Chapter 0446 – Ming Bid (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:19:25
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Your Uncle Qin is looking at the dark bids, while Master Li and I are looking at the open bids. Our company now has a few pieces of high-grade jade, but the low and medium-grade ones are almost out of stock, so we’re counting on this public disk to buy some raw materials to go back.”

Fang Yi already regarded Zhuang Rui as her son-in-law in her heart, and after exiting from the crowd, she frowned and gave Zhuang Rui a brief account of Qin’s Jewelry’s current situation.

Qin’s Jewelry looked to be bringing in a lot of money this time, but this Myanmar public market was destined to make everyone go crazy, because last year’s turnover of three billion RMB had come about when the Myanmar government hadn’t yet enacted that piece of news.

“Auntie Fang, don’t be anxious, the jadeite market lacks raw materials, also not our family, maybe this time we can find some good materials back!”

Zhuang Rui saw his mother-in-law’s sad face, spoke out to comfort her, thinking in his heart, is it possible to slightly give them some guidance? After all, the dowry given by Master Qin is rich enough, Beijing Qin Ruilin even store with goods, that is hundreds of millions of ah!

“Right, Xiaorui, I forgot that you also know jadeite. Come to see how this piece of material?”

Fang Yi suddenly remembered, last year’s Pingzhou jadeite public auction’s bidder, but his son-in-law-to-be, the level shouldn’t be worse than the company’s hired gambling consultant!

“Okay, I’ll take a look first ……”

Zhuang Rui also did not pretend, from the side of Fang Yi walked past, and originally surrounded by that piece of wool next to the people, also have to make way, Zhuang Rui’s status in the gambling circle, that is the real knife cut stone cut out, more than what are persuasive.

“Well? Is a piece of red Fei material?”

Walked to the side of the piece of wool, Zhuang Rui frowned, this piece of wool volume is not small, should have five or six hundred pounds of weight, counted as a large jadeite raw stone, and the outer skin has a shell, that is to say, it is the old pit kind of material, in the side of the wool there is a rubbing, not out of the Fei Fei, but but rubbed out the red mist, inside the red Fei Fei out of the chances of a fairly large.

Zhuang Rui some do not understand, according to reason, the performance of this piece of material, than their own interpretation of blood jade red Fei that piece of material to be many times better, why will be placed in the open bidding area, and look around the color of these people seem to be interested in this piece of red Fei giant.

Zhuang Rui do not know, to say this thing, but also have to blame him, since he took out those icy red Fei in Beijing Qin Ruilin sales, led to the jadeite multi-color market, not only red Fei jewelry, even yellow Fei, blue Fei, and purple emerald, have been welcomed by consumers, including the price of colorless jadeite jewelry has always been low, the price of jadeite have quadrupled.

“Boss Zhuang, what do you think of this piece of material?” A familiar voice rang in Zhuang Rui’s ears.

“Aigoo, Boss Han, you are an old-timer, this when I ask you ah! Look at the performance of this material, seems good ah! How could it be placed in the open bidding area?”

Zhuang Rui really do not understand, simply asked out, he did not have the movie that “high man” style, Zhuang Rui’s own heart, or feel that he is a rookie only.

“Oh. Zhuang boss, you turn around and look ……”

Zhuang Rui sniffed and walked to the back of the piece of wool, his eyes couldn’t help but squint, he sort of understood why this piece of raw stone was placed here.

In the back of this giant piece of wool, from the top down, cracked a full more than a hundred centimeters of cracked locks, almost from the head to the feet, through the whole piece of raw stone.

Jade is the most taboo is cracked locks, cracked locks too much, will greatly affect the value of jadeite, no cracked locks of the original stone is relatively small, but this cracked locks, is also divided into several kinds, does not mean that there is a cracked locks, inside the jadeite will definitely be ruined.

The most common is to clip the skin locks, is in the jadeite raw stone, you can see the deep cracks, openings have obvious rust or other colorful material, such locks, just use the hammer to gently knock a few times, can be shocked open, this kind of locks will not affect the internal structure of the jadeite.

In the green or other color of the edge, according to the color of the direction of the orderly growth of cracked locks called with flower locks, and in the original stone only see a water line or no trace, but very obvious after the unraveling of the locks, this lock is called the invisible locks, the harm to the emerald is more harmful, often referred to as betting on the cracks, gambling is generally the two kinds of.

Above said several kinds of cracked jade. Are available to bet, but if you encountered the evil locks, that is, everyone avoids it, the so-called evil locks, is the surface of the original stone, you can see the obvious cracks, and a large area of stretching, some of the evil locks, you can see infiltration into the various colors of impurities.

This piece of red Fei is so, the curved like a stream of bad locks, the extension can be seen with the naked eye, maroon and black and white crystals, mixed together, even if you take a strong flashlight irradiation, can not see clearly inside the situation.

This kind of performance of the raw stone, look at the eyes of the old jade gambler, that is, betting on a loss of nine, that is to say, only 10% of the winning side, but there are 90% will be betting on the collapse.

