Chapter 0442 – Myanmar Jadeite Grand Prix (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:19:15
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“Bring these things back home to the relevant departments?”

Zhuang Rui brain flashed this idea, but then was vetoed by himself, not to mention these things are still not in, even if it can be found, if they can move them back, or two say it!

Then again, these objects are not robbed from our country, they do not have to be so noble, right?

Now can be sure, this piece of paper above the things recorded, is when the Japanese from Thailand and Burma and other places to scrape the material gold and silver.

Japan itself is a resource-poor island country, the reason why the year will wage war toward expansion, for nothing more than resources, they are from Southeast Asia as well as the Northeast at the time, plundered a large number of steel gold, silver, coal and other resources, only barely to maintain the war, or else Japan’s domestic economy has long collapsed.

“Peng Fei, what do you think about this?”

A cigarette finished, Zhuang Rui spoke out to break the silence in the room.

“Brother Zhuang, I’ll listen to you.” At this time, Peng Fei’s eyes, has returned to calm, just like when Zhuang Rui first saw him that did not have a fluctuation.

To say that Peng Fei is not moved by this flying money, that is absolute bullshit, just one thing is that although Peng Fei is not very old, but he is used to seeing life and death, to these out-of-body things, the resistance to be a little stronger, when he is on a mission, even his own life and death are not in the heart of the person, and why would he care about these things that can not be eaten or drank it!

Secondly, the most important person in Peng Fei’s heart is his own sister, and now that his sister is living happily, Peng Fei is not willing to let his life trajectory change because of this money.

So in Zhuang Rui asked his opinion, Peng Fei replied calmly, no matter how Zhuang Rui dispose of these things, he is able to accept, plus in Peng Fei’s heart, this thing was originally Zhuang Rui found, he is only coincidentally stumbled upon it.

“This map and this matter, is definitely true, but that batch of things that were hidden away, whether they still exist or not, is not certain, because although this tooth carving was lost, but if Yamagi Ichiro is still alive, he definitely knows the location of where the things were hidden, and may have already taken them away.”

Zhuang Rui paused for a moment. Then he said, “Let’s put this down for now! We are here to participate in the jadeite public plate, wait until the end of the public plate, and then see if there is time to go to the place marked on the map to look for it ……”

Although it is said that money moves people’s hearts, but Zhuang Rui hasn’t forgotten the purpose of his trip, for a treasure map, to go looking for the thing that he doesn’t know whether it still exists or not, this kind of thing Zhuang Rui won’t go to do.

Another thing is, even if you find this batch of gold, how to carry it back to the country is a bigger problem, although it is said to be China-Myanmar friendship, but if this news is known by the Burmese side, then it will never be willing to rest.

“Brother Zhuang, this place ……” Peng Fei looked at the map, wanting to say something.

“What’s wrong? You know this place?” Zhuang Rui asked.

“Yes, this place is close to the northeast Myitkyina region of Myanmar, where there is a mountain range, along the way are tropical rainforests, the terrain is very complex, unfamiliar people go in, it is very likely to get lost in it. By the way, many of the jadeite pits are located there.”

Peng Fei’s brow wrinkled, he still has a point that he did not say, due to the most concentrated mine holes of jadeite in Burma are all there, so forces from all over the world are stationed there, the situation is more complicated, a little bit like the previous period of China’s warlordism, each occupying a piece of the mountain, and are armed forces, Peng Fei’s previous rescue of the domestic wool traders, is kidnapped by these people.

“What equipment is needed to go to that place, you prepare this few days, and so on the jadeite public disk after the end of the jadeite public disk, we may go to take a look …….”

Men are born with a strong interest in treasure hunting and exploration, Zhuang Rui also wants to know the gold buried there, whether it’s still there or not, if it’s still there, even if it can’t be brought away now, there is a chance in the future.

The Zhuang Rui who inspired the adventure factor in his body, but forgot his safety first code of conduct.

“Brother Zhuang, this place is not a good place to walk! And it’s easy to catch diseases, I think it’s better for us to go there later when we have the chance!”

If it was Peng Fei traveling by himself, then there was no need to have any worries at all, he was like a fish in the sea when he arrived in that environment, he could adapt immediately, but it was hard to say if he brought Zhuang Rui with him. With himself following, although he wouldn’t be kidnapped by those local forces, but walking in the jungle alone, Peng Fei was afraid that Zhuang Rui wouldn’t even be able to hold out.

“It’s fine, my body is fine, let’s go and take a look, if the environment is treacherous, just come back again.”

Zhuang Rui replied without thinking, with aura in his body, even if it’s more than endurance, Zhuang Rui is confident that he doesn’t have to be worse than Peng Fei.

“Alright then! Brother Zhuang, if you must go, after entering the jungle, you have to listen to me!”

