Chapter 0427 – King of Soldiers (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:18:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Tripping? With just him? Hmph, borrow his guts, he wouldn’t dare to ……”

Ouyang Jun mouth snorted coldly, in fact, Ouyang Jun heart understand, this white maple is not dare, but this is not meaningful at all, although he is the direct descendant of the Ouyang family, but not subject to the old man to see ah! The way to go is not a career path, shooting small movies like hooks, used in his body, not good.

Ouyang Jun is not Qu Mei Feng, the old man that thing was made into a small movie, for him there is no impact, at most, is to make his playboy reputation a little bit louder, plus the mainland’s news control, even if it was filmed, there is no opportunity to circulate out, that is still a two-way street!

Will it affect the reputation of the Ouyang family? That’s even more bullshit, although politics is something very ugly. The Ouyang family has no shortage of rivals, but for a mature politician, will not use this kind of underhanded and ineffective way to combat their own political rivals, that will only lead to other people’s shame.

As for the incident of Chen in the early nineties, it was only because of his own downfall, the wall fell down, which involved his son’s ridiculous things, or else when Chen was on stage, how did he not hear about those things ah?

“Hey, I say it’s not right! Zhuang Xiaowu, that phone call you answered just now, it wasn’t my daughter-in-law calling, was it?”

After Ouyang Jun answered Zhuang Rui’s words, he reacted violently, his daughter-in-law called, how come she also had to call herself first ah! There is no reason why she would call Zhuang Rui’s cell phone, and Zhuang Rui was looking at the cell phone number before going out, if this was called by Xu Qing, she should have told herself before picking it up.

“Fourth Brother, how is your relationship with Brother Bai, I am not sure, but I think these things it! If you can avoid it, in case you leave any handles to others, even if it doesn’t affect your uncles. Even if it doesn’t affect the uncles, it’s not good for your sister-in-law to know about it! Sister-in-law is pregnant with a child!”

Zhuang Rui saw that Ouyang Jun guessed it and admitted it, dude this is saving the lost youth ah! Uh, Ouyang Jun can barely be considered a youth, did not see that Hong Kong’s Liu Tian Wang are more than forty years old, but also was named the top ten outstanding youth ah!

“Men, occasionally out to relax a little, it’s nothing, just you kid brain dead, they want to go just go! Also make up a blind story even I pull out, don’t want to let the fourth brother take you out to play again.”

According to Ouyang Jun’s thinking, he does not raise a few second and third wives outside, that has been considered quite decent, which said, and then angry, complaining Zhuang Rui stirred up his good things.

“Pull down! You later don’t call me out to play. Those foreigners are too open, it is not allowed to say that the body suffers from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, you still take it easy!”

Outside the car window is still drifting snow, although smaller than a few days ago, but the road is not much, some snow was pressed, turned into frozen ice, Zhuang Rui will drive very slowly, this time, after hearing the words of Ouyang Jun, can not help but skimmed his mouth, while talking to step on the gas pedal’s foot, and then lifted up a few points.

“Acquired immunodeficiency? What kind of disease is that?” Ouyang Jun froze for a moment, he hadn’t heard of this term before!

“Haha, abbreviated into English is AIDS, our country is commonly known as AIDS, know it, don’t, don’t Fourth Brother, I’m driving here!”

Zhuang Rui smiled and laughed, angry Ouyang Jun big ear slap to the back of Zhuang Rui’s head.

After driving into Beijing, Zhuang Rui took his own car, and did not go to Yuquan Mountain, directly back to the courtyard.

After arriving home, Zhuang Rui realized that the courtyard is actually full of people, the province of Ouyang Long, there are several cousins, are honestly occupied a room, but also are dragging the family. For a time, pile snowman snowball fight, a bunch of half-grown children play is not happy.

Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Long chatted for a while, then took the white lion, circled around the yard, walked to the front yard, found Zhang Ma Li sister-in-law and Hao Long, are in the front yard of the small dining room to eat, look at the table are almost eight o’clock, Zhuang Rui could not help but say: “Zhang Ma, how this clock only began to eat?”

After this period of time, Zhuang Rui on the Zhang Ma Li sister-in-law Hao Long several people, very satisfied, Zhang Ma cooking is very good, a variety of flavors of the meal are able to do, and Li sister-in-law is also very diligent, a person will be large three into the yard, dozens of rooms, cleaned up properly and cleanly.

Hao Long, needless to say, in addition to meals and regular patrols in the yard, almost 24 hours in the monitoring room, defending the mansion’s security, Zhuang Rui and Hao Long mentioned last time, if Hao Long has a suitable comrade. Introduced another one over, after all, Hao Long are twenty-seven or eighty-eight years old, also want to give others a little private time to find a girlfriend is not.

Just these people are not willing to eat in the middle courtyard, Zhuang Rui said a few times, but also let them, but also explained, in the front yard to open up, food must be the same with them all, do not have to save this money.

