Chapter 0411 – A Family

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:17:56
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“Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Li, and Brother Hao. Listen to me for a few words, then you guys can make a decision, okay?”

Seeing this situation, Zhuang Rui stood up, stopped a few people, and said, “Although between us, it’s an employment relationship, but we’re all the same person. Zhang Ma’s age, and my mother can’t be more than a few years old, but also elders, worthy of our respect, likewise, I also hope that sister-in-law Li and Hao, can be here for a long time, we get along like a family, so, in the future to eat, we are all together, Zhang Ma, you all sit down!”

Zhuang Rui himself was from grassroots, and was able to have his current achievements, all by virtue of the supernatural ability in his eyes. He didn’t have the general concept of master and servant in the family, even if it was someone he paid for, Zhuang Rui didn’t want to see Zhang Ma and the others hiding in the kitchen to eat, that would make Zhuang Rui uneasy in his heart.

“Grandma Zhang, sit down and eat! Nui Nui are hungry.”

After the little one was carried by Qin Xuan Bing, a mouthful of a grandmother called very affectionately, this will be her childish words, but as a burst of warmth, so that Zhang Ma and sister-in-law Li felt a burst of warmth, they know, they have found a good home, originally has been a little apprehensive of the heart, but also completely put down.

“Little Hao, sit down, eat!”

Ouyang Lei was even drier, bursting out three words from his mouth, letting Hao Long sit down honestly.

“Come on, let’s try Zhang Ma and Sister Li’s handiwork, Brother Gu, we don’t have to be polite, this is the special Moutai that Brother Lei brought, today you drink more ……”

After Zhuang Rui saw Zhang Ma and Li Sister-in-law sitting down, he took the lead in picking up chopsticks and greeted everyone to start eating.

Don’t say, Zhang Ma’s craftsmanship is really not bad, this just less than an hour time to do out of the dishes. Colors and flavors are all good, especially that spicy chicken, is not much to eat spicy Qin Xuan Bing, all eat with relish, the little girl is even eaten while shouting spicy, while also let Zhuang Rui to her clip vegetables.

Zhang mother and sister-in-law to eat faster, after eating, go to clean up their own and Hao Long today to live in the room to go, and Hao Long is a drop of wine does not stain, grilled two bowls of rice, but also back to the concierge to go to fiddle with those burglar alarm equipment, leaving Zhuang Rui three drinking wine in the chat, next to the little guy from time to time to make trouble, Qin Xuan Bing can not see the eye, and finally will be carried to the backyard to watch cartoons in the daughter.

Gu Yun itself is a university teacher, and now mixed in the business world, talk can be elegant and vulgar, and Ouyang Lei is also quite chatty, not much work, a bottle of Maotai is already at the bottom.

“Xiao Rui, Hao Long this kid is good, once made a second-class merit. And went to the border to carry out a mission, you can not treat him poorly ah!”

Ouyang Lei picked up his wine glass and clinked it with Gu Yun before turning back and explaining to Zhuang Rui.

“Brother Lei, put your heart in your stomach! The people you brought, I’m sure I can rest assured that the treatment won’t be bad, let’s put it this way! Start with five thousand dollars a month, and then add later, do you think it’s a good idea?”

This security personnel, the first is to be trusted, because they want a family, but all handed over to the hands of the security, if you meet a heart is not right, with a bunch of people to the mansion to be ransacked, on the deep house, I’m afraid that three or five days outside will not know.

“Success, turn around this matter you and him to talk about it!”

Ouyang Lei nodded, Hao Long is a rural household, if you return home from the army, you can’t even see the work can be assigned, Zhuang Rui gives the salary is not low, although it does not make Hao Long can afford to buy a house in Beijing, but after a few years of work to return to their hometowns, the hand can still have a sum of money.

Three people to two bottles of Maotai are finished, Ouyang Lei went back, Gu Yun drink a little too much. Letting Zhuang Rui stay in the guest room and sleep, Zhang Ma and Li Sister-in-Law cleaned up the dining room nimbly and then went back to the front yard, their rooms have cable TV and air conditioning, it’s easy to pass the time.

“Brother Hao, Zhang Ma packed up a room for you in the front yard, you just arrived today, don’t get busy, go take a shower and sleep first!”

Zhuang Rui walked to the concierge, saw Hao Long sitting beside the monitor, was looking at a few dead corners of the fence, his expression was very concentrated, in fact, the role of these monitors is not very big, and does not need to keep an eye on it from time to time, the important thing is that infrared alarm device, once there is an external object that has gone over from the top of the fence, the thing will automatically alarm the police.

“Boss Zhuang, it’s fine, there’s a bed here, I’ll sleep here at night!”

Hao Long saw Zhuang Rui come in and quickly stood up, from the army to the place, he was still a bit uncomfortable in his heart.

