Chapter 0423 – Miracle

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:18:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Looking at the old man in the hospital bed. Zhuang Rui heart can not help but feel some emotion, this person no matter how young when the scenery, to the old ultimately still want to return to the yellow earth, that eight treasure mountain do not know how many buried in the life of the martial arts great generals, and now can only receive the descendants of the flowers of the incense.

Zhuang Rui used the rest of his eyes to look at, Song Jun this will be talking in a low voice with the doctor in the room, should be discussing the old man’s condition, did not pay attention to him, and hastily sidestepped the face, to the old man on the hospital bed, releasing the aura in his eyes.

Since Zhuang Rui did not know what was wrong with the old man, so there was no target, just a brain will be aura from the old man’s chest and abdomen between the transmission in, and the amount is very much, this old man’s body, it is like a bottomless pit in general, Zhuang Rui’s aura just seeped into the inside of his skin, and then disappeared without a trace.

“Elder brother Zhuang, you have this heart, brother’s heart, this birth, old age, sickness and death. It’s also human nature!”

When Zhuang Rui turned back, he had not yet had time to wipe the tears from his face, and was seen by Song Jun. Seeing Zhuang Rui’s sadness, Song Jun also had tears in his eyes, and took out a tissue and handed it to Zhuang Rui, but Zhuang Rui’s buddy’s performance made Song Jun greatly satisfied, and that’s the kind of friend that can be made!

“Grandma drop, buddy why every good deed, always do tears ah! And also really like uncle Lei Feng, do good things also can not leave a name ……”

After hearing Song Jun’s words, Zhuang Rui not only had tears in his eyes, but in his heart, he was also aggrieved and wanted to cry! This old man is too sick, Zhuang Rui almost exhausted the aura in his eyes, is to recover, but also to several days of time, if it is not in the face of Song Jun, and the Song family and the Ouyang family friendship on the part of the love of whoever, Zhuang Rui just do not care about this idle matter it!

“Brother Song, I’m also thinking of my own old man, maybe one day he’ll be like this too, alas, I just can’t see old people suffering. Brother Song, I’ll take my leave now, my grandpa said that he’ll come to see grandpa Song in the next few days.” Zhuang Rui gave himself a reason, this Grandpa Song is not his relative, why is he crying so sadly!

Zhuang Rui didn’t know when this aura would work, he still skipped out first, after that even if Grandpa Song’s body got better, no one could suspect him, after all, he just watched it through the glass for a minute, even those who wrote novels wouldn’t have such a rich imagination.

After Zhuang Rui left for more than five hours, the sky outside had already darkened, today it was Song Jun’s turn to take care of the old man, so after eating a meal sent by the hospital, he was chatting with the doctor with every word.

At this time, the sleeping old man Song, suddenly dreamed of half a century ago, that jingo iron horse war scene, that climb the snowy mountains across the grassland when the hardship, that a familiar face of comrades. And in his bayonet into the body of the brat, that clearly visible hideous face, this scene, as if playing a movie, from the front of the eyes crossed.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

The old man Song on the hospital bed, suddenly raised his hands, doing the action of chopping and stabbing, the action was so big that the oxygen tube inserted into the nostrils were set aside, frightening the little nurse sitting on the sidelines, hurriedly stood up and walked to the front of the bed.


Song Jun, who was guarding the outside, heard the old man’s voice, and did not care about what to sterilize or not to sterilize, pushed open the door of the room and rushed in, he was afraid of the old man’s return in his dying moments, and when he rushed to the old man’s bedside, he used his hand to press down the button of the tape recorder that was placed at the bedside, that being said, the old man’s memoirs were dictated a year ago, relying on this thing.

“Xiao Jun, you child, why are you crying! Grandpa has been in the sand all his life, many of his old buddies are long gone, it’s worth it for grandpa to die now, Song family men don’t shed tears when they bleed, don’t cry ……”

In his life, Grandpa Song had seen too many partings in life and death, just the eyes of his comrades that he had closed with his own hands were too many to count. He also doubted that the situation he had just dreamed of was not a manifestation of a flashback, but the old man was still very calm, and his old majesty, reappeared on his face.


Song Jun has long been whimpering unable to speak, legs kneeling at the old man’s bedside, burying his head and crying, that looks like a child who has been aggrieved and looking for an adult to tattle, who says that it is a man who has tears, that is only because it is not yet sad.

“Grandpa, what else do you have to explain?”

Song Jun put the tape recorder on the old man’s bedside pushed, this period of time the old man is a moment of sobriety a moment of coma, speech is also intermittent, Song Jun is trying to take advantage of the old man is awake, to say what should be said, lest it leave any regrets.

