Chapter 0449 Ming standard (VI)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:19:33
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Zhuang Rui cast those wool, are inside out of the emerald, although the quality is not too good, but also can do some low-grade jewelry, even if no one to raise the price of words, buy their own is not a loss of money, that is to say, a jewelry store, can not just rely on the value of those dozens of millions of dollars of jewelry to support up.

Just by Zhuang Rui so stirred up, the whole auction hall is a mess, originally some noisy hall, like watching TV was pressed the mute button general, violently silent down, static needle can be heard, people’s faces are a pair of stunned look.

Just this silence has not maintained ten seconds, on the “boom” of the explosion, some people are dialing out the phone, which is presumed to be the boss sent to the offer of the horseman.

Some people are murmuring, this is in the calculation of their own fancy raw stone, how much it costs, whether they need to re-set a standard? Some were even looking left and right. Wanting to try to find out if they could find out that bidder to come.

To know, no one’s money is not a gale of wind, these people in the auction hall, although holding back the energy to sharpen their knives ready to take a few pieces of wool, but are still relatively restrained, in addition to a few pieces of performance particularly good raw stone wool, the rest of the raw stone, basically did not appear malicious price phenomenon, now someone intervened, one after another in the more than sixty pieces of wool quoted the bidding price, and suddenly caused an uproar! The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of it.

Perhaps some friends do not understand, this auction of wool, a total of more than two thousand bids, just cast more than sixty, will not be so conspicuous, right?

If you think so, that would be wrong, although this open auction a lot of raw stone, but some performance, or good performance of the material, but also so one or two hundred, these woolen material are by the intention of the people staring at the dead, like Zhuang Rui general, just now see someone cast 129 bidding woolen material, that the heart immediately lifted up.

“Xiao Rui, you are in the auction hall, right? Don’t be nervous, according to their own pre-determined program to do, don’t change the bid amount, there is something to auntie call ……”

Fang Yi was afraid that Zhuang Rui was young and indolent, she hurriedly made a phone call over, although she couldn’t gamble on the stone, but for the business operation, she was very skillful, Fang Yi saw at a glance that this bulk bidding to increase the price was nothing more than someone stirring the pot.

Don’t look at the highest piece of bidding is only six hundred thousand euros, wait until after the opening of the bidding, it is estimated that the performance of those good material, not a piece of material will be less than six hundred thousand euros, that is, more than six million yuan, the bidder if you want to eat these wool, I’m afraid that there is no five or six hundred million yuan, don’t even need to think about it.

“Thank you auntie, I know.”

Zhuang Rui politely returned a sentence, after hanging up the phone, in his heart, he laughed so hard that his stomach almost hurt, dude needs to worry about what kind of heart ah! Looking at the chaotic auction hall, Zhuang Rui’s heart was filled with a sense of pleasure after the success of the prank.

“Brother Zhuang. You didn’t do that just now, did you?”

Yang Hao put his head to Zhuang Rui’s ear and asked in a low voice, just now he saw Zhuang Rui turn his head, he kept operating something on the bidder, and estimated in his heart that this thing, nine times out of ten, was Zhuang Rui’s doing.

“Elder brother Yang, absolutely not me, this thing you can not talk nonsense ah!”

Zhuang Rui as a thief to look around, this if admitted, that can become a public enemy, this Zhuang Rui ears did not hear less cursing voice, really by the crowd know that he did, maybe there is that impulsive point, come to find him practicing fists and feet.

“Hey, it’s okay if you did it ……”

Yang Hao saw Zhuang Rui’s behavior, where will still guess not, but know is Zhuang Rui, the heart also has a bottom, and his uncle chatting up the day, from time to time to observe the situation of the wool they fancy.

“Wow, one million euros?!”

Suddenly, the first hall resounded a voice, followed by a few adjacent auction halls, there were exclamations of surprise, open bidding material, good quality, that are relative, than the dark bidding to be a lot worse than 1 million euros that is more than 10 million yuan. This is in the open label, is a relatively high price.

Zhuang Rui looked, that piece of wool is considered to be the first 2,000 pieces of raw stone, a good piece, which can be pulled out dozens of kilograms of bean green seed material to, but its value is at best six or seven million yuan, 10 million on the high side, even if it is made into jewelry, but also can not earn a few dollars.

“Damn, I pressed the wrong ah!”

A miserable howl suddenly came out from four or five rows behind Zhuang Rui, causing the crowd to turn their heads and look, even Hu Rong, who was sitting on the podium, also revealed a look of forbearance.

This kind of thing although in the successive Burma Jade fair also happened, but that kind of chance is very small, most of them are dark bidding when fill in the wrong list, open bidding auction according to more than one zero, this thing is rare, this person is really unlucky enough.

