Chapter 0443 Myanmar Jadeite Fair (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:19:18
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Only the latter two invitation methods must be reported to the organizing committee by the inviting party in the form of a guarantee to review and agree to be able to do so, businessmen bidding on jadeite wool are like getting on the bus and buying tickets, with the invitation letter in hand, before they have the opportunity to board the bus.

Of course, if there is no invitation letter, it is not impossible to enter the public plate, but must be guaranteed by the Myanmar jewelry company, and to the organizing committee to pay 10 million kyats / person deposit (almost equivalent to 1 million yuan), but also to enter the public plate, and in the end of the public plate, as much as the return to the mortgagee.

Each invitation letter can take two people to enter, like Zhuang Rui and Song Jun’s invitation letter, is issued by the Myanmar Jewelry Association, Qin Haoran couple is invited by the Myanmar Jewelry Trading Company, as to where Fatty Ma got it from, they do not know.

Behind these buses, there were also some vehicles parked, which were the cars of the local Burmese emerald trading companies, coming to bring their customers into the venue.

“Zhuang Rui. Mr. Song, let’s go in this car!”

Someone also came to greet Qin Haoran and the others, the other party drove a small Chinese bus, Qin Haoran greeted Song Jun and the others, they all got on this Chinese bus, although the air conditioner inside had a very average cooling effect, but it was a lot better than the bus that had hot air coming from all sides.

After the bus and other people get on the bus, it started, and did not and the back of the bus peer, the public market place, is located in Yangon more than 50 kilometers away, and Zhuang Rui and other people live in the hotel just the opposite of the city of Yangon to go through to reach.

Yesterday, Zhuang Rui and others went to the Great Pagoda, also in Yangon city edge, sitting in the bus, Zhuang Rui this is the first time so close to observe Yangon this exotic scenery.

Yangon looks like a huge park, inside the city, there are plants, flowers and pagodas everywhere, bare left shoulder, wearing red robes of monks walking barefoot in the street, in their armpits, are clamped with a brown-red oil-paper umbrella, from time to time to the street side of the people greeted.

And the buildings in Yangon city, obviously has the style left over from the colonial era, the dark red roofs, is a typical British architecture. The moss-covered roofs of Hindu temples studded with statues of various deities, the roofs of four-sided boxes invented by modern civilization, pagodas, churches, pigeons frolicking in the sky.

All the cars that drove through the streets looked like they had been driven out of a junkyard, most of them rusted, due to the western blockade it was difficult to import cars into Myanmar, many of them were from the Nay Win era, vintage cars, jeeps and old British designed Indian made buses abounded.

Compared to this, the cabs Zhuang Rui took when they arrived yesterday can be considered new cars.

And what made Zhuang Rui feel the most rare is that on both sides of the road, there were actually many open-air bathrooms, just separated from the street by a wall, a group of women wrapped in skirts, Zhuang Rui sat in the car and could cleanly see some plump shoulders and arms exposed from the head of the wall.

The driver’s eyes seem to be intentionally or unintentionally aiming that way, the car drove very slowly, and even can hear them with a wooden bucket to the body “clattering” pouring the sound of water, and loud laughter, those who have finished the bath of the women, but surrounded by a towel on the side of the road. Hand wringing hair, snow white thighs and full breasts, almost all revealed.

Fortunately Zhuang Rui is sitting in the back row, otherwise his gaze, will certainly be mother-in-law to capture, just stole a glance forward, found that Qin Haoran is staring intently at the front of the car, Zhuang Rui heart admiration, just that he does not know, his mother-in-law’s small hand, is covertly pinching her husband’s waist of the soft meat it!

After the car drove out of Yangon city, it began to accelerate, only this car is also some years old, the speed is not fast, according to the driver’s statement, to the jadeite public disk there, it will take an hour.

“Jun, this trading jadeite place, why is it called public disk ah?”

Zhuang Rui was a little bored, chatting with Fatty Ma and others in the car, every day, I heard this word, but Zhuang Rui really do not know the meaning of the public disk.

“You kid, you don’t even know this, just run to bet on the stone ah! This public disk is …… is ……”

“Come on Jun, you’re sticking an onion in a pig’s nose – pretending to be an elephant!”

Fatty Ma sniffed first taunted Zhuang Rui, just his turn to explain, the buddy also scratched his head, stammered and said no, dare I say is also a half-hanging man.

“Oh, the public market is that the seller is ready to trade items, in the market for the public, let the industry or the market according to the quality of the items, commented on the market recognized the lowest transaction price, and then by the buyers in the price of the basis of bidding. But the locals are the ones who call the jadeite public market ‘MCC’ whereas on the mainland side of Pingzhou, it’s called ‘Jadeite Mark Mockery’.”

Qin Haoran, who was sitting in front of him, laughed and spoke out to teach Zhuang Rui and the others a lesson, and he explained the origins of the Myanmar Jadeite Grand Prix to the development, all in detail, to the crowd.