Zhuang Rui waved his hand. Said: “Don’t call me boss, call me by my name! There is usually nothing going on here, Hao you go back to sleep ……”

“Then I still call you Mr. Zhuang! It’s really fine, there’s air conditioning here and it’s not cold, I’m fine here, boss you go and rest!”

Hao Long has a relatively low level of culture, only went to junior high school graduation, although the military quality is excellent. And executed several border anti-narcotics operations, but now the state requires the construction of a modernized army, he was not able to continue to sign the contract after he reached the second level of non-commissioned officers.

Hao Long originally thought to go back to the rural home to plant, did not think that the old leadership of the year he was called to Beijing, arranged this job, in Hao Long’s heart, to this is exceptionally cherished, but also extraordinarily attentive.

“That also need to take a shower before coming over ah! Tomorrow I’ll let someone install a TV here, nothing you’ll look at the TV, you’ll use the computer, I’ll also let someone send one over ……”

Zhuang Rui paused for a moment, then said: “Lei may not have given you the treatment here, the first three months, your salary is five thousand dollars a month, food and housing all-inclusive, let’s talk about the back, as long as you are willing to do here, the future is to find a Beijing daughter-in-law to buy a set of houses, but also is not a big deal, do you see this way? If you think the money is too little, you just put forward, it does not matter.”

Want others to sincerely give you work, not without a little money is not possible, although Hao Long is Ouyang Lei introduced to, but your treatment is not high, others may not be really willing to stay.

“OK, OK, quite a lot, really quite a lot, thank you, thank you Mr. Zhuang ……”

Hao Long was slightly agitated after hearing this salary offer, he was the eldest son of his family, and there was a younger brother below him who had already started a family. Because he is outside the military, his younger brother to support his parents, did not go out to work, relying on his allowance in the army and farming income to live, is considered very poor, the family’s annual income of no more than 10,000 dollars, right now heard that they have five thousand a month, the heart really ate a shock.

To know, those young people in their village, go out to work a month to earn thousands of dollars, but also tired to death, their own here, including food and housing, so every month can save down five thousand, a year that can be sixty thousand ah! Parents this life in the hands of the money, are not so much.

At this time Hao Long heart, is made up his mind, as long as Zhuang Rui not let himself kill and set fire to, he will sell his life to Zhuang Rui, his cultural level is not high, but “the man who knows the man who died” that sentence, or know.

Otherwise, how to say that money moves the heart ah! From ancient times to the present day, a penny is difficult to defeat the hero’s case countless ah!

After talking with Hao Long, Zhuang Rui also put down his mind, the nanny has, security also has, and from the contact of these few hours, the character is very good, so that even if he goes out in the future, the family can rest assured, which makes his mood very pleasant.

“Uncle get out of the way, don’t sleep with you, Nui Nui wants to sleep with Xiang Xiang.”

Just after returning to the backyard, Zhuang Rui’s mood changed for the worse, the little inamorata who didn’t follow her grandmother around, had to hug her aunt and uncle before she would sleep, a pair of little fat hands, making a strong effort to push Zhuang Rui towards the bottom of the bed.

“Xiang Xiang? Who is Xiang Xiang?”

Zhuang Rui expressed his inability to understand children’s language.

“Xiang Xiang is just aunt ah! Uncle is just stinky and smells bad after drinking wine.”

Nui Nui’s words made Zhuang Rui sweat profusely, uncle also wants to hold fragrant aunt to sleep ah!

“Nui Nui, you are a big girl now, you need to sleep by yourself! Tomorrow uncle will go and buy you a Barbie doll, okay? The kind that can change clothes.” Zhuang Rui began to lure small children, listening to the side of the Qin Xuan Bing straight rolled his eyes, only three years old little girl, to the mouth of Zhuang Rui has become a big girl, how did he not find him so shameless ah!

Little girl biting her finger, thought for a while, eyes flashed a trace of cunning look, said: “good, I want Barbie doll.”

Zhuang Rui was overjoyed, and was about to carry the little one to the other bedroom of this house when he suddenly heard the little girl say, “Uncle is bigger than inamorata, uncle is an adult, he should also sleep alone, so inamorata still sleeps here.”

“Okay, nothing to argue with a child, look at your unproductive appearance.” Qin Xuan Bing really couldn’t look at it anymore, and pushed Zhuang Rui, who was dead on the edge of the bed and wouldn’t leave, down.

After doing some struggle with the little one, Zhuang Rui helplessly gave in, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then ran to another room to sleep alone.

After waking up the next day, Zhuang Rui handed over the little girl to Zhang Ma to bring, himself and Qin Xuan Bing drove to pick up the couple Qin Haoran, the two of them spent a day to deal with the things in Hong Kong, they are busy to come to Beijing to see the in-laws.

