports car.

“Get in the car, let’s go to dinner first, Lei Lei is probably waiting impatiently.”

Qin Xuan Bing pulled open the door and sat in the driver’s seat, smoothly took off the high-heeled shoes, replaced with a pair of flat shoes, look at Zhuang Rui some dizziness, dare to do so also line ah!

Hong Kong used to be a British colony, a lot of habits are still influenced by the British, like driving on the left side of the road, let Zhuang Rui feel very uncomfortable. He looked at the road in front of him, always feel that the left side will suddenly rush out of a car hit, simply pick up a Hong Kong newspaper in the car and read it.

“Zhuang Rui, you can read that newspaper?”

Although Qin Xuan Bing is driving the car, her eyes have been secretly looking at Zhuang Rui, a few months have not seen, Zhuang Rui has become more calm than before, and when he does not speak, there is more of a kind of indescribable flavor on his body, well, it gives a feeling of a high position of power and authority without anger and authority.

“Xuan Bing, you’re looking down on me too much! I’m going to graduate school in archaeology soon, and if I can’t read traditional Chinese characters, then there’s no need to apply for the exam.”

Zhuang Rui understands Qin Xuan Bing’s meaning, due to the implementation of simplified Chinese characters in mainland China, Hong Kong is still a British colony, so Hong Kong’s most common use of Chinese characters is traditional Chinese, but the traditional Chinese characters to read for Zhuang Rui, there is no problem, just that this newspaper is still written in the form of the ancient script, it is the vertical rows from left to right, which makes Zhuang Rui slightly feel a little uncomfortable.

For Hong Kong, I believe that everyone is a deep understanding, from the eighties into the mainland’s pop songs, trendy clothing, and that open all over the streets in the screening of Hong Kong movies video hall, are to people to interpret a mysterious and rich Hong Kong.

It can be said that the former Hong Kong. For the mainland people’s influence is very big, in the eighty-nine decades, the most popular electronic watches, Walkman, bell-bottom pants, etc., so that the country’s young people at that time, can have a piece of Hong Kong-made things as fashion.

Numerous urban individual households, have to run to Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places, to go into some of the so-called Hong Kong-produced parallel imports, and then return to their respective cities to practice stalls, commonly known as “dumping” also created China’s earliest batch of rich people.

Hong Kong’s prosperous film and television development in the 1980s also influenced the mainland an era of people born in the 1960s and 1970s, who has not seen the Hong Kong-produced “Huo Yuanjia”, “The Legend of the Eagle Shooting Heroes”, “and then to the Tiger Mountain” and other film and television dramas? In those days, anyone would hum a few lines of Cantonese songs that they didn’t even know what the words meant.

In the mid-to-late eighties, when “Heroes of Color” was introduced to the mainland, there were even more young people wearing trench coats and combing their hair, and if a national survey was conducted at that time, the popularity of “Brother Little Horse” would have been far greater than that of the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The word “star” was also spread from that time, Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan sold star stickers when he was a child, that is, the pirated Hong Kong movie star’s portrait, of course, there is no piracy of the word.

Of course, there was no such word as piracy at that time. It was only after the return of Hong Kong that the mystery was slowly revealed. This mystery has slowly unveiled its veil, every year mainlanders traveling to Hong Kong, occupying a large part of Hong Kong’s related income, a considerable impact on its economy.

But for Zhuang Rui, this city is still very strange. At this time, Qin Xuan Bing’s car is driving on a busy road, both sides of the road are a mixture of colonial buildings and modern high-tech buildings, buildings such as forests, restaurants lined up, both Eastern and Western culture.

On both sides of the street, there are some light box advertisements with the words massage and bone massage written in traditional Chinese characters, exactly the same as what Zhuang Rui saw in the movie. In the endless flow of people, everyone’s face with a kind of anxiety, at least in the eyes of Zhuang Rui is so, completely unable to see the scene of the mainland people carrying a birdcage wandering.

Crowded, everything in front of him brought Zhuang Rui this feeling, the forest of high-rise buildings, narrow streets, and the crowd walking on the road, like a sardine can, densely packed, so that people have a feeling of breathlessness.

“This is Central, and it’s also Hong Kong’s most lively business circle, here, that’s our family’s jewelry store.”

Qin Xuan Bing drove the car while introducing to Zhuang Rui, following Qin Xuan Bing’s finger, leaning to the left of a street, side by side in a row there are seven or eight are jewelry stores.

And the mainland jewelry store door can be compared to the sparrows, here to lively a lot, people in and out frequently, just Zhuang Rui does not know, these people are still to the mainland tourists mostly, in the decades of the formation of solid thinking, or let those people think, Hong Kong’s things and cheap and good.

“Here we are, get off!”

After the car drove out for another half an hour or so, Qin Xuan Bing was at the side of a street, parked the car, then got off the car and put coins in the punch card machine next to it, and naturally took Zhuang Rui’s arm and walked into the roadside restaurant.

“This is Mongkok, with the most restaurants, hey. Lei Lei, here we are.”

As soon as he walked into this restaurant, Zhuang Rui felt as if he had entered the food market in general, the noise was incomparable, where are the people inside eating ah! The whole are piled up together to chat, the key is that those words Zhuang Rui also do not understand, some Cantonese words he barely remembered a few, but some tables speak Chaozhou language, in Zhuang Rui’s ears as if it were heavenly books in general.

The official languages of Hong Kong are Chinese and English, and the government’s language policy is “biliteracy and trilingualism”, i.e. written Chinese vernacular and English, and spoken Cantonese, Mandarin and English.

The Chinese population in Hong Kong mainly uses Cantonese, while the non-Chinese population mostly uses English as a language of communication. Most of the residents in Hong Kong are not indigenous to the territory, and over the past century or so, people who have migrated from the Mainland of China and other parts of the world have brought the language of their hometowns to Hong Kong.

Walking in this restaurant, Zhuang Rui even saw a table of foreigners, seemingly holding chopsticks in eating Chinese food, but also like the people next to them as shouting, just came in when I felt a little noisy, but now, Zhuang Rui actually like some of this place, everywhere full of the breath of life, and just saw the steel city, turned into two distinctly different worlds.

“Hey, you two, how did you become so close?”

Lei Lei saw Qin Xuan Bing walking in with Zhuang Rui’s arm, she couldn’t help but round her eyes, in her impression, Qin Xuan Bing and Zhuang Rui who were very introverted about their feelings, didn’t seem to be able to make this kind of move.

“Ahem, what do you know, this is called distance produces beauty, we are separated by tens of thousands of miles, a meet and make out under how? On the contrary, old classmate you, soon to be a bride, there is no newlywed phobia ah?”

Zhuang Rui is afraid of Qin Xuan Bing thin skin, sat down and quickly pulled the topic to Lei Lei’s body.

“Che, we are old married couple, what is there to fear. By the way, Zhuang Rui, I heard Da Chuan say you put the mastiff shares almost all transferred out, what are you going to do in the future ah?”

Lei Lei knows Zhuang Rui gambling stone earned a lot of money, but also can not sit on the mountain empty land to eat trapped ah! Lei Lei knows Zhuang Rui’s family is very common, if I do not have a promising industry, I’m afraid that Qin Xuan Bing family, also will not be so easy to agree to the marriage between them.

After hearing Lei Lei’s words, Qin Xuan Bing also turned his attention to Zhuang Rui, although his mother was very anxious to marry herself off, but for the moment, Zhuang Rui seems to be just one of their many choices.

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