Chapter 0447 – The Explicit Marker (IV)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:19:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Hey, that gentleman. Please take your seat according to your marked sign ……”

Zhuang Rui had just sat down when he was greeted by someone, and a staff member who spoke fluent Chinese walked over.

“Not just any seat?”

Zhuang Rui froze, in Pingzhou that will be but go early there is a position, go late will only be able to stand, so Zhuang Rui has always been on this side of the waiting, but did not think that also have to be seated in the right number.

“Of course can not just sit, we here each auction hall, can only accommodate 100 people to participate in the auction, come late and did not apply to the label plate, can not participate.”

The staff looked at Zhuang Rui’s number plate, and then led him to the front of the first row of chairs, Zhuang Rui’s number plate is 8, is considered to be the earliest batch of people to enter into the auction hall.

“Shit, there’s still this kind of argument?”

Zhuang Rui was depressed in his heart, it seems that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow at three o’clock, must calculate the auction site of that giant red jadeite, and then go to apply for the marking plate, otherwise even the auction qualification is not there, then it would be a loss.

In fact, this Myanmar Jade Trading Center is considered to be one of the more luxurious buildings in Myanmar. A large venue, large enough to accommodate thousands of people in a large auditorium, and the cold air is turned on sufficiently, completely without that dry and hot feeling outside.

“Uh, what is this?”

After Zhuang Rui sat down in the front row, he found that at the handle of the chair, there was a similar swipe card machine-like item placed, there was an electronic screen, and there was a 1 to 10 button on the panel, and the handle of the chair beside him was also specially made, there was a snap that could fix the object.

“Hey, Brother Zhuang, you don’t even know this, and you come to the auction house?”

Behind Zhuang Rui suddenly remembered Yang Hao’s laughter, turned around and looked, Yang Hao and his uncle happened to be sitting in the row behind him, the thing that was stuck on the handle, was holding it in his hand and playing with it, Zhuang Rui looked around, and only then did he realize that there was a piece of this thing at every seat.

“Elder brother Yang, what is this thing for? What’s the function?”

Zhuang Rui quickly asked, in case the auction will start later, he is still confused, if that piece of ice seed material is snatched away, then it will be a wrongful death.

Yang Hao hemmed and hawed, raised a pamphlet in his hand, and said, “Brother Zhuang, just now, when you received the number plate, you gave a pamphlet like this, right? You’ll understand if you look at it.”

“Hm? It’s really ……”

Zhuang Rui just thought that stuffed to their own and what is the publicity information and other things, then casually put that pamphlet into the handbag to go, this will be rummage out after seeing that pamphlet cover, written in several languages, “Auction Instructions” four words.

“Really quite advanced ah!”

After Zhuang Rui read the booklet that only two pieces of paper, can’t help but sigh a sentence, dare to send their own number plate, is used for the number of seats, is not like a movie staged or their own previous participation in the auction, raise their hands and call the price of the.

Zhuang Rui did not understand that thing, called the bidder, the process of the open-bid auction, counting on the hand of the bidder, which is the Myanmar side, specially for the open-bid auction, developed and designed abroad a set of electronic programs.

When the open bidding begins. In the auction hall of the electronic screen, will appear 1 to 2000 wool labeling, yes, is 1 to 2000, rather than Zhuang Rui thought, each auction hall can only auction that two hundred pieces of wool, as long as in 10 auction hall, can go to shoot all the open auction of wool.

That is to say, Zhuang Rui does not necessarily have to sit in the first auction hall, even if you come late, as long as the people applying for the auction, not full of 1000 people, have the opportunity to participate in the auction, and in previous years to participate in the open market in Myanmar, but is more than 1000 people, basically will not appear position is not enough of these problems.

After the start of the auction, under each number that appears on the big screen, the reserve price of the piece of raw material will appear.

If you fancy which piece of raw stone, you can first in the hands of the bidder to enter the bid number, and then press the space bar, and then enter the amount you want to vote, the number on the big screen, will immediately change with your operation, the amount shown on the big screen, always the highest offer.

In this way, there is no need for the auctioneer to bother to say anything at all, the people here can see the changes in the betting, and can decide whether or not to raise the price according to their own needs.

In this booklet of auction instructions also focuses on one point, that is, all the raw stone wool, auction time is two hours, that is, from three o’clock in the afternoon to five o’clock, if this time within the wool no one quotes, that is tantamount to abortive auction, if there is someone quotes, the winning bidder for the time cut off when the highest offer of that person.

It is important to mention that all the wool that was not auctioned, after a week, there will be another auction, some people who did not have the time to bid, or at first do not look favorably, and then want to buy, there is still a chance.

