Chapter 0413: Returning to the Capital

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:18:01
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Pengcheng in November. It was already cold and sluggish, the trees on both sides of the road, also became bare, just in the Yunlong Villa where Zhuang Rui lived, those artificially planted cold-proof lawn, making the villa still spring as usual.

Zhuang Rui found a professional company, the tropical trees planted in the garden, all dressed, wrapped around the trunk of the tree to ensure that in the winter can still survive well, and green.

Winter season, people are more prone to sleepiness, Zhuang Rui this even if the lips are dry to crack, but also want to sleep a little more, just do not know where the ringing of the cell phone, will be his beautiful dream to stir up, looking for half a day, only on the ground in the trouser pockets, the cell phone turned out.

The house has central air conditioning, has been 27 degrees of constant temperature, Zhuang Rui wearing a pair of shorts. Ran to the refrigerator to take a bottle of drink, and then into the quilt, which pressed the answer button.

“I said what are you kid doing? Is it because the younger siblings are gone and you’re messing around outside?”

Ouyang Jun’s disgruntled voice came from the phone, this morning called Zhuang Rui several times, until now to pick up, how does he know, Zhuang Rui is not dry mouth can not sleep, designated even this phone ringing can not hear.

“Fourth brother, disturbing people’s sleep is not good, what time is it now! You’re calling so early, does sister-in-law have no opinion?”

Zhuang Rui while talking, while picking up the remote control at the head of the bed, the roof can be automatically controlled by the blocking boards opened, suddenly a ray of sunlight to find the face, so that Zhuang Rui’s eyes slightly squinted, dare to say that this time does not seem to be early ah!

Sure enough, just after Zhuang Rui’s words, Ouyang Jun shouted: “What time? Almost 12 noon, your kid must have gone to fool around yesterday.”

“Fourth brother, there is something to say, we are still unmarried young man, want to do what do, not compared to those who have received a certificate of prospective bridegroom, go out to drink a small drink but also the wife to approve …….”

Zhuang Rui drank a mouthful of drink to ease the throat that is about to smoke. On the phone and Ouyang Jun poor up, in fact, Ouyang Jun is not as bad as he said, the big star, although the charm is not small, but to tether Ouyang Jun, that is still not enough, she is also sheep management, love to go wherever you want, as long as you go home at night to sleep on the line.

“Get out of here, you want to make me angry, right? Is your fourth brother that kind of person? That said, I let your sister in law go east, she doesn’t dare to go west, I let her ……”

“Get, get, stop ah! Fourth brother, there’s something you can say directly, I still want to get some sleep, I drank too much yesterday accompanying the guests from Tibet.”

Being exposed to the winter sun, Zhuang Rui’s sleepiness really came up, what else is there to do in the winter than to sleep inside the warm blanket comfortably ah!

Another thing is, Ouyang Jun responded to the national call for late marriage and late parenthood of the older youth, recently seems to suffer from a bit of marriage syndrome. Catch a person that words on the grating a never-ending, Zhuang Rui this period of time in Beijing, not less annoyed by him, which are running to Pengcheng, the phone actually still catch up with them.

“You kid is not trying to get some antiques? Recently the west side of the demolition, I heard to pull out a lot of good things, if you can rush back, go and see it! If you’re late, there’s nothing for you to do.”

Ouyang Jun said resentfully, he also knew that he had been talking a bit too much for a while, but this is also divided into people ah! If Ouyang Fourth Brother didn’t look up to you, then he wouldn’t bother to talk to you, the people in this Four Nine City who wanted to listen to their own verbosity could line up a few hundred meters long.

“Really? Fourth brother, not trying to trick me back into buying you a drink?”

Zhuang Rui heard this, immediately came to the spirit, he smacked his own collection room is too empty, have always wanted to get some good objects to fill in, in addition, he would like to organize a few pieces of really old Huanghuali or mahogany furniture, so that it is with the old mansion, but also to make the mansion looks more heritage some.

Just went to a few Panjiayuan and Liulichang, luck is not good, although there are a few good things, but that is the stallholder or store fishing with, let Zhuang Rui touched a nose of dust, huanghuali and the old mahogany furniture is quite a lot, but other people open their mouths is three to five million, Zhuang Rui and then rich will not do the wrongdoer.

He previously saw the screen in the Ouyang Jun club, and then in the capital of the black market also ran into the Ouyang Jun, know Ouyang Jun also know the people in this area, so he gave him a greeting, let him help themselves to keep an eye out, of course, like the last black market, do not have to notify yourself again, that the whole is a boot camp, go to all pay tuition.

“Fuck off, the fourth brother I want to drink, treat people can be lined up from Qianmen Street to Yuquan Mountain, still need you kid ah? I gave you the words, come or not as you wish.”

Ouyang Jun laughed and scolded a sentence, hung up the phone, do not say, he really want to find Zhuang Rui drink, like he is now outside, look is quite scenic, but live is also tired, see people can only say a three words, drink also have to keep an eye out for fear of drinking too much. Which has a brother and his own family sitting together to make a side stove drinking small wine happy ah!

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Rui lying on the bed thought, Pengcheng side of things have basically been dealt with, 4S Audi store, brother-in-law invited professional managers, auto body shop side also have Xiao Si and other people staring, Zhao Guodong should also be able to go away.

“Hey, brother-in-law, pack up, let’s go to Beijing today ……”

As for his own jade processing workshop, he was relieved to hand it over to Luo Jiang to take care of. What’s more, with Zhou Rui as the gatekeeper, he thought nothing would go wrong, so he dialed Zhao’s phone.

“Today? Didn’t you say to wait two days?” Yesterday also said well, Zhuang Rui intends to stay in Pengcheng for two days, waiting for Liu Chuan to come back to meet before leaving, Zhao Guodong does not understand how Zhuang Rui changed his mind today.

“I want to niece, can not ah? Do you go, if you don’t go, I’ll go by myself in a motorized group.” Zhuang Rui, of course, refused to say that he went back to Beijing, is to get objects to go, he knows, as long as the pull on the little nui nui nui, Zhao Guodong designated to put down the work at hand on the go with him.

“OK, OK, this will go, I have nothing to pack, your sister has gone to Beijing for a few days, back to the train station to see it!”

Hearing Zhuang Rui mentioned daughter, Zhao Guodong is really want to panic, but they are too busy, no time to bring, coupled with the mother-in-law and the heartache of the granddaughter, has been thrown in Beijing sheep, this will hear Zhuang Rui said, he was more anxious than Zhuang Rui up, shouted apprentice driving straight to the train station.

Zhuang Rui is not so fast, get up and wash up, take out a not very eye-catching backpack, came to the basement.

Originally put full of jewelry boxes that shelf, now has become empty, only three slightly larger boxes, there are more than ten small jewelry boxes.

Apart from the blood jade bracelet that had already been handed over to his mother and was ready to be given to his grandmother, and the bracelet that was given to Qin Xuan Bing, these were the only few ornaments left from that piece of red Fei material, and of course, they were also the most valuable. These three pairs of bracelets and pendant earrings and other objects, the value of at least fifty million yuan above.

Zhuang Rui thought of the next few years, are in Beijing school and life, it is intended to bring these things to Beijing, so that can be encountered and can not be sought blood jade bracelet, Zhuang Rui but can not afford to sell, stay and so on the niece grows up, to give her as a dowry is not bad ah! In other words, they have a son, can also be left to the daughter-in-law as a family heirloom ah!

While thinking and giggling, Zhuang Rui received these treasures into his backpack, closed the door and windows of the villa, went out and took a car, went straight to the train station.

Since the increase of motor vehicles, from Pengcheng to Beijing, is just four or five hours, although the ticket price is also expensive, but for Zhuang Rui, than take the plane cost-effective, standby time is long, not to mention, encountered a windy and rainy weather, that will have to wait for, for some people now, traveling by plane is not the best choice.

To the Beijing West Railway Station, but is more than five o’clock in the afternoon, Zhuang Rui and Zhao Guodong took a car to the courtyard, just in time for dinner, just Ouyang Jun also uninvited, grinning sitting there waiting for Zhuang Rui.

Looked at Ouyang Jun face has taken the drunkenness, but also pulled himself to toast the look, Zhuang Rui helplessly said: “Fourth brother, soon to be married people, you can not more accompany sister-in-law ah?”

This time others have long finished eating and dispersed, Zhao Guodong took the gifts he just bought on the way to coax his daughter, otherwise the little inamorata will really forget about her dad.

“Xiao Jun, drink less!” Ouyang Wan was not used to the smell of alcohol and wrinkled no also left, leaving only these two brothers in the restaurant.

“Your sister-in-law and Xiao Min went shopping, let me tell you something, hey, fourth brother I also made a whole courtyard, turn around and introduce that senior brother of yours to me, I’ll also decorate it according to the model of this mansion of yours.”

After seeing his little aunt left, Ouyang Jun smiled proudly, he was hot for Zhuang Rui’s mansion for a long time, this searched for several months, and only found one a few days ago.

“OK ah! That friend of mine you’ve seen before, I’ll call him when I turn around, and I’ll be able to see the site tomorrow. By the way, Fourth Brother, how big is the area of your mansion?”

Zhuang Rui heard that it was this, that’s a good thing, also can Gu Yun pull some business, and he should also run to the ancient master there, there is a piece of miscellaneous color nephrite jade placed in the old master there, also do not know carve out the object to no, that’s his own seventieth birthday to grandpa to prepare the gift ah!

“Only more than a thousand square meters, before and after the two courtyards, than you this is much smaller, well, tomorrow to see also line, I happen to call the small white, let him accompany you to go to the old mansion in the West City to pore over the objects to go ……”

Mention this, Ouyang Jun face depressed, that more than 5,000 square meters, a few months ago as long as about 100 million, now actually rose to more than 200 million, Ouyang Jun eyes but can not afford to buy, can only settle for the next best thing, picked a small yard.

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