Chapter 0404 – Dowry (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:17:37
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Wu Zhuozhi froze for a moment at his words. After he received the call from Hong Kong yesterday, he immediately began to organize the accounts to prepare for the handover procedures, but to be honest, Qin Ruilin Beijing store from the very beginning of its creation five years ago, it is his responsibility, and even every counter here, are he personally ordered, for this store, Wu Zhuozhi feelings are still very deep.

And living in Beijing for so many years, Wu Zhuozhi has long since bought a house, his wife took over not to mention that his son came back from studying abroad, is now also working in Beijing, this change, the impact on him is still very big.

However, Wu Zhuozhi knows Qin family Missy temperament is relatively cold, guess she took over this store, will certainly do some changes, he has been prepared to return to Hong Kong to work mentally, at this moment heard Qin Xuan Bing out of words to retain him, can not help but feel a little surprised.

“Uncle Wu, your internal shares in Qin’s Jewelry can still be retained. And your annual salary on the basis of the current, increase another three hundred thousand, Uncle Wu, you can first consider ……”

Qin Xuan Bing saw Wu Zhuo Zhi silent, thought he wanted to return to Hong Kong it, hastily gave his own come before the good conditions, in fact, from the heart, Qin Xuan Bing is not very much want to accept this dowry, just the old master Qin afraid of granddaughter in the future aggrieved, only to Beijing this industry to give her, this is the elder’s a good intention, Qin Xuan Bing can only accept it down.

But Qin Xuan Bing know, they are not good at management, and Zhuang Rui is not willing to take care of the jewelry store, and Wu Zhuozhi is Qin’s jewelry old employees, let him continue to manage, Qin Xuan Bing heart also assured that this is why this gives a more generous conditions to retain him.

Some family companies in Hong Kong, for work in more than a few decades of old employees, will gift some shares, although not a lot, but reflects a kind of friendship, Qin Xuan Bing just said the shares, is Qin’s jewelry allotted to Wu Zhuozhi.

“Missy, then all the employees here are still retained?” Wu Zhuozhi spoke out and asked, his words were actually a test.

Qin Xuan Bing smiled and said, “Uncle Wu. Employee retention or not, before is your authority jurisdiction, now still is, just in the future belongs to the head office management of the financial, by me …… no, by Zhuang Rui to manage just ……”

“Hey, how to pull me in ah! Xuan Bing, I have to go to school next year, I don’t have time to care about this ah!”

Zhuang Rui is teasing his niece, did not expect Qin Xuan Bing suddenly pulled the topic to him, and hastily refused to say, this store is Qin Xuan Bing’s private money, like the ancient Miss married off the mother’s family dowry, although they do not covet what, but reach in if the Qin family knows, that face is not very good look.

“Zhuang Rui, I gave grandpa said, this store you have fifty percent of the shares, and I know you and Leilei in the mainland, you do not care who to manage ah! This is the store of the two of us ah!”

Qin Xuan Bing made a look of pity, look Zhuang Rui heart a soft, nodded and agreed, anyway, he only managed the account, for the accounting Zhuang Rui, this work does not involve him how much energy.

“Missy, if it can really help you, I’ll just stay.”

Wu Zhuozhi heard Zhuang Rui and Qin Xuan Bing’s conversation, some crying and laughing, such a big piece of asset, both actually do not care, but from this he also let go of his heart, only his boss from Qin’s jewelry into Qin Xuan Bing personal, everything in the store is still up to him, and the salary has been raised, Wu Zhuozhi can’t find any reason to go back to Hong Kong again.

Qin Xuan Bing saw Wu Zhuo Zhi agreed, can not help but be happy to say: “Great, Uncle Wu, my father and mother will also come to Hong Kong in the next few days, then let’s have a meal together! If there’s anything in the store in the future, you can just look for Zhuang Rui directly to deal with it.”

“Hey ……”

Zhuang Rui originally wanted to speak out to refute a few sentences, but think about Qin Xuan Bing will be back to the United Kingdom in a few days, until after the year to complete that order, the store if there is something, they do not come out is really inappropriate, so the words to the mouth and swallowed back, from the handbag took out a business card, handed it to the store manager Wu.

“Mr. Zhuang …… is not. The boss turned out to be the director of the Jade Association ah! Then many things will be convenient in the future.”

Wu Zhuozhi did not think that Miss Qin’s aunt, originally in the mainland inside the jade business, there is such an identity, no wonder Qin Xuanbing just said that there are things to let Zhuang Rui to deal with it, with this identity, in the capital city jewelry industry, is able to have a certain right to speak.

“En, there is something to find me on the line, Uncle Wu, if there is nothing today, we will first say goodbye.”

Zhuang Rui at this time also can only hard to agree, to Wu Zhuozhi’s name, also changed into Wu uncle, anyway, the other party is nearly fifty years old, called uncle is not a disadvantage, in the future, if you want to save a bit of trouble, or to count on this Wu uncle.