“Who is just chaotic bidding ah? Have the guts to stand out ……”

After a few minutes of sitting in tears, the unlucky Mr. shouted up, a face of indignation, he was a bit anxious, ready to put 70,000 euros of the bid. To lift to 100,000, but did not think, the heart of a nervous, more than enter a zero, then he did not know, on the confirmation button, until the auction room, someone shouted out, Mr. Unlucky to wake up, dare to happen in their own body ah!

Looking at the man hanging his head, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but shrink his neck, but in his heart, he was a little unimpressed. What’s the matter with buddies! He entered the wrong amount of money, his mental quality is not good, don’t look for objective reasons!

“This gentleman, please sit down ……”

The scene to maintain order of the staff came over, face is also with a smile, it is not in the gloating, just such a thing happened really a little less, this in and out, that the price of the whole up 10 times ah!

The man shook his head, helplessly sat down, he also knows that this is actually not to blame for others, lowered his head and bored to calculate up, remove this one million euros, how much money he can still have, whether to give up this public market, next time to find someone else instead of their own to come?

However, this person finally decided to 1 million euros to take this piece of wool, because according to his prediction, this piece of material is very likely to rise, he should not be betting on the collapse of the teeth, this person gave up the idea of escaping from the bidding for 10 years not to enter Burma.

As a result of such a mess, this piece of wool ultimately no one to raise the price, so that this person smooth auction, compared to the back of a few days of frequent high prices of the scene, he is considered to be picking up a big bargain, but these are all the words after the event.

“There are still ten minutes ……”

With the passage of time, Zhuang Rui looked at the table, there are ten minutes, will come to today’s open bidding cutoff bidding time, the big screen on the 129th bid below the number, still shows 25,000 euros, that is to say, from the time someone voted for this price, has never changed, it looks like the attention of the people is not a lot.

The blue numbers on the big screen gradually increased. There were roughly 1,400 or 1,500 markers underneath, all of which showed that someone had placed a bid, while those other raw stones, if no one placed a bid after the time cutoff, would go to abortive auction, of course, there was no lack of people making a push at the end of the day.

“Wow, three million two hundred thousand euros ……”

A sigh of relief caught Zhuang Rui’s attention, bid number 1888, the bid has been raised to 3.2 million euros, which is also the highest price on the big screen now, translated into yuan is more than thirty million.

This piece of raw stone Zhuang Rui still have an impression, is a piece of semi-gambling wool, weighing about more than a hundred kilograms of the appearance of the cut surface out of the green, and the quality is good, up to the ice, just on the other side of the wool, there is a cracked locks, or else, it will be put into the dark bidding area to go.

Now this person out to this price, obviously is a bit of gambling locks of masters, he is betting on the cracked locks to the inside of the infiltration is not deep, in that case, out of the high green glass seed emerald chances, is still very big.

But the master is generally stepped on, Zhuang Rui heart understand, that piece of woolen cracked locks, almost through the whole piece of material, and cut stone talent is the real master, that cut surface is the whole piece of raw stone performance is the best place, this more than thirty million, bidding for the people doomed to lose blood money.

“Don’t be Auntie Fang’s bid.”

A thought popped up in Zhuang Rui’s mind, looking at the time there are still five minutes to go before the end, he quickly took out his phone and dialed Fang Yi.

“Xiao Rui, what is it? Is there something you don’t understand? Don’t be reluctant to bid if you can’t see it!” Fang Yi received Zhuang Rui’s call and was a bit surprised, the bidding was about to open and she really didn’t have time to talk much.

“No, Auntie Fang, I want to give you a word, that piece of wool numbered 1888, you must not bid on it! I’m not optimistic, that cracked lock, it’s very likely that it will destroy the entire piece of raw stone.”

Zhuang Rui’s voice is a bit anxious, but also some self-reproach, he watched half a day of lively, did not think up to remind the mother-in-law, how to say also become a family soon ah!

“Oh? Xiao Rui, are you sure?”

Fang Yi that is entering the number of fingers, stopped at the top of the button, face gravely asked, her gambling consultant is very optimistic about this piece of material, just Fang Yi is very calm, is ready to enter four million euros at the last minute, will be one of the move to take.

“I have eighty percent certainty that this piece of material will bet down ……”

Zhuang Rui’s words, so that Fang Yi completely put the finger to take away, percent twenty gambling up the odds, she is not going to go to bet, and then say Zhuang Rui are their own people, will not be credible, and on the reputation and record in the circle of gambling stones, they invited to the gambling stone consultant, is not as good as Zhuang Rui it!

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