Chapter 0433 – Going to Burma (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:18:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Mr. Zhuang, please return! There’s no need to see me off, my car is at the intersection.”

After saying goodbye to Zhuang Rui and taking Yaya to go through the enrollment formalities by himself tomorrow, Deputy Secretary Zheng was contented to take his leave, today’s harvest wasn’t small, this cold day didn’t make a trip for nothing.

If this is familiar with his people to see, must be to think that they see the eyes, hall a deputy hall-level cadres, how will a system outside the person attitude so respectful, this is when the official’s no two ways about it, want to be a leader, first of all have to learn to pretend to be a grandson.

“Big brother, can I really go to school?” Waiting for Deputy Secretary Zheng to leave, Yaya’s little face was filled with anticipation and asked Zhuang Rui.

“Of course, tomorrow that uncle will take you there, Yaya should study hard in the future!”

Zhuang Rui smiled and rubbed YaYa’s head, Zheng deputy secretary is very good at doing things, the selected school is not far from the courtyard, in the future, morning and evening, let sister-in-law Li transport on the line, and so on YaYa and schoolmates are familiar with after. Completely and classmates can go to school in pairs.

“YaYa will study well, thank you big brother ……”

Little girl nodded seriously, small children are very sensitive, she can feel Zhuang Rui’s love and care for her heart, is also very willing to be close to Zhuang Rui, now in the heart of YaYa, in addition to the brother, Zhuang Rui is the most pro best person.

“Well, go and play with the white lion!”

Strange to say, YaYa a come to this courtyard, and the white lion special affinity, has always been a stranger do not get close to the white lion, even allowed YaYa to touch it’s head, just at that time, but it was Peng Fei scared light, almost staged a human mastiff battle, if not be HaoLong to pull, this Peng Fei and the white lion, but also can’t say who won and who lost it!

“Brother Hao, Peng Fei, I’ll go out for about seven or eight days! I’ll leave this yard to you! By the way, I’ll leave the car with you guys, if my mom has something to do, you guys can help send her …….”

Zhuang Rui knew that his mother often traveled between Yuquan Mountain and this courtyard, these days it was his brother-in-law who was transporting her, but Zhao Guodong was going back to Pengcheng soon, so this could only be handed over to Hao Long and his wife. They had even flown a helicopter, so driving a car was no problem at all.

When Yaya left, Peng Fei asked Zhuang Rui, “Brother Zhuang, you’re going to Burma?”

“Yes! Going to participate in a jadeite public market, leaving the day after tomorrow, about a week to come back, what’s wrong?” Zhuang Rui saw that Peng Fei’s face was a bit gloomy, his heart was a bit strange.

Peng Fei smiled bitterly and said, “Brother Zhuang, Burma is not a good place, it’s very complicated there.”

“Oh? Tell me about it ……”

Zhuang Rui smelled interest, Peng Fei did not say he forgot, Hao Long and Peng Fei have lived in Burma and other border zones, although it is the kind that is not allowed to see the light, but always familiar with the situation than their own ah!

“Brother Zhuang, Burma is a federal state, the social formations are extremely complex.”

“A federal state? Is it any different from us?” Zhuang Rui interrupted Peng Fei’s words, all day long, he heard what the United States Federal Commonwealth, Zhuang Rui really did not know what the meaning of a federal state is.

“Of course it’s different. The form of federal government is a concordat, based on which several small states join together to create a larger country and agree to be members of that country. A federal republic, so to speak, is a new society resulting from the concatenation of several societies, and this new society can be enlarged by the addition of other new members. It is for this reason that the small states in Burma are highly autonomous from each other, all have armies and autonomy, and are ready to go to war if they have any grievances against the federal government.”

“Don’t look at Burma, although it only has a population of more than 50 million people, but there are 135 ethnic groups, mainly the Burmese, Karen, Shan, Kachin, Chin, Kayah, Mon, and Rakhine, etc., and the power in Burma, is held by these major ethnic groups. Because between the various races, there are conflict contradictions, so Burma is practicing a military rule system, the highest leader of their country, is a general, just the executive orders of the Burmese government, for those small states below, it’s not very good.”

“The Jadeite Public Market you’re talking about, Brother Zhuang, is gambling on stones, right? I’ve also heard a little bit about it, in the past, there were people from the country who traveled to Burma to gamble on stones, but they were kidnapped by some local forces and demanded ransom from the country, the lucky ones who paid the money would still be able to come back, and the ones who were unlucky wouldn’t even be able to see their corpses.”

Peng Fei used to carry out missions. Incidentally, he rescued a person who traveled to Burma to gamble on stones and was kidnapped, so he knew these things very well.

“Burma is that chaotic?”

Zhuang Rui was staggered by Peng Fei’s words, in Zhuang Rui’s impression, Burma used to be a vassal state of China, and had to make offerings every year, and then it turned into a British colony, and then there is the fact that Burma is rich in emerald, as for the rest, Zhuang Rui really doesn’t understand.