Qin Xuan Bing heard Zhuang Rui say so, also stood up, was about to say goodbye, but Wu Zhuozhi was a bitter smile on his face, stopped the two, said: “Missy, boss. Yesterday, the headquarters sent some fax information, and the remaining inventory list of this store, and this month’s salary payment, are to be by our own expenses, these things must be dealt with as soon as possible, you two if you don’t come today, I want to look for the door in the next few days!”

“Oh, so ah! Zhuang Rui, just do as much as you can! You watch over the handling. I’ll take Nui Nui out for a spin.”

Qin Xuan Bing turned her face to Zhuang Rui once she heard that this was the case, things like employee wages are not good for procrastination, but she really doesn’t know about this, so she can only hand it over to Zhuang Rui.

“Come on, you take Nui Nui to play! I’ll take a look first.”

Zhuang Rui sat back with a depressed face, this store said to turn, but at least pay one more month’s expenses ah! It’s hard not to be a buddy did not earn a penny, you have to pour out ah?

However, when Zhuang Rui carefully check up Wu Zhuo Zhi to bring the information, only to know that he was very wrong, Qin masters will be transferred to the store Qin Xuan Bing private, can be said to be a great deal of money ah!

Now this Qin Ruilin jewelry store, monthly sales reached nearly nine million yuan, removing costs, employee wages, and all other expenses, pure profit as high as forty-five percent, that is to say, the store’s net profit of a year, there can be forty-eight million nine hundred million yuan.

Zhuang Rui previously knew that the jewelry industry is profiteering, but did not think that the profit will actually be so high.

In fact, Zhuang Rui does not know, Qin Ruilin is a very formal chain of jewelry stores, forty-five percent of the profit, in the line is not high, some bad jewelers to substandard, the profit is to reach a few hundred percent is not uncommon, of course, those who are sales, but also far from being able to Qin Ruilin compared to.

Master Qin’s handiwork is not only that, he is the last month’s sales, as well as now all the store’s inventory, are assigned to the name of Qin Xuanbing.

Although it’s almost the end of the year, there isn’t a lot of inventory, but from now until the end of the year. Zhuang Rui and Qin Xuanbing simply do not have to invest a penny into the jewelry store, until the end of the year, just use the sales of these months, from the Qin’s Jewelry purchase can be, Qin old man left the funds and sources of goods, enough for the normal operation of the store.

Zhuang Rui roughly calculated, the store front was bought five years ago, to now value-added almost three times, just the store is worth nearly 100 million, plus working capital and the value of the goods themselves, I’m afraid that Qin Xuan Bing’s dowry, not less than 150 million yuan.

This makes Zhuang Rui secretly staggered, no wonder the TV often play poor boy by the rich girl favor story it, if a normal person married Qin Xuan Bing, this is not less struggle for decades of the problem, the whole can be eaten and drink and mix life and wait for death.

“Boss, this is the store personnel’s payroll, you see there is no need to adjust, in addition it is best to equip the store with a professional financial better ……”

Although Qin Xuan Bing decentralized to himself, Wu Zhuozhi still took the initiative to ask for a financial match, he used to be completely regardless of the financial, all the staff wages in the store, including his salary, are approved by the headquarters and sent down, and I’m afraid that in the future it is to be signed by Zhuang Rui to check the issue, Wu Zhuozhi does not want to get his hands on this piece.

“Uncle Wu your annual salary is two million four hundred thousand, I see raise to three million well, this Li Xia also get annual salary? Increase it by fifty thousand as well, two hundred thousand! Also the rest of the people’s monthly salary increased by one thousand dollars, double pay at the end of the year, Uncle Wu, when there is time, you go and announce it!”

After Zhuang Rui carefully looked at the payroll, he looked up and said to Wu Zhuozhi, the annual net profit of this store could almost reach as much as fifty million dollars, giving Wu Zhuozhi an annual salary of three million dollars wasn’t very high.

Zhuang Rui himself used to work, take two or three thousand dollars a month, are not enough to rent an apartment to eat, so he put the store’s ordinary employees’ wages have also increased some, this amount of money for him is nothing, but for these working girls, but a real surprise.

“Boss, it’s better to wait until payday when you come over to announce it yourself! This is what being a boss should do.”

Annual salary increased to three million, Wu Zhuozhi face is also smiling, but by him to announce the salary increase is not appropriate, to know, in Hong Kong, every time after the New Year reopened, is the boss personally stand at the door to meet the staff and give out red envelopes, even if it is Superman Lee such a big boss, are not exceptions to the rule.

“Alright! I’ll come when the time comes.”

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment, also this is the reason, such a favor is better to do it yourself, Zhuang Rui was about to continue to look down, outside suddenly came a burst of noise, which is actually mixed with the sound of Nui Nui’s cries, Zhuang Rui immediately stood up.

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