Chapter 0391: Sell or not sell as you wish

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:17:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

You don’t need to worry about where I got it from. As long as you’re not stealing or robbing, no one’s going to come after you to settle the score later anyway…

The origin of these things of Niu Hong is indeed very legitimate, when the old ship king passed away, left the old mansion where he lived to Niu Hong, and these antiques, they are all collected by the old ship king when he was alive.

To say why these things will appear in the casino, but also from Niu Hong, this person in the circle of Hong Kong Island tycoons, is considered to be a relatively low level of education, but he hates people say he is uneducated.

In the last year, Niu Hong will often bring some Hong Kong Island starlets to the gambling boat overnight, in order to pretend to be civilized, so the villa of some antiques, to get his long package in the gambling boat within the luxury suite.

Niu Hong this person although born in the rich and powerful family, but his grandfather as the world’s king of the ship, the earliest is also the mud leg origin, Niu Hong did not learn the father’s skills, but will be the marketplace between the stuff touching the rote, people are also very vulgar.

Those few pieces of porcelain curiosities, hanging in the gambling ship his luxury rooms, the role played. Nothing more than to the starlets to show off their tastes, that painting Niu Hong is often look, is hanging in the room bedroom bed directly opposite the, in doing that, looking at the ancient emperor’s consort, it is very easy to satisfy his perverted desire.

As for the two pairs of porcelain vases, Zhuang Rui guessed correctly, these things are sometimes into the cattle Prince of the ashtray, just now to take the time, the cattle Prince just inside the cigarette butts to pour off, just now also Zhuang Rui smelled the flavor, or to the imagination of a normal person, it is absolutely inconceivable that the cattle Prince will take the millions of dollars worth of antiques, to be used as an ashtray.

“Niu Gongzi, something if the origin ……”

The appraiser is a bit of the old school style, collect things to ask about its heritage, just when Zheng Hua walked back into the box, see the appraiser still want to ask, and quickly spoke to stop: “Hua old, the origin of the things do not have to ask, you give an estimate of the price of it!”

Zheng Hua is aware of Niu Hong’s family, although today lost nearly 100 million Hong Kong dollars, but also can not hurt Niu Hong’s foundation, not counting the value of his shares themselves, is Niu Hong this decade from these shares in the dividends received, there are hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars, just now a moment can not be withdrawn only.

Although the casino rules a lot. But to cattle Hong’s family and itself is still the identity of the shareholders of the gambling ship, in fact, from the gambling ship to borrow one or two hundred million, is not impossible, just Zheng Hua did not want him to continue to gamble, only with the rules to squeeze him, is Zheng Hua himself, did not think that he could come up with these things to exchange chips.

Niu Hong this will also be in the heart of the stifled very, borrow loan sharks it? Fear of spreading out the bad reputation, but also on the business of the cattle family impact, if others know cattle young need to borrow loan sharks turnover, that will certainly be associated with the cattle family to go, this year the people who fall into the well are not a few.

And these antiques, although he is willing to take out the mortgage to sell for chips, but is not willing to say its origin, because these things are his grandfather left behind, if you say it, that a loser’s hat is firmly on the head can not be removed.

“The full name of this pair of porcelain is called Qing Qianlong silver enamel painted lion fine long neck vase, exquisite workmanship, bright glaze, should be the official kiln of the Qianlong period, if you let me estimate the price. It should be around three million Hong Kong dollars, and this pair of plum vases, I’m a little bit unable to see, the style is from the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, but it’s hard to say whether it’s real or fake, there’s some soot inside, I don’t know what’s going on?”

The words of that appraiser, Master Hua, made Niu Hong’s face red, waved his hand, and said, “Just say how much money you can exchange for the chips! Don’t say those useless things.”

Niu Hong will want to get the chips to find Zhuang Rui flipbook, the rest of the things he does not care, this is a typical gambler’s psychology, some of the red-eye loss of the people, and even the heartlessness of the wife and children to sell, for some of the betting to continue to the casino inside the drilling, this is not a story, are real things that have happened.

“This calligraphy and painting type of antiques, I can’t decide, that pair of Ming Dynasty bottles is also hard to say, so the only thing that can be exchanged here is this pair of enameled porcelain, and in a pinch, it can only be exchanged for two million Hong Kong dollars.” Master Hua lowered his head and thought for a while, and quoted this price.

“What? Two million dollars? Why don’t you go and rob it? When my grandfather first bought this pair of bottles, he spent more than two million dollars, and this twenty years a penny did not go up, but also dropped down in price? And this painting, it’s worth at least 7 or 8 million dollars. Do you understand? Zheng Hua, your family manages the gambling boat. What kind of appraisal master did you hire?”

Niu Hong heard the words of Master Hua, immediately is not angry, under the great anger also do not care about the face, will be the origin of this object to say out, Niu Hong again playboy, also know that these things are worth a lot of money, the area of two million to sell, he was not willing to do it!