“No more, your grandfather I this life worth it, after death, can give me cover a party flag military flag, can be buried next to my old buddies on the line.”

The old man didn’t realize that he was getting more and more full of breath in his speech, and that in the past, without oxygen, he simply couldn’t say such complete words.

But even if he found out. Song old man will not care about, the legend of the return of light, that can also hold a few minutes, he once saw a person on the battlefield, legs flush with the waist was blown off, froze to say five minutes of words, the old lady entrusted to a comrade in arms, which only died.

Are the two masters of life and death when, next to the small nurse, suddenly surprised to point to the cardiac monitor, followed in the doctor said: “Dr. Wu. You see …… you see, this …… this is not like something ah!”

“Don’t talk, forget about discipline?”

Dr. Wu disgruntledly glared at the little nurse, they are medical personnel no less, but they are all equally soldiers, in this old man’s dying moments, all they can do is to leave a little bit more of the old man’s audio-visuals, ergo, there is a video camera overhead, every so often, someone in the monitoring room will change the cassette tape.

“No, look at the chief’s heart, it’s beating steadily!”

Although not a doctor, but the little nurse has seen a lot of heart stop beating, that instrument “beep” after the sound, drawn into a line, is in the end of the people, cardiac monitoring machine on the radio fluctuations, will also be disordered immensely.


Dr. Wu glanced at the instrument, his face was full of shock, he originally also thought that the old man’s death was imminent, and did not make any moves, wanting to let him quietly account for the aftermath, but look at the reaction on the instrument, this thing is not the same as he imagined ah!

“Mr. Song, please make way first, I want to give the chief an examination!”

Dr. Wu hugged away Song Jun who was kneeling on the bed and sobbing from behind, after letting the old man lie flat, and after connecting a magnetic piece at his wrist artery, he found that the old man’s pulse was also stable, although not saying that his body was as healthy as an ox, but it was completely not life-threatening.

“Go, notify the dean and prepare for an expert consultation ……”

Dr. Wu didn’t know what had happened to the old master that he was actually able to recover so well from a critically ill state. But he knew that this would not be the time to study medical miracles, and hurriedly turned his head to explain to the little nurse.

Before and after only a few minutes time, inside wearing military uniforms, outside the white coats of doctors, have entered the room, the old man for a full range of checks, while Song Jun was invited to the outside, a blank face, after hearing the little nurse’s explanation, he realized that, dare to just cry for nothing.

After reacting, Song Jun immediately picked up his cell phone and kept dialing, although he still didn’t know the specifics of the old man’s body, but it’s always going in the right direction, this is something that should be notified to the family at the first time, after more than half an hour, the living room outside the ward was already full of anxious faces waiting for the results of the examination of the Song clan.

“Dean Zhang, how is the old man?”

After the door to that ward was opened, Song Jun’s father greeted him in stride, this expert consultation was led by the hospital’s vice president, who was also a famous cardiac expert in China.

“The chief’s condition is very good, but his mood is a bit unstable, we gave him an injection, the chief has already fallen asleep, don’t worry, the chief’s body is recovering, there is absolutely no danger.”

Dean Zhang frowned to the waiting crowd, reported a good news, but look at that look on his face, but it is like the old man will not be able to do it immediately, which makes the crowd waiting outside a little unhappy in their hearts, this dean when the level is too no level, such a big happy event, speak even a smile does not bring.

“We have to make further diagnosis, please don’t clamor, let the head rest well ……”

After Dean Zhang gave an explanation, he took all the experts and left in a hurry, this old man’s recovery is really weird, he has to think about it, how exactly this report should be written, this can be related to the physical condition of many old cadres, old comrades like Chief Song, there are still several of them living in the hospital!

“Could it really be that those old comrades that Chief Song said he met in his dreams, gave him life force?!”

Sitting in the conference room, such a thought popped into his head, although at that time, when he heard Elder Song talk about that dream of his, Dean Zhang thought that the old head was talking nonsense, but now that he thought about it, it seemed possible! Otherwise how to explain this old man from the critical illness, suddenly get better?

The experts at the meeting were also talking at this time, but in the end, no one could not come up with strong medical evidence, and in the end could only be categorized into two words: miracle!

“Fourth brother, where are you going? This is almost to Langfang, right? Still driving forward?”

At this time the miracle maker, Zhuang Rui student, is sitting on Ouyang Jun’s car, a face of boredom looking at the snow outside the window, and Ouyang Jun after the rendezvous, this brother will directly drive the car out of Beijing, where to go is not to say, just that the face of the smile, a little wilted.

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