Chapter 0418 – Acting

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:18:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Bad singing? Xiao Fang. I’ve heard Cheng Yanqiu’s original song properly, and these days, there aren’t many people who have heard it.” Old Tang was singing vigorously, and was interrupted by Xiao Fang, looking a bit upset.

“Hey, where are you going, I said Master Tang, we are not here today to listen to you reminisce about the past! If you’re still reciting this part, we’ll go back.”

Xiao Fang was a little impatient, in the ears of people of their age, the Peking Opera is similar to the opera sung in foreign theaters, the eyes look lively, the ears do not understand a word.

“Then you two came here today, what are you doing?”

The old Tang said this to Zhuang Rui were amused, dare to say that the small side of this “risky master” called not wrong, sat down to chat for half a day, the old man actually thought that their brother and sister is to listen to him Kanshan ah!

Xiao Fang is also a little bit of laughter, patience, said: “I said Tang master. Master Tang, you said to me last time, to sell some old objects, I’m not with Brother Zhuang to see it, you that thing?”

“Aigoo, you two look at my memory, how to forget this crop.”

The old Tang that big hand, in his bald head patted a, a face suddenly realized look.

“Master Tang, this cold day, there are things to grab out of it!”

Zhuang Rui was a bit confused, is this old Tang really confused, or is he in a false calculation? To say that these are all arranged, then this scene, props, lighting and the acting skills of this actor, are enough to select the Oscars to go.

Tang master heard Zhuang Rui words, hehehe laughed, said: “Hey, I say two, you’re sitting, is not it!”

Zhuang Rui heard froze for a moment, hastily stood up, to the chair he just sat to see, it is true, really a genuine Huanghuali chair, but also a four out of the head of the official hat chair.

The so-called “four out of the head” refers to the chair hitching brain at both ends out of the head, left and right armrests front out of the head. This is the traditional folk carpentry designation, from vulgar to elegant, now this has been the standard designation of such chairs, also known as the armrests out of the head, hitching brain does not come out of the head of the “two out of the head”, is also the folk called.

This chair just put a cushion, Zhuang Rui did not pay attention to, now he took the cushion to open, carefully observed, this Huanghuali four out of the head of the official hat chair, very little decoration, in relief on the backboard carving of a pattern, by the double chi dragons surrounded by the clouds, another fine carving in the pot door scroll mouth teeth shallow carving on a small cloud.

The chair’s components fine, curvature, as we all know, curved and thin components must be thick wood to dig missing into, that is to say, this chair could have been made quite thick, but on the basis of large unchanged, but at that time, but at the expense of materials, it is cut into a slender, soft special effect.

This chair fully utilizes the advantages of Huanghuali material. Wood is hard and moist, the color is not quiet and noisy, the texture or hidden or present, vivid and varied, this design conception of Ming furniture reflects the Chinese aesthetics of motion and static, rigid and soft, nothing is better than something of the aesthetic concept.

“Not bad, this chair is a bit of a looker ……”

Zhuang Rui observed half a day later, gave the evaluation, four out of the head of the official hat chair is a typical Ming chair, back then is a symbol of identity, but the same four out of the head, the style of the mood is also high and low, the price is naturally different, this four out of the head of the chair, it can be described as a boutique, even if it is the ancient times, that is not the average person can consume it.

Now on the market of antique furniture, to the Qing Dynasty mostly, the Ming Dynasty also, but extremely rare, this official hat chair, but is indeed the Ming Dynasty period, because Zhuang Rui in the time to see, to the chair penetrated into a trace of aura, and found that the wood inside the delicate, clear lines, and has a layer of yellowish aura attached, absolutely is the real thing undoubtedly.

After looking at the chair he was sitting on, Zhuang Rui looked at the one that Xiaofang had just sat on. Two actually is a pair of children, in the antique line, buy goods into a pair, this is a rare thing, because these old objects are inherited for hundreds of years, it is easy to remember to fall out of the scattered, put together a pair of, that the value of the value can be rubbing upward.

“Tang master, you these two chairs, it is a what ……”

“Hey, I said Tang master, are sitting for half a day, you also do not give pouring water to drink ah!”

Zhuang Rui just want to open the mouth to ask the price of the time, cold was small party exit to interrupt off, Zhuang Rui stunned to small party look to, he is to Zhuang Rui squeezed eyes, signaling that there is something to say later.

“Hey, you see this memory of mine, this will go to pour, this will go, today’s honored guests came, I help you to get some good tea leaves to go.” When Master Tang heard this, he hurriedly put down his legs that were sitting on the bed. With a wobble and three swings, he walked out of the house, while a knocking sound rang out in the yard, presumably looking for the neighbors to ask for tea leaves.

“Xiao Fang, what’s wrong, is something very wrong?”