More importantly, two million is only enough to bet on two, if you lose two, is not it again no money to turn over the money? So Niu Hong pointed the finger at Zheng Hua, and even went so far as to use his own identity as a shareholder of the gambling ship to say something.

Zhuang Rui listened to the side is also want to laugh, pinch the head and so on, are the past pawnshop or now pawnbroker jargon, it seems that this master Hua, before certainly in the pawnshop to do, the price of this pressure hard ah! That pair of Qianlong porcelain vase if taken to the auction, absolutely will not be less than eight million, he actually only gave a price of two million.

“Niu young, this thing in my eyes is worth so much, if you are not satisfied. Just ask for another one!”

Zhuang Rui guessed right, this Hua master is indeed a gambling ship from a pawnshop in Macao to dig to the sitting master, and look at this appearance, or a bit of temper, it is no wonder, go to the pawnshop people are encountering difficulties, you love when not, these sitting masters, is not going to give you what good face to see.

Niu Hong heart at this time in fact also a little regret, Qin Xuan Bing is clearly not their own dishes, why do they always and Zhuang Rui over ah! Engage in this situation now, not to mention the disgrace, actually also be this pawn master squeeze, cattle Hong is angry and hate, a face suddenly green and white, very embarrassing.

“If Niu Shao wants to bid on these objects, I can buy them …….”

Zhuang Rui’s voice suddenly sounded in the gambling hall, causing the crowd to look towards him.

Although Niu Hong was not dealing with Zhuang Rui, he needed money now! At that moment, he turned his face sideways and squinted at Zhuang Rui, saying, “You? How much can you offer?” With Niu Da Shao’s taste, he couldn’t see these porcelain pieces of rags of paper, what artistic value was there to speak of.

Zhuang Rui stretched out a finger, shook it at Niu Hong, and said, “Two pairs of bottles, one scroll, I’ll give you a price of ten million Hong Kong dollars, willing or not, it’s up to you.”

To be honest, these four porcelain bottles a Lang Shining’s palace oil painting, add up the total value, at least should also be in more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars, Zhuang Rui out of this price, there is also the meaning of robbing while the fire is burning, but if compared with that master Hua, Zhuang Rui to be considered very generous.

After Zhuang Rui finished speaking to Niu Hong, he turned his face to Zheng Hua and asked, “Brother Zheng, I won’t break the rules of the casino, right?”

“It’s fine, this is something between you and Niu Hong, just discuss it yourselves, I can instead notarize you ……”

Zheng Hua smiled, in the casino that large and small loan sharks more people, the casino is not asked, they eat meat if not give others some soup to drink, that is bad rules it! And he really do not want to take over these objects of the cattle macro, save the face of everyone in the future.

This will have to make a decision to come, although the difference between two million and ten million eight million, but the cattle less understand that the value of these things is far more than ten million Hong Kong dollars, but the situation is stronger than the people, if he can wait and return to Hong Kong to get the money, but also will not take the things out to sell.

Niu Da Shao is afraid that once he leaves, Zhuang Rui will sneak back to the mainland, then there is no chance to turn over the money.

“Okay, ten million dollars is ten million dollars!”

Niu Hong considered for a while, nodded his head heavily, anyway, these things in his eyes are worthless, when the ashtray are idle bottle mouth is too small, may not be one day accidentally broken, it is better to change into 10 million, and Zhuang Rui bet again, maybe this 10 million is an opportunity, can let himself win back the old money, although Niu Da Shao is rich, but not so rich as to an afternoon output of nearly 100 million yuan without changing the color of his face. The degree.

Zhuang Rui let Zheng Hua asked people to print two transfer agreement, he signed his name first, and then handed the agreement to Niu Hong.

Waiting for Niu Hong to sign, Zhuang Rui did not busy to open the bet, but threw out a five thousand yuan chips to the waiter, let him go to find a few suitable size of the paper box and scraps of paper to the four pieces of porcelain carefully put away, this is sitting in front of the gambling table, and Niu Hong has long waited for the impatient, directly let Kei Yi open the game.

“Ten million dollars and you want to turn over your capital? Take one hundred billion dollars and you’re bound to lose.”

Zhuang Rui cold smile in his heart, he today is to let this does not know the sky high and thick guy feel the flesh pain, must win him a bottom off only to rest, this is still Zhuang Rui grow so big, the first time to do things so decisive, do not give people to leave a trace of the back way, even if the face of the Xu’s jewelry, Zhuang Rui did not like this stocked up to catch the heart of all the people.

This kind of gambling without any skills, carried out very quickly, a few minutes after the past, has been opened eight or nine times the color cup, cattle Hong’s luck is not too bad, twenty-five percent chance, he actually guessed five or six times, coupled with Zhuang Rui intentionally water, cattle Hong in front of the chips, but also rose to fifteen million.

“How to eat in, how to give me spit out again!”

Excited Niu Dazhao, completely forgot that he had also won before and then lost, and also forgot that the other party so far, not to is out of a mere one million dollars of gambling capital only.

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