Chapter 0448 – Clear Label (V)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:19:30
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Jadeite and nephrite, although both are a type of jade. And produced from the domestic nephrite such as Hetian jade and other varieties, should be considered the big brother, in the past dynasties in China, are highly valued, and even the emperor’s imperial seal, are nephrite carved out.

But in modern times, especially from the early eighties since the reform and opening up, jadeite prices soared, in order to make people dazzling speed, in just two decades, the price of hundreds of times more, now the market price of the best jadeite jewelry, has been far more than nephrite jewelry.

Zhuang Rui but has a Hetian jade mine, real estate is more than five hundred million, and that Hu Rong, sitting on eighteen jadeite pits, this will be a fortune of how big ah! Even if all are new pits, its value is also immeasurable.

Previously Zhuang Rui once read a special report on the world’s invisible rich article, that said, like Bill Gates, the so-called world’s richest man. In fact, a bit of a misnomer, because most of his money is in the stock market, not to mention cash out, is to sell a part of the shares, may cause panic, so that its assets have shrunk significantly.

Not to mention the ups and downs of the stock market. Otherwise, on the Forbes rich list published every year, those who ranked in the top few positions would have fluctuations of tens of billions of dollars in their wealth!

That report said, the world’s truly richest people, should come from the Arabian royal family or the Brunei royal family, these two places, they have one thing in common, that is, these people are resource tycoons, they monopolize a country’s resources, and will not have up and down fluctuations like the stock market, because what they have, is a non-renewable resource, no matter at what time, are extremely precious.

And Hu Rong is the same, in the jadeite jade mine gradually depleted today, he can have 18 pits, its own wealth, with the rich to describe, not too much.

Of course, these riches are not Hu Rong one person to create, he was born in Myanmar’s largest jadeite mining area of Pachang Chinese family, from his great-grandfather’s generation that his family began to engage in jadeite mining and trading of raw stone, operating in northern Myanmar for hundreds of years, the Hu family, has 18 jadeite pits.

Like many Burmese children, Hu Rong’s education began in the temple, at the age of 9, he was sent to the temple to become a monk, to the age of 15 to return home, he then went to the Burmese city of Wa, “Golden Palace Monastery” meditation, learning Buddhism.

In 1983, Hlaing enrolled at the University of Wa, where he majored in mineralogy and philosophy. From 1985, Hu Rong, as an adult, began to take over the family business, trading jadeite, ruby and sapphire stones between Myanmar and Thailand, and at the same time began to learn gem cutting techniques and jewelry design.

The reason why Hu Rong has a significant position in the jadeite industry is not only because he owns 18 jadeite pits, but also because he himself is an outstanding jadeite designer and sculptor, who designed a piece of artwork, “Roots and Streams,” which was once called by Qin Xiaoyi, the director of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, as “ethereal, strange, and unprecedented. Strange, never seen in ancient times.”

A lot of attention to the collection of friends know. The National Palace Museum of Taiwan’s treasure “Jade Cabbage” was originally the dowry of the Qing Dynasty Emperor Guangxu’s Jinfei, it is a piece of half-white and half-green jade as the raw material, carved out of vivid enough to mess with the real cabbage, the leaves have two small insects, a katydid, a locust.

And Hu Rong’s piece of three-color jadeite carving into the dead lotus carved from the “root of the wind flow” presents a piece of embroidery network, veins divergent but staggered, thin net-like leaf veins, curling inward wrapped up, showing the quiet and elegant posture, there is also a pick carved out of the lotus leaves of the Golden Turtle, the work is not only full of poetry, but also a unique style of high purity and wantonness! The work is not only full of poetry, but also unique style of high purity and wantonness.

In Dean Qin’s opinion, this jadeite withered lotus is comparable to the National Palace of Taiwan’s collection of treasures “Jade Cabbage” this evaluation, but also identified Hu Rong in the emerald world’s reputation.

After knowing the identity of Hu Rong, Zhuang Rui’s eyes can not help but focus on him, the two sit in the position of a few meters apart, seems to feel Zhuang Rui’s gaze, Hu Rong to Zhuang Rui, slightly smiling and nodded his head, the seemingly ordinary face after a smile, give a person a very close feeling.

Zhuang Rui returned a smile, began to pay attention to the price on the big screen, after all, this Hu Rong again rich, and he has nothing to do, just the same Chinese. Zhuang Rui still admired the Hu family that stayed in Myanmar in his heart.

All the bids on the big screen, in the beginning are red, but as long as someone bids, the color immediately becomes blue, in the red and white numbers on a black background, it is extremely conspicuous, and now the numbers on it have changed, and some people who are impatient, start bidding.

However, these people are still a few, only sparse dozens of figures on the big screen changed, think are throwing stones, Zhuang Rui carefully observed, the piece of ice material that he looked at, and no one bid.