As the saying goes, hearing is believing and seeing is believing, Zhuang Rui also experienced a lot of stone gambling, was said to be the waste of the original stone, he has been solved out of the glass species to. Naturally, you need to use the aura to check out some, only to feel at ease.

Along with the skein, Zhuang Rui’s aura can not help but extend inward, into almost thirty centimeters, the skein still exists, in the stone interior, full of pink crystal particles, but no sign of red Fei.

Just when Zhuang Rui wanted to put away the aura, eyes bright, in the stone on the other side of the rub mouth ten centimeters, finally appeared a touch of red light. “Glass seed!” Zhuang Rui’s heart stirred up, this is the second time he looked at the material of the Ta Kan wood field, did not expect to see the glass seed again.

Just in Zhuang Rui continue to check down, the heart can not help but some disappointment, that should have more than thirty kilograms of red Fei, the color is slightly lighter, and chicken blood red is not the same, that is a kind of petal red color, although the seed water is good, but in terms of value, it is to be worse than the blood jade bracelet many times.

And this piece of material does not have ice and other textures derived from jadeite, on the lone piece, Zhuang Rui in the heart of the estimate, this jadeite although do not do blood jade bracelet, but only by its texture of the glass seed, a bracelet to sell a million or two million not a problem.

More than thirty kilograms, but also all together into a ball, pull out seventy or eighty bracelets should not be a problem, plus the rest of the hollowed out of the broken material, its value is definitely beyond 150 million above.

With this piece of wool, plus just looked at that piece of ice material, if they can take it, their own Qin Ruilin, in the next few years are not a lack of medium and high grade jadeite jewelry, then as long as the bet on a few pieces of oil green ground and so on the low-grade emerald, handed over to the Qin’s Jewelry on behalf of the processing of a little bit, will be able to completely solve the problem of the source of goods.

“Alas, ten cracks nine collapsed, this material is not a big gamble, it is simply not gambleable.”

Although he was ecstatic in his heart, when Zhuang Rui circled back to the people, he had a heavy face and opened his mouth to sentence this piece of wool to death.

“Auntie Fang, I just saw a piece of material that is good, let’s go over and take a look!”

Zhuang Rui had already memorized a set of numbers in his head as he turned back. No. 5220, he has already made up his mind, spelled out all the money brought this time, but also to take this piece of wool, just this number is a little back, it is estimated that today and tomorrow is not the turn to auction it, it seems that in the future, every day, open bidding auction, they will have to come to turn around, otherwise it will be snatched by someone else, then it will be a big loss.

The crowd heard Zhuang Rui so, also scattered, of course, there are not dead heart, Xu Zhendong took a small bright flashlight, in the wool behind the pondering half a day, and finally also shook his head, a face of disappointment left.

“Zhuang Rui, that piece of material is really no betting?”

Fang Yi knew jadeite, but didn’t know how to gamble, she didn’t understand why Zhuang Rui was so sure.

“Mrs. Qin, that’s an evil lock, even if there is jadeite inside, it’s all been destroyed, it’s not worth a few dollars.”

Without waiting for Zhuang Rui to reply, the Master Li beside her spoke up to answer, Fang Yi nodded her head as if she understood, looking at the watch it was already more than twelve o’clock in the afternoon, she hurriedly contacted Qin Haoran, and asked to go to dinner together.

There is that Master Li on the side, Zhuang Rui also did not speak out to explain.

In the afternoon, the people and separated, the venue is too much wool, crowded together to see, not as good as the division of the region, the valuable wool are counted, and then go back to slowly analyze, after all, every day to observe the wool of time, just from nine o’clock in the morning to five o’clock in the afternoon only, just eight hours, to see how much material ah!

To the afternoon, the venue more people, according to Qin Haoran’s statement, the public disk, estimated that there is a record three thousand people into the field, and in the first few years of the jadeite disk, there can be more than a thousand people are not good enough.

Zhuang Rui has seen the bright bidding area numbered after 5000 material, due to that piece of giant red Fei material from the bright bidding area entrance is relatively close, also attracted a lot of people, just after checking, are left with a sigh of relief.

The most crowded place in the bright bidding area is the raw stone numbered in the first 2000, which is also the 2000 raw stone to be auctioned today, the auction will be held at three o’clock in the afternoon, with the passage of time, all the people are holding their breath, waiting for the auction to start, to take the material that they fancy.

The auction was not held at the gambling site, but inside an auditorium of the Jade Trading Center, this auditorium, which covers a not-so-small area, was separated into ten auction halls, and on the wall of each auction hall, there was a huge display screen, which was now constantly scrolling the number of the jade stone to be auctioned below.

Every two hundred pieces of raw stone, for an auction area, Zhuang Rui fancy that piece of ice material is one hundred and twenty-nine, naturally divided in the first auction site, after showing their own admission card and registration, Zhuang Rui received a number plate, sat in the middle of the row of chairs.

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