All the bidders, are connected to the computer, if you win the bidding, the computer side will be counted immediately, when the auction is all over, you can rely on their own that number plate, go to pay and pick up the wool, you can also deal with the site consignment.

Of course. If you want to live deciphering, the organizing committee is also very welcome, will provide you with a full set of deciphering tools, after all, live deciphering will drive the desire to buy, especially in the case of betting on the rise of the situation.

After reading the booklet, Zhuang Rui heart only suddenly realized, just now he was thinking, this each auction hall has two hundred pieces of wool, if it is artificial to a piece of auction words, even if it is three minutes to auction a piece to, then the time needed to spend. It will take 600 minutes, 10 hours.

And the General Assembly set the open auction time, only every day from three to five o’clock in the afternoon, the only way to use this auction, it is possible to all of the wool to shoot out.

Originally Zhuang Rui thought of this separated into ten auction hall, is to speed up the speed of the auction, now it seems, may be in order to facilitate the bidding for the sake of thinking, after all, more than a thousand people are sitting together, it is estimated that the back of even the screen bidding to be unable to see.

“This method is good ……”

After reading the booklet, Zhuang Rui nodded, wait for their own eyes on the 129th bid on the line, and this also has a tricky place, is the beginning does not need to bet on the price increase, as long as waiting for the bidding time is about to end when the price of the input is higher than the next person on the line.

Of course, this idea is not Zhuang Rui a person, all of these wool merchants here, playing is this idea, this is to see when who’s hand is fast, who put out the highest reserve price, it is estimated that those who are optimistic about the wool, in the last moment, maybe at the same time there will be a few hundred people offer.

If you want to shoot a few pieces of wool at the same time, all eat at the last minute, you can only apply for a few more number plates, let others help, but over to Myanmar will not be a person, like Qin Haoran they, before, are a clear division of labor, this problem is also very good to solve.

Just as Zhuang Rui just finished reading the auction instructions, a not tall, somewhat thin-looking middle-aged man, under the guidance of the staff at the scene, came to the first hall, walked straight to that screen below the chief stage and sat down. Opened his mouth and said, “My name is Hu Rong, this jade bidding will be open bid auction, by me to do supervision, now the auction starts, please pay attention to the auction price and their own bids, thank you ……”

The man called Hu Rong, first said the above words in Burmese, and then narrated it once more in Chinese and English respectively, his speech was very clean, through the loudspeaker, Hu Rong’s voice spread throughout the auction hall.

When his words fell, the big screen above the head, quickly flashed, 1 to 2000 white numbers densely appeared on the top, corresponding to the number below, is a very obvious red reserve price, Zhuang Rui a glance at the 129th bid, the reserve price is 20,000 euros.

“I didn’t realize it was Master Hu who came to do the supervision, the face of this conference is really not small ……”

Zhuang Rui was about to take a look at a few other bids that he had noticed when Yang Hao’s muttering sounded behind him.

“Yang Hao, who is Master Hu? The one sitting in front?”

Zhuang Rui listened to some puzzled, that middle-aged man looks very unremarkable, about forty years old or so age, face some show old, wearing an ancient Chinese traditional thin silk brown short coat, in short, Zhuang Rui is unable to see that person where there is a trace of the master’s demeanor to.

The auction has just begun, everyone is very relaxed, for this auction, the last few minutes is the moment of the bayonet, so even if the people look favorably at the wool, but also will not hastily bid, that will only lead to other people’s attention, the loss is not worth the gain, is Zhuang Rui back to ask Yang Hao a sentence.

“Brother Zhuang, that person is not simple, he is in Myanmar Chinese, in the world of jade jewelry circle, are big amount level characters, I have seen his picture, I did not expect to see him here ……”

When Yang Hao talked about that person, his look was very respectful, Zhuang Rui knew that for the Chaozhou people, the people they respect, there are roughly two kinds of people, one is richer than themselves, the other is a great achievement, and very hard-working people, because the Chaozhou people can be called by foreigners as the Jews of China, by virtue of the toughness and the ability to work hard.

Along with Yang Hao’s narration, Zhuang Rui’s face also gradually stared up, this Burmese Chinese called Hu Rong, is really not simple.

Hu Rong is not only the richest Chinese billionaire in Burma, but also a famous jadeite designer, a designer rather than a designer, which is why Yang Hao called him a master.

In addition Hu Rong also has an unusual identity that makes Zhuang Rui staggered when he hears it, that is, he himself is the owner of 18 jadeite pits in Myanmar.

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