Zhuang Rui is still more certain to take that piece of wool, because from the appearance of that piece of all gambling raw stone, and a piece of waste stone there is no difference, the only place that can attract people, not in the stone itself, but the stone next to the note from the Massa factory, explaining the origins of the stone, may let some people around the net to take a chance, but these people out of the price, I think it will not be too high.

And Zhuang Rui in the country to see those tense auction is different, Burma public auction, seems very calm, the venue is full of “buzz” sound, this is those who wait for the last moment to come to the merchants, pile up the sound of chatting.

And the sound of the phone is also quite a lot, Zhuang Rui just received a phone call from Qin Haoran, asked him a few words about the auction, Qin Haoran did not participate in the open bid auction, and is still outside the selection of dark bidding wool it! And Zhuang Rui behind Yang Hao, is also whispering and his uncle talking, the content is also completely unrelated to this auction.

With the passage of time, the number on the big screen, gradually began to change, not everyone, all stay until the end of the bidding, they also want to see, their own selected wool, in fact, how many people fancy, to the back of their own good to adjust the price to take it.

Although the stone is crazy, but after all, no one’s money is blowing in the wind, for no reason on these stones, these people here, of course, would like to be closest to the price of the price of the base will be shot, so open slightly higher than the price of the base to explore the road, is very necessary.

General auction, the process is quite hot and exciting, but this auction, it is very dull, tense in the silent place, let a person’s heart is a little depressed, like the heart of the sky blocked a boulder, only to be able to auction end, in order to breathe smoothly.

Chatting is the best way to alleviate this depressing atmosphere, so while waiting for the final moments to arrive, Zhuang Rui also sidled his face from time to time and chatted idly with his uncle and nephew Yang Hao behind him, and the time passed very quickly, unconsciously, more than an hour had passed.


Zhuang Rui’s eyes suddenly stared at the big screen, because at this time, the bid No. 129 with a price tag of 20,000 euros, the number below, suddenly jumped a little bit, turning into a blue 25,000 euros. Someone bid.

In this way, Zhuang Rui’s heart suddenly tensed up, he has not experienced this kind of auction, and he does not know whether this is a lobbyist in spreading the net to take a chance, or whether someone is really optimistic about this piece of raw stone, for a time, Zhuang Rui’s face became gloomy.

“Brother Zhuang, someone has bid on the material they fancy?”

Yang Hao saw Zhuang Rui suddenly stop talking and knew that it must be the material he had his eye on that someone had bid on.

“Well ……”

Zhuang Rui nodded, his heart was a bit annoyed, the market value of this piece of ice seed material, at least around 20 million RMB, if it was processed into jewelry, it wouldn’t be less than 50 million.

So Zhuang Rui no matter how to shoot it down, but if the price is high, then the heart is certainly not happy ah! If no one fight, Zhuang Rui will certainly only add a 10,000 euros to take it, but now there are people to explore the road, Zhuang Rui heart has no bottom.

“Xiao Zhuang, all right, no need to be nervous, this kind of bidding, many people deliberately spread the net haphazardly shoot some of the base price is relatively low raw stone, the purpose is to confuse other people’s line of sight, so as to take their own want of woolen material.”

Yang Hao’s uncle saw Zhuang Rui a little nervous, spoke out to him to explain a little, and his own eyes also followed Zhuang Rui’s gaze to the big screen, he was trying to see this good luck kid, in the end is to vote for which bid.

However, Uncle Yang Hao is destined to be disappointed, because the dense numbers on the big screen, so that he simply can not know Zhuang Rui in mind the wool number, and finally can only be resentful to withdraw his eyes, pay attention to their own good wool to.

“Confusing others?”

Zhuang Rui was Uncle Yang Hao’s words brightened his heart, the price of these bids are not very high, even if you buy it, but also spend a few hundred thousand, and not all the wool inside the jadeite is not jadeite, only the jadeite quality is general.

Thinking here, Zhuang Rui turned over his record of those emerald book to, the appearance of the performance of the better, but inside the emerald quality of the general number of the original stone, have looked over, the heart has an idea.

“No. 318 bid, no one voted? Throw a 31,000 euros, four hundred and twenty bid, also throw fifty thousand one hundred and ten thousand dollars, seven hundred and sixty-nine, shit, sixty thousand euros of the bottom of the bidding, has been speculated to two hundred and eighty thousand, buddies do not come together to make this mess, change to cast ……”

Zhuang Rui began to keep busy, he put those outer skin performance is good wool, are given to add a thousand or two thousand euros to cast up, Zhuang Rui is not afraid of those who mark no one to increase the price, with the jadeite market now the degree of fire, those wool, must be doubled by the attention of the crowd.

Zhuang Rui so a stir does not matter, but let everyone in the hall, can not sit still.

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