Come to pick up not only Zhuang Rui and Qin Xuan Bing, Wu Zhuozhi also drove a car rushed to the airport, he received a phone call yesterday, said to let him to assist the headquarters to come to the lawyers and financial personnel, to handle the Qin Ruilin Beijing branch of the transfer of the transfer procedures.

“Uncle Qin, Auntie Fang ……”

Near noon, Zhuang Rui saw Qin Haoran and his wife walking out from the exit, and hurriedly greeted them, taking the box in their hands, behind them, there were two other people standing, Zhuang Rui nodded to them.

“Oh, Xiao Zhuang is here, Beijing is still a bit cold!”

Mr. and Mrs. Qin Haoran had added clothes when they got off the plane, this would still feel a hint of chill.

“Qin Dong, should we go to the store first, or should we find a hotel to stay in first?” Wu Zhuozhi also greeted them.

“No need, you take the two of them to go through the procedures for the Beijing store! We’ll just go with Xiao Zhuang.” The two of them also wanted to see Zhuang Rui’s quadrangle, so they made the arrangements right away.

After leaving the airport, Zhuang Rui didn’t take Qin Haoran couple to the courtyard first, but drove directly to Yuquan Mountain, where his mother lived, it would be a bit rude if he didn’t receive her in the first place.

Qin Haoran and his wife of course had no objection to this arrangement, knowing that Master Ouyang was now living in deep seclusion, even some old friends from Hong Kong came to Beijing, it was very difficult to see him.

After arriving at the Jade Spring Mountain, Mrs. Zhuang had already arranged a table of food and wine to entertain Qin Haoran and his wife, although the old man only appeared for a while, asked a few questions about some old friends in Hong Kong and then left, but this had already made Qin Haoran very satisfied.

After having lunch at Jade Spring Mountain, including Ouyang Wan, the group accompanied Zhuang Rui back to the courtyard.

For this building which was constructed completely according to the drawings of the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, Qin Haoran and Fang Yi were looking at it with full praise, especially since this place was located in the center of Beijing, it was even more precious, and then seeing the garden in the courtyard that was full of lotus leaves, the two couples would have wanted to stay here for a long time if they were not so busy with their affairs.

“Uncle Qin, I do not mean anything else ah! It is the feeling that now the jadeite and nephrite raw material market is relatively tense, my side of their own supply, but also can alleviate some of the pressure of the headquarters, and gold and diamond jewelry, or to rely on the headquarters to supply, you do not want to think …… more.”

After visiting the courtyard, Ouyang Wan and Fang Yi and Qin Xuan Bing several women, went to the room to chat, while Zhuang Rui was served a set of tea set cooked with charcoal fire, sitting in the gazebo on the garden pond, and Qin Haoran talked about the jewelry store.

“Well, I know what you mean, we’re all family now, there’s no need to say more polite words, Qin’s Jewelry nephrite raw material problem can be solved, and that’s more thanks to you! But the jadeite raw materials have always been in short supply, if you can meet the capital Qin Ruilin’s supply by yourself, that is also a good thing for us. But your hands of jadeite raw materials, should not be enough to let Qin Ruilin support a few months, right? What are you going to do when the raw materials run out later?”

Although it is said that doing business nowadays, is about channel is king, the domestic jewelry market are in the hands of a few big jewelry companies, but if faced with the situation of a lack of raw material goods, then even if you do a good job in the channel, there is no goods to sell, or will be other companies to steal away the market share.

Qin Haoran is also afraid of Zhuang Rui young and vigorous, do not want to rely on Qin’s jewelry, but in the event that faced with this situation, then the capital Qin Ruilin store five or six years to build the foundation, may be one day to go down the drain, this is something he absolutely do not want to see.

Zhuang Rui pondered for a while, saw the water boiled, hastily gave Qin Haoran brewed a cup of tea, said: “I looked at the Qin Ruilin’s information, high-end superb jadeite jewelry, sales accounted for only about eight percent of the total amount of jadeite jewelry, although this eight percent of sales, than the other ninety-two percent is also much higher, but the loss of the emerald raw materials, and is not a lot. I still have a piece of glass seed high green jadeite material, in addition there are a number of icy red jadeite finished jewelry, are considered to be the very best jadeite, this batch of high-end jewelry should be able to hold out until next year in June and July, as of now, it is those suitable for the mass consumers of jadeite jewelry have a shortfall of …….”

In fact, a jewelry store, rely on the survival and earn the most profit, although they are those extreme jewelry, but dozens of hundreds of dollars of small objects, but also can not be ignored, that is the foundation of a jewelry store.

“Oh, then how are you going to solve this problem?”

Qin Haoran did not expect his son-in-law-to-be, there are still good goods in his hands, he is aware of it, Zhuang Rui in Pingzhou gambled up the piece of jade, but a piece did not stay all sold out.

“Next January, Myanmar Yangon jadeite public market!” Zhuang Rui gave his answer.

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