Burma’s earliest jadeite fair, but also dating back to 1962, that is in the military takeover of power in Burma, in order to plug the loss of taxes, so that the scarcity of jadeite jade resources for the country to create more foreign exchange income, in March 1964 began to hold the jadeite jade wool fair.

Qin Haoran also added a special point, the jadeite public disk on the valuation of the wool, are only by the industry or the market public negotiation of its bottom price, without the need for special identification of the item, because some of the dark labeling, there is no way to make a valuation of it, can only be by the owner of the wool own price tag.

Myanmar’s “Jewelry Law” stipulates that all jadeite raw materials extracted from the mining area must be gathered in Yangon for classification, grading, numbering and marking the reserve price. Every year, on a regular or irregular basis, the world’s jewelry merchants are invited to go to Yangon to evaluate and bid on these raw materials, and whoever offers the highest price can buy it.

Developed to today, Myanmar’s jadeite fair, has been quite formal, and the same as the fair on the continent, are divided into open bidding and dark bidding two ways to carry out, of course, the fair on the continent that are completely copied from the practice of the Myanmar fair.

Businessmen in the bidding list fill out the organizing committee issued to the bidder’s number, the bidder’s name, the bidding wool number and bidding price, it will be put into the bidding box labeled with the wool number, because the bidding businessmen do not know each other to bid on the bidding for the bidding for the bidding and bidding price, so it is called the “dark bidding”.

This is a little different from the Pingzhou public market, the Pingzhou public market is all unified in the dark bid, the opening of the bidding statistics is very troublesome, as opposed to the Myanmar public market a piece of wool in a bidding box, the opening of the bidding will be much more convenient.

When unveiling the bidding, according to the wool number publicly announced the winning bidder and the bid price, each time the public disk of jadeite jade wool, dark bidding wool to account for more than 4/5, can be said to be the main way to sell wool.

Explicit bidding is naturally the live auction, wool merchants are all concentrated in the trading hall, the public disk staff every announced a wool number, by the bidding merchants on the spot for rounds of bidding, whoever presents the highest bidding price, who will be the winning bidder.

“By the way, Zhuang Rui, if you vote for the winning bid, it is best to pay for the procedures at that time, the organizing committee on-site for its free customs clearance, transportation procedures or permitted to sell, processing certificate, this can save a lot of things.”

Qin Haoran introduced some of the circumstances of the public market, especially account for the crowd after the winning bid, the winning bidder did not pay the price of the wool on the spot, only with the organizing committee to sign the “winning contract”, and do not have to deliver any deposit, but the winning bidder must be within three months to the organizing committee designated by the winning bidding money remitted to the bank account in Myanmar, the organizing committee for its full free customs clearance, transportation and other matters.

Of course, small pieces of wool can be taken with you, and the certificate issued by the organizing committee can be used for customs clearance.

The organizing committee for the winning wool traders to establish a special file, for their participation in the public market again, preferential treatment for admission procedures, a bit like VIP treatment.

And if the wool traders win the bidding, the bid evasion behavior, the punishment is also quite severe, the organizing committee will be given an indefinite (Myanmar) or 10 years (foreign nationals) to cancel the qualification of their participation in the fair, foreign traders are even limited to five years of entry qualification.

Along with the crowd’s conversation, the car also drove to Myanmar this jade fair held in Myanmar: Myanmar National Jewelry and Jade Trading Center, Zhuang Rui and others have stepped out of the car. Look at this like a military camp more like a place to buy and sell jadeite.

Because at the entrance of this fair, not only were there soldiers with loaded guns, there was even an armored vehicle parked, and outside of the fence that was built with steel structure, a team of soldiers were patrolling, which was preventing someone from scaling the wall and entering.

“Go! This will be less people, grasp to do the entrance card ……” Qin Haoran off the car went straight to the window of the entrance of the public disk, Zhuang Rui some don’t know why, is not an invitation letter well, how to do the entrance card?

“Your kid really do not understand anything, that is called a deposit, buy something to escape the standard, the money is not refundable, if you did not buy, it will be refunded to your designated account …….”

Fatty Ma is aware of this, proudly to Zhuang Rui boasted for a while, shaking that fat body also ran over, if the bus will arrive, then there will be squeezed.

“Shit, ten thousand? Or euros? You ask the dollar can not?”

Zhuang Rui heard the temporary translator Peng Fei words, some speechless, he did not have the euro, the check for that is also the dollar, this organizing committee do not know what madness, obviously the dollar in Myanmar is hard currency, have to take the euro to trade.

Fortunately, the dollar can also be paid in accordance with the exchange rate, after filling out a personal information form to pay the money, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei respectively received a pass that can be hung around the neck, there is a set of numbers, they enter the field after the bidding, you need to write their own number on the pass.

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