Chapter 0440 – Abdomen with a dry belly (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:19:10
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“Brother Zhuang. You’re joking!”

Peng Fei didn’t really believe it, nothing to hide any treasures into the belly of the Buddha statue ah!

“Joke? What I said is true.”

What Zhuang Rui said about the ancient people often like to hide treasures inside the belly of the enshrined Buddha statue is not just a lie, there are allusions to this in history.

China’s history in the two Han Dynasty, Buddhism from India after the introduction of China, to the North and South Dynasties, Sui, Tang and the Five Dynasties, the development of the peak of prosperity, the level of Buddhism exceeded India, and so that China has replaced India as the center of the world of Buddhism, at that time, the status of the Buddhists is quite high, all the temples, almost all have a large amount of land and do not have to pay taxes.

In that period, although there is no shortage of monks like Xuanzang, Jianzhen and so on, but the Buddhist scum but more, bullying men and women, the occupation of people’s homes and land, but more numerous, just the emperor believes in Buddhism. Most of the local officials are turning a blind eye, not to ask questions.

And those flower monks, in the convergence of a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry, in order to hide it, borrowed the name of the casting of the Buddha, burned and cast a lot of copper Buddha, looks like a solid Buddha, in fact, inside, it is a hidden mystery, the Buddha’s stomach are all empty, which hides those monks to collect a huge amount of wealth.

The three most famous extermination campaigns in Chinese history, but happened in the North and South Dynasties and the Tang Wuzong period, which can not be said to be an irony, especially in the Tang Wuzong time, the country’s temples were almost destroyed, millions of monks and nuns were ordered to return to secularism, which almost led to the demise of Buddhism in China.

The reason for this was, officially speaking, naturally the political characteristic inherent in Chinese society that “divine power is absolutely subordinate to the power of the king”, and the emperor felt that his authority was being challenged by the illusory divine power, so he wanted to exterminate the Buddhists.

But later researchers believe that the root cause of the extinction of Buddhism, but the economic problems, in the period of Wu Zetian, Dee Renjie had been on the rustic: “Temple cream beauty industry, times to take more than one of them, the water mill manor. The number is also quite a lot. Fugitive Ding to avoid the crime, and set the door, nameless monks, where there are tens of thousands, are under the bracket, has got thousands, and a husband does not plow, still subject to its ills, floating food people, but also robbing people’s wealth ……”

The meaning of the above paragraph is that the temple is financially strong, owns fertile land, and when the monk can escape the law, no name of the monk, there are tens of thousands of monks in the country, and do not do farming, that is, the food to open the mouth and clothes to reach out to the meaning of the word.

When the country is rich, these monks rich point is no matter, but when the emperor have to tighten their belts, monks are still so rich, that is a sin. So when it came to the time of Emperor Wuzong of the Tang Dynasty, the third campaign to exterminate Buddhism in Chinese history was carried out.

At that time from the temple cleaned out countless treasures, and in the melting of those gold and copper casting of the Buddha statue, actually found that the Buddha statue stomach, but also a large number of gold, silver and jewels, Hong Kong, Mr. Louis Cha Liangyong’s “Liancheng Tips” book, that the so-called treasure, is hidden inside the belly of the Buddha statue.

“Brother Zhuang, what you say is true ah? But inside this Buddha statue, it shouldn’t be able to hide any treasure!”

Peng Fei was listening to the story told by Zhuang Rui, but he compared the repaired place, but he didn’t believe that there was something hidden inside.

“Who knows if there is! You have to take out the piece of ivory that this filled in to know ……”

Zhuang Rui followed Peng Fei’s words, just want to not damage the Buddha carving, take out the things inside, but it is not easy, because that repair used silicone, has been completely and ivory fused into one, want to pick it out, very difficult.

Peng Fei saw Zhuang Rui’s worried face, couldn’t help but smile and said, “Brother Zhuang, you really want to take out this repaired ivory?”

“Of course, think about it, this good Buddha carving, who would have nothing to do to give a hole from here! There might be something good inside! Picking out to see we do not lose, I find someone to refinish a little, workmanship is definitely better than this ……”

Zhuang Rui said the truth, this thing with silicone repair, is indeed spoiled this tooth carving Buddha statue, there are many modern materials, can be repaired so that people can not see that it is once mended.

“Brother Zhuang, you wait for me for a while, I’ll be right back ……”

Peng Fei compared that restoration, and after saying a word to Zhuang Rui, he walked out of the room.

“This kid ……”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, some bitterly looked at this thing, earlier the thing is not their own, is not particularly sexually anxious, now the thing put in front of the eyes, but there is unable to put inside the thing to take out, this gives Zhuang Rui the feeling like Qin Xuan Bing stripped naked clothes, his own thing but not lift, a little bit of a rut.

“Boss, I’m back.”

After about twenty minutes or so, when Zhuang Rui was still worried, Peng Fei walked into the room, and Zhuang Rui saw that he was holding an alcohol stove in his right hand. Instantly, his eyes lit up.

