Chapter 0444 – Explicit Bidding (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:19:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The venue of Myanmar Jewelry and Jade Trading Center. Than the Pingzhou gambling venue to be mostly, in the range of tens of thousands of square meters, all are used as a trading jadeite raw stone, at this time the venue in addition to the staff, the wool businessmen from abroad, Zhuang Rui only a few people, it seems to be very empty.

“Zhuang Rui, the time of this public disk is nine o’clock in the morning to five o’clock in the afternoon, once the time arrives, will immediately clear the field, let’s look at the wool separately! Don’t delay.”

While Zhuang Rui was still looking around, Qin Haoran had already led the gambling consultants towards the rows and rows of neatly stacked jadeite materials.

Due to the lack of raw materials, Qin’s jewelry a processing plant, now have stopped working, not only them, many jewelry companies in raw materials, are a little difficult to sustain, counting on some of the raw materials from this jadeite public market it!

To know, in ancient times, or time a little more recent, a few decades ago, are hand-mined emerald cave, each year only mined only a single-digit number of superb emerald stones, now using high-tech equipment, a mountain half a year will be able to flatten it.

The world’s only jadeite produced in Myanmar, and mainly concentrated in the northeast of Myanmar Myitkyina region is about 150 kilometers long, about 30 kilometers wide range. The formation of each piece of jadeite, need extremely harsh natural conditions and at least 200 million years, jadeite can only get more expensive.

There have been statistics that the amount of jadeite mined in a year now is as much as in the past three hundred years, and according to this trend, I’m afraid that within the next fifteen years, jadeite mines will be depleted or even extinct in Burma.

If this is the case, then the Chinese jewelers, is a disaster, because the domestic purchase of jadeite luxury goods as a collection of the crowd is growing day by day.

Zhuang Rui once read a jade association to provide information, the surface of the above, although jadeite produced in Burma, but the market is in China, every year Burma mined out of jadeite raw stone, 90% of them are bought by Chinese mainland buyers, 80% of the raw materials in the Chinese mainland processing sales, China has become the world’s major high-grade jadeite consumer market.

From the early eighties to now, China’s jewelry industry has been unprecedented development, the output value from 100 million to nearly 100 billion. The price of jadeite, which has doubled by as much as 300 times, has become the mainstay of the jewelry market, a huge piece of cake that everyone is salivating over.

Hong Kong’s jewelry companies have seen the domestic market demand, because of the gradual depletion of resources in the Burmese mines, including Qin’s Jewelry, including the famous jewelry companies, have taken out decades ago the collection level of mid-range and high-grade Jadeite, back to the mainland, in order to deal with the hot situation in the mainland market. Just this behavior is tantamount to drinking hemlock to quench thirst, Qin’s jewelry, although relying on the accumulation of decades of raw material inventory, in the mainland to seize a lot of market, but the inventory of raw materials is also very little left, resulting in a processing plant in Guangdong shut down, if this time and then unable to buy jadeite raw materials, I’m afraid that the original occupation of the market share, will be lost.

Now the product sales, pay attention to is the channel for the king, if opened in the mainland dozens of jewelry stores therefore rather go customer base, for Qin’s jewelry. That will be a fatal blow.

This time the Qin family old man, is also the treasure bet on the Myanmar jadeite fair, mobilized the family all the cash, a total of nearly 100 million euros, all by Qin Haoran brought to Myanmar, can be said to be a desperate gamble, so Qin Haoran entered to the gambling venue, immediately rushed to take the gambling consultants to see the woolen material to go.

Standing at the entrance of the venue to look around, that hundreds of thousands of woolen materials next to, are placed a small red bid box, and in the bid box side, there is a glass pull box, inside is the bid sheet, if you fancy a piece of material, directly can take over the bid sheet, fill in the woolen materials and their own admission card on the number, thrown into the bid box can be.

However, there is a point to note, that is, when you fill out the bid sheet, you must account for the exchange rate between the euro and the yuan, or you will suffer a big loss, just now Qin Haoran had said, many mainlanders to the stone gambling, is because when filling out the bid sheet, the euro into the heart of the calculation of the yuan figures, and finally had to leave the scene in tears, and ten years can not be re-entered into the place.

Last year, a person had a good look at a piece of wool, the piece of wool base price is 100,000 euros, that person thinks about 300,000 euros, should be able to get down. In his mind, it was about three million yuan, so he wrote a figure of three million on his hand.

Waiting for a week after the opening of the bidding, his three million is naturally the wool shot to the hand, just need to pay, but the euro, that person is crying ah! Finally can only be self-confessed bad luck, sadly left, and the entrance is ten thousand euros deposit, is also hit the water.

“Zhuang old brother, go shopping together?”