“Can not be chaotic? Brother Zhuang, Burma that place, but the Golden Triangle is located ah! And Burma is also the ‘Golden Triangle’ area poppy cultivation area is the largest and most productive country. There are mainly ethnic minorities living there, generations rely on poppy cultivation to maintain their livelihoods, in order to fight the government, to protect their opium plantation, the local residents to arm themselves, like the former Khun Sa group, has a strong, military trained nearly 3,000 people in the armed forces, and the government confrontation, it is simply not down to the wind. There are mountains full of poppies there, it’s really beautiful!”

Peng Fei suddenly changed the topic as he spoke, and seemed to have thought of something. A contemplative look appeared on his face.

Hao Long, who was beside him, saw Zhuang Rui’s face become a bit ugly, and hurriedly said, “Boss, those places are more dangerous, but the things that Peng Fei said are in some fringe areas, where the government’s power can’t reach, and there’s nothing wrong if you’re just going to gamble on the stones, Yangon’s law and order is still good.”

Just after listening to Peng Fei’s words, Zhuang Rui heart really played a drum, as the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, if it is really as Peng Fei said, then this trip to Myanmar, we have to weigh up. Zhuang Rui is not willing to run to the drug dealer’s lair to go, these days the grave robbers dare to tie explosives to the body, those drug traffickers, not to mention, it is estimated that even the guns and cannons can be moved out.

“I’m going with a group of domestic people, there shouldn’t be any problems, right?” Zhuang Rui thought about it for a while, he only went to Rangoon, which is the capital of Myanmar anyways, there shouldn’t be any of those things that Peng Fei said.

“Brother Zhuang, why don’t I go with you! I’m more familiar with that place, and I also speak Burmese, so if anything happens, it’ll be easier to deal with it ……”

To be honest, Peng Fei really didn’t want to go back to that place, the memories it brought him were nothing but killing and bloodshed, death and survival, but this just found a good boss, Peng Fei was really afraid that something would happen to Zhuang Rui there, that’s why he took the initiative to mention it.

“Yes boss, let Peng Fei go with you, I’m here at home, you can rest assured!” Hao Long also said at the side.

“Alright, Peng Fei, you’ll be my assistant for now! Give me your ID card, I’ll go through the formalities ……” Although Peng Fei followed him there, exercising the job of a bodyguard, Zhuang Rui didn’t like the word bodyguard very much, so he arranged an identity for Peng Fei.

“Identity card?”

Peng Fei looked a bit odd after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, that said, when he used to go in and out of Thailand and Myanmar as well as Laos and other places, where did he do any formalities ah! There just wasn’t even a piece of paper on his body to prove his identity, this was also for fear of causing diplomatic disputes between countries and nations.

However, Peng Fei still took out his ID card and handed it to Zhuang Rui, for him, to be able to use the identity of a businessman to enter into Myanmar, he is also a bit of a novelty, which was never dreamed of before.

The next day Zhuang Rui took Peng Fei, looking for the Jade Association, which he had never been to before, handed over his ID card and Peng Fei’s ID card to the staff there, and then, after taking a picture, asked them to apply for a passport, but of course, all the expenses were self-consuming, and the Jade Association only played the role of a platform.

Zhuang Rui found that his title of titular director was still very good, after reporting his name, the permanent director who was in his fifties, insisted on pulling Zhuang Rui to chat for half a day before letting him go.

“Hey, Brother Ma, it’s only been a few months since I’ve seen you, you’ve gotten rich again!”

After leaving from the Jade Association’s office, Zhuang Rui took Peng Fei to a hotel with Song Jun appointment, today Fatty Ma into Beijing, Song boss to give him a reception, not to mention, this began to despise each other’s brother and sister, now the relationship is really good.

“You kid, turn around and scold me to come? Fat on fat, you Ma brother I’m not afraid of being said, old brother, this is …….”

Fatty Ma saw Zhuang Rui come in, it was very difficult to move his huge body, from the chair to the up, he is an eight-sided person, even though he can see that Peng Fei is Zhuang Rui’s follower, he still spoke out and asked about it.

“This is my assistant, Peng Fei, speaks Burmese very well, and is going with me this time, Peng Fei, sit down! Ma is an old friend, don’t be formal here ……”

“Well, all sit, Brother Song is really something, he said he was picking me up, I haven’t seen him until now.”

After Fatty Ma greeted Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei and sat down, he waved his hand to let the two people following him also sit down.

He did not bring a woman this time, so Zhuang Rui also breathed a sigh of relief, to be honest, every time you see Fatty Ma with a small woman around, Zhuang Rui’s mind always can’t help but associate, Fatty Ma do that thing, certainly will not be used in the male supremacy position.

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