Seeing Zhuang Rui’s determination has been determined, Peng Fei did not say anything more, his mind is already thinking about what kind of equipment he needs to carry, the more prepared he is, the less dangerous the jungle trip will be.

Heart under the decision, Zhuang Rui also relaxed, from the bag out of the digital camera, the table on the two pages of paper from all angles, adjust the focal length were photographed. Then take out the memory card and hand it to Peng Fei, said with a smile: “This thing is worth ten tons of gold ah! Keep it close to you, we are counting on it for this treasure hunting trip.”

Peng Fei on Zhuang Rui’s move some unknown, after receiving that small memory card, see Zhuang Rui picked up the lighter, lit the two pieces of yellowed paper, only then understand the meaning of Zhuang Rui, from now on, the secrets in the tooth carving has completely disappeared. And the clues to find that batch of gold, in their own hands in this memory card.

This thing is indeed as Zhuang Rui said, the value of the city, Zhuang Rui will be given to their own custody, Peng Fei in moved, but also felt a trace of pressure.

After thinking about it for a while, Peng Fei flipped his wrist, the knife that was not in the know where to hide on his body, appeared in his hand, the handle of that knife can be unscrewed, Peng Fei stuffed that storage card into the handle of the knife, and then screwed the screws, Peng Fei was confident that as long as he was still alive, absolutely no one could snatch the thing out of his hand.

“Alright, go eat! It’s dark outside.”

See Peng Fei to hide things in his knife, Zhuang Rui also feel at ease, things are busy finished, the stomach also feel “cooing” straight up, look at the time, Zhuang Rui startled, have been almost eight o’clock in the evening, and hastily pulled Peng Fei down to the second floor of the restaurant to eat.

Tomorrow the emerald plate will be officially opened, after dinner, Zhuang Rui went back to the room to rest, just this sleep is not stable, the mind will always be the scene of gold, in bed after half a night, only to be considered a deep sleep.

Although yesterday’s sleep is not good, but the next day Zhuang Rui or very early to get up, after washing up about the Qin Haoran couple to eat breakfast together, yesterday, but the mother-in-law to slow down, Zhuang Rui this is also to make up for it.

After breakfast, Zhuang Rui simply took Peng Fei, followed by Qin Haoran’s two families and their company’s gambling masters, together with the hotel entrance. The Burmese organizer had a special car to complexly transport these wool merchants from all over the world, and the saying that the customer is God was not exclusive to China.

A group of people came to the hotel entrance, there is already overcrowded, it seems that the guests of the entire hotel, all concentrated here, Zhuang Rui glance, acquaintances are really quite a lot, actually also saw the helmsman of Xu’s jewelry.

Xu Zhendong naturally also saw Zhuang Rui, but he was immediately turned his face to the side, and swore in his heart, absolutely do not buy this kid in the stone, his condition is not yet stable, Xu Zhendong does not want to be stimulated again, and Xu Jewelry can not afford to be tossed, last time in the hands of Zhuang Rui planted heel, so that the company’s vitality is greatly injured.

“Zhuang Rui, your kid is really not enough, a few brothers came together, to go to the public disk also go together ah!”

Song Jun saw Zhuang Rui from a long way away, and quickly squeezed over with Fatty Ma, and only when he got close did he see Qin Haoran and his wife, a few people knew each other yesterday, and naturally got together, ready to wait for the car to arrive, and go to the public market together.

Zhuang Rui is now in the gambling circle, is definitely a star-level figure, many people who know him in the domestic Pingzhou gambling results, have gathered around, with a view to dip a little good luck.

After twenty minutes or so, the organizing committee’s bus finally drove over, just this so-called special car, too shabby a little, are the kind of old bus, and the windows on the glass, most of them are gone, not to mention air conditioning, which makes the scene of these billionaires face is not very good.

Although the Burmese side has a sense of service, just this hardware facilities, is really too poor.

However, the situation is stronger than others, this Myanmar jade plate, but the time jade jewelry prices wind vane, and the world is only produced in Myanmar jade, if you do not get on the bus, that the other side is eager to do it, it is not less of a price competition rivals well!

A total of eight buses, at this time the car door are surrounded by people, although the heart is not happy, but the car is still to get on, is not to come to this place in Burma, or for tourism not?

In the car, the car door have a shoulder weapon Myanmar soldiers, there are two other people to check the invitation letter of the people on the car, in accordance with the provisions of the Myanmar Organizing Committee, want to participate in the Emerald Plate, there must be an invitation letter, otherwise even the car can not go.

The previous also said the origin of the invitation letter, one is the guests invited by all levels of government in Myanmar, the second is invited by all levels of jewelry associations in Myanmar, and the third is the invitation letter issued by the invitation of the Myanmar Jewelry Trading Company, and in Myanmar, the so-called jewelry trading company, in fact, is also owned by the government.

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