“Mr. Zhuang, it’s fine, there are many children in the middle courtyard. Just let them eat first, the meals are all the same, it doesn’t matter if they eat a little later.” When Zhang Ma and the others saw Zhuang Rui come in, they all stood up in a hurry, they always felt a bit awkward in their hearts when they ate with the main family, not as comfortable as eating in the front yard.

Zhuang Rui saw that he had disturbed other people’s meals, and said with some embarrassment, “Zhang Ma, you guys eat, don’t mind me, by the way, my mom asked me to bring some turtle essence nutritional oral solution for you guys to drink, turn around and I’ll bring it over to …… you.”

The old man’s side of the gift more people, those people but do not dare to send money, expensive key objects do not dare to take out, that is not clearly said that their own corruption and bribery to the gun, so send nothing more than some nutrients, are piled up almost a house, the old man and the old lady simply do not drink those things, Ouyang Wan at noon to take a lot of the car on the Zhuang Rui, so that he brought to the Zhang Ma Li Sister-in-law and other people.

“Then thank you big sister Ouyang, when she comes back to live, I will burn a few more of her favorite dishes ……”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Zhang Ma and Li Sister-in-Law were very happy in their hearts, although they were doing the nanny’s job, but the main family didn’t even take themselves as outsiders, during this period of time, just the clothes have been sent several sets of them, and the nutritional supplements have not been cut off, although they are not the ones who take advantage of the small advantages, but this is comforting in their heart ah!

“By the way, Hao, the last time to you that thing, there is no sign?”

Zhuang Rui ran to load a bowl of rice, also sat down to eat up, night that will work, just eat a little shabu-shabu, simply did not eat enough, this is just to fill the point.

“Boss, I was just about to tell you about this!”

“Sit down, eat while talking ……”

Hao Long habitually stood up after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, and was pulled back to the chair by Zhuang Rui’s clothes.

“There is one candidate, it’s one of my comrades, a year younger than you, just, boss, let’s go out and talk!” Hao Long stopped his mouth in mid-sentence when he looked down at Zhang Ma and Li Sister-in-law with some hesitation.

“Then let’s eat first and talk later.” Zhuang Rui grilled a plate of small fried bacon that was not much left into a bowl and ate it, Zhang Ma who had already eaten well also said that she wanted to go and fry another dish, which was stopped by Zhuang Rui.

“What’s the situation of your comrade in arms? Tell me!”

After eating, Zhuang Rui and Hao Long sat in the concierge monitoring room.

“That kid is called Peng Fei, he is not from the special division, he is my comrade in arms that I met when I was on a mission at the border, his military quality is quite outstanding, much better than me, if he was put in the war era, he would definitely be a king of soldiers. Just he was on a mission when something went wrong, boss you don’t misunderstand, alas, I’m all for you to say it!”

Hao Long hesitated when he said this, but thinking about Zhuang Rui’s relationship with the head teacher, those so-called military secrets seemed to be nothing.

As if recalling past experiences, Hao Long bowed his head and contemplated for a while, before continuing: “We once chased a drug trafficking gang on the Thai-Burma border, a comrade in arms unfortunately sacrificed, and then captured the gang, Peng Fei directly to the six people killed, because of this, almost did not court-martialed, but still mandatory to let it out of the army, he was a lieutenant rank! The first time I saw him, he was a lieutenant in the army! But even the transfer did not give the count ……”

“Now you and he have contact? Also, how is this person’s character?”

Zhuang Rui was interested in Peng Fei in Hao Long’s mouth, but he didn’t want to plant a dynamite barrel around him, listening to Hao Long’s story, that Peng Fei’s temper seemed to be very hot.

“Boss, Peng Fei is not a murderous person, you don’t know, that comrade we sacrificed was abused! When we found his body, there wasn’t a single piece of intact flesh on his body at that time, those people are all animals ah! It’s that if Peng Fei didn’t do it, we would have done it too.”

Thinking of his fallen comrades, Hao Long’s emotions were a bit agitated, his eyes were red, and his eyes were already covered in a layer of mist.

Hao Long’s emotions also affected Zhuang Rui, patted Hao Long’s shoulder, Zhuang Rui said in a deep voice: “What is Peng Fei doing now?”

Hao Long lowered his head, wiped his tears with his sleeve and said, “He is a Beijinger, but it seems to be Daxing, after coming back to do a period of time for security, not used to those things, resigned and quit, and is now in the yard as a loader and unloader!”

Speaking here, Hao Long raised his head and looked at Zhuang Rui with reddened eyes, saying, “Boss, I can guarantee with my personality that Peng Fei is absolutely good, with his skill, it’s really easy to make money, but he didn’t take a crooked path, if you really want to hire someone, just give him a chance!”

A few days ago, Hao Long once to Zhuang Rui asked for half a day’s leave, went to see Peng Fei, cold weather, Peng Fei actually wore a piece of clothing in the yard work, Hao Long see, Peng Fei shoulder, full of goods squeezed by the red marks and blood marks, the heart is very for the old comrade in arms.

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