Fatty Ma and Song Jun came here, is also a little blind, the large site, full of emerald raw materials, half gambling and full gambling material countless, in the sky under the hot sunlight, the surface of those with green emerald, emit attractive luster.

“Two old brothers, feel free to look! So many materials, not to mention 10 days, is a month to see not play, chance it!”

Zhuang Rui did not want to join the two, these two are familiar with him, especially Fatty Ma, that pair of eyes is also poisonous enough, his own observation of the speed of the wool into his eyes, may be he will see what the clues to.

“Whatever, but Zhuang old brother, if there is a good feeling, and you can not eat the material, but to give us a brother and sister to say hello ah!”

Fatty Ma didn’t force himself. He and Song Jun are not short of money, to come here is more in order to find excitement, the reason why this gambling stone attracts people, all in a gambling word, that when deciphering the stone of a knife heaven and a knife of the hell of the thrill, enough to let these two idle egg pain big brother, blood chilled heartbeat accelerated.

Waiting for Fatty Ma and Song Jun with bodyguards left, Zhuang Rui did not rush to look at the wool, but flipped through the hands of the venue guide, which is free to receive when entering the venue, above the Chinese, Myanmar and English three kinds of text notes.

From this guide Zhuang Rui learned that the entire venue is also divided into two areas, ninety-five percent of the venue, are used for the placement of dark labeled wool, only five percent of the place, is the open betting area, visible between the two ratios is how disparate.

According to the guidebook, the open bidding of the bright material, or the live auction, will be held once a day, unlike the dark bidding must wait until a week later, Zhuang Rui intends to go to the bright bidding area to take a look, if there is a suitable material will be noted down, open bidding to see if it can be photographed on a piece.

“Brother Zhuang, where are we going?”

Peng Fei saw Zhuang Rui flipping through the guidebook in his hand and then lifted his foot to go in a direction, he hurriedly followed him, he knew nothing about gambling, this time he was regretting it, if he had known earlier, he would have been better off to go and prepare the equipment for the trip to the Myitkyina region.

Zhuang Rui smiled and replied, “Going to see the open bid, Peng Fei, there will be a good show in the afternoon.”

The two of them walked for seven or eight minutes before they passed through the dark bidding area and came to a corner of the venue, where there were no more of those obvious bidding boxes next to the wool on the ground, and it was in addition to the gun-toting military personnel who stood in the distance. The entire venue was just Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei.

“Peng Fei, there are chairs over there, go rest! Call out to me when it’s noon ……”

Zhuang Rui gave Peng Fei a greeting, took a pen and a book, and carrying the backpack that contained a magnifying glass, a small brush and other things, he walked into the bright labeling area.

Although the number of bright label is not much, but that is also relative, compared to the market in Pingzhou, I am afraid that there is no less than the number of dark label, full of tens of thousands of pieces of wool, neatly stacked on the ground, each piece of emerald wool conspicuous place, are written with its number.

Taking advantage of this will be less people, no one noticed himself, Zhuang Rui walked into the bright label area, even after the waist did not bend, directly release the aura, a piece of exploration up, he did not go to check the wool in the nuances of the material, just simply to sense the existence of aura inside, if not, he will not even stop the footsteps.

Just a few minutes of time, Zhuang Rui walked into more than ten meters, because of the placement of wool, is on both sides of the road on each side of a row, so Zhuang Rui also looks like swinging his head from side to side, his action if others see, will certainly think that this is which rich sightseer, mixed in to see the fun.

“Damn, could it be that the jadeite raw stone here, are exported to domestic sales from Pingzhou to transport?”

Zhuang Rui this minute, looked at hundreds of pieces of wool, but found that these bright labeled wool, inside basically no emerald, even if the cut surface with green, inside the performance is also a mess of shit, let Zhuang Rui disappointed beyond measure.

Myanmar public disk in fact and the same as the flat continent, are the performance of the material is not good, thrown to the open standard area to, to put it badly, some jadeite mine owners simply will be all the performance of jadeite large stone to throw in, can not help but thirst for emerald raw materials of people, may be able to sell out it!

Zhuang Rui and looked at more than half an hour, has walked into this piece of bright standard area more than thirty meters away, but let him fancy two pieces of material, although the texture of the general, but inside the green, the production of a number of low-grade jewelry or can be, Zhuang Rui will be the two pieces of woolen material number, are remembered in the book.

“Huh?” When Zhuang Rui’s eyes inadvertently swept over a piece of wool, he stood still, because he felt that the oval-shaped piece of wool under his feet contained an extremely rich spiritual qi.

“Big Brother Zhuang, you’re here too?”

Just as Zhuang Rui wanted to crouch down and take a closer look, a greeting suddenly came to his ears, and when he looked up, it was Yang Hao and a few middle-aged men, who had also walked into the open bidding area.

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