“Peng Fei, are you trying to burn the needles red and then scald away the silicone that is used as a filler? But we don’t know how deep this piece of ivory that was gouged out is!”

Zhuang Rui originally felt that this was a good idea, but when he thought back, this piece of ivory filled in the block, six or seven centimeters long, general needles, simply can not penetrate, and the kind of very long needle, but it is too thick. There is no way to insert it, this method is still not desirable.

“This is always long enough, right?”

Peng Fei raised his left hand, only then did Zhuang Rui realize that Peng Fei’s left hand two fingers, pinching an extremely thin steel wire, the length of which are twenty to thirty centimeters, Zhuang Rui used his hand to play that steel wire, and found that the toughness was excellent, and couldn’t help but feel happy, now all the problems are solved.

Zhuang Rui got up and walked to the door of the room, flipped the sign outside to Do Not Disturb, and then walked back, cocked his thumb at Peng Fei and said, “Good boy, if there is a treasure inside, count you a part of it …….”

Zhuang Rui touched the lighter from his pocket, lit the alcohol stove, while Peng Fei is the end of the thin steel wire, put on that fire core sizzling up, this thing itself conducts heat, but more than ten seconds time, a section of steel wire is still being burned red.

Zhuang Rui looked at the steel wire in Peng Fei’s hand and reminded him, “The length is estimated to be insufficient, and then burn a little more red ……”

The steel wire in Peng Fei’s hand began to swim up on the fire, not many general meetings, the front end of the wire three or five centimeters, were burned red.

“Give it to me ……”

Zhuang Rui placed that dental sculpture horizontally on the ground, reached out and took the steel wire from Peng Fei’s hand, and inserted it into the silicone gap at that repair, the red-hot steel wire, like a knife slicing tofu, didn’t even need to exert any force, and burned and melted the silicone inside.

With an unpleasant smell of burning rubber, a wisp of blue smoke from Zhuang Rui underhand came out, Zhuang Rui will be steel wire along that gap, to the side of the paddle, know that the feel is very raw. It seems that the heat is not enough time, Zhuang Rui hastily dialed out the wire, at this time the wire, attached to a layer of gelatinous material.

“Continue to burn ……”

Zhuang Rui handed the steel wire to Peng Fei, he stood up and opened the window of the hotel room, not caring that the air conditioning was still open in the house, the smell of burning rubber, it was too unpleasant.

This steel wire conducts heat quickly, but the heat is also extremely fast, basically burning red once, can only dissolve to two or three centimeters width of the silicone, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei was busy for more than two hours, only to be considered with that piece of ivory fused together with the silicone, all melted open.

“Auntie Fang? Eating? I’m really sorry, Auntie Fang, I’m in a bit of a hurry here, I can’t leave for the time being, can I go over later?”

Just after fixing the silicone on this tooth carving, Fang Yi’s phone call came over, just Zhuang Rui couldn’t care less about his mother-in-law’s thoughts at this time, the two wax pills that he could get his hands on right away was already making his heart pound.

Hear Zhuang Rui said there is an emergency, Fang Yi also did not say anything to hang up the phone, just turned her head, immediately played a woman’s imagination, said to her husband: “This child, will not be behind our back Xuan Bing, do something bad to go, right?”

If Zhuang Rui knew Fang Yi’s thoughts at this time, then he would definitely feel that he is more wrong than sinus, so it is best not to refuse this woman’s invitation, no matter if it is a young woman or a menopausal woman.

“Who still doesn’t have something ah! Xiao Zhuang is not that kind of child, don’t think nonsense!” Qin Haoran glanced at his wife with dissatisfaction, if these words reached Zhuang Rui’s ears, it would create a conflict.

Zhuang Rui could not care about what his mother-in-law was thinking, because Peng Fei was holding his knife like a wolf’s tooth, prying the ivory piece that was stuffed in as a filler!

The knife’s blade is extremely thin, can be inserted into the depth of about one centimeter, along with Peng Fei’s wrist flip, the piece of ivory a little bit of upward projection, and ultimately in the knife blade and the ivory wall between the leverage played under the principle of “snap” a clear sound, the piece of ivory was picked out, and in the armpit of the tusk carving, reveals a three or four square centimeter sized circular hole.

“Brother Zhuang, there’s nothing in here?”

Naturally, his hand couldn’t reach in, so Peng Fei held the tooth sculpture upside down and shook the small hole downward, but nothing was tuned out inside.

Zhuang Rui did not answer, but took the wire that was burned black, went to the restroom and cleaned it, dried it and twisted a section of the wire into a hook shape, and then said to Peng Fei: “You raise it a little bit, the hole down, I’m going to pull out a little bit with this thing to see …… ”

Is there anything inside, Zhuang Rui naturally know, and he also knows that the reason why the wax pill was not poured out by Peng Fei, because just now when dissolving those silica gel, there are some silica gel drops to the wax pill, although no wax pill melting, but it is sticking to the abdominal wall inside.

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