Zhuang Rui lowered his voice and asked, Lao Tang is out, but there is still a person lying in the inner room!

“Brother Zhuang, you can watch before asking price ah! These people think their own things are precious, if he said the price, basically that price. You can’t pay it back any more, so don’t you think it’s better to go back to Brother Bai and discuss it before deciding whether or not to buy it?”

When Xiao Fang spoke, a hint of cunning appeared in his eyes, but although this room opened the window, the light was still a little dark, Zhuang Rui did not see clearly.

“No need to discuss, I see that this chair is good, the texture is clear, the pulp is natural, it’s a big open door object, turn around and ask Lao Tang, if the price is right, I’ll buy it now.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, he felt that this trip did not come in vain, although can not eat this flavor in the house, but also really good things, such a four head Huanghuali chair, in recent years the price is rising fast, if to the auction to buy, I am afraid the price will not be less than one million five hundred thousand yuan.

In fact, Huanghuali and mahogany furniture, that is, after entering the 2000s, the price began to soar, in the nineties is not particularly valuable, because these old objects are relatively large, bulky not to say, but also take up space, some do not understand the value of the old mansion tenants to move to a new home, there are directly to the thrown away.

Xiao Fang is to do the fixer’s not false, but like this big open door stuff, in the old mansion after pulling out, turn a sale, that earns at least can turn out a dozen times, this is a piece of fat meat ah! There is a jargon in the antique business, called selling goods not selling the road, the small side of the fixer. It is not allowed to see the time, only to take people to see the object, collect an intermediary fee, but he wants to see this thing early, that identity immediately from the fixer into a buyer.

So in the small party heard Zhuang Rui words, face became a little unnatural, heart that is a regret ah! The first few times to come, have not seen the old Tang took out this object, how this time on the house, if he had seen, where there is Zhuang Rui something ah!

Zhuang Rui did not think of these thoughts of Xiao Fang, he stood up to the side of the pipe to get together, see the other side of the inner room, the door is tightly closed, some curiosity, subconsciously release the aura, to look inside.

“Hm? There are two more chairs?”

Zhuang Rui found, in that black and dark house inside, actually there are five or six and the outer room exactly the same four out of the head of the official hat chair, this thing to find one is difficult, how in the old Tang’s house, are by the right ah! Zhuang Rui can’t help but be suspicious in his heart, at that moment across the door of the room, with the aura to see the chairs in the inner room.

“Shit, could it be to play the trick of shifting flowers and wood?”

Zhuang Rui found that the inner room of a few chairs, although the material and workmanship is still exquisite, but all are fake yellow rosewood, outside a layer of baking paint, looks and these two really some similar, but sit for a long time, those paint will naturally fall off.

Think here, Zhuang Rui some helpless, this four nine city is worthy of the foot of the emperor, play what cats and dogs have, not to mention, on this old Tang spend this effort, all let Zhuang Rui staggered, not to make money, normal people who can stand the smell of the house ah!

“You two see how it is?”

Zhuang Rui side just finished looking at the chair in the room, the old Tang swaying body walked back, the face is still simple and thick, just look in the eyes of Zhuang Rui, but more than a little bit of sophisticated flavor.

“The chair is good, Master Tang you make a price! If it’s suitable, I’ll buy it now ……”

Zhuang Rui said without moving, he does not care what cattiness the old Tang play, as long as you dare to sell, I now pay to buy away, do not look at these two chairs are quite heavy, buddy I’m just resisting also to resist away.

“These two chairs, how to have eighty thousand a bar! Two sixteen thousand, if you want, this is the price.”

Old Tang with his hand frosting the bald head, after thinking for half a day, gritted his teeth and gave the price, next to the small side of the hearing is a face of remorse ah! Damn, sixteen million do not have to counter-offer, out to casually throw an auction house, one million six hundred thousand slipped a circle to earn back, their own this time is a big loss.

“Sixteen hundred thousand ……”

Zhuang Rui pretended to contemplate the appearance, after a while a pat on the thigh, said: “160,000 on 160,000, I will now give you a check, Xiaofang, you take a hand, we move a person, all give me to send the car to go ……”

Zhuang Rui thought in his heart, I will not give you the opportunity to change the chair in the house, I see how you do, while talking, Zhuang Rui while pulling out the checkbook from the bag, pick up the pen is ready to write a check.

“Hey, I said this check what I do not understand, you still give cash! That thing in the hand, it also porcelain is not?”

Sure enough, in Zhuang Rui has not pen when the old Tang spoke, Zhuang Rui secretly sighed in his heart, he is really looking at the two chairs, the old Tang if the serious buyers and sellers, Zhuang Rui is to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy it is nothing, just look at the pattern, I’m afraid that their own feet out to get the money, after the foot of the two chairs will be moved to the